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Bloody Dancer


Bloody Dancer is a Dealer, one of the human players of Money (Game) Master, the world's biggest online game. Bloody Dancer is a legendary Dealer who has no interest in taking part in the game's financial aspects or its ubiquous car chases, he is a battle maniac that plays Money (Game) Master exclusively for its gunfights. He is considered to be the world's strongest gunslinger, a one-man army capable of directly facing small armies of AI PMCs. Bloody Dancer is also the Dealer responsible for the fall of Criminal AO and the dissolution of Called Game.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-C with handguns, 9-B with grenade launchers

Name: Bloody Dancer (real name unknown)

Origin: Magisterus Bad Trip

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Dealer

Powers and Abilities: Master gunslinger, Stealth Mastery (Capable of sneaking behind Kaname Suou despite playing hard rock in his wearable speakers, the latter’s precognitive Lion's Nose and the nearby presence of Tselika)

Attack Potency: Street level with handguns, Wall level with grenade launchers (Blows up helicopters and armored vehicles)

Speed: Subsonic combat speed (Significantly stronger than Kaname Suou or PMC soldiers, who have superior physical parameters to regular humans; can fight groups of people wielding firearms while in the open without taking cover and never getting shot), higher reactions (Narrowly dodged a subsonic bullet at close range, intercepted a tank gun's Mach 5 shot with his grenade launcher, a feat mentioned to be impossible even with Slow, a Skill that forcibly slows down the apparent passage of time for the user; redirected an incoming cruise missile with a single bullet. However, he has been shot with subsonic and supersonic bullets on occasion and his feats are attributed to "godlike skill" and "wild instincts")

Lifting Strength: At least Athletic Human

Striking Strength: At least Athlete level

Durability: Street level (Superior to Kaname Suou, shrugs off getting shot in the gut, continued being able to speak and aim his gun after suffering grievous injuries)

Stamina: High, displays a noticeable resistance to pain, not even flinching when a bullet pierces his ear or tears the side of his temple. Can continue fighting after being shot in the gut and having the battery of the phone attached to his back explode. After being shot by Downpour.err he had enough strength to lift his guns for a final attack

Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with handguns, likely higher with grenade launchers

Standard Equipment: 2 handguns with under barrel grenade launchers, wearable speakers, phone

Intelligence: Above Average, extremely skilled gunslinger. Bloody Dancer is considered to be the world’s greatest gunslinger due to his pure skill with guns. Despite not using a single Skill, his physical abilities and marksmanship are so high other top Dealers like Kaname Suou consider fighting him directly a suicide. Can fight alone small armies of AI PMCs, which have superior physical stats to Dealers and have endless reinforcements. Considered to be a one-man army that can take out a fortress or a warship on his own. Can shoot a bullet through the eye of a needle, shoot people in the vitals through falling rubble and casually ricochet his shots to hit people from unexpected angles. Came up with a way to hijack another Dealer's Magisterus.

Weaknesses: Normal human weaknesses


There was no voice behind it, but he could guess what she meant based on the lip movements:

Right – be – hind – you.

He heard a small metallic click.

Was it a handgun’s hammer? It came from behind him as if to aim for his back. They were close enough to guarantee a hit, but just far enough away that he could not reach them if he did turn around. This was checkmate. There was nothing he could do.

His life was clearly in their hands, but he still could not believe it. Not just that they had managed to sneak up behind him, but that the mint green coupe was right there with Tselika in the passenger seat. Surely she would have seen someone sneaking up behind him.

He belatedly heard some hard rock music. It was much louder than what you would hear coming from someone else’s headphones. It had to be some kind of wearable speakers worn around the neck. But that loud music only made this seem less realistic. If that music had been playing, then how in the world had they managed to sneak up on him!?

Not even his Lion’s Nose had worked.

But this was not a Skill. They had not used anything like that.


He could only think of one person capable of fooling him and Tselika, the two who had once led the legendary team known as Called Game.


Dealer Name: Bloody Dancer.

He had no interest in financial deals or car chases. He was a fighter who specialized exclusively in gunfights.

“So hand over all that shit! Stop hoarding it all. Don’t get in the way of my fun!!”

But even with that one specialty, he still stood at the top of the top. He sat in a self-indulgent throne that surpassed even Kaname and the others in Called Game.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 5 - Bloody Dancer ambushes Kaname Suou

The slender but muscular man was a very different sort of person to Kaname. His body was specialized for fighting and nothing else. That violent monster had thrown out all else down to the skeletal level. He may have based the look on South American gangs, but he wore a breathable suit that was comfortable even in the sweltering nights of Summer City. He seemed even more inhuman than the AI-controlled Magisteri.

He held two handguns with extra-long magazines.

Plus, grenade launchers larger than the handguns themselves were attached below the barrels.


A storm of destruction whipped up around the man.

This was not quite a gunfight, not quite martial arts, and not quite a dance.

It was said the more you fought those high-firepower and high-endurance PMCs, the more you would lose, but no matter how many gathered around, he did not even hide behind cover. He stepped every which way, spun around, bent his hips, and sent red blood flying with every pull of the trigger.

The way he gave himself over to the hard rock playing from his wearable speakers was a self-taught style that only he could pull off.

Handguns and grenades.

With just his two guns and two launchers, that true monster surpassed the upper limits of two arms. His style was so very different from the way Kaname carefully operated a single short-range sniper rifle with both his hands.

He existed in a different territory than the threat of the AI society and the Will of the Magisteri.

This was the fear produced by a living human.

His extreme self-taught style only produced more dark red holes.

When the AI-controlled mercenaries hid behind their 8-wheeled armored vehicles to stay alive, he would launch a grenade on top of the vehicle to blow it up and then pick off the fleeing PMCs with his bullets.

He had no blind spots.

No one could figure out how to survive, much less defeat him.

Wasn’t Money (Game) Master supposed to be a simulation of the physical world that simply reproduced the four fundamental forces? If so, how could you explain this man’s actions!? How could he do this with no Skills and without the Inheritance!?


Magisterus Tselika threw open the mint green coupe’s door and rushed out. She slipped below an attack helicopter that crashed while spinning like a pinwheel firework. She kept running while ducked low. She literally must have risked her life just to cross those few meters. She took fallen Kaname’s arm, lent him her shoulder, and forced him up to his feet.


That demon with dual pistols who could slaughter a PMC army in the blink of an eye stopped his guns on Kaname.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 5 - Bloody Dancer wipes out the PMC soldiers Kaname triggers

“Shouldn’t you have paid more attention to the alert level? The soldiers didn’t work and then the armored trucks and helicopters didn’t work. That was only the opening act. If you keep winning, the level of PMCs will continue to grow. So what do you think is coming next?”

The man in the thin suit glanced over for just a moment.

Then he laughed.

And he spoke while violent hard rock played from the wearable speakers around his neck.

“Now we’re talking.”

It was an AI-controlled frigate.

As its ship’s guns mercilessly struck, the harbor block was quickly enveloped in flames.


“You were shot! By the Dealer who shot my brother…who shot my Onii-chan!! He snuck up behind you and you didn’t have time to resist…but I couldn’t do anything either! Do you know what he did after that? He ignored us and went to sink a ship out at sea, laughing all the while! And this wasn’t a case of impeccable aim or anything like that. He tore all the missile equipment from a destroyed PMC armored vehicle, ignited it, and let it scatter everywhere like an accident at a fireworks show! He burned down everything on that dark ocean!!”


Even the firepower of a frigate only bought a little bit of time with him.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 5 & 6 - Bloody Dancer took out a frigate by the harbor

“XXXX> Correct. If he were someone we could control, he would not have been given a warning tag. Unlike Criminal AO, he has lived for more than three years without Falling despite the entire AI society ordering his death.”

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 5 - Bloody Dancer survived for three years without ever dying in Money (Game) Master despite being marked for death

Even in the best shape of his life, he did not know if he had the skill to keep up with this person.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - Kaname is unsure if he would be able to keep up with Bloody Dancer at his best

“Those movements were far from normal. And they were not reliant on Skills or the Inheritance. He can do all that with his raw skill. He is the only person I know who can sneak up on Tselika and me.”

“But maybe something from the Inheritance can increase those stats!”

“We are assuming this person has some of the Inheritance, but master is an elite among elites who led the legendary Called Game team. Not even someone boosting themselves with the Inheritance could get the better of him so easily.”

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - All Bloody Dancer does is by pure skill

“Bloody Dancer> Hi, Kaname.”

This was all it took.

Two words were enough for the center of Suou Kaname’s mind to feel like it was boiling over.

His Lion’s Nose felt like it was going to burst from his face.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - A greeting from Bloody Dancer over the radio is enough to send Kaname's lion's Nose into overdrive

The long, rectangular silhouette looked like a storage container. It generally looked like a windowless police van or tour bus entirely covered in armor. However, giant antennae covered its flat roof. It was actually a special outside broadcasting vehicle owned by a broadcast station. To survive in the internet age when scoops could be made by the cameras on people’s phones, large civilian armored vehicles were needed to visit the scenes of disasters and make a live broadcast. That post-apocalyptic vehicle was built to disaster standards, giving it the weight and toughness needed to drive straight into a tornado powerful enough to rip roofs from houses and capture the shocking footage from inside.


Kaname immediately adjusted his grip on the wheel, but that vehicle weighed more than 80 tons – more than a tank. It truly was extraordinary. He doubted it used air to fill its tires.

“Midori> That truck says Tap TV on the side!!”

“Kaname> He must have killed the PMC army protecting the fortress of an online broadcasting station and stolen this from them. He of all people could pull it off!!”

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - Bloody Dancer wiped out a PMC army to steal a vehicle to chase Kaname

He held a pair of handguns with long magazines. The single-shot grenade launchers were larger than the handguns they were attached to.

That berserker relied only on guns and never used cars or financial dealings. As long as he had hard rock playing from the wearable speakers around his neck, he could fight his way into an AI company’s headquarters like he was popping into a convenience store for a snack. He saw battles in the simplest of terms and he seemed like fear made flesh.


“Kaname> Be on your guard, Midori!! Bloody Dancer is trying to call in the AI-controlled PMCs!! From all the private land and buildings around here!!”

It was like poking at a hornet’s nest.

First, a bulletproof vehicle drove up with siren blaring, but when it was blown away by one of the grenades launched from below Bloody Dancer’s twin handgun barrels, a new window appeared on the windshield. The drive recorder was being used to detect how many AI-controlled soldiers were focused on them, and the number had already jumped up to over 80. There were 8-wheeled armored trucks with a gun on the roof and there were attack helicopters with missiles and machineguns hanging down. More and more firepower arrived, making it feel more like a war than a criminal issue.

Technically speaking, the AI-controlled soldiers would be locked onto Bloody Dancer and his boxy outside broadcasting vehicle.

Normally, you could not push back an AI-controlled PMC with a head-on attack. Their basic parameters were too high and they could receive unlimited reinforcements, after all. So the standard trick was to use speed to escape pursuit, find somewhere to hide, and wait until the alert level went down. It was always a bad idea to pick a fight with them yourself.


They heard instantaneous gunshots, grenade launcher blasts, and explosions. The bulletproof vehicles spun out, the attack helicopters crashed, and Bloody Dancer’s giant vehicle pushed aside all the flaming wreckage with its bumper. The scraps kept bursting like popcorn and a single hit would undoubtedly cause Kaname and Midori’s vehicles to burst into flames and explode.

That guy was not hoping the PMCs would attack his enemy.

They were only an infinite supply of ammo for him. The PMC armies were viewed like death itself in this game, but he swept them aside and kicked them away like he was loading an endless supply of balls into a pitching machine. He laughed maniacally while the burning steel crashed into the sidewalk, knocked over street lights, and shattered store windows. The unrelated Dealers walking along the road screamed and took cover in nearby stores and below cars.

It was like being chased by an active volcano made of metal and gunpowder. This kind of strategy was unthinkable both in the real world and in a game!!

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - Bloody Dancer chases Kaname on Calamity Studio, triggering PMC AIs during the chase

A PMC armored vehicle made its move.

It was a single sharp cannon blast. Much like from a tank.

But Bloody Dancer fired a grenade from below his gun barrel to match the Mach 5 blast from the gun on the armored vehicle’s roof. The two explosives collided in midair and exploded in between the two combatants.

That was an inhuman feat that should not have been possible even with Slow, a Skill that forcibly slowed down the apparent passage of time.

To make matters worse, neither of the guns he held were even part of the Inheritance. He could accomplish this with ordinary commercial products.

And they did not have time to just watch.

Since an explosion had erupted at an unexpected location, they had not had time to avoid it.

Kaname’s coupe was lifted up by the blast. The right wheels rose from the pavement, leaving him driving on just two wheels. It was close to a miracle it did not roll over, but Bloody Dancer did not wait for the wheels to fall back down and the car to regain its balance.

He fired twice on the left wheels that were still contacting the ground and the car completely lost its balance. The mint green coupe’s movement collapsed like a karate fighter or kickboxer who had their pivot leg swept out from under them immediately following a high kick.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - Bloody Dancer intercepts a Mach 5 shell with his grenade launcher and takes out Kaname's vehicle when it's shaken by the resulting explosion

Bloody Dancer was equipped with two handguns and grenades, so short range was his specialty. Of course, assuming that madman was limited to short range would end badly.

That monster could accurately wield two guns and two grenade launchers all on his own. As long as he had hard rock playing from his wearable speakers, he could bring down a fortress or warship, so ordinary tactics were useless against him.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6

With hard rock playing from wearable speakers, a cheerful voice called out from the end of the hallway behind them.


Not even he could move freely here while looking after three others. A Magisterus would only freeze up temporarily if they were shot, but a human Dealer would Fall. He chose to follow a logic that only applied in a game. He immediately shoved the black twintailed girl out of the way while diving through a nearby door.

“Midori!!” he shouted while lying on the floor. “The hallway ceiling!!”

Gunshots erupted from the hallway.

To protect the AI-controlled Magisteri from the madman’s bullets, Midori aimed her styrofoam-light Gatling gun toward the hallway and brought down the walls and ceiling with a ferocious stream of bullets.

A cascade of obstacles forcibly held back the handgun bullets.

A beat later, bikini top and miniskirt Tselika and mini-China dress Meiki rushed in after them.



The Magisterus did not respond, but she had definitely been shot through the right shoulder. Tselika tossed #Downpour.err to the floor and slumped down.

Beads of sweat covered her forehead, but not due to the heat island’s sweltering night.

Her race queen outfit only consisted of a bikini top, a miniskirt, and a short jacket with fur.

A lot her skin had been exposed.

She held her right side with a hand and a red liquid flowed from there.


If Bloody Dancer had immediately opened fire without saying anything first, he could have killed at least one of the four. And even though they had brought down the ceiling with a Gatling gun from the Inheritance, it was odd for him to have missed their vitals. He had the skill to fire through the eye of a needle using just his two handguns, so surely he could have fired through their brain or heart.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - Accuracy

Their gun barrels hopped up toward each other at close range.

The suppressed gunshots of Kaname’s .45 caliber gun were drowned out by the more obvious ones of his enemy.

Time seemed to stop.

Only the hard rock from the wearable speakers sounded between them.

Red blood sprayed from the slight wound on Bloody Dancer’s right ear.

Kaname had hit him for the first time.

That was a laudable enough achievement. Anyone who knew his opponent’s skill level might have gasped in surprise.

But Bloody Dancer smiled like a carnivorous beast.

He now recognized his opponent as an enemy.

“Pretty nice speed. This is the first time anyone’s surpassed my boring-ass expectations. You’ve gained the speed of an animal, Kaname. At long last, you’re no longer playing on easy mode with all those wasteful Skills.”


The one who fell to his knees with a look of agony was Kaname.

Even his Lion’s Nose had been too slow.

“But you need to aim a little more to the left. You can’t kill me like that.”


Bloody Dancer had not used any special evasion Skills. He did not use Skills at all, which was what allowed his actions to so easily step outside the standard and expected. While the Inheritance was the result of improving one’s tools, he was the ultimate example of training up the actual human.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - Bloody Dancer and Kaname exchange shots at close range

This girl in a white blouse and a tight black skirt had used a burst of gunfire from an assault rifle to shoot down every last one of the incoming bullets. Was the shaking of full-auto fire being used to adjust her aim, or was it shifting the bullets’ axis of rotation to curve their ballistic path? Either way, this was no normal gun. Firing it did not crack her delicate metalwork headband and smart glasses and it did not form a single run in her black panty hose.


“The Inheritance, huh?” scoffed Bloody Dancer, as if to say the hard rock playing from his wearable speakers was far more valuable. “Pathetic. That’s parameter-based tech that anyone can pull of with the right tools.”

“I wouldn’t be acting so tough if I were you. My #SoaringSwallow.err will shoot down every last one of your bullets. And I can of course choose to aim between your eyes instead.”

“Hah. But it’s not all-powerful, is it? If it was, you wouldn’t have to put in this appearance. I don’t know what the exact conditions are and I don’t care. This means I just have to focus on what’s right in front of me.”

Bloody Dancer produced a dry gunshot, but his handgun was aimed straight up. It was a lot like the starting pistol at an athletics festival, but there was one difference.

Lilikiska was supposed to be shooting down all of his bullets, but red blood burst from her shoulder.


“It’s called a ricochet. If straight ahead doesn’t work, then I’ve just gotta attack from some other angle. From the look of things, I’m guessing that thing automatically detects and shoots down your targets, but only within the range of what you can see through the sight. Not that figuring out how to beat it matters when I’ve already won based on intuition alone.”

Kaname immediately shoved the glasses girl to the side.

If he had not, the next attack might have pierced Lilikiska’s stomach, which was near her center of gravity and thus the most difficult kind of attack to dodge.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - Bloody Dancer ricochets his shot to bypass Lilikiska's #SoaringSwallow.err

The .45 caliber bullet tore through the air and then tore through the flesh of his temple from the front.


Was he enraged or laughing? Bloody Dancer did not even hold a hand to his wound. His fighting instincts overpowered the pain. And he never had felt any fear. He re-aimed his twin handguns and Kaname and Lilikiska both aimed at their foe while tangled together on the floor.

Their lines of fire crossed.

A beast like this might be able to dodge Kaname and Lilikiska’s gunfire just by jumping around, no cover required. But sitting there and letting him kill them was not an option.


In this case, he had detonated the battery of the phone connected to the wearable speakers.

A bullet had pierced Bloody Dancer’s side and then the electronic device on his back had detonated.


Bloody Dancer clicked his tongue and swung his left handgun around with the right one still aimed at Takamasa. With the two handguns and two grenade launchers, he may have been able to deal with Kaname, Takamasa, Lilikiska, Meiki, and even Cindy who was Downed below his feet.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - Even after being shot thrice and having the phone on his back explode Bloody Dancer was still possibly capable of defeating several people in a gunfight in close quarters

But the one blast was enough to tear down the entire wall. A total of 2000 lead shots flew out like a horizontal downpour.


After the battery from before, the wearable speakers around his neck shattered and flew every which way.

He screamed and flew through the air before crashing into one of the glass cases containing the Inheritance. He could not even sit down and appeared to be pinned in his standing position by the jagged glass. He was so soaked with red that his thin suit’s original color was gone.


Bloody Dancer’s breathing was shallow and he coughed up blood.

But he was still smiling.


He slowly smiled and placed his finger on the trigger of the gun in his dangling arm.

Kaname felt even more pain from his Lion’s Nose.

“I envied all of you.”

Kaname and Takamasa’s right hands sprang up at about the same moment and aimed their guns.

A .45 caliber round was fired between his eyes.

It should have been a nearly instantaneous death, but that monster’s trigger finger still moved ever so slightly.

And with a deep shunk, a grenade was fired toward his feet while he was pinned to the wall by the jagged shards of the glass case.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - Bloody Dancer barely survives being shot with #Downpour.err and manages to fire his gun after being shot in the head

If the Magisterus he had actually been fond of had pressed a gun against his forehead, then his body would move on reflex. Ten times faster than that slender finger could pull the trigger, he would push the gun away and jab his fingers into her eye or deep into her throat.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 2 Chapter 6 - Reflexes

Even now, he could see several boomerang-shaped stealth bombers flying through the blue sky and 8-wheeled armored trucks loaded with swiveling turrets emerging from side roads. The missile cruiser out at sea was probably opening its vertical launch tubes right about now. If a real firefight began, they would be crushed by quantity and no amount of technique could help them escape.


Needless to say, there were an unlimited number of executioners pursuing Kaname’s group. No matter how difficult a path they chose, the PMC soldiers would follow since they did not fear losing their lives. Even if 20% of them screwed up and crashed, the rest would still make it through. That was how they viewed these acrobatics.

Thus, it was impossible to shake their pursuit.

Or so the theory went.


A man wielding dual handguns jumped down at the tunnel entrance.

His bizarre weapons combined full-auto handguns with grenade launchers to give him four simultaneous modes of attack. This gunfight specialist could singlehandedly destroy even a frigate out at sea.


Grenades blew away the cars and bursts of 9mm gunfire filled the program-controlled soldiers with holes when they crawled out.


There was no cover here.

He stood directly in front of the oncoming enemy and dodged the flying bullets as he returned fire. His godlike skill ignored all the standard assumptions of a gunfight.

Even the programs must have lost their temper because he heard metal tearing at the asphalt as a 30 or 40 ton tank approached, destroying the road with its continuous tracks.

“If you wanna play the game then play for keeps!!” roared Bloody Dancer. “Don’t hold any of your shit in reserve for later!!”

He fired a puny 9mm bullet straight up, that struck a cruise missile’s tail fin, and the missile veered off course to crash straight down into the tank.

Not even an orbital laser weapon would be enough to kill this man.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 3 Chapter 10 - Bloody Dancer holds off the PMC army chasing Kaname's group

He had seen someone conquering a gunfight without cover before. Bloody Dancer was not a Zodiac Child, yet he had dodged a horizontal spray of gunfire with just his wild instincts.

~ Magisterus Bad Trip Volume 3 Chapter 10

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Bloody Dancer Guns

Bloody Dancer's guns

Guns: Bloody Dancer wields two handguns that use high-speed rapid-fire 9mm bullets. Each handgun also has an under-barrel single-shot grenade launcher attachment longer than the actual handgun. Its fragmentation grenades fill a 5m area with shrapnel and are also capable of blowing up armored vehicles. Bloody Dancer uses a self-taught combat style. Giving himself to the music playing in his wearable speakers, he doesn't use cover, stepping and jumping every which way, spinning around and bending his hips to shoot his two guns all around him, all the while avoiding incoming gunfire.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
