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VS Battles Wiki
Blitz Talker


Blitz Talker is one of the creations brought to the real world by Altair, he is a secondary character from a cyberpunk hard-boiled genre manga and anime, Code Babylon.

Power and Stats

Tier: High 8-C

Name: Blitz Talker

Origin: Re:Creators

Gender: Male

Age: 45

Classification: Creation

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Flight, Gravity Manipulation (Via his gravity bullets and special watch), Aura (All creations have their own aura that can be sensed by each other), Accelerated Healing (Despite being similar in bodily composition, all creations have a fast recovery system compared to humans), Vibration Manipulation & Magnetism Manipulation (Passive; The arrival of each of the creations in the real world caused abnormal magnetic fields and radio interference), Acausality (Type 4; The creations are characters that are stated to have been plucked out from their respective stories and are not bound by their narrative yoke/causality as well as constraints of their worlds while also being independent of the events happening in their stories in past, present, and future. They can also go against the laws of the real world which functions on logic and rationality, thereby existing as anomalies), Resistance to Body Control (The creations are characters that have their data prefixed or set for their physical appearance to not be altered easily, where even if they eat a lot they would not get fat, implying that their physical bodies are not vulnerable to matter or biological manipulations)

Attack Potency: Large Building level+ (Scaling from other creations)

Speed: Relativistic+ reaction speed (Comparable to Rui Kanoya)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Large Building level+

Durability: Large Building level+

Stamina: High

Range: Tens of meters

Standard Equipment:

  • Gravity Watch - A watch Blitz wears which if the top is turned, allows him to be able to fly.
  • Gravity Bomb - A special type of bullet that he uses which increases the gravity around his opponent causing massive damage.

Intelligence: Skilled combatant

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Blitz Talker