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Articles about Blaze the Cat
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Blaze the cat by hypersonic172 dcd8tpy-pre
I am the guardian of the Sol Emeralds... It is a fate that forces me to live with my curse, my flames... Because of my powers, I have always been alone... It's also why I must do this alone! It is my responsibility!
~ Blaze to Sonic

2D Modern Blaze

Cream: Thank you for saving me!

Blaze: Don't mention it! W-We're...

Cream: Friends! Right?

Blaze: ...Yes. We're friends.

~ Blaze opening up to Cream

Better IDW Blaze
So long as you're willing to listen, I will always be willing to help.
~ Blaze to Silver.

I understand now... My inherent power over fire... As princess, it is my duty to protect the Sol Emeralds... But because of my duty, I shut people out, and kept to myself... By trying to make it solely my responsibility, I almost put my world in danger. But then... Sonic the Hedgehog... I'll see you again.
~ Burning Blaze reflecting on herself

IDW Burning Blaze
Gaze into the sacred fire and have it fuel the winds of your spirit! Recall our past adventures! Recall all the good you have done! Return to us! Return to the hero I know you to be!
~ Burning Blaze restoring Sonic's memories.


Blaze the Cat (ブレイズ・ザ・キャット, Bureizu za Kyatto) is a fictional character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. She is an anthropomorphic cat and a princess hailing from an alternate dimension, where she is both the regent of her world and the appointed guardian of the Sol Emeralds, a role similar to that of Sonic and Knuckles combined. She is gifted with the power of pyrokinesis, which lets her create and manipulate fire in any way she pleases.

Blaze is normally calm and elegant, but tends to conceal her true feelings. Devoted to her position, she sometimes gets herself bogged down by her own strict discipline, which made her anti-social, shy, and unfamiliar to the concept of having friends. After spending time with Sonic and Cream, however, Blaze has discovered the true meaning of friendship, allowing her to accomplish tasks for the good of her people and the innocent which she could never do alone. Despite the initial boundaries separating them, Blaze now travels freely between her dimension and Sonic's to visit her friends.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 3-A to 2-C, higher with Fire Boost | At least 2-C, up to 1-C

Key: Blaze | Burning Blaze

Name: Blaze the Cat, Princess Blaze

Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Rush)

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Classification: Anthropomorphic Cat, Guardian of the Sol Emeralds, Princess of the Sol Dimension

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to

A full list of all Pets in Speed Simulator can be found here and a full list of all Trails in Speed Simulator can be found here.

Blaze starts with a Board-type Extreme Gear (Flame Lance). For a more in-depth look at the mechanics behind Extreme Gear, as well as each specific board and the nature of the subclasses and powers provided, consult this page.

  • Technological Flight
  • Enhanced Acrobatics
  • Air Manipulation (By performing tricks in mid-air, Blaze is able to generate Air for her Extreme Gear to use for several purposes)
  • Transformation (With Gear Change, Blaze can alter her Extreme Gear to use different Gear parts in order to access different abilities)
  • Gravity Manipulation (With a Gravity Band, Blaze can generate bursts of gravity for various purposes; to turn sharp corners, repel obstacles in her way, or massively distort the gravity of the surrounding environment)
  • And several more as listed in the Extreme Gear page's universal abilities.

All previous abilities on a massively enhanced scale. Possibly all of the innate abilities of Super Sonic has (Since the Sol Emeralds are very similar to the Chaos Emeralds in every way, Blaze should have her own version of her Chaos abilities). In addition, she has;

Resistance to:

Greater Resistance to:

Attack Potency: High Universe level (Comparable to Silver, as they had been consistently defeating Iblis.[53] Easily took down Knuckles[2] and fought on equal footing with Modern Sonic when they first met.[54] Can attack and harm other racers while using her Extreme Gear as a weapon, including the likes of Sonic and Jet, who defeated the Babylon Guardian[55] and Master Core: ABIS[56]) to Low Multiverse level (Can fight and harm the Knights of the Round Table,[57] and is comparable to her Camelot counterpart. Can destroy Badniks and Super Badniks alike,[58] the former of which can provide trouble for the likes of both Sonic and Amy in groups.[59] Aided Sonic in the fight against the Badnik train[9][Statistics Values 1]), higher with Fire Boost (Her Boost technique directly matched Sonic's[60]) | At least Low Multiverse level (Fought and took down the Egg Salamander alongside Sonic. In conjunction with the Chaos Emeralds, the Sol Emeralds were going to merge and destroy her and Sonic's universes) up to Complex Multiverse level at her peak (6-D. As she can harness the full power of the Sol Emeralds, Blaze should be fully capable of harnessing the same level of power used by Classic Super Sonic to defeat the Time Eater.[61] The Sol Emeralds are the otherworldly counterpart to the Chaos Emeralds, allowing her to fight and defeat the Egg Wizard with the Jeweled Scepter alongside Super Sonic.[62] As the Sol Emeralds are counterparts to the Chaos Emeralds, Blaze can likely harness the level of strength used by Super Sonic and Super Shadow to shatter Solaris' armor with similar power to Super Silver [who used the deity's own attacks against it][63])

Speed: Massively FTL+ to Infinite (Kept up with Silver and is comparable in speed to Sonic), higher with her Burst Dash and Fire Boost (Blaze can utilize the Burst Dash, her own variation of the Spin Dash a technique that allowed Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles to blitz a group of Eggforcers that were initially blitzing them.[64] With her Fire Boost, she can contend with Sonic's own Boost and can potentially beat his out) | Varies (Powered by the Sol Emeralds, the Sol Dimension parallel to the Chaos Emeralds, which possess immense chaotic energies with fluctuating power levels,[65] with Blaze able to harness varying levels of positive energy); Infinite (Faster than Darkspine Sonic, as she is empowered by the Sol Emeralds, which are superior to the World Rings), up to Immeasurable at her peak (Should potentially be able to access the full power of the Sol Emeralds. Being the Sol Dimension equivalent of the Chaos Emeralds, this should enable Blaze to reach the level of speed that enabled Super Sonic to hit Solaris before the latter could react and dodge its attacks that appear and strike throughout all of time simultaneously[63]), higher with her Burst Dash and Fire Boost

Lifting Strength: Multi-Stellar (Matched Sonic in a deadlocked Boost for an extended period[60]) | At least Multi-Stellar (Far above her Base form[Statistics Values 2]) to Immeasurable (Comparable to Super Sonic, who can push back Solaris, and should be superior to Darkspine Sonic)

Striking Strength: High Universe level to Low Multiverse level (Could trade blows with Sonic and helped Silver fight off Iblis. Superior to the likes of Tangle, who can damage Egg Pawns with her strikes[58]) | At least Low Multiverse level (Her strikes harmed the Egg Salamander) up to Complex Multiverse level at her peak (6-D. Should be capable of harnessing enough energy to harm the Time Eater, as she can access the full power of the Sol Emeralds)

Durability: Low Multiverse level (Fought on par with Sonic, being able to trade blows with him, and is comparable to the likes of Sonic after his imprisonment aboard the Death Egg[66]) higher with Fire Boost (Met Sonic's Boost technique head-on with her own). Up to Complex Multiverse level (6-D) Damage Transferal with Rings (Having enough Rings shields damage from those as strong as Void and Tethered Supreme[17]) | At least Low Multiverse level (The only attack which was shown to be able to damage her was the Egg Salamander's spatial void attack, which seemed to have properties similar to a black hole) up to Complex Multiverse level at her peak (6-D. Comparable to Super Sonic, who withstood hits from Solaris. Tanked attacks from the Egg Wizard)

Stamina: Superhuman | Infinite (Is powered by the Sol Emeralds, which are comparable to Chaos Emeralds)

Range: Standard Melee Range; Hundreds of Meters with attacks and abilities | Standard Melee Range; Varies up to Complex Multiverse level with abilities (6-D. Able to affect Solaris, who Dr. Eggman twice states is an extra-dimensional lifeform that would make it superior to the likes of Illumina and Void)

Standard Equipment: The Sol Emeralds

  • Optional Equipment: Rings (maximum of 999), Wisps, Item Boxes, Power-Ups, the purple Chaos Emerald (Blaze was one of Sonic's friends who had a Chaos Emerald on-hand during the Otherworld Comedy[67])


Gifted (She has extensive knowledge on the various aspects of her world like the Vikings, Pirates, the Jewel Scepter, etc. Despite her age, she is the princess of the Sol Dimension and her duties is almost of that as a queen due to her mature behavior and how to keep things in check without falling apart)

Extraordinary Genius (Blaze was one of the few characters who could fight Sonic to a standstill and match his speed,[60] the latter of which having grown more skilled and experienced in comparison to his younger self who could compete against Ultimate Emerl and Gemerl.[68][69] Casually dispatched of Knuckles in melee combat,[2] who is regarded as a master martial[70] artist.[71] Instinctively fought with perfect coordination with Silver, who he had no memories of at the time.)

Weaknesses: Blaze is acrophobic, becoming nervous and jittery when in high places. During Sonic Rush, she was stubborn and introverted, but overcame this by the end of the game. Hotheaded and susceptible to taunts. | None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Pyrokinesis: With her pyrokinesis, Blaze can conjure up flames at any place on or all over her body for various offensive effects, such as turning herself into a burning projectile, forming a cloak of flames or increase the damage of her blows. She can even ignite and raise large columns of fire from the ground from afar. Offense aside, she can also use her pyrokinesis defensively by conjuring up fields of fire around her as protection. She can also use her flames to propel herself forward, increasing her speed and/or granting her limited flight. Blaze's pyrokinesis also gives her limited heat resistance, making her invulnerable to certain types of flames, such as those in the environment.
    • Axel Jump: Blaze jumps into the air before spinning into her opponent while wreathed in flames.
    • Axel Tornado: When performing the Axel Tornado, Blaze sends herself into the air in a manner similar to an axel jump. Once in midair, Blaze unleashes a burst of fire under her feet with her pyrokinetic abilities while twirling around horizontally, allowing her to launch herself higher into the air and reach higher altitudes at different speeds. Blaze uses her pyrokinesis to emit fire during her ascent, enabling her to deal damage to enemies and break obstacles.
    • Burst Dash: Blaze crouches on the floor, using her pyrokinesis to build up speed and momentum before rushing forth as a fiery tornado.
    • Burst Hover: Blaze uses her flames to hover a short
    • Fire Boost: Blaze runs while generating a cone of flames around her to ward off projectiles and smash through enemies.
    • Spinning Claw: While on the ground Blaze pirouettes around while releasing flames around her to damage enemies.
    • Fire Claw: Much like the Homing Attack, when performing the Fire Claw, Blaze launches herself forward with a small burst of flames and homes in on a nearby enemy to attack. However, instead of going into a mid-air Spin Attack like the Homing Attack, Blaze horizontally spins her body, sticking her right arm out in front of her to strike the foe.

  • Cyan Laser: Using the power of a Cyan Wisp, Blaze transforms into a cyan laser beam. As the Cyan Laser, Blaze gains the same properties as that of a real laser, allowing her to move as a living beam of light. When hitting any surfaces as the Cyan Laser, Blaze can also bounce off them as if they were reflective surface.
  • Indigo Asteroid: Using the power of an Indigo Wisp, Blaze turns into an orb-shaped body with striped indigo skin and a matching planetary ring encircling her middle. As the Indigo Asteroid, Blaze essentially becomes a miniature planet with a strong gravitational field. Blaze is as such capable of creating a powerful gravitational pull around herself, strong enough to tear all kinds of objects to pieces and pull them into the Asteroid Ring. Additionally, the gathered matter can be used to empower the gravitational pull. The Indigo Asteroid also grants Blaze the ability to levitate through midair.
  • Yellow Drill: Using the power of a Yellow Wisp, Blaze turns into a yellow spiral drill. As the Yellow Drill, Blaze can burrow and tunnel underground at remarkable high speeds and can be applied underwater, allowing Blaze to move through water like a living torpedo.

  • Pets: Also referred to as Friends, these creatures will hover closely behind their wielder that typically focus on granting benefits on several stats;

    • Experience (The amount of experience gained when defeating an opponent)
    • Rings (the amount of Rings gained per a single Ring)
    • Damage (the amount of damage dealt to bosses and powerful enemies).
    • Stamina (The amount of energy consumed when Boosting)
    • Air (The amount of time possible to spend underwater without air)
    • Luck (Non-Combat Applicable).

    Up to 3-5 Pets can be equipped at a single time, stacking the benefits from each.

    For a full reference of different Pets and their impact, see here.

    Trails: Trails are equippable items that range from Level 1 to Level 25 at maximum. They typically focus on increasing three statistics, but different Trails offer benefits that include other statistics. Like Pets, these include altering;

    • Experience
    • Rings
    • Damage
    • Stamina
    • Air

    Unlike Pets, only one trail can be equipped at any given time.

    For a full reference of Trails and their impact, see here.

    Credit and thanks to the Sonic Speed Simulator wiki.

    • Burning Fire Boost: A vastly more powerful version that she can only use as Burning Blaze, she emits flames from her waist down to propel her at speeds sufficient to easily smash through an oncoming meteor.

    List of all the item boxes in the Sonic Series


    Notable Matchups



    Silver the Hedgehog (Game Sonic Continuity) Silver's Profile (Both start off in Base then go into their Super States. Victory via KO)


    Super Knuckles (Game Sonic Continuity) Knuckles' profile (Super Knuckles and Burning Blaze were used. Speed was equalized, battle took place on Angel Island and both were 50 meters away from each other)


    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Sonic Speed Simulator
    2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Sonic Rush (Blaze's Story)
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Silver's Story
    4. Sonic Generations: Crisis City Restored
    5. 5.0 5.1 Sonic Rush: Water Palace
    6. Sonic Channel Calendar “Otherworld Comedy” Story Act 8: Reunion With the Magical Princess (August 2023)
    7. Team Sonic Racing
    8. Sonic Rush Adventure
    9. 9.0 9.1 The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog
    10. Sonic Speed Simulator: Chemical Plant
    11. Sonic Generations Strategy Guide pg. 46
    12. Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia pg. 253
    13. Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 2: Sega's Official Players Guide pg. 83
    14. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Mega Drive Koushiki Guide Book pg. 14
    15. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Mega Drive Koushiki Guide Book pg. 50
    16. Sonic the Hedgehog Issue #Annual 2022
    17. 17.0 17.1 Sonic Frontiers: Another Story (vs The End)
    18. Sonic Colors (DS): Sweet Mountain - Area 2, Mission 1
    19. Sonic Lost World: Desert Ruins Zone 1
    20. Sonic Colors: Planet Wisp Act 1
    21. Sonic Mania: Egg Reverie Zone
    22. Shadow the Hedgehog: Stage 4-1 Air Fleet
    23. Shadow the Hedgehog: Stage 4-1 Central City
    24. Shadow the Hedgehog: VS Diablo and Sonic
    25. Shadow The Hedgehog Intro
    26. Shadow the Hedgehog: Official Video Game Website
    27. Shadow the Hedgehog (2005)
    28. 28.0 28.1 Sonic Adventure: Last Story
    29. Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia: Sonic 2 (16 bit)
    30. Sonic Advance Hisshou Perfect Guide
    31. Sonic Heroes Guide Book
    32. Shadow The Hedgehog Prima Guide
    33. Sonic Advance 3 Saikyou Kouryaku Guide
    34. Sega & Sonic All-Star Racing: Sonic's bio
    35. Sega & Sonic All-Star Racing: Shadow's bio
    36. Sonic Sticker Collection 2010
    37. Sonic Ultimate Character Guide 2016
    38. Sonic Forces Speed Battle: Super Sonic
    39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Last Story (Vs Solaris)
    40. Sonic Chaos JP Manual
    41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 Sonic Shuffle
    42. Sonic Dream Team: Official Concept Art
    43. 43.0 43.1 Sonic Frontiers: Chaos Island
    44. Sonic Frontiers: Vs The End
    45. Sonic Frontiers: Rhea Island
    46. Sonic Frontiers
    47. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Sonic's Story Intro Cutscene
    48. 48.0 48.1 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Silver's Story: White Acropolis
    49. Sonic Channel: Wall Cover Story (Sonic & Silver Part 2)
    50. Sonic the Hedgehog issue #32
    51. Sonic Channel Calender "Otherworld Comedy" Story Act 6: The True Princess?! (June 2023)
    52. Sonic the Hedgehog #29
    53. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Silver's Story
    54. Sonic the Hedgehog #67
    55. Sonic Riders
    56. Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
    57. Sonic and the Black Knight: Battle Mode
    58. 58.0 58.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #4
    59. Sonic the Hedgehog #2
    60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 Sonic Rush: Dead Line (Vs Sonic)
    61. Sonic Generations: Time Eater Boss Battle
    62. Sonic Rush Adventure: Deep Core (Egg Wizard Boss)
    63. 63.0 63.1 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Solaris Boss (Final Story)
    64. Sonic Prime; Episode 3, "Escape from New Yoke"
    65. Sonic the Hedgehog #12
    66. Sonic Forces
    67. Sonic Channel Calendar “Otherworld Comedy” Story Act 2: The Melancholy of a Magical Princess (February 2023)
    68. Sonic Battle Emerl's story Final Boss
    69. Sonic Advance 3
    70. Sonic Adventure 2 Manual
    71. Sonic Runners


    1. Rebirths are canonical, as Dr. Eggman accidentally rebirthed the entire timeline by using Rebirth Energy.
    2. Despite gameplay containing a certain character, this is universally true of all playable characters in Sonic Speed Simulator.
    3. The Possibly rating indicates the possibility of the Wisp bestowing their abilities upon the user, and not the abilities themselves being categorized as a possibility. As such, this extends to all Wisp pets from Sonic Speed Sim.
    4. This Sonic Channel story is linked to Windii's translation. For the official script, see here.
    Statistics Values
    1. In Sonic and the Secret Rings, Blaze begins scaling to 2 Universes. By the IDW Sonic Comics, Blaze scales to 12 Universes.
    2. Burning Blaze's minimum Lifting Strength upscales from 3.6791698e+36 kg. scaling 128x above the value Base character scale to.
    • Note: Whether or not this is true, it's likely possible Blaze can utilize all of the wisps due to her being in Team Sonic Racing where all the wisps (Including a wisp name Jade Ghost) are present and can be used as items to help one's team get ahead in the race.
    • Note 2: The topic of Invulnerability for Super Forms was discussed and agreed upon within a recent CRT (September of 2021). Look to the notes on the verse page for further info.


    Discussion threads involving Blaze the Cat (Game)