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Articles about The Beyonder
Comics Original
Animation Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
I am from Beyond! Slay your enemies, and all you desire shall be yours! Nothing you dream of is impossible for me to accomplish!


The Beyonder is a young member of the ancient race of multiversal engineers known as The Beyonders, and by far its most infamous and well-known one. Having incubated within a specialized "womb-space" created by his progenitors for an unknown amount of time, the Beyonder eventually became aware of existence apart from his own when a pinhole tore through the fabric of reality due to the of the creation of a multiversal demolition tool allowed him to see through into other universes and dimensions. As he was the embodiment of all things in his personal universe, and had never known anything else, this discovery deeply shocked the Beyonder, and seeing the complexity of the lifeforms on the other side, began a series of interactions with them, in the hopes of learning more.

First and foremost among these interactions was the event known as the Secret Wars, in which various villains and heroes from Earth were placed in a makeshift planet of the Beyonder's own making known as Battleworld, in which they would be forced to fight for their own survival to sate the entity's curiosity. When this chain of events was over, the Beyonder then started to interact with the universe more directly, descending from his own reality and into the physical world, in which he quickly found himself overwhelming even the strongest beings on Earth. As he had known nothing else apart from his own reality beforehand, he misinterpreted it as having been all of existence, and himself as the most powerful being of all, dwarfing all other powers by millions of times.

Eventually, the truth of his origins was revealed to him: Not only was he no supreme being, but also a fractured, incomplete entity, a failed Cosmic Cube whose gestation period was cut short by the creation of the Molecule Man, and who thus never developed as it should have. Though he initially refused to accept this truth, the Beyonder ultimately could not deny it, and accepted that he required fixing. His repairing involved speedrunning through several larval stages of evolution, amidst which he would become the female entity Kosmos, and, eventually, mature enough in order to ascend into a fully-fledged Beyonder and join his people in their sanctum above all of reality.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 1-A | 1-A | 1-A | High 1-A

Key: Incomplete Cosmic Cube | Ascended Cosmic Cube (Kosmos) | Adult Beyonder | Escaped from the House of Ideas

Name: The Beyonder, The One From Beyond, The One Who Is All, "Frank," Kosmos, The Maker, The Broken One

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Inapplicable (Exists as an energy being with no true gender who can manifest as either sex)

Age: Inapplicable.

Classification: Incomplete Cosmic Cube, Larval ("'Child-Unit") Beyonder | Completed Cosmic Cube, Evolved Form of the Beyonder | Matured Beyonder, Member of the Omega Council, Celestial Servitor

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

All previous abilities on an unfathomably higher scale

All previous abilities on an infinitely transcendent scale in addition to them holding all the powers of the Cosmic Cubes, as those are simply Beyonders in larval stages of their development[23]:

Attack Potency: Outerverse level (Stated to be an infinite-dimensional being[2] that existed as the entirety of his own, endless universe.[14][15][23] Cosmic Cubes in general are stated to be omni-dimensional structures,[46] as such extending over all spatial dimensions, of which[47] there is[48] an infinite number[49][50]) | Outerverse level (Merged with the part of his energy that was locked away within Molecule Man, thus evolving into a perfect Cosmic Cube. Equal to the likes of Kubik, who previously easily stomped the Beyonder and nearly crushed the entire Beyond-Realm with his bare hands.[51] Upon reaching a level of power equal to Kubik and Kosmos, Molecule Man described himself as "transacting on power levels unimaginable" to the Beyonder, and operating on on infinities beyond his narrow perception[52]) | Outerverse level (Having completed his own reparation, he eventually ascended beyond the multiverse and joined the rest of The Beyonders in the Engine Room of Creation, above and beyond all of existence[23]) | High Outerverse level (Liberated himself from the bindings of the The One Above All entirely by escaping the House of Ideas,[53] attaining a state of "freedom" from Marvel Comics itself which Blue Marvel likened to Buddhahood)

Speed: Infinite (Time and distance are stated to hold no meaning to him[7]), can make himself Omnipresent (Comprises the Beyond-Realm, being able to disincorporate to fill the void and become a whole universe once more[4]) | Infinite (Immensely above her previous self) | Immeasurable

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Outerverse level | Outerverse level | Outerverse level | High Outerverse level

Durability: Outerverse level | Outerverse level | Outerverse level | High Outerverse level

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Outerversal | Outerversal | High Outerversal | High Outerversal

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Holds a great degree of cosmic awareness that bestows him with an innate understanding of the universe around him and its inner workings, though he at first was childlike and ignorant regarding most aspects of earthly existence, having to learn everything through experience.

Weaknesses: As an infinite being, the Beyonder is incapable of adapting to the act of perceiving reality from a finite perspective, and attempting to do so (Or forcing this state upon him) drives him to insanity | Same as before | Although he is beyond the concept of time, he, like other Beyonders, is still limited to his own higher notion of a sequential chronology, and is ultimately powerless against beings who can manage to travel through it | None notable

Note: While the Beyonder's existence is often divided between "pre-retcon" and "post-retcon" in relation to the original Secret Wars, this is not entirely accurate. The events of Secret Wars I and II were not removed from canon, what changed was the Beyonder's relationship with the other cosmic entities. Rather than surpassing all of them, for example, it was revealed that the abstracts wanted to help the Beyonder mature into awareness, and so they used manifestations to appear weaker than him. As a result, a good amount of statements and showings pertaining to the Beyonder in Secret Wars (Such as him being an infinite-dimensional entity, as well as the majority of the abilities displayed during his tenure on Earth) are still usable, as they are not directly relevant to his previous characterization and were as such not affected by the retcon, and trying to maintain the division would only necessitate a "pre-retcon" key for every cosmic being.

Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Incredible Hulk; Vol 1; #312; 1985
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Secret Wars II; Vol 1; #2; 1985
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Thing; Vol 1; #30; 1985
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 Secret Wars II; Vol 1; #5 ; 1985
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Rom; Vol 1; #72; 1985
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars; Vol 1; #1; 1984
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Secret Wars II; Vol 1; #1; 1985
  8. Daredevil; Vol 1; #223; 1985
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Secret Wars II; Vol 1; #4; 1985
  10. Doctor Strange; Vol 2; #74; 1985
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 Secret Wars II; Vol 1; #8; 1985
  12. 12.0 12.1 Dazzler; Vol 1; #40; 1985
  13. Fantastic Four; Vol 1; #285; 1985
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Secret Wars II; Vol 1; #3; 1985
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Secret Wars II; Vol 1; #9; 1985
  16. 16.0 16.1 Secret Wars II; Vol 1; #6; 1985
  17. Power Man and Iron Fist; Vol 1; #121; 1985
  18. Secret Wars II; Vol 1; #7; 1985
  19. 19.0 19.1 The Amazing Spider-Man; Vol 1; #274; 1985
  20. 20.0 20.1 Cloak and Dagger; Vol 2; #4; 1985
  21. The Avengers; Vol 1; #265; 1985
  22. Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984) #11
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 "Defenders: Beyond #5"
  24. 24.0 24.1 Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #6
  25. Ultimates², #9
  26. Ultimates² #2
  27. Ghost Rider: Kushala #4
  28. Ghost Rider: Kushala #6
  29. 29.0 29.1 New Avengers Vol. 3 #32
  30. Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #7
  31. Ultimates #7
  32. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #26
  33. Secret Wars II #06
  34. Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #17
  35. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #27
  36. Ultimates #11
  37. Ultimates², #6
  38. Ultimates² Back Cover
  39. Fantastic Four Annual #23
  40. New Avengers Vol. 3 #33
  41. Venom Vol. 5 #18
  42. New Avengers Vol. 3 #30
  43. Ultimates #5
  44. Ultimates² #100
  45. Defenders Vol. 4 #11
  46. "Marvel Super-Villain Team-Up #17"
  47. "Children of the Voyager #3"
  48. "Children of the Voyager, #4"
  49. "Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #51"
  50. "Fantastic Four Unlimited #3"
  51. "Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #319"
  52. Fantastic Four Annual #27
  53. Defenders: Beyond #5


Discussion threads involving Beyonder