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VS Battles Wiki
It didn't need to come to this. But you know no other way.
~ Baylan Skoll to Ahsoka Tano


Baylan Skoll was a Force-sensitive human male mercenary lord who was a former Jedi Knight and Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. Skoll managed to survive the Great Jedi Purge. During the New Republic Era, Skoll and his apprentice Shin Hati were allied with the forces of Morgan Elsbeth, an industrialist and Nightsister survivor who sought the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Galactic Empire. The mission to find Thrawn coincided with fellow Purge survivor Ahsoka Tano and her apprentice Sabine Wren's search for Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger, resulting in a battle between Skoll and Tano on the planet Seatos in which Tano was defeated and Wren was taken prisoner.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-A

Name: Baylan Skoll

Origin: Star Wars

Gender: Male

Age: Likely in his late 50s to 60s

Classification: Human Force User, Former Jedi Master, Dark Jedi, Mercenary

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Statistics Amplification (Like nearly all Force users, Baylan Skoll can amplify his statistics using the Force to make himself stronger, faster, more agile, etc), Enhanced Senses, Various lightsaber combat skills, Skilled Swordsman, Precognition, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Psychometry, Barrier Creation (Ahsoka Tano demonstrated such a power as an incompletely trained Padawan, as has Jedi Master Lene Kostana. Baylan Skoll, being more powerful and skilled than them at this point, should also be capable of the same), Energy Manipulation (Can reflect, redirect, and absorb energy attacks thrown at him)

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level (Contended with Ahsoka Tano multiple times and had the upper hand in both duels.)

Speed: Subsonic running speeds with Force Speed (Should be comparable to an Ahsoka Tano, Massively Hypersonic+ combat and reaction speed augmented by precognition (Kept up with Ahsoka Tano for most of their duels despite her being more agile than him)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human naturally. Can be augmented to Superhuman levels with the Force (Tossed Ahsoka Tano a couple of meters away with one arm). Class M with telekinesis

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block level with Force amplification (Can harm Ahsoka Tano with his blows)

Durability: Wall level naturally (Scaling from other Force Adepts). Multi-City Block level with Force amplification (Took a few kicks from Ahsoka Tano before being knocked off balance)

Stamina: Superhuman (Comparable to other Force Adepts)

Range: Extended Melee Range with lightsaber; Tens of Meters with Force powers; Interstellar with telepathy and Force senses (Should be comparable if not superior in this aspect to Ahsoka Tano)

Standard Equipment: A traditional Jedi lightsaber (it likely had a blue or green crystal when he was still a Jedi but sported a orange-red crystal sometime after the fall of the Galactic Republic)

Intelligence: As a former Jedi, Baylan Skoll was trained in the ways of the Force and was proficient in lightsaber combat. His approach was with long, two-handed, heavy strikes which combined with his physical strength and stamina allowed him to overwhelm his opponents. He was skilled enough to match Ahsoka Tano in combat and even managed to beat her by using his lightsaber to knock her off a nearby cliff after she compromised her stance by burning her left hand trying to remove the map, which had become very hot from being active for a long time. Skoll proved capable in blaster bolt deflection as shown when he took on New Republic security forces during the rescue of Morgan Elsbeth, easily dispatching the soldiers. His lightsaber style most resembled Form V Shien/Djem So, although it is likely he had trained in multiple styles as is typical for Jedi. He also showed prowess with Telepathy, being able to effortlessly sense Sabine Wren's thoughts and memories, which allowed him to manipulate her into surrendering. He was also a capable instructor as many of his skills he also taught to his apprentice, Shin Hati, who was likewise skilled in lightsaber combat and telekinesis.

Weaknesses: None notable apart of his overconfidence and hyper fixation occasionally leading him to minor tactical blunders or diversions.


Notable Matchups






Discussion threads involving Baylan Skoll