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Heya! The weakest Heroic Spirit Avenger, has answered your summons!
~ Avenger upon being summoned


Avenger is the Avenger-class Servant of an Einzbern Master during the Third Holy Grail War. His true name is Angra Mainyu, the embodiment of All the World's Evil. He was once a normal, good-natured young man, but he was randomly selected by his people to be burdened with every evil in the world, and his name was wiped from the Avesta, The Universal Revelation of Inscribed Creation. He was tortured and sacrificed, driven insane by pain and hatred, and forcibly transformed into the source of all sins so that his people could live as "good". The experience filled him with hate, but he accepted the sins of all humanity.

His sacrifice eased the fears of the people, and despite being an evil being, he became a Heroic Spirit, and was summoned during the Third Holy Grail War thanks to his status as the King of Daemons. However, being just a normal human in life, Avenger was quickly killed. With his death, he was absorbed into the Holy Grail, but a dark miracle occurred as the Grail responded to the wishes imprinted onto him, transforming into a daemon, the source of All the World's Evil. This corrupted the Grail, transforming it into an engine of destruction that would realize any wish granted through it through the most violent and horrific of means.

In this true state, as a nothingness lacking identity or definition, slumbering within the Grail, Angra Mainyu awaited his own birth, as the Holy Grail sought to give him a fitting body through the Third Magic, Heaven's Feel. Before he could gain such a body, the Holy Grail was destroyed during the events of Fate/stay night, leaving Avenger to endure in a spiritual state, searching for one last wish to grant. Saving the dying Bazett Fraga McRemitz, he grants her wish, recreating the Fifth Holy Grail War in her dreams and becoming her Servant.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B, 7-A with Tawrich and Zarich, higher with Murderous Intent. Unknown against humans. | Unknown | At least 7-A, likely much higher

Name: Avenger. Angra Mainyu, All the World's Evil, King of Daemons

Origin: Fate/stay night

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Classification: Heroic Spirit, Avenger-class Servant, Embodiment of All the World's Evil | Holy Grail, Daemon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Dream Manipulation (Recreated Fuyuki in a world of dreams for Bazett), Time Manipulation (Can create a four-day time loop), Pain Manipulation (Can reflect the pain of his own injuries onto others, inscribing it onto their very soul), Statistics Amplification (Can vastly increase his own abilities so he can fight on par with other Servants, but dies in the process), Telepathy, Soul Manipulation (All Servants can consume souls to replenish their magical energy), Possession, can utilize Shirou's abilities when possessing his body, Intangibility and Invisibility in spirit form (In his true spiritual form, Avenger exists as nothingness), Immunity to Modern Weapons (Servants are Divine Mysteries that cannot be harmed by modern weapons such as guns, knives, or bombs unless they are infused with a supernatural aspect such as magical energy or possess a certain amount of age or mystery behind their creation), Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation and Biological Manipulation (Servants can resist Chaos Tides), Transmutation and Data Manipulation (Servants can stay in digitized area) and Poison Manipulation (Servants are unaffected by poisons from the likes of Jack's and Serenity's), likely many other abilities (As a weak Grail, he can still grant wishes, having created Bazett's looping world of dreams in this way) | Absorption (Can take in and absorb others, can break down organic matter into magical energy with a touch), Mind Manipulation (The Black Shadow destroys the minds of those it affects, and can corrupt Servants and distort their mentality), Soul Manipulation, Intangibility, Non-Corporeal, possibly Immortality (Type 5; Shirou notes that it may not even have a concept of death) | Magic, Curse Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Dream Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Mind Manipulation, Reality Warping, Soul Manipulation (Possesses an incomplete Heaven's Feel), Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Absorption, Possession, Resurrection (Resurrected Kirei and replaced his heart), Telepathy, Regeneration (At least High-Low; regenerated from having parts of his body blown apart by Enuma Elish. Low-Godly over time; after being destroyed at the end of Fate/stay night, Avenger was able to reform as his Servant form from a spiritual state), Immortality (Types 3 and 6)

Attack Potency: Wall level (Claims himself to be the weakest Servant and is weaker than even Bazett, but still much stronger than ordinary humans), Mountain level with Tawrich and Zarich (Managed to fight against Saber, parrying her strikes with his blades and even catching a slash meant to kill him, though both blades were instantly shattered by a Mana Burst, and he has the skill to hold off most other Servants even if he can't defeat them), higher with Murderous Intent (Boosts his strength past his limits to allow him to temporarily fight on par with a first-class Servant, but it wasn't enough to overpower Saber). Unknown against humans (As All the World's Evil, his knowledge and nature apparently allow him to defeat any human, even a theoretical one superior to Heroic Spirits). | Unknown (Does not rely on physical power, instead absorbing its foes and destroying their minds. Said to be capable of overwhelming any Servant summoned by the Grail; instantly shattered Lancer's runic barrier, which can block great Noble Phantasms, overcame and absorbed Berserker and even Gilgamesh, but couldn't pierce Shirou's skin when he was transforming into swords) | At least Mountain level+ (Maintains and is responsible for the summoning of every Servant of the Fourth and Fifth Holy Grail Wars, provides Sakura's near limitless supply of magical energy, and ultimately absorbs all the souls of participating Servants, the Grail's destruction caused a flood and fire that destroyed much of Fuyuki very quickly, caused strong tremors while he was still an unborn fetus), likely much higher (If the Grail was able to finish birthing Angra Mainyu, All the World's Evil would flood out into the world with 5.6 billion curses that would drown the entire world and eradicate most, if not all, of humanity. Vlad stated that the Holy Grail could "incinerate eras").

Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Kept up with a casual Saber, striking three or four times for each of her attacks), higher with Murderous Intent (Boosts his speed past its limits, apparently increasing it a hundredfold times or more in his fight with Saber, but was still ultimately outpaced) | Massively Hypersonic (Can keep up with Servants) | Unknown

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Wall Class, Mountain Class with Tawrich and Zarich, higher with Murderous Intent. Unknown against humans | Unknown (Shattered Lancer's runic barrier but couldn't harm Shirou) | Unknown

Durability: Wall level | Unknown (Potentially lacks a concept of death and is intangible, making it incredibly difficult to harm and destroy) | Mountain level+ (Was able to survive a casual release of Enuma Elish, but was badly damaged by Archer and destroyed by Saber on multiple occasions)

Stamina: Superhuman. While above a human's endurance, he can't last long against Servants and will eventually fall to exhaustion, struggling against his own limits to fight against a casual Saber within a short span of time. | Unknown.

Range: Extended melee range, at least Kilometers with Reality Warping (Recreated all of Fuyuki in a world of dreams, looping time in it every four days) | Tens of Meters (The Black Shadow can swallow an area of fifty meters all at once) | At least Kilometers (Would drown and destroy Fuyuki in a short span of time), likely much higher

Standard Equipment:

  • Tawrich and Zawrich: The Left and Right Hand Fang Grinders, named for Daevas, a pair of reverse-grip knives. They are parrying weapons designed to catch a sword, and then retaliate while the blade is caught. They are just normal weapons, however, and were easily destroyed by Saber's Mana Burst, though Zarich was able to stop a serious, though unenhanced, swing.

Intelligence: Avenger has instinctual knowledge on humans that makes him comparable in killing ability to Primate Murder and ORT, but he's lacking in skill and knowledge when it comes to other things, claiming that even his own Master surpasses him in fighting ability. He can still fight defensively with incredible skill, capable of lasting for a long period of time even when fighting against a group of far superior enemies. As the Grail, he lacks a will himself, only acting through those he possesses, absorbing their knowledge and personalities.

Weaknesses: Avenger must remain alive and conscious to use Verg Avesta and it can only be used on a single target. In addition, because he must be lethally injured to be able to effectively use it on other Servants, it is usually useless without someone to back him up and will result in his death. Using Murderous Intent will vastly increase his capabilities, but will also ultimately kill him in the process. Avenger also cannot fight while in spirit form, and as the Grail, his Low-Godly regeneration takes time and will bring him back as a Servant.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Shade: Angra Mainyu can take the form of a shadowy, wolf-like monster. Whenever he is killed, his remains take this form, an undead state similar in nature to daemons, though weaker. However, they can still easily kill humans, though they aren't much of a match against Servants on their own. The trouble is that thanks to Unlimited Raise Dead, they appear in massive numbers made up of all of Angra Mainyu's previous deaths.

Unlimited Raise Dead: Infinite Ruin: A time loop created by Bazett's wish, causing time to loop every four days in a world of dreams and producing a shade in each world, producing countless shades over the course of countless loops.

Angra Mainyu: All the World's Evil: The nature of Angra Mainyu, that of a normal man cursed with All the World's Evil. It is normally not all that useful against Servants, only designating his soul as an existence tailored towards killing, and is the origin of his supernatural skill in killing humans. He has the instinctual knowledge needed to fulfill his role as All the World's Evil, making him a being that can kill even the strongest humans. In terms of human killing ability, he is on par with ORT and Primate Murder. He keeps up in quality, but lacks their speed.

After he is absorbed by the Holy Grail, which becomes an incarnation of All the World's Evil, its abilities are heavily amplified by the wish-granting nature of the Grail, which seeks to bring him into existence. Now, it is more a curse than a wish-granting machine, a curse that interprets any wishes it is confronted with in the most destructive possible ways. After being corrupted, the Grail becomes capable of summoning non-heroic Servants, such as Gilles de Rais, Medea, and Medusa.

The Grail first births him as an endless black mud that taints everything it touches, a curse that will flood over the world and strike down all humans equally with 5.6 billion curses. The curse is so strong that it stains all it touches, breaking down their body, mind, and soul, driving them insane with fear and pain. It turns the emotions they feel in death into magical energy to propagate itself. It near inevitably kills anyone it touches, ultimately claiming Kiritsugu Emiya's life years after he was exposed to it. It can, however, be resisted by those with exceptionally strong wills, such as Shirou Emiya, and Gilgamesh, whose ego is too strong to be tainted by such a weak curse.

When it comes to Servants, it instead "blackens" them, shifting their alignment to evil and incarnating them in the world. They become incredibly strong at the cost of losing much of their sanity and restraint, recklessly using up their magical energy without hesitation. In this manner, he claims both Berserker and Saber, turning the latter into her altered state. Servants with less heroic stories can resist its effects as they are of similar nature, allowing True Assassin to handle the curse without much danger.

Angra Mainyu will eventually be birthed by the Grail in a physical form of great size and power, far surpassing his regular limits as a Servant.

  • The Black Shadow: In Heaven's Feel, Avenger comes into the world in the form of a Black Shadow that acts as Sakura's shadow. It takes on her desires and acts on them, targeting those she dislikes during its nightly hunts for magical energy. At first, it only drains enough magical energy to leave its victims unconscious, but it quickly starts to consume them in their entirety. It is intangible and incorporeal, incapable of being affected by conventional attacks, and potentially lacks even a concept of death. Its touch corrodes all it comes into contact with, carrying on the curse of All the World's Evil, dissolving organic matter and breaking it down into magical energy, consuming their souls as well. It can spread out over an area like mud, or absorb all the energy in an area to explode and swallow everything around it. It can also be used to repair damage done to Sakura's body, teleport her, and restrain others with tentacles so that they can be easily consumed.

Noble Phantasms

Let's go! I'll make you reap what you sow! Die from the payback! Verg Avesta!
~ Avenger using Verg Avesta

Verg Avesta: False Copy of Inscribed Creation: A primal curse of simple retribution. It reflects the pain of any damage dealt to him back to his opponent, mirroring the pain without the wounds by inscribing it onto their soul. This pain won't fade until Avenger's wounds are healed or he dies. It's a fairly weak Noble Phantasm, requiring Avenger to be alive yet wounded severely enough for it to be useful. Due to his low grade as a Servant, wounds and pain that would be minor if not completely irrelevant to other Servants can kill him. Magic Resistance negates it, as well; higher Magic Resistance like Saber's would simply intensify Avenger's pain and wounds, but when the right conditions are met, those being he can only use it once against the same target and must be alive to use it, he can bypass such things. It is really only useful in combat against Servants as a distraction.

Class Skills

Avenger: The signature class skill of Avengers, representing the existence of one who gathers the grudges and hate of others and takes it onto themselves. Avenger converts damage and malice turned on him into magical energy and grows in strength using it.

Oblivion Correction: An Avenger never forgets, attacking from beyond oblivion with greater strength than other Servants, increasing the power of their blows whenever they strike an opponent's weak points.

Self-Replenishment (Mana): A skill that allows Avenger to replenish his magical energy over time.

Personal Skills

Murderous Intent: When one participates in combat with no chance of survival and a willingness to die, the only form of combat known to the weakest of all Heroic Spirits, Avenger. When utilized, Avenger ignores the limits of his body, increasing his speed and power by an exceptional amount, allowing him to match first-class Servants in what time he has before the strain kills him.

Key: Servant | The Black Shadow | The Holy Grail



Notable Victories:

Rusalka Schwagerin (Dies IraeRusalka's Profile (Base Rusalka and Angra in The Holy Grail were used, speed was equalized)

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

Thunder McQueen (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Thunder's Profile (McQueen was bloodlusted, Servant Form Angra Mainyu was used, and Speed was equalized)
