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Atum Original Form
Now, once again, I am Atum, first generation of Gods, and leave you of this generation to enjoy the spiritual sustenance of mankind's belief.

If the giants win... if Olympus falls... then the cosmic axis shifts. And the God-Eater... FEASTS.

Ra2 (Marvel, I assume)
Let me show you something, Khonshu. You might be surprised to find I am not as terrible as you thought.


The sentient life form of Earth's biosphere, Demiurge, created the first Gods - known as the Elder Gods. However, these Gods fell into degeneracy and villainy, except for Gaea, Mother Earth. With her great power, she gave birth to her first child - Atum, the God of the Sun to fend off the villainous Gods like Set. And so, Atum did just that. He devoured the Gods and the demons, and by doing so, he changed into the celestial God Eater known as Demogorge, an unstoppable god-monster.

Countless years later, as Ra, he would serve as the King of the Egyptian Gods and become a myth, a legend, and a story, just like his fellow Gods such as Odin and Zeus.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Varies up to 1-A, far higher as Demogorge | 1-A

Key: When operating through avatars/Earthly Form | True Form

Name: Atum, Ra, God of the Sun, King of the Gods, Demogorge, Amun, Ammon Ra, Amon Ra, The God-Eater, the Primal Slayer

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Billions of years old (An Elder God who is much older than the likes of Odin and Zeus)

Classification: Egyptian God, Member of Godhand, Elder God, God Eater

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, God Physiology, Immortality (Type 1 and 4; Lives forever. And if he dies, he resurrects. For example, Anubis killed him[1] once and he returned. When he blew up, he returned shortly after off-panel[2]), Absorption, Power Absorption, Power Nullification, and Statistics Amplification (Can absorb energies, powers, people[3] and their very essence into itself,[4] and increase its powers greatly, and render it's opponent powerless[3]), Energy Manipulation and Matter Manipulation (Converts deities into energy[3]), Energy Projection (Can project powerful blasts[3] of energies), Fusionism (Can fuse with other people.[4] Fused himself with the sun[3]), Transformation (Absorbing energies turns him into the God eating monster known as Demogorge and can return back to his original form[3]), Statistics Reduction (Can reduce his power levels[3]), Flight (Can fly by itself, as well as with wings[3]), Body Control (As shown here[3]), Large Size (Type 1[4]), Space-Time Manipulation (As shown here.[3] Ripped a tear in space and time[5]), Fire Manipulation (As shown here.[4] Burned down a whole building.[6] Combusted a man,[7] And can shoot beams of fire from eyes and hands[8]), Size Manipulation (Can increase and decrease his size[4]), Regeneration (High-Mid; Can regenerate a large wound to his heart in a short period of time[9]), Shapeshifting (As shown here[2]), Antimatter Manipulation (Is made of anitmatter[10]), Dream Manipulation (Haunted the dreams of a therapist[6]), Telepathy and Mind Manipulation (Entered Marc's mind and burned Khonshu. Then removed his influence from Marc's mind[11])

Attack Potency: Varies (The power levels of Egyptian Gods depend on the amount of followers they have.[7] Gods are "stories", so the more their story spreads, the greater their power will be, and as such, the greater influence they will have over the cosmos[14]) up to Outerverse level (Ra is one of the most powerful of Marvel Gods. He is an elder God who is comparable to the likes of Set and likely his mother, Gaia.[15] Atum is a member of the Godhead, a group of ultra-powerful Gods called Skyfathers.[16] More powerful than his son, Khonshu), far higher as Demogorge (Easily overpowered the likes of Mephisto and Hela.[3] Scares Odin and he considers him a threat to all Gods.[3] Demogorge is[17] the final end[18] of all Gods and their like[19]) | Outerverse level (Far more powerful than before. Is the concept of Suns across the whole of multiverse, existing on the same level as his son, Khonshu and Seth. Atum resides in a higher dimensional plane and considers himself superior to other Gods.[4] Exists beyond time and space[20] and cannot interact with earthly planes due[8] to his sheer power and size, so he creates avatars[10])

Speed: Infinite (Comparable to the likes of Mephisto, Hela, Thor, and other Skyfathers) | Immeasurable (Scaling to Khonshu and Seth)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown

Striking Strength: Outerverse level, far higher as Demogorge | Outerverse level

Durability: Outerverse level, far higher as Demogorge (Can tank attacks from Set, Mephisto, and others[3]) | Outerverse level

Stamina: Superhuman (Can fight for prolonged periods of time without any form of exhaustion. And can absorb the powers and energies of others to enhance himself. Can fight even with a chest wound[9]) | Same as before, if not greater

Range: Varies, up to Outerverse level | Outerverse level

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Unknown

Weaknesses: Can only absorb and kill the Gods whose time it is to die.[3] The more energies he absorb, the more Atum loses himself into Demogorge.[21] Atum exists in a higher plane but if he comes down to the lower ones, he will get hungry and thus turn into his monstrous form. And when he gets angry, he turns into Demogorge. If a person is too noble, he won't absorb them and kill them.[4] Consuming too many Godheads can cause him to explode, however, this seems like an inconsistency with his lore and character.[2]

Note: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.

Notable Matchups





  1. Fantastic Four Vol 1 607
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Incredible Hercules Vol 1 120
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 Thor Vol 1 Annual 10
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Thor Vol 1 Annual  14
  5. Mighty Thor Vol 2 10
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Moon Knight Vol 1 188
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Moon Knight Vol 1 189
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Moon Knight Vol 1 190
  9. 9.0 9.1 Incredible Hercules Vol 1 119
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Moon Knight Vol 1 191
  11. 11.0 11.1 Moon Knight Vol 1 192
  12. Moon Knight Vol 1 193
  13. Moon Knight Vol 9 8
  14. Moon Knight Vol 9 8
  15. Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica Vol 1 1
  16. Thor Vol 1 300
  17. Hulk vs Hercules Vol 1 1
  18. Incredible Hercules Vol 1 117
  19. Incredible Hercules Vol 1 118
  20. Mighty Thor Vol 2 9
  21. Iron Man Vol 1 Annual 10 - The Saga of the Serpent Crown: Blood Feud


Discussion threads involving Atum (Marvel Comics)