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Zetten-Training Asta
Yeah... I knew that!! I just couldn't give up!! I do know that people can't always change the way they feel though. So... please watch over this unchanged vow of mine!! I will... become the Wizard King!!!
~ Asta proposing to Sister Lily for the last time

Final Saga Black Asta
WHO THE HECK ARE YOU CALLING A FLAW, YOU JERK?!! In other words, you're a bad guy who's hijacked the Wizard King's body!!! Destroy all humans...? Don't be ridiculous!! The Wizard King put his life on the line to save everybody!! That's the Wizard King I looked up to!! Everyone did!! And also, there's no way he'd die that easy so I'm gonna stop you and save him!!!
~ Asta to Lucius Zogratis

Final Saga Devil Union Asta
Right here, right now... I'll surpass the Wizard King!!
~ Asta before fighting Lucius

Zetten-Training Devil Union Asta
I... don’t have talent. But that’s why I must get stronger. Work hard to make it happen. Do more than the geniuses who already have what it takes. Since I don’t have talent, I don’t have time to hesitate. I’ve got no time to be afraid. Just get stronger. So I can win. So I can protect. So I can save. If you lose to somebody, get stronger than that guy. Then never lose to them again. Keep on getting stronger. That’s the kind of Wizard King you want to be. Be determined to become... the strongest.
~ Asta's Determination to become the strongest


Asta (アスタ Asuta?) was left at an orphanage as an infant on the outskirts of the Clover Kingdom around the same time as another baby named Yuno. Excitable and outgoing, he dreams of becoming the Magic Emperor, the greatest mage in the kingdom.

However, Asta is one of the rare few, if not the only one, to be born without the ability to use magic. Still, he refused to let this stop him and continuously trained his body to compensate before finally being awarded a grimoire of his own while getting Yuno out of a bind.

He has joined the Black Bull Squad, a group of the rowdiest and most outrageous Magic Knights in the entire kingdom, using the power of his ominous Anti-Magic swords to defend those he cares about and strive toward his dream.

During the Spade Saga, Asta learned fly on Demon-Slayer by making it levitate with Anti-Magic during his training in the Heart Kingdom. After his intense battle alongside Yami to defeat Dark Triad's Dante Zogratis, Asta gained a new sword which is none other than Yami's former katana, he later named it "Demon-Slasher". He then decided to learn how to correctly use his Devil Power by training with Nacht and was able to make a contract with his devil Liebe in order to access the Devil Union, get Yami and William Vangeance back, and stop the other devils, and in particular the king of devils Lucifero, from bringing chaos in the world.

Since then, 15 months have passed. Asta kept getting stronger and eventually was promoted to the rank of Senior Magic Knight after defeating the King of Devils. While making his final confession to Sister Lily, Lucius Zogratis suddenly appeared with the intention of killing Asta, deeming him the world's flaw. After a noble struggle, Lucius reveals his true power and possesses Sister Lily in front of Asta, making her a Paladin. Asta, emotionally shocked, ends up mortally wounded by Lucius and teleported away from the continent to the Land of the Sun, but is rescued by Ryuya Ryudo.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 6-A, higher with Black Asta, far higher with Partial Devil Union | High 6-A, higher with Black Asta, 5-C with Partial Devil Union, up to Low 5-B with Zetten | At most 5-C, far higher with Partial Devil Union, up to Low 5-B with Zetten

Key: Final Saga Beginnings | Land of the Sun Arc | Judgment Day Arc

Name: Asta

Origin: Black Clover

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Classification: Human, Magic Knight, Black Bulls Vice-Captain, Peasant, Arcane Stage Mage, Devil Host, Black Guardian, Senior Magic Knight

Powers and Abilities:


  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Asta possesses an extremely high level of physical strength, he is able to do a thousand single-handed handstand push-ups, swing heavy swords single-handedly with ease,[1] and punch holes in rock walls with no injury to himself[2])
  • Accelerated Development (Training & Battle, Physical Stats & Abilities; Frequently surpasses his own limits during battles, especially when his back is again the wall or he is close to death. This allows him to develop new techniques or improve his physical abilities on the spot)
  • Acrobatics
  • Anti-Magic Manipulation (Can control the flow of Anti-Magic in his swords without needing to touch them)
  • Damage Reduction (Assimilated Kiato's swordsmanship, which allowed him to tank a blow from Vetto by deflecting the force of the blow, his head would have been blown out of his body if he had not done so)
  • Enhanced Senses ([Can read his opponent's emotions[3])
  • Master Swordsman (Asta is a proficient swordsman and, throughout the series, he assimilates the swordsmanship skills of the swordsmen he encountered and uses them with just as much efficiency or adapts them to better fit his own swordsmanship)
  • Extrasensory Perception (Asta can read the opponent's Life-Force)
  • Fusionism (Fuses with his devil Liebe to achieve the state of Devil Union)
  • Information Analysis (With Ki, Asta can read his opponents' true intentions and state of mind.[4] Ki users are also able to detect lies)
  • Instinctive Reaction (Was able to reflect Magna's fireball after his mind has turned off.[5] He later mastered Ki sensing, which Yami describes as halfway through instinct and prediction. Assimilated Kiato's fighting style, who fights with his mind being elsewhere)
  • Multiple Selves (Type 1; Liebe, residing inside Asta's grimoire can take over Asta's body and fight in his place[6])
  • Precognition (Learned how to use ki and sense it.[7] With ki, Asta has the capacity to predict opponents' next moves by reading their breathing, muscle movements, glare, life force, current emotional state, and even their slight presence, with all his senses combined. His ki sensing allows him to even sense non-living objects such as rocks)
  • Rage Power (Allowing him to unlock abilities related to the affinity and enhancing his already existing powers)
  • Technique Mimicry (Is capable of picking up moves and replicating them during a fight, as shown in his fight against Kiato)
  • Reactive Power Level (During his battle against Vetto, Asta was able to intercept and deflect Vetto's Forbidden Magic beam despite being completely overpowered by a more suppressed Vetto moments before. Adapted in a short period to Magna's fireballs, where each fireball becomes invisible halfway through and randomly teleports around the target right before hitting them. Went from not being able to track a single throw even with ki sensing to being able to deflect a barrage of them for several minutes, thus without moving much and while protecting the crystal behind him)
  • Sense Manipulation (Assimilated Kiato's fighting style, which throws the opponent's senses with its movement and makes said movements unpredictable to the eyes of ki sensers)
  • Social Influencing (Has been repeatedly shown to influence the people around him and change them for the better. Encouraged Luck to fight better. Saved Patry from his insanity[8])
  • Summoning (Can summon swords out of his grimoire, which all are imbued with the power of Anti-Magic)

Resistance to:

Note: Anti-Magic cannot be resisted with just any Resistance to Magic Nullification, as most Magic Nullification abilities tend to be magic-based whereas Anti-Magic is a non-magical energy that just so happens to nullify Magic. A resistance to the latter would be required.

  • Anti-Magic (Asta has the Anti-Magic energy flowing within him, akin to people with Magic Power. Anti-Magic can easily cancel any magic spell with incredible ease. He can also prevent the use of Magic, application of Magic Power, for a period that varies depending on the amount of Anti-Magic he uses. The more Anti-Magic Asta uses, the more potent his nullification becomes)
  • Limited Death Manipulation (Withered plants in his surroundings by emanating Anti-Magic)
  • Magical Regeneration Negation (High-Mid; Dante stated that only Anti-Magic could affect him)
  • Unholy Manipulation (Asta lets the power of a devil flow within him to transform into Black Asta by channelling the Devil Power inside his swords)
  • Weapon Control (By manipulating the flow of Anti-Magic in his swords, Asta is able to control the trajectory of his sword mid-air with his mind, and call all four of his Anti-Magic swords to him by calling their names)

Resistance to:

  • Magic (Asta can coat himself with Anti-Magic to become resistant to spells)
  • Heat Manipulation (By coating his body with Anti-Magic, Asta can create a technique akin to Mana Skin, which allows him to run across the Yultim Volcano, a grand Magic Region which can reduce a human to cinders)
  • Mind Manipulation & Soul Manipulation (Lucius cannot affect the spirit [source of the life, soul and Magic Power and magic attribute of every human] of Asta because of Anti-Magic)

Anti-Magic Swords:

  • Anti-Magic (Asta uses swords that are imbued with the mysterious Anti-Magic energy, each of them having a different shape and abilities. With those swords, he can easily cut through any magic spell with incredible ease regardless of the shape or even the attribute of the spell. He can also nullify magical teleportation by stabbing the sword into the teleporter's general vicinity. They can even nullify Langris' attacks which can erase out of space anything in a certain path. Anyone taking a clean hit from those swords cannot use magic, application of Magic Power, for a variable period. The more Anti-Magic Asta uses, the more potent his nullification becomes)
  • Attack Reflection (Can reflect a magic spell back with the spine of his swords)
  • Curse Magic Nullification (Nullified a magic bullet curse that had been inflicted on his skin by No.4 Jimmy)



  • Energy Projection (Asta is able to launch Anti-Magic slashes that can nullify any magic in their path)
  • Magic Absorption (Has unconsciously absorbed the magic of his allies with Demon-Dweller and used said magic as a projectile, his sword drains the magical power of anything that makes contact with them until they're completely unable to use magic and can send back the absorbed Magic in a much more powerful attack)


With Black Asta, he gains the following:

Devil Union:

Resistance to:

Higher Resistance to:

  • Heat Manipulation (Unaffected by the heat of the Yultim Volcano, a Grand Magic Region which can reduce mages to ashes with heat alone. Ran through Spirit Ladros' fire beam without difficulty despite being powered by the Fire Spirit, who is stated to be able to dry an ocean with his heat)

Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Multi-Continent level (Should be much stronger than his Spade Saga Self. Comparable to Base Yuno, who is superior to his Post-Second Grimoire Spade Saga Base Form [Statistics Values 1]), higher with Black Asta (Far stronger than before. Comparable to Spirit Dive Yuno, who is superior to his Post-Second Grimoire Spade Saga Spirit Dive version), far higher with Partial Devil Union (Comparable to Base Lucius, who ate Lucifero's heart and gained his power[Statistics Values 2]) | Multi-Continent level (Stronger than before), higher with Black Asta (Stronger than before), Moon level with Partial Devil Union (Stronger than before. Comparable to Dark-Cloaked Black Musha Ichika[Statistics Values 3]), up to Small Planet level with Zetten (Can increase his Ki by up to 20x and convert it all into Anti-Magic power[Statistics Values 4]) | At most Moon level+ (Forced Sacred Power Lucius to block his attack and cut into his arm, albeit after he'd been somewhat weakened[Statistics Values 5]), far higher with Partial Devil Union (Far stronger than his base form), up to Small Planet level with Zetten (Up to 20x stronger than the form he is currently using. Stronger than his previous Zetten[Statistics Values 6])

Speed: Relativistic+ (Faster than before. Comparable to Yuno[Statistics Values 7]), higher with Black Asta (Faster than before. Comparable to Spirit Dive Yuno), FTL with Devil Union (Far faster than before. Kept up with Base Lucius) | Relativistic+ (Faster than before), higher with Black Asta (Faster than before), FTL with Partial Devil Union (On par with Ichika), higher Attack Speed with Zetten | Massively FTL (Blitzed Paladin Damnatio. Reached Sacred Power Lucius before he could attack Yuno[Statistics Values 8]), far higher with Partial Devil Union, even higher attack speed with Zetten

Lifting Strength: At least Class G (Much stronger than his Spade Saga base self), higher with Black Asta, Class Z with Devil Union (Stronger than before. Traded blows with Base Lucius) | At least Class G (Stronger than before), far higher with Black Asta (Stronger than before), Class Z with Devil Union (Stronger than before), far higher with Zetten (Stronger than his Devil Union) | At least Class G, Class Z with Devil Union

Striking Strength: Multi-Continent level (Comparable to his Attack Potency), higher with Black Asta, far higher with Partial Devil Union (Damaged Base Lucius) | Multi-Continent level, higher with Black Asta, Moon level with Partial Devil Union, up to Small Planet level with Zetten | At most Moon level+, far higher with Partial Devil Union, up to Small Planet level with Zetten

Durability: Multi-Continent level (Comparable to his Attack Potency), higher with Black Asta, far higher with Partial Devil Union (Comparable to his Attack Potency) | Multi-Continent level, higher with Black Asta, Moon level with Partial Devil Union (Took hits from Ichika), up to Small Planet level with Zetten (Can take the recoil of his attacks) | At most Moon level+, far higher with Devil Union, up to Small Planet level with Zetten

Stamina: Superhuman (Can still remain conscious after being sliced open from shoulder to hip with a diamond projectile with significant blood loss. Fought an army of zombies without getting tired for several hours and jumped through a wall of flames without flinching or receiving any damage. Kept fighting against Vetto despite taking severe damage and having both arms broken. Fought and defeated Ladros while having a hole pierced into him without showing any pain. Managed to re-enter his Black Asta form against Zagred and defeat him despite having just been forced out of it due to the strain it put on his body. Right before and during the Spade Kingdom Raid, Asta fought against Nacht for two days straight and continued to train with Liebe for an extended period, likely without sleeping, then fought and defeated an Ancient Demon with Devil Union and immediately headed to the Spade Kingdom afterward, where he fought and defeated Lilith and Naamah and then fought Morris afterward despite the physical backlash of using Devil Union. Immediately after, he went on to use Devil Union after the 30-minute cooldown ran out, destroying Lucifero's incomplete vessel and then fighting him in his half-manifested state, wherein he was brutally wounded, but still managed to get back up despite Mimosa being unable to even get close to completely heal him. After having his wounds sealed by Nero but not completely healed, he re-entered the fight against the full power of Lucifero's half-manifestation, where he suffered more grave injuries and ran out of Devil Union while still having enough stamina left to deal a final blow to the Devil King in his base form)

Range: Extended Melee Range, Hundreds of Kilometers with Devil Union, up to Thousands of kilometers with Zetten (Severed the 5-headed dragon's clouds away, which covered all but one island of the Land of the Sun, which is identical to Japan)

Standard Equipment:

  • Grimoire: Asta wields a five-leaf clover grimoire, which he receives during his fight with Revchi. The grimoire is tattered and covered in dirt, a black five-leaf clover insignia at the center of its front cover. Assume that the grimoire possesses unusual magic but is otherwise ordinary. Asta is able to summon rusted swords out of it, which he uses for his Anti-Magic. His grimoire used to be a four-leaf clover grimoire that belonged to Licht.
  • Demon-Slayer: Asta's first and primary Anti-Magic sword. It is the largest and heaviest of the four swords, dealing massive blunt damage with each swing and being a better shield overall, and reflects magic with the flat side. However, its heft means it is slower than the Demon-Dweller and Demon-Destroyer, making it less suitable for parrying and reflecting high-speed attacks. After the 6 months timeskip, Asta gained the ability to fly on Demon-Slayer by channeling Anti-Magic and calling it back by saying its name. By infusing Anti-Magic at the extremity of Demon-Slayer, Asta creates a spell called Black Divider. With Black Divider, Asta makes the extremity of Demon-Slayer sharper in order to deal deadlier injuries. In Devil Union, Asta changes the size of the sword itself, making it long and wide enough to deflect kilometer-sized projectiles.
  • Demon-Dweller: His second anti-magic weapon, which he discovered towards the end of his fight with Mars. A thinner and more ornate weapon, Asta can swing it much faster than the Demon Slayer Sword, allowing him to defend against attacks too fast for him to block with the Demon Slayer Sword and slice and stab opponents. As a trade-off, it lacks some of the heft of the Demon Slayer sword, resulting in weaker blows. After the 6 months timeskip, Asta gained the ability to summon Demon-Dweller by saying its name and create several Anti-Magic slashes by filling the sword with Anti-Magic and swinging it.
  • Demon-Destroyer: Asta's third Anti-Magic sword can cut through magic spells with its edges, just like his other two swords. It can also sever the cause-and-effect relationship to absorb and remove the effects of magic spells as if they were never cast or even negate Reincarnation Magic. The shape of Demon-Destroyer changes when Asta is in Devil Union.
  • Demon-Slasher: Asta's fourth and most recent Anti-Magic sword, a katana taken from Yami Sukehiro during the last second of their battle against Dante Zogratis. Can cut spells with its edge, just like his other three swords. In Devil Union, this sword can cut only what its user wants to cut, making it possible to pass through Asta's allies.


  • Average: Asta is a teen that was given minimum education due to living in the boondocks at the edge of the kingdom for most of his life and is thus fairly ignorant and book dumb.

  • More than 13 Years of training: Asta, just like Yuno, has been training since the age of 5, sometimes individually, and sometimes while sparring with Yuno too. While Yuno was training his magic, Asta training his physical abilities and his proficiency with weapons, as he uses sticks as swords. 10 years later, he receives a grimoire of his own, and his Anti-Magic sword. He then learned advanced swordsmanship from the Magic Teacher Fanzell Kruger. At the very early stage of his training, Fanzell already considered him to be among his 3 best students in battle, and even went so far as to put him in second place after Mars.
  • Constant exposure to life or death situations: He also got his first real battle with his life on the line during his training with Fanzell, as Fanzell was actually researched by the Diamond Kingdom's Special Assassination unit, which was led by Mariella one of the greatest soldiers of her Kingdom and Fanzell's third best student in battle. With a tag team with Fanzell, Asta managed to defeat the Special Assassination unit without taking much hits. After receiving advices from experienced Magic Knight Captains such as Yami Sukehiro and Fuegoleon Vermillion, he has become much calmer and level-headed in combat, focusing on the task at hand and maintaining his composure while under pressure and make quick and effective decisions that turns the outcome of the battle to his advantage such as during his fight against Valtos, where he let go of his swords despite being attacked from every direction and rushed at him at the first opportunity. Since then, more than 3 years have passed and Asta has been participating in countless battles with his life and the lives of his friends at stake, and kept getting better during each one of them.
    • Adapted to opponents more skilled than him (Kiato,Conrad Leto, and Yami Ichika)
    • Defeated characters with vastly superior range (Valtos, Conrad and Sister Lily)

  • Swordsmanship: Asta has been trained by none other than Fanzell Kruger, an ex-commander of the Diamond Kingdom, a kingdom focused around science and the military, and instructor of many now famous soldiers within the Diamond Kingdom, which includes Mariella of the Assassination Unit and Mars and Ladros, two of the new Eight Shining generals. His Swordsmanship skills also allows him to deflect several dozen of projectiles coming at close range and from every directions, thus while protecting people. During his battle against Valtos, Asta even managed to deflect just as many projectiles while doing flips and other sorts of acrobatics. Asta's skills grows better each day as he constantly trains and surpasses his limits against more experienced opponents, he managed to accurately mimic Kiato fighting style, who is very proficient in swordsmanship, combining his sword skills with his dance moves, a fighting style that has been acknowledged by Yami. Kiato's skills allows him to deflect the energy output of the opponent's attack, and therefore take the least amount of damage possible from opponents such as Vetto, that are strong enough to one-shot him. While fighting, he's movements are unpredictable to the point that Precognition and sharp senses are unable to keep up with his movements and actually ends up having their own senses thrown off.
  • Ki (?): Ki is the blank term for all natural energy the body releases, it includes one's scent, breathing, muscle movement, glare, emotions and even their very presence. Asta learned how to sense ki with Yami, and now he can even manipulate his own ki to use it offensively after mastering the technique named Zetten (絶天ぜってん?). Zetten is a complex technique that skilled fighters dedicate years of practice on it to perform even a single one, and rarely gives any result. Only a few fighters can perform a perfect Zetten, and much less of them can perform it whenever they want like a second nature. Zetten users increase their amount of ki by many tens of times up to a hundred times and condense it within the striking point and erupt it all at once the very moment they land the strike. Zetten is often used to burst into the opponent before they properly react, to break the opponent's guard, to parry and deflect a powerful strike or even use it as a finishing blow when the user is sure to connect.

  • Creativity: Asta is known for his creativity, making use of his sword in such ways that makes him unique and sometimes, like a proficient user of a totally different type of weapon, which renders his actions unpredictable. In the Witches' Forest Arc, Asta couldn't hit Ladros who flew dozens of meters above the ground. As deflecting his attacks was helpless, he decided to let himself get hit by those attacks to create a smokescreen around him and then throw one of his heavy swords akin to a javelin to stab him very close to the heart while he was still up in the air, making him fall in critical condition.

  • Fast Learner: Asta is a fast learner and takes any sort of advice to become better, even implicit ones. During his battle against Patry, Asta learned Ki sensing in his first attempt, even surprising Yami, and mastered it right after.

  • Great Analyst: Asta always tries to analyze techniques and movements that he knows will be beneficial for his way of fighting, to the point mimicking, stealing and mastering upon the first try the stances and battle techniques of his previous, more experienced allies and opponents after just seeing them once. After gaining the ability to sense ki, Asta's analytic abilities are further enhanced as he can now analyse his opponent by their muscle movements, their breathing, their smell, their glare, their emotional state and even their mere presence. Ki can detect even the small changes in emotions such as Nacht twitching to Asta's catch phrase because he hates it, which he used to his advantage to figure out the real Nacht among his countless clones with the exact same life energy. He also figured out the different ways of using Zetten after simultaneously getting hit 3 times by it.

  • Accelerated Growth: Yami Sukehiro himself compliments Asta's ability of pick up techniques in the heat of the battle. During his sparring with Kiato, Asta went from being unable to predict his movements and sense him due to Kiato's unique swordsmanship, to not only being able to reproduce his own technique despite not being able to use Magic, but also using it well enough to disarm him with ease. This doesn't end there, as during his battle against Magna, Asta was able to deflect for five minutes straight a barrage of fireballs that turns invisible right before the impact and randomly teleports around the target, making it very difficult to predict, and did so with ease despite not keeping up with a single fireball throw at him during his first two attempts moments before that. In the latest events of the series, Asta managed to grow stronger just by getting pummeled by the Ryuzen Seven, as he initially was no match to a bare handed Ichika and stated his Devil Union wouldn't have mattered, but later on within the same day he, was capable of matching Ichika at Full Power almost blow for blow. His ability to learn new techniques and adapt to situations is further enhanced when he is in the midst of a battle or when his back is against the wall as he always tries to surpass his limits.

  • Weaknesses: None Notable.

    Notable Attacks/Techniques:

    Anti-Magic (アンチほう Anchi Mahō?): Asta possesses no mana and therefore cannot use magic. However, his lack of magic allows him to wield the power of Anti-Magic, a power manifested from Liebe's hatred towards demons. As its name suggests, Anti-Magic has the unique ability to nullify other magical attacks without difficulty. He uses this power through his bond with Liebe. He currently has 4 swords: the Demon-Slayer Sword, which can cleave through virtually any kind of magic with its edges, and deflects magic back with the flat parts of the sword, the Demon-Dweller and Demon-Destroyer Swords, which besides capable of cleaving and deflecting magic, can also absorb magic for the former and revert magic effects for the latter. He later gained Yami's Katana and dubbed it Demon-Slasher, this katana has the particularity to select what he wants to cut. (Used for Magic and Energy Nullification)

    • Bull Thrust (雄牛の刺突ブル・スラスト Buru Surasuto?): After being flung through the air, Asta points both the Demon-Slayer Sword and Demon-Dweller Sword in front of himself. Any spells or magic life forms in front of Asta are dispelled after coming in contact with the swords. Asta is also incapable of changing direction without the help of Spatial Magic users.
    • Mirrors Slash (鏡斬撃ミラーズ・スラッシュ Mirāzu Surasshu?): After Asta has been multiplied with Mirrors Brigade, the Demon-Dweller Sword absorbs an ally's magic and, with a swing, releases the magic in a flurry of flying slashes, which can nullify magic.
    • Demon-Slayer Sword: Black Divider (だいつるぎ真黒中仕切ブラック・ディヴァイダー Danma no Tsurugi: Burakku Divaidā?): While wielding the Demon-Slayer Sword, Asta pushes the Anti-Magic to the edges of the blade, increasing its size and extending its reach. After the Timeskip, he learned to use Black Divider without needing to transform into Black Asta.
    • Demon-Dweller Sword: Black Slash (宿しゅくつるぎ真黒斬撃ブラック・スラッシュ Shukuma no Tsurugi: Burakku Surasshu?): Ability learned after the six months of training in the Heart Kingdom. While holding the Demon-Dweller Sword, Asta fills the sword with Anti-Magic, swings it, and releases the energy as a flying slash which cuts through magic and carries enough force to knock an opponent back into a wall or up through a ceiling. The slash does not appear to cut the opponent but can knock them unconscious. Asta could swing the sword in rapid succession to create a flurry of slashes to target multiple opponents.
    • Causality Break (いん解放かいほう Inga Kaihō?, Viz: "Fate Release"): It absorbs and removes the effects of spells by severing the cause-and-effect relationship. The sword emanates tendrils of Anti Magic that touch those affected by magic and then draw back into the sword, turning the blade black. Since the ability affects causality, these tendrils negate not only the magic but also its effects, such as the tissue damage caused by a magical poison; the other Anti Magic Weapons cannot do this and affect only active magic.

    Black Asta (真黒ブラックアスタ Burakku Asuta?): After being healed by the Witch Queen and nearly being defeated by Ladros, Asta discovered the ability to channel the flow of Anti-Magic emanating out of his swords through his body, greatly increasing his strength and speed while clearing his mind of all doubts and extraneous thoughts and improving his focus and clarity of mind. At first, he needs some concentration and his two hands on his sword to channel Anti-Magic and transform, but he can now transform into Black Asta with relative ease.

    • Black Meteorite (真黒隕石ブラック・メテオライト Burakku Meteoraito?): After activating his Black Asta form, Asta lunges at his opponent, homing in on his target's mana signature. At the same time, the shroud of Anti-Magic around him nullifies oncoming magical attacks, dealing a powerful slash to the target once he is in range.
    • Black Hurricane (真黒台颶風ブラック・ハリケーン Burakku Harikēn?): With Anti-Magic flowing from the Demon Slayer Sword, Asta steps forward and spins around rapidly, engulfing his surroundings with arcs of Anti-Magic that nullify any magical spells or constructs they come into contact with. This ability can deactivate an entire field of magical traps of various kinds in an instant.
    • Compound Magic (複合ふくごうほう Fukugō Mahō?): Despite not being able to use magic, Asta can still combine his Anti-Magic with another magic. Compound Magic combines multiple different spells to create a single, more powerful spell. A smaller variation, Union Magic (合体がったいほう Gattai Mahō?) is the combination of only two spells.
    • Mirrors Slash: After Asta has been multiplied with Mirrors Brigade, the Demon-Dweller Sword absorbs an ally's magic and, with a swing, releases the magic in a flurry of flying slashes, which can nullify magic.
    • Mirrors Meteorite: While wielding the Demon-Slayer Sword, Asta coats himself in Anti-Magic and is then multiplied with Gauche's Magic tool, just like Mirrors Brigade. The original Black Asta and his copies then charge a target from multiple directions using Black Meteorite.

    Note: Compound Magic and Union Magic spells can only be used with another mage, therefore not usable in 1 versus 1 scenarios.

    Devil Union: After the Devil-Binding Ritual, Asta gained the ability to assimilate with his devil and fuse. This transformation is much more powerful than his Black Asta mode, but he can only use it for 5 minutes, and afterward, he can't use Devil Union or Black Asta for 30 more minutes. In this state, he can overpower and kill a fused Lilith and Naamah, who were separately powerful enough to destroy concepts like darkness. Asta's presence leaks out Anti-Magic, so most magic can't be performed, but more powerful magic can still be used. Most notably, though, is that Asta and Liebe were formerly not truly merged as the feelings of one of them were overlapping the feelings of the other. However, in the final battle against Lucifero, their feelings finally merge, and they achieve what Nacht believes to be "a true Devil Union". After the second time-skip of a fifteen months, Asta can do a version where he can use it for 10 minutes if he only applies it to a part of his body instead of fully cloaking himself with it.

    • Demon Slasher~ Infinite Slash Equinox (ざんげんり「がん Zanma: Mugengiri "Higan"?): While wielding the Demon-Slasher Sword in his Devil Union state, Asta raises the sword above his head and then performs a downward slash, which produces a massive Anti-Magic flying slash. The attack can travel for miles without losing its edge, and the slash will not injure the user's allies, even if they are in the path of the attack.


    1. Due to the enhanced effects of Asta's overflowing anti-magic in Devil Union mode, he passively erases magic in his surroundings at an accelerated rate. Therefore he is unable to enjoy any advantages offered by his allies, and his allies are wary of casting spells near him. However, this could work in his favor against the enemy. This effect is less noticeable when he is in Black Mode.
    2. Anti-Magic, especially from Devil Union, is very effective against Devils.

    Ki: During the battle opposing Patry and Yami, Asta learned how to read the natural energy given off by living beings to read their current emotional state or predict their subsequent attacks, granting him a pseudo-sixth sense of danger and enhancing his reaction speed. (Used for various things, such as Chi Manipulation, Damage Boost, Enhanced Senses, Precognition, Information Analysis, emotion reading and Extrasensory Perception)


    Notable Matchups





    1. Black Clover Volume 3, Chapter 22
    2. Black Clover Volume 5, Chapter 42
    3. Black Clover Volume 27, Chapter 269
    4. Black Clover Volume 27, Chapter 267
    5. Black Clover Volume 1 Chapter 4
    6. Black Clover Volume 25, Chapter 242
    7. Black Clover Volume 6, Chapter 48
    8. Black Clover Volume 21, Chapter 200
    9. Black Clover Volume 10 Chapter 97
    10. Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King Movie


    1. 594.09989 Petatons
    2. 3.56459 Exatons
    3. 35.64599 Exatons
    4. 712.91987 Exatons
    5. 356.45993 Exatons
    6. 7.12919 Zettatons
    7. 0.88522 c
    8. 478.48231 c


    Discussion threads involving Asta (Final Saga)