“ | Oh, and Frisk... Be careful in the world, OK? Despite what everyone thinks, it's not as nice as it is here. There are a lot of Floweys out there. And not everything can be resolved by just being nice. Frisk... Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright? That's the best you can strive for. Well, see you. | „ |
~ Asriel |
“ | I still need one more... Before I become GOD. And then, with my newfound powers... Monsters. Humans. Everyone. I'll show them the REAL meaning of this world. | „ |
~ Photoshop Flowey |
“ | Hee hee hee. Did you really think I was gonna be satisfied... ...killing you only ONE time? | „ |
~ Photoshop Flowey |
“ | You know... I don't care about destroying this world anymore. After I defeat you and gain total control over the timeline... I just want to reset everything. All your progress... Everyone's memories. I'll bring them all back to zero! | „ |
~ Asriel |
“ | Every time you die, your grip on this world slips away. Every time you die, your friends forget you a little more. Your life will end here, in a world where no one remembers you... | „ |
~ Asriel |
Flowey the Flower is one of the main antagonists in Undertale. He first appears in the Ruin, attempting to kill Frisk for their soul before being chased by Toriel. Following this event, the flower will stalk Frisk through the Underground, something appearing to mock them before culminating in him taking the 6 human SOULs for himself and becoming an almost godlike being, Photoshop Flowey.
It is eventually revealed that Flowey is a flower brought to life by having Determination injected into it that holds his memories as Asriel Dreemurr, the deceased son of King Asgore and Queen Toriel, who is repeatedly mentioned in backstory and by other characters you encounter in the Underground, eventually making his appearance during the game's true ending. Many years ago, not too long after monsters had been forced into the Underground by humanity, Asriel was the one who discovered Chara, the original Fallen Child and took them back to his parents. The King and Queen took the child in, raising them as their own. Very soon, Chara became Asriel's closest and only friend. However, the prince soon noticed his adopted sibling's vehement hatred for humanity, and while he turned a blind eye to it at the time, he speculated that the child's reasons for running away from home in the first place were not exactly the most pleasant, clearly leaving a deep wound in their psyche that never healed.
Powers and Stats
Tier: Likely High 8-C | At least 7-C, likely far higher | High 8-C, higher with LV | Low 2-C, possibly higher | 2-B, far higher while using his true power
Key: Asriel Dreemurr | Chara's SOUL Absorbed | Flowey | Photoshop Flowey | God of Hyperdeath
Name: Flowey The Flower, Asriel Dreemurr
Origin: Undertale
Gender: Male | Unknown | Inapplicable as a flower (Though still uses male pronouns) | As before | Male
Age: Unknown (Was pre-teen when killed, didn't exist in the time the first 6 humans were killed in the Underground and then existed as a flower for an unknown time before getting bored and using his powers to reset time many times)
Classification: Boss Monster, Prince of The Underground | "Horrible Beast with Unfathomable Power" | "Your Best Friend", Sentient Flower, Soulless Being | Flower-like Monstrosity, "God" (By himself, though he admits he's yet to become one) | Boss Monster, God (Described as one by the Underground's lore), "The Absolute GOD of Hyperdeath!" (By himself), Angel (Presumably the Angel of the Delta Rune legend)
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Boss Monster Physiology (Outside of Danmaku due to lacking fighting skills unlike his parents)
All previous abilities to a greater extent, plus:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Genius Intelligence
- Plant Physiology (As a flower, he can produce large plant tendrils at will and "friendliness pellets")
- Aura and Social Influencing (Implied to be the same as Frisk due to him having Determination and managing to become friends with everyone, solving all of their problems flawlessly similairly to the latter, who has an aura of peaceful Determination which will cause any opponent that is unsure of their desire to fight to give up.[2])
- Acausality (Type 1; As shown consistently throughout the game, Flowey is capable of retaining his memories throughout RESETs, an example of such being him noticing Frisk using the SAVE to spare Toriel after killing her or viceversa, or also using his power to RESET so much that he knows every possible outcome and detail that can happen in the Underground.[3] With his "control over the timeline"/Time Manipulation matched, Repeated deaths make his grip in the timeline slip away, which can eventually result in him forgetting everything experienced little by little)
- Danmaku (Can create an unavoidable ring of bullets to trap the opponent)
- SOUL Absorption and Transformation (As a flower, he is neither a human nor a monster,[4][5][6] making him capable of absorbing both Human and Monsters SOULs,[7] which allow him to transform in Photoshop Flowey/God of Hyperdeath)
- SOUL Manipulation, Magic and Non-Physical Interaction (Despite not being a monster anymore, Flowey has showcased to still have their magic properties, due to him being implied to have within his body[4][5][6] Asriel's dust,[8] which is a monster's essence, other than being able to harm Frisk's SOUL with his attacks)
- Body Control and Voice Mimicry (Capable of warping his face into a variety of shapes and sizes at will, making him able to also mimic the faces of other people. Can also mimic voices, as showcased from him using the voice of his former Asriel self or speaking with Toriel's voice in an Echo Flower)
- Small Size (Type 0; Is a flower roughly half the size of Frisk)
- Supernatural Willpower and Empowerment (DETERMINATION is the extreme strength of will to keep living.[9] Should be superior to monsters with less control over their DETERMINATION such as Undyne)
- Breaking the Fourth Wall (Spoke with the Player and asked them to not use the TRUE RESET[7])
- If he has control over the timeline, he gains Time Manipulation and Immortality (Type 4, Type 2 after dying; Via the SAVE System, Flowey can decide whether or not to return back to the world[3] through his SAVE point.[3] It should be noted however that if an individual is determined enough they can override Flowey's ability to do this, thus making Flowey lose his SAVE powers[3])
Resistances and Immunities to:
- Empathic Manipulation (Lacks the power to feel love for other people and thus compassion,[10] although his fear of being killed by Chara overpowered this, much to his surprise)
- Extreme Heat and Extreme Cold (Should be the same as Frisk and Undyne who resisted an explosion of over 9000 °F. Also followed the former into Snowdin and Hotland, the former being Hotland, hot enough to vaporize a styrofoam cup and water instantly, and the latter being so cold that its ice and snow resist the temperatures of Hotland, with Undyne finding Snowdin to be significantly cold and spiders even dying there because of this[11])
- Immunity to Soul Manipulation (Asriel died while having his SOUL fused[1] with Chara's, with his body becoming dust[8] and his SOUL disappearing,[12] reincarnating as a flower after Alphys has injected Determination into a soulless flower that grew after Asriel's dust was dispersed over it,[4][5][6] and Flowey himself saying to lack[3] a SOUL multiple times)
All the abilities of Flowey to a much greater extent, including the following:
- Large Size (Type 0; 11.87 meters tall. Incredibly large, taking up the entire arena the fight takes place in)
- Greater Supernatural Willpower and Empowerment (Implied to have greatly surpassed Frisk's DETERMINATION after absorbing the 6 Human SOULs, as he could take back the control over the timeline, which is given to the one with the highest amount of it[3])
- Danmaku (Same as before. Most of his attacks involve using a large amount of projectiles of various shapes against the opponent)
- Energy Projection (Capable of firing X-Shaped Bullets from his eyes and a large laser from his mouth)
- Explosion Manipulation (Can create a large downpour of bombs)
- Fire Manipulation (Has Arm-Mounted Flamethrowers)
- Reality Warping
- Data Manipulation, Text Manipulation and limited Information Manipulation (Type 2; Was able to manipulate the game's files, thus changing the intro of the game, overwriting the title to "FLOWEYTALE" and replacing Frisk's datas on the SAVE File with his own)
- Greater Time Manipulation (Can load back to his multitude of save files at will)
- Existence Erasure (Erased Frisk's SAVE File. Supposedly erased the entire Underground and everything in it, leaving a black void, although it's debateable if it actually happened due to him later admitting that he needs a 7th SOUL to destroy humanity, and if the Barrier was actually limiting him from reaching the outside world)
- Creation and likely Life Manipulation (Capable of creating flying plant abominations at will)
All the Resistances of Flowey (minus the Immunity to Soul Manipulation and Resistance to Empathic Manipulation), including the following:
- Soul Manipulation (Should be like the other monsters who can take SOUL attacks as physical ones. Has 6 human SOULs within his being, with a single human SOUL being as great as all monster ones[12])
All the abilities of Photoshop Flowey to an unfathomable higher scale, now lacking the weakness of conflict with the souls, size differences, and his plant physiology, in addition to:
- Boss Monster Physiology (Returned to be his original Monster self after getting the power of 7 Human SOULs)
- Flight and Afterimage Creation (Both shown here)
- Better Transformation (As shown here)
- Weapon Creation (Can create two large sabers or a blaster for his attacks)
- Electricity Manipulation (Can summon lighting projectiles)
- Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Can keep fighting while the timeline he is in is destroyed)
- Immortality (Type 4) and Resurrection (Low-Godly; Should be the same as Frisk due to having equal amounts of DETERMINATION, as neither of them was able to have control over the timeline due to their DETERMINATION nullifying each other[7])
- Danmaku (Should be able of using the same attacks of his Photoshop Flowey self. Capable of also releasing a large amount of star-shaped bullets with "Chaos Buster" or "Star Blazing", or many cube-like projectiles with "Hyper Goner")
- Even greater Supernatural Willpower and Empowerment (After absorbing the 6 Human SOULs alongside of the SOULs of all the monsters, he has a far higher amount of DETERMINATION, to the point of being capable to use a TRUE RESET)
- Information Manipulation (Type 2) and greater Existence Erasure (Has around the same level of DETERMINATION as Chara in their Absolute and the Player due to him being capable of using the TRUE RESET, and has initially planned to destroy the entire Undertale world[7] in a similar manner as the former after adopting their view on the world.[1] The TRUE RESET is also what was likely used from Chara to restore the entire game world and all its files after that they've erased it[13])
- Type 1 Acausality Negation (Can use the TRUE RESET like The Player)
- Summoning (Capable of summoning Lost SOULS to aid in battle, other than a skull-like creature with his "Hyper Goner" attack)
- Limited Memory Manipulation (Implied to have erased the memories of the SOULs he absorbed[7])
Same as his Base, including the following:
- Status Effect Inducement and Passive Paralysis Inducement (When using his true power, Frisk was unable to move, though they eventually broke free)
- Danmaku (Should be the same as his Base form. Able to use also an overwhelming amount of energy orbs)
All the Resistances of Photoshop Flowey, including the following:
- Existence Erasure and Information Manipulation (Type 2; Should be the same as Frisk due to having equal amounts of DETERMINATION)
- Likely Type 1 Acausality Negation (Likely should be the same as Chara in their Absolute due to having similar levels of DETERMINATION)
As he absorbed the SOULs[7] of every monster[10] of the Underground (outside of Napstablook),[10] they can be reached as lost SOULs to attack in a mindless manner, making Asriel get access to:
- Bone Manipulation and Gravity Manipulation (From Sans and Papyrus)
- Durability Negation, Status Effect Inducement, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Platform Creation, Intangible Attacks and likely Time Stop (Despite the fact that Sans doesn't attack as a lost SOUL, Asriel should still be capable of using his powers due to having his SOUL)
- Limited Toon Force (From Papyrus)
- Creation, Explosion Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Smoke Manipulation and Technology Manipulation (From Alphys, Mettaton and Vulkin)
- Thread Manipulation, Animal Manipulation and Statistics Reduction (From Muffet, Reaper Bird and Vulkin)
- Homing Attack, Summoning, Energy Projection, Duplication and possibly Age Manipulation (From Mad Dummy, Mad Mew Mew, Greater Dog, So Sorry, Mettaton, Reaper Bird and Sans)
- Danmaku
- Paralysis Inducement (From Undyne)
- Sound Manipulation (From Shyren and Greater Dog)
- Statistics Amplification (From Aaron)
- Fire Manipulation, Magma Manipulation and Heat Manipulation (From his parents due to being Boss Monsters, and Monsters at Hotland like Pyrope or Vulkin)
- Water Manipulation (From Woshua and Aaron)
- Plant Manipulation (From Vegetoid)
- Memory Manipulation and possibly Reactive Power Level (From Memory Head)
- Mind Manipulation and Status Effect Inducement (From Madjick, Undyne's ability to make a letter that Frisk is unable to drop and Gerson's ability to prevent others to attack him while he's in his shop)
- Ice Manipulation (From Ice Cap)
- Healing and possibly Energy Manipulation (From Toriel and other monsters who can use healing projectiles)
- Earth Manipulation and Plasma Manipulation (From Knight Knight)
- Afterimage Creation (From Asgore)
Attack Potency: Likely Large Building level+[Statistics Value 1] (As a Boss Monster, Asriel is exceptionally powerful,[12] making him likely on the same level of strong monsters such as Woshua and Papyrus), Can ignore conventional durability with SOUL Magic
Speed: At least Subsonic+,[Statistics Value 2] likely Supersonic+,[Statistics Value 3] possibly Massively Hypersonic+[Statistics Value 4] (At least superior to average monsters who can fight Frisk, who can dodge sound attacks at this speed. Likely scales to stronger monsters in the Core like Tsunderplane)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Unknown, likely Large Building level+[Statistics Value 1]
Durability: Likely Large Building level+[Statistics Value 1]
Stamina: Unknown
Range: Standard Melee Range, likely Tens of Meters with Magic (Should possess similar magic to his parents)
Attack Potency: At least Town level, likely far higher[Statistics Value 5] (Absorbed Chara's SOUL, allowing him to access to all of its power, which on its own has the combined strength of every monster in the Underground.[12] Because of this, he gained enough power to easily exterminate an entire human village if he wanted to,[8] as a monster with a human SOUL is described as a "horrible beast with unfathomable power"), Can ignore conventional durability with SOUL Magic
Speed: At least Hypersonic,[Statistics Value 6] possibly Massively Hypersonic+[Statistics Value 4] (Should be much faster than the likes of Asgore)
Lifting Strength: At least Class M[Statistics Value 7] (As a Monster with the power of a Human SOUL, he should be far superior to the likes of Asgore)
Striking Strength: At least Town level, likely far higher[Statistics Value 5]
Durability: At least Town level, likely far higher[Statistics Value 5] (Took countless bloodlusted attacks from a large crowd of humans while refusing to fight, exposing all of his weaknesses, and still managed to make it all the way back to the underground before eventually giving in to his injuries)
Stamina: Superhuman (As a monster with the power of a Human SOUL, he should be at least comparable, if not above the likes of Undyne and Asgore)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with Magic (Should have stronger magic than his parents)
Attack Potency: Large Building level+,[Statistics Value 1] higher with LV (Flowey's amount of strength varies with his LV, which increases when he kills enemies. At LV 1 he is already able to easily almost one-shot a Frisk at LV 1 with Minimal Determination, or to also move an elevator at subsonic speeds. From gaining enough LV, he could kill everyone in the Underground, thus making him able to harm and eventually kill also the likes of Undyne and Mettaton EX, although LOVE primarily measures violence and willingness to hurt, which is extremely effective against monsters, though he still couldn't defeat Asgore even once. His LV goes back to 1 when he resets), Can ignore conventional durability with SOUL Magic
Speed: Supersonic+,[Statistics Value 3] possibly Massively Hypersonic+[Statistics Value 4] (As he could kill almost everyone in the Underground, he should at least be comparable to the likes of Tsunderplane. Destroyed Asgore's SOUL before Frisk could absorb it)
Lifting Strength: Unknown physically, Class M[Statistics Value 7] with vines (Moved an elevator at subsonic speeds, and kept its doors with his vines)
Striking Strength: Large Building level+,[Statistics Value 1] higher with LV
Durability: Large Building level+,[Statistics Value 1] higher with LV
Stamina: Unknown, likely Superhuman (While little is known about how Flowey fights in his base form, it should be noted that he made multiple journeys through the whole of the Underground, as showcased from the fact that he could obtain all the possible knownledge that is possible to obtain there through the usage of RESETs, thus making him likely comparable to Frisk who also can do the same)
Range: Several Meters, Kilometers[Statistics Value 8] with vines (His vines could solve puzzles, or shut doors from far away), Low Multiversal with the SAVE System (SAVE and LOAD can cause entire timelines to jump left and right[note 1])
Attack Potency: Universe level+, possibly higher (Has the combined power of the 6 Human SOULs and is able to use it completely, resulting in his Determination being amplified and him being able to easily one-shot a Frisk with immense amounts of Determination when not holding back. Able to warp and manipulate at will the timeline, as shocased from him overwriting its data and making it "His World", other than him easily destroying Frisk's SAVE File and replacing it with his own, with SAVE Files representing the timeline that the user has control over, as seen by Frisk still having one even if they never SAVE. Made multiple SAVE Files during his fight. Crashed the game after transforming, and renamed it "FLOWEYTALE". After recovering those 6 human SOULs, he effortlessly overpowered the combined might of Toriel, Asgore, Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus and Sans.[7]), Can ignore conventional durability with SOUL Magic
Speed: Hypersonic+,[Statistics Value 9] possibly Massively Hypersonic+[Statistics Value 10] (Kept up with a Frisk who defeated Asgore, and could repeatedly blitz them when not holding back at the end of their fight. Fast enough to trap in his vines Toriel, Asgore, Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus and Sans, without letting them even a chance to react)
Lifting Strength: At least Class M, likely far higher[Statistics Value 11] (His sheer size is comparable to an entire room. Was able to restrain at the same time without any effort Toriel, Asgore, Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus and Sans)
Striking Strength: Universe level+, possibly higher
Durability: Universe level+, possibly higher (Should be the same as his Attack Potency as he has the power of 6 human SOULs, which brought his Determination to this level)
Stamina: Superhuman (Immensely superior to any his previous forms. Planned to toy and torture Frisk in the fight against them, going to even use SAVE and LOAD in order to kill them over and over without an end)
Range: Tens of Meters via sheer size, Kilometers[Statistics Value 8] with vines, Universal+, possibly higher with powers (His Determination completely overpowered Frisk's, allowing him to overwrite the timeline to his likes and even crash the game), Low Multiversal with the SAVE System
Attack Potency: Multiverse level (Claimed to be able to destroy the Undertale world and would be capable of resetting it through a TRUE RESET,[7] which resets the entirety of the world. As Flowey, he adopted the same view on the world that Chara has,[1] and intended on working together with them to destroy everything in the Genocide Route. His ATK value is infinite, making him the strongest enemy in the game by far. Casually erased a whole timeline using the "Hyper Goner". Physically far superior to a Frisk with Peak Determination, with the latter being totally unable to harm him[7]), far higher while using his true power (After stopping to use just a fraction of his real power and releasing his true form, he made the world slowly end with his presence. Instantly brought Frisk's HP to 1 with his strongest attack),[note 1] Can ignore conventional durability with SOUL Magic
Speed: Immeasurable (His "Hyper Goner" attack can erase an entire timeline, and Asriel can keep up against Frisk who was able to outrun said attack[note 2])
Lifting Strength: At least Class M, likely far higher[Statistics Value 11] (Unfathomably stronger than any previous form)
Striking Strength: Multiverse level, far higher while using his true power
Durability: Multiverse level, far higher while using his true power (The values of his attack and defense are showcased as being equal to each other)
Stamina: Superhuman (As a being with the power of 7 Human SOULs, he should be at least comparable to, if not far above his Photoshop Flowey self)
Range: Extended Melee Range with Swords, up to Multiversal with powers
Standard Equipment: Usually none, though as the God of Hyperdeath he can create weapons such as sabers and a blaster.
- Below Average before dying and becoming Flowey. While little information is revealed about his past, it is known that as a child, Asriel was very innocent and naive, as shown from him letting Chara manipulate him to the point of accepting their suicide plan to free the Monsters from the barrier keeping them in the Underground.
- Genius after becoming Flowey (including Photoshop Flowey and God of Hyperdeath). Due to having the ability to retain his memories through RESETs, Flowey is incredibly clever, obtaining almost all the possible knownledge that is possible to achieve in the Underground though making every possible action in it, and living all the possible outcomes of said actions. Because of this, he's also able to manipulate many of the game's characters into doing exactly what he wants, even across different timelines, due to him exactly knowing what would certain individuals do or say in different situations, to the point of seeing them as merely "sets of numbers" or "lines of dialogue". He has also a good combat experience, due to him being capable of killing nearly everyone in the Underground.
Standard Monster weakness. Asriel is extremely innocent and naive, being easily convinced into carrying Chara's empty body across the village.[14][15] Has no real desire to hurt anyone, refusing to fight back against a crowd of bloodlusted humans which eventually leads to his death.[8]
Same as before, shares control over the soul he absorbs and can come to a standstill in the face of conflict with the soul in attempting to take different actions.[1]
Similar to Frisk, whenever a reset occurs, his LOVE and stats drop back down to their base. While extremely difficult, sufficient failure can make a user of Determination give up, though this can result in a Reset much earlier than the last SAVE; This is likely what happened when Flowey faced Sans, hence he never got the human SOULs himself. The existence of someone with a higher amount of Determination (as it exists in Undertale) would result in the inability of beings with lesser amounts of it[3] from using their power to SAVE and LOAD, due to the control over the timeline being inherited to only the one with the highest amount of Determination.[16]
As before. Does not have full control over the six SOULs which power him, and someone as determined as Frisk was able to make them leave his body.
As in the third key. Will begin to lose his homicidal intentions and craziness due regaining the ability to care and having a SOUL again, eventually reversing to a much more innocent child, though it took a while and special care for Frisk in order to truly "save" him.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- 'Friendliness' Pellets: Arguably Flowey's most notable attack, Flowey will shoot small bullet projectiles at the opponent, of which was capable of severely injuring low determination frisk instantly.
- DETERMINATION: The source of their power and abilities. The user is empowered by the feeling of determination, allowing it to strengthen their capabilities and use certain new powers. In Flowey's case, being infused with DETERMINATION turned him from a regular flower where the dust of Asriel fell into what he is now,[6] although, notably, it's likely that Asriel's "essence" lived in that flower.
- SAVE: When particularly determined, the user can "SAVE" the current moment in time, filling a file inside the game with information about their current process, LV, etc. This file may or may not a physical object that exists somewhere, as Flowey was able to destroy Frisk's while potentially outside any physical land in the Underground, breaking the 4° wall and being outside the places one should "normally" visit in the game. A user may create a SAVE when really wanting to anywhere, finding the yellow flash shown in-game isn't necessary. Someone else with the same use of DETERMINATION and higher determination will result in this ability to SAVE being disabled from Flowey.
- LOAD: Turns back time to the last SAVE made, this can even be used after dying. Another user of DETERMINATION, Frisk, often dies by having their SOUL shattered into pieces, and can still LOAD after it. Someone else with the same use of DETERMINATION and higher determination will result in this ability to LOAD being disabled from Flowey.
- Reset: Turns back time to the beginning of the game. In Flowey's case, it's possible this may take him way back before it, when he first woke up as a flowey or when he discovered his ability to SAVE and LOAD.
- True Reset: As before, but overpowering certain characters' ability to remember events after being reset.
Should be capable of doing all previous attacks and techniques, plus.
- Flamethrowers: Photoshop Flowey has the ability to summon flamethrowers to help in combat, he fires them at each side of his opponent.
- Vines: One of his more common attacks, this attack usually works by aiming at where his opponent his and the sending various vines to impale them.
- Laser: One of his more stronger attacks, Flowey can charge up and fire a large energy beam from his mouth.
- Bombs: Photoshop Flowey can shoot down multiple bombs on his enemies, which explode once they hit the ground.
- Plant Maws: Photoshop Flowey summons 3 worm-like plant creatures, which ricochet off the walls to opponents.
- Finger Bullets: Photoshop Flowey will summon a bunch of plant stems with finger guns on them in an attempt to shoot opponents.
- Venus Flytrap: Photoshop Flowey will release a Venus Flytrap which summons a swarm of flies which home in on the flytrap.
Should be capable of doing all previous attacks and techniques, plus.
- STAR BLAZING: Large, star-shaped projectiles rain down from the top-right corner of the sky in rapid succession, each one detonating into expanding rings of smaller projectiles just above the ground followed by one final, larger star that detonates directly above with a much larger explosion of projectiles.
- SHOCKER BREAKER: Asriel strikes the battlefield with bolts of lightning several times, that an opponent has to be skilled enough to dodge it. The regular version simply strikes in an alternating striped pattern, first small bolts, then large ones, electrifying a regular enemy.
- CHAOS SABER: Asriel hovers directly above his enemy and swipes the surrounding area multiple times with his sabers, finishing by swiping both sides, leaving slow-moving residual sparks picking up velocity and flying across the area, hitting an unaware opponent. He will eventually get faster later in the fight.
- CHAOS BUSTER: Asriel summons a blaster and fires various waves of bullets aimed at his enemies, and finishes with a charged beam. The attack shoots in a pattern, which starts at three lines to four lines, vice versa.
- HYPERGONER: Asriel's final and strongest attack before he begins fighting at full power. His power covers the entire battleground before a large creature resembling a Gaster Blaster is summoned. It then proceeds to laugh mockingly, and then creates a suction that attempts to draw the opponent to its center.
Extra Note: Due to being fused with a human SOUL in his second key Asriel and any monster-human fusion may have a wider range of abilities in this state from determination. However due to conflict between the monster and human SOUL, which has shown in the Photoshop Flowey flight to limit abilities such as SAVE and LOAD, it is unknown how many Determination-based abilities he can use.
Notable Matchups
- Beerus (Dragon Ball) Beerus' Profile (Photoshop Flowey was used, speed was equalized, and the fight took place on Beerus' planet)
- Galeem (Super Smash Bros.) Galeem's Profile (Both were Low 2-C and speed was equalized)
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Asriel's Flowerbed Dialogue
- ↑ Undertale Demo (Manual)
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 New Home: Flowey's Story (Genocide Route)
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 True Lab: Entry 7
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 True Lab: Entry 8
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 True Lab: Entry 18
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 True Pacifist Ending
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 New Home: Asriel's Story
- ↑ True Lab: Entry 5
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Asriel Dreemurr Post-Fight Dialogue
- ↑ Muffet Battle (Neutral/Pacifist Route)
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Waterfall: The War of Humans and Monsters
- ↑ Genocide Route Ending
- ↑ True Lab: Tape 4
- ↑ True Lab: Tape 5
- ↑ Legends of Localization - Book 3: UNDERTALE
Statistics Values
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 7.28 Tons of TNT.
- ↑ 197.35 m/s.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Mach 4.86.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Mach 3848.4.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Far above 7.29 Kilotons of TNT.
- ↑ Mach 5.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 3304.68 Metric Tons.
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 1879.35 m.
- ↑ Far above Mach 10.
- ↑ Far above Mach 5302.24.
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Far above 6614.2 Metric Tons.
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