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VS Battles Wiki
It's true that loyalty isn't everything to me. I just have a personal interest in His Majesty. Does that make it sound like I'm looking down on him? That's not my intention, of course. The Human World. Hueco Mundo. Soul Society. The guy's trying to destroy three whole worlds and create something new in their wake. Is there any other man who can claim that? If I were to let His Majesty get away, do you think I'd ever find another man like that again? Kisuke Urahara. You're a knowledgeable guy. You look like you've seen everything this world has to offer. So I ask you: don't you feel it too? Aren't you curious to see what His Majesty is going to create once he's destroyed three entire worlds?
~ Askin to Urahara


Askin Nakk Le Vaar (アスキン・ナックルヴァール Asukin Nakkuruvāru?) is a Quincy and a member of the Wandenreich's Sternritter with the designation "D" - "The Deathdealing", as well as one of Yhwach's Schutzstaffel (親衛隊シュッツシュタッフェル Shuttsushutafferu?) German for "Protective Echelon", Japanese for "Elite/Imperial Guards".

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 6-A, higher with Blut Arterie, far higher with Vollständig, even higher with Vollständig and Blut Arterie, at least High 6-A with Sklaverei, 5-C with Sklaverei and Blut Arterie | At least High 6-A, higher with Blut Arterie, far higher with Vollständig, even higher with Vollständig and Blut Arterie, at least High 6-A with Sklaverei, 5-C with Sklaverei and Blut Arterie

Key: Pre-Auswählen | Post-Auswählen

Name: Askin Nakk Le Vaar

Origin: Bleach

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Quincy, Sternritter, Schutzstaffel

Power and Abilities:

  • Expert Archery, Staff Wielder & Martial Arts (Askin as a Sternritter and member of the Schutzstaffel is a trained archer and soldier. Askin uses marital arts in conjunction with his Schrift as displayed in his fight with Yoruichi Shihoin[1]. Askin's Vollständig grants him access to a staff he can wield to combat skilled swordsman and genius fighters like Kisuke Urahara[2])

Resistance to:

Attack Potency:

Multi-Continent level (As an Elite Sternritter, his power is considered immeasurable[25] and Liltotto believes him to be unrivaled[26], which would imply she views herself as inferior[Statistics Values 1]), higher with Blut Arterie (Blut provides a Bankai level increase[27], which is 5x, and Blut Arterie amplifies attack power[28][Statistics Values 2]), far higher with Vollständig (Stronger than Vollständig Liltotto), even higher with Vollständig and Blut Arterie (Blut Arterie is a Bankai level offensive increase[Statistics Values 3]), at least Multi-Continent level with Sklaverei (She can use Sklaverei to further amplify her powers[29], and since Vollständig is superior to Letz Stile[30], it's ability to amplify one's power via reishi subjugation would be superior to Letz Stile which can amplify one's power 3x[31][Statistics Values 4]), Moon level with Sklaverei and Blut Arterie (5x more powerful[Statistics Values 5]), The Deathdealing ignores conventional durability

At least Multi-Continent level (Auswahlen powered him up[32][Statistics Values 6]), higher with Blut Arterie (Stronger than before[Statistics Values 7]), far higher with Vollständig (Stronger than before), even higher with Vollständig and Blut Arterie (Stronger than before and takes out a poisoned Kirinji[33][Statistics Values 8]), at least Multi-Continent level with Sklaverei (Stronger than before[34][Statistics Values 9]), Moon level with Sklaverei and Blut Arterie (Stronger than before[Statistics Values 10]), The Deathdealing ignores conventional durability

Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic (The only one in the elite capable of reacting to Ōetsu Nimaiya, managed to move at the same speed as his sword swing to avoid cutting[35]) | At least Massively Hypersonic (At least as fast as before) | Sub-Relativistic (Able to fight with Kisuke Urahara[36])

Lifting Strength: At least Class M (Stronger than the lower tier Sternritter) | At least Class M (Stronger than before) | Class G (Clashed with Urahara[37])

Striking Strength: Multi-Continent level (Stronger than Liltotto), higher with Blut Arterie (Blut Arterie is a Bankai level offensice increase), far higher with Vollständig (Comparable to his Attack Potency), even higher with Vollständig and Blut Arterie | At least Multi-Continent level (Stronger than Liltotto), higher with Blut Arterie (Blut Arterie is a Bankai level offensice increase), far higher with Vollständig (Comparable to his Attack Potency), even higher with Vollständig and Blut Arterie

Durability: Multi-Continent level (As an Elite Sternritter, he should be more durable than Liltotto[Statistics Values 11]), higher with Blut Vene (Blut Vene is a Bankai level durability increase[Statistics Values 12]), far higher with Vollständig (More durable than Vollständig Liltotto), even higher with Vollständig and Blut Vene (Blut Vene is a 5x defensive amplification[Statistics Values 13]) | At least Multi-Continent level (Auswahlen made him more durable[Statistics Values 14]), higher with Blut Vene (More durable than before[Statistics Values 15]), far higher with Vollständig (More durable than before), even higher with Vollständig and Blut Vene (More durable than before[Statistics Values 16])

Stamina: Superhuman (Can continue to move and speak even with his heart ripped out and crushed)

Range: Standard Melee Range normally, Tens of Meters with The Death-Dealing and other projectiles; Kilometers in Vollständig

Standard Equipment: His Spirit Weapon, Reishi Staff

  • Medallion (メダリオン Medarion?): A device possessed by select members of the Wandenreich military, including all Stern Ritter which allows one to steal a Shinigami's Bankai or any power that is fundamentally similar to a Shinigami's Bankai.

Intelligence: Askin is a perceptive and calculating combatant. When Ōetsu Nimaiya attacked the Schutzstaffel with Sayafushi, Askin was the only one who attempted to outmaneuver him because he had figured out the blade movements of Sayafushi to the point where he could move backward at the same speed as Nimaiya's swing, which Nimaiya himself noted and was impressed by despite seeing through the attempt and successfully attacking him. When facing the restructuring power of Kisuke Urahara's Bankai and having his arm torn open, Askin quickly deduced that the Bankai had a limited range in which it could restructure objects and moved outside of that range to let his arm repair itself, which Urahara himself praised as being a far more cool-headed reaction than others who simply panicked and cut off their arm.

Weaknesses: Blut Vene and Blut Arterie use two different Reishi systems, so they cannot be used at the same time. If the target can extract the element from their body, that Askin is manipulating, they can lower the concentration until it goes below the lethal dosage. Also, if somehow the target can change in less of a minute what Askin is trying to get immunity to it, The Deathdealing won't work. Askin can quickly build up immunity to elements, but if that element is changed by even a small amount, he can be affected by it again. If Askin's stomach is already filled with a proficient amount of sustenance, such as lattes, he is unable to consume a great amount of substance, Thus, The Death-Dealing can't be activated, in regards of substances such as blood. Though abilities such as Gift Bad and Gift Ball can still be activated, Askin must wait until his stomach settles in order for The Death-Dealing to take full effect. When using medallion, its user need to be sufficiently powerful to wield it and the power stolen by medallion is weaker than the original unless the Quincy in question takes the time and effort to master it. Quincy are unable to activate their Vollständig after they stole power with medallion. | None notable


  • Even before the Auswählen Askin was the swiftest among the Elite Sternritters. Swift enough to dodge lethal slashes from Nimaiya when the rest of the Elites weren't even capable of reacting.
  • Could take down Nimaiya on his own if Kirinji had not interfered in the battle.
  • Managed to take down Ichigo, Chad, Orihime, Yūshirō, Yoruichi without releasing his Vollständig.
  • It was needed for Urahara to use his Bankai to fight on par with him, and create an strategy alongside Grimmjow to attack him from behind.
  • With his ability he has:
    • Survived a few slashes from Nimaiya.
    • Survived direct blows from Yoruichi and Yūshirō.
    • Survived even after his heart had been ripped out.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Askin's Spirit Weapon Anime

Askin's Heilig Bogen

  • Heilig Bogen (神聖弓ハイリッヒ・ボーゲン Hairihhi Bōgen?)Heilig Bogen are the standard spirit weapons wielded by Quincy, made out of Reishi and Reiatsu. Although originally in the shapes of bows that fire Heilig Pfeil, many a Quincy switch up their Heilig Bogen to be crossbows, sniper rifles, hand guns and even gatling guns.
    • Heilig Pfeil (神聖滅矢ハイリッヒ・プファイル Hairihhi Pufairu?): A Quincy weapon that can be used to fire reishi-built arrows to fire upon the target.
  • The Death-Dealing (致死量ザ・デスディーリング Za Desudīringu?): Askin's Schrift which grants him the precise control over any and all 'Lethal Doses' within his range. He alters the dosage of any substance he ingests or tanks, manipulating the 'poison' and either granting himself complete immunity within a single minute or lowering an opponent's resistance to kill or incap them. Thanks to this ability, Askin is actually intuited to be the most unkillable person amongst the Quincy via reflexive immunity-raising, being selected by Yhwach specifically for his inability to die, and himself cursing his inability to die easily.
    • Healing: Raising his own lethal dosage to an attack also grants Askin a healing factor, which allowed him to recover from the severe burns inflicted on him by Yūshirō Shihōin in seconds.
    • Immunity: He develops an immunity to whatever substance or energy-based attack he is attacked with. His immunity acquisition speed is incredibly fast. Upon receiving an attack, he reflexively analyzes their Reiatsu and begins to create his immunity at a terrifying speed. As long as he has one minute he can render virtually any attack ineffective.
    • Gift Ball (毒入りボールギフト・バル Gifuto Baru?): Askin throws a small, slow moving poison ball at his opponents, which is potent enough to make them collapse on the spot.
    • Gift Bad (毒入りプールギフト・バート Gifuto Bāto?): Askin creates a darkened area of influence the size of a large circle on the ground that can reduce someone's tolerance in the atmosphere to the point of poisoning them as soon as they step into it.
  • Quincy: Vollständig, Hasshein (滅却師完聖体クインシー・フォルシュテンディッヒ神の毒見ハスハイン Kuinshī Forushutendihhi Hasuhain?): Hasshein is Askin's Vollständig which amplifies his Schrift and his Quincy abilities. Hasshein automatically adapts to changes in "poison"; as long as the base of the poison remains the same, any surface layer changes will cause Askin's immunity to adjust in turn, rendering the poison ineffective. This prevents him from being harmed by opponents who undergo rapid changes in the nature of their Reiatsu.
    • Gift Ball Deluxe (極上毒入りボールギフト・バル・デラックス Gifuto Baru Derakkusu?): Askin creates an enormous version of Gift Ball centered around his body. Its power magnifies greatly upon Askin's death.
    • Gift Bereich (猛毒の領域ギフト・ベライヒ Gifuto Beraihi?): Askin creates dozens of interconnected spheres of light to form a large, spherical barrier, which he claims cannot be escaped from.
    • Gift Ring (猛毒の指輪ギフト・リング Gifuto Ringu?): Askin enlarges the bracelet on his arm and throws it at an opponent, where it shrinks in size before making contact with a particular region of their body, at which point it forces all the potency of The Deathdealing into this focal point, causing an "instant death" of that region of the body.
    • Reishi Staff: When forced to fight at close quarters, Askin can generate a long staff composed of spheres connected by rods with which to combat swordsmen.

Notable Matchups





  1. Bleach Chapter 662
  2. Bleach Chapter 664
  3. Bleach Chapter 665
  4. Bleach Chapter 602
  5. Bleach Chapter 662
  6. Bleach Chapter 662
  7. Bleach Chapter 602
  8. Bleach Chapter 656
  9. Bleach Chapter 602
  10. Bleach Chapter 656
  11. Bleach Chapter 662
  12. Bleach Chapter 662
  13. Bleach Chapter 657
  14. Bleach Chapter 658
  15. Bleach Chapter 658
  16. Bleach Chapter 664
  17. Bleach Chapter 658
  18. Bleach Chapter 663
  19. Bleach Chapter 664
  20. Bleach Chapter 663
  21. Bleach Chapter 665
  22. Bleach Chapter 666
  23. Bleach Chapter 664
  24. Bleach Chapter 664
  25. Bleach TYBW Episode 24
  26. Bleach CFYOW Chapter 3
  27. Bleach TYBW Episode 7
  28. Bleach TYBW Episode 4
  29. Bleach TYBW Episode 21
  30. Bleach TYBW Episode 3
  31. Bleach Chapter 125
  32. Bleach TYBW Episode 25
  33. Bleach TYBW Episode 26
  34. Bleach Chapter 125
  35. Bleach Chapter 601
  36. Bleach Chapter 665
  37. Bleach Chapter 655


  1. 443.5 Petatons
  2. 2.2175 Exatons
  3. 11.0875 Exatons
  4. 6.6525 Exatons
  5. 33.2625 Exatons
  6. 443.5 Petatons
  7. 2.2175 Exatons
  8. 11.0875 Exatons
  9. 6.6525 Exatons
  10. 33.2625 Exatons
  11. 443.5 Petatons
  12. 2.2175 Exatons
  13. 11.0875 Exatons
  14. 443.5 Petatons
  15. 2.2175 Exatons
  16. 11.0875 Exatons


Discussion threads involving Askin Nakk Le Vaar