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Ari Bright Sharon is a High Ranker from the Ari Family. She is the Commander of the 1st Division of Kallavan's 4th Army Corp of Zahard's Army and is a Second Tier Servant of Kallavan.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 6-B

Name: Ari Bright Sharon

Origin: Tower of God 

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, High Ranker, Commander of the 1st Division of Kallavan's 4th Army Corp of Zahard's Army, Fisherman, Spear Bearer

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 1), Limited Self-Sustenance (Type 2; Anyone who can use shinsoo can pass prolonged amount of time without eating by gaining energy from shinsoo itself, although it can put a toll in their health), Supernatural Willpower (Possess a willpower superior to Anaak's), Accelerated Development (Passive; Rankers get stronger as they age), Shinsoo Manipulation, Expert Needle User, Acrobatics, Stealth Mastery (She makes no sound when she moves), True Flight, Statistics Amplification (Can enhance her physical characteristics and speed through shinsoo), Extrasensory Perception (Through shinsoo, she sensed the power of Baam's Thorns from several kilometers away), Pain Manipulation (Filling an opponent with shinsoo causes them intense pain), Energy Manipulation/Density Manipulation (By controlling shinsoo, the user can control its very high density), Likely Molecular Immobilization/Paralysis Inducement and Minor Matter Manipulation (Shinsoo moves and acts similarly to electrons and replaces air in the Tower and Sharon can likely reverse its flow to stop movement. Depending on how much shinsoo can be controlled against the enemy, the user is able to hinder the walk of the opponent), Weapon Creation (Can create dozens of swords to attack her opponents), Explosion Manipulation (Can create explosions with shinsoo bombs), Forcefield Creation (Can use shinsoo barriers to block attacks), Danmaku (Can attack using dozens of baangs with large AoE), Homing Attack (She can control her shinsoo to have it attack where she desires), Healing (SIU stated that through shinsoo, its users can heal themselves or others with it), Telekinesis (Can levitate beings or objects), High Shinsoo Resistance, Resistance to Sleep Manipulation via Willpower (Through sheer willpower they can resist the effects of Satcha's "Every Day is Substitute Holliday", which can put its targets to sleep if they are very exhausted)

Attack Potency: Country level (Traded blows with a casual Compressed Evankhell and even managed to break her sword. Fought on par with Post-Clone Absorption White)

Speed: FTL+ (Kept up with a casual compressed Evankhell. Evenly matched Post-Clone Absorption White)

Lifting Strength: Class P (Physically superior to Dorian Frog)

Striking Strength: Country level (Equal to Post-Clone Absorption White)

Durability: Country level (Blocked strikes from Post-Clone Absorption White)

Stamina: Superhuman (As a High Ranker of the Ten Great Families, her stamina should be well above average. Weaker or comparable characters are able to continue fighting with lost body parts)

Range: Extended Melee Range, at least Tens of Kilometers with shinsoo techniques and shockwaves

Standard Equipment: Needle

Intelligence: Gifted (Ari Bright Sharon favors a Needle in combat. She has displayed an extreme level of skill in using her needle when fighting against Evankhell, with the latter praising her abilities with the weapon)

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Ari Style Needle Lethal Move - Fairy Light: A needle technique where after focusing shinsoo on the needle, the user rushes towards the enemy, leaving a trail and rippling waves of shinsoo behind. Sharon used this technique to quickly attack Evankhell in order to break her weapon.

Ari Bright Sharon's Guardian Sword - Marine Fairy Swords: This is a special technique of a member of the Ari Family. This ability creates many swords out of shinsoo, which then rapidly strike down at the enemy.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Ari Bright Sharon