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“ | No hope. No mercy. The universe you knew is nothing but a memory and I have no intention of leaving anyone alive to honor it. | „ |
The Anti-Monitor, real name Mobius, is one of the three sons of Perpetua, created when she tore pieces from the Overvoid to shape into her children. He existed before the first version of the DC Multiverse was finished being created and was made in order to guard the boundaries of Creation from the greater Omniverse beyond, a duty that was later fulfilled by the Source Wall. This usurpation was knowingly set in motion by his brother, the Monitor, leading to their long-lasting war.
Mobius returned in the second version of the DC Multiverse, reborn on Qward (or its moon), where he built the Mobius Chair in order to study the secrets of the multiverse. He discovered the Anti-Life Equation at the center of the antimatter universe, becoming bound to it, leaving the Mobius Chair to come into the possession of the Pre-Flashpoint emanation of Metron. Mobius enslaved the antimatter universe as his empire and created the Thunderers of Qward, turning the most elite among them into his Shadow Demons. He entered into a million-year conflict with Mar Novu which ended when both were knocked into comas.
Much later, after he was awakened by the actions of Pariah, Mobius initiated the Crisis on Infinite Earths. He would later be defeated by the actions of the Spectre and Earth's heroes, later returning alongside the 52 Multiverse. He joined the Sinestro Corps as their Guardian while not fully reborn, and after being defeated his near-dead body was enslaved by Nekron as the power source for the Black Lantern Corps. He was revived by the Life Entity and, after the Flashpoint event, instigated a conflict with Darkseid in order to rid himself of the Anti-Life Equation. He succeeded but was destroyed by it due to the actions of Grail, and after returning again to the Sixth Dimension, his current whereabouts are unknown.
Powers and Stats
Tier: Varies. 2-C, up to 2-A with Energy Absorption. 2-A Environmental Destruction via Anti-Matter Wave | 2-C | 1-B
Key: Pre-Flashpoint | Post-Flashpoint | True State
Name: Mobius, Anti-Monitor
Origin: DC Comics
Gender: Male
Age: Exists completely beyond time, 20 billion years from the perspective of the multiverse
Classification: God of Antimatter, The Anti-God, Son of Perpetua
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Acausality (Type 1. Unaffected by the Crisis and the Flashpoint), Flight, Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 and 3), Immortality (Types 1 and 4), Antimatter Manipulation (Can release blasts and waves of antimatter), Existence Erasure, Durability Negation (His antimatter absorbs any energy sent at it and eliminates what it touches from all existence), Extrasensory Perception (Can sense life force), Soul Manipulation (Can shoot blasts of antimatter flame that torch the soul), Vibration Manipulation, Breath Attack, BFR, Age Manipulation (Can send victims back through time, devolving them), Absorption and Empowerment (Can absorb antimatter energy from his entire universe to gain power. Can absorb life force to gain tremendous power), Law Manipulation (Wields the Dimensional Superstructure, which governs all things imaginable and unimaginable), Matter Manipulation (Can transform positive matter into antimatter), Energy Manipulation (Can convert antimatter into energy which he can control; can make energy bindings), Forcefield Creation (Held the Guardians in a stasis beam and trapped earth), Biological Manipulation (Removed Psycho Pirate's face), Transmutation (Can transform beings into Shadow Demons which can take many powerful attacks but vary in power), Darkness Manipulation (Can create Shadow Demons by stealing others' shadows), Summoning (Can summon enough Shadow Demons to cover the earth; Can summon other beings via teleport beam), Incorporeality (Exists as an energy being under his armor), Non-Physical Interaction (Split Firestorm apart), Portal Creation, Dimensional Travel (Sucked earth into the antimatter universe), Limited Power Nullification (Magic is nullified within the antimatter universe, shown when Deadman couldn't possess the Anti-Monitor), Power Bestowal (Bestowed some of his power on his Qwardians), Power Modification (Can improve the abilities of others), Life Manipulation (Animated stone golems), Earth Manipulation (Caused a rock to fall on Pariah), Air Manipulation (Altered Red Tornado into the elemental being he was meant to become), Time Travel (Traveled to the Dawn of Time), Limited Fusionism (Merged with his brothers), Telepathy (Contacted Harbinger across dimensions), Telekinesis (Drew the trapped Shadow Demons back to him), Astral Projection (Can project his face across the sky), Technology Manipulation (Manipulated the Central Power Battery to blast the Guardians and caused Mar Novu's satellite to malfunction), Enhanced Senses (Has sensed Perpetua launching a planet from Earth-44), Creation (Can create new worlds)
Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Flight, Deconstruction, Morality Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1) (The ALE places victims under complete control and enslaves souls, a power Mobius used to control Barry Allen and the Black Racer, forcing them to bond and kill Darkseid), Necromancy (The ALE can be used to resurrect the dead) and all the powers of the Anti-Life Equation
Flight, Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3), Existence Erasure (Shadow Demons disintegrated Dove and the Losers), Energy Projection (Can fire blasts from their hands), Pain Manipulation (Their touch burns), Intangibility (Can phase through physical and energy barriers, and can use phasing to attack), Fusionism (Can merge into larger Shadow Demons), Possession (Took control of Harbinger), Power Nullification (Depowered Captain Marvel)
Resistance to Absorption (Resisted his energy being drained), Death Manipulation (Was injured by the Black Racer but didn't die), Mind Manipulation and all the powers of the Anti-Life Equation (Being bound to the Equation made Mobius immune to similar powers), Ice Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Antimatter Manipulation (He and his brothers can avoid being destroyed by antimatter)
All previous abilities to a much greater degree, plus: Incorporeality (Exists beyond the Fifth Dimension, aka imagination, whose inhabitants have been described as "imaginary thought-constructs"), Higher-Dimensional Existence (Exists in the Sixth Dimension), Large Size (Type 10), Acausality (Type 1; Is not affected by the changes brought by crises as normal beings generally are), Precognition (Can peer into the possible futures), Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation (Controls the architectural superstructure of the multiverse - can locate suns and parallel universes in the space-time continuum and have full control over the Timestream), Creation, Life Manipulation (Can create parallel universes and use the Life Entity to energize them), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Uses the embodiment of the Living Light bestowed upon the universe that triggered existence itself to energize all created parallel universes with life), Law Manipulation (Writes every universal rule in any created reality), Regeneration (Mid-Godly - Possesses the same type of regeneration as Mar Novu), Size Manipulation, Dimensional Travel (Can alter both his scale and pitch to enter lower dimensions and traverse the Multiverse)
Attack Potency: Varies (The Anti-Monitor's power varies depending on how much energy he has within him). Low Multiverse level (Equal to The Monitor. Darkseid would not escape him after he's done with the infinite universes and could destroy Apokolips. Defeated Earth-1 Superman[1]. Far superior to normal Green Lanterns, and could fight against the Guardians of the Universe. Could kill Cyborg Superman[2], and Superboy-Prime had to wait until the Anti-Monitor was weakened in order to kill him), up to Multiverse level+ with Energy Absorption (Absorbed the Anti-Matter Universe.[3] After stealing the heroes' life energies to replenish what he lost upon breaking through to the Dawn of Time, he would have become the hand of creation and made it so the positive matter multiverse never existed.[3] He battled[3] a heavily-amplified Spectre). Multiverse level+ Environmental Destruction via Anti-Matter Wave (He caused an Anti-Matter wave that targeted all worlds in all times[3], intending on destroying the infinite universes[4]) | Low Multiverse level (Comparable to his COIE self. The Anti-Life Equation gave Mobius power on a universal scale,[5] and Metron was concerned that he would destroy reality[6]) | Hyperverse level (The Brothers Three are three of the four most powerful known beings in the Sixth Dimension, superior to Mister Mxyzptlk[7])
Speed: Immeasurable (Comparable to Pre-Crisis Supergirl) | Massively FTL+ (Comparable to an amplified Pre-Crisis Spectre) | At least FTL (Comparable to Darkseid during the Darkseid War) | Immeasurable
Lifting Strength: At least Multi-Stellar | Unknown | At least Class Y (Comparable to Darkseid during the Darkseid War) | Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Varies. Low Multiverse level, up to Multiverse level+ with Energy Absorption | Low Multiverse level | Hyperverse level
Durability: Varies. Low Multiverse level (Fought his equal in power[1], Mar Novu, for one million years before falling. Withstood a beating from Pre-Crisis Supergirl. While severely weakened he survived the explosion of Warworld and its Yellow Power Battery, which could destroy the Milky Way Galaxy, although he was severely wounded by it[8]), up to Multiverse level+ with Energy Absorption (After absorbing an Anti-Matter Star, the combined forces of several Pre-Crisis heroes didn't do any damage to him) | Low Multiverse level | Hyperverse level
Stamina: Infinite (Kept fighting the Monitor for one million years[1] until he was knocked unconscious)
Range: Low Multiversal, higher with Absorbing Energy. Multiversal+ via Anti-Matter Wave | Multiversal+ with Anti-Matter Universe Absorbed | Hyperversal
Standard Equipment: Energy containment armor
- Optional Equipment: The Anti-Life Equation (New 52 key only)
Intelligence: Supergenius (Built a machine that reduced the vibrational differences between universes, attempting to merge timelines, as well as an antimatter cannon that was capable of piercing Mar Novu's netherverse and destroying the fortified universes within. Built the New 52 version of the Mobius Chair used by Metron of the New Gods, who is even more intelligent than Brainiac)
Weaknesses: If his armor is sufficiently damaged, his energy may leak out | None notable
- Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics. For information on the cosmological scaling that informs the tiering, please refer to the DC Comics Cosmology page.
- The destruction of infinite universes occurred in a finite amount of time, as the first to be destroyed was Earth-Three at the beginning of the story.
- The original Anti-matter wave was Mobius' doing.
- The Anti-Matter cannon was only built when only 5 of the infinite universes had not yet been destroyed because Mar Novu's dying act was to make a netherverse from his energy, absorbing and protecting the remaining universes, while his tuning forks partially merged them, fortifying them.
- Anti-Monitor created his Anti-Matter Wave by taking advantage of the nature between Positive and Anti-Matter, and the two being unable to coexist. As such, his Anti-Matter Wave shouldn't be combat applicable within a Versus Match up.
- Anti-Monitor was barely fully reformed during the Sinestro Corps War story and was still fragile inside his armor, a weakness the Guardians of the Universe took advantage of to inflict massive damage on him and Superboy-Prime then delivered the final blow. As such, Anti-Monitor shouldn't scale to the Guardians of the Universe.
Notable Matchups
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol 1 #7, October 1985
- ↑ Green Lantern Vol 4 #22, October 2007
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol 1 #10, January 1986
- ↑ Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol 1 #5, August 1985
- ↑ Justice League Vol 2 #48, April 2016
- ↑ Justice League Vol 2 #40, June 2015
- ↑ Justice League Vol 4 #19
- ↑ Green Lantern Vol 4 #25, January 2008
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