Swartz (スウォルツ Suworutsu), alternatively spelled Suworutsu or Schwartz, is the main antagonist of Kamen Rider Zi-O. He was the leader of the Time Jackers and the older brother to Tsukuyomi. After being rejected of being chosen as the next heir to a royal family in favor for his sister, he erased her memories and took her and himself in a different timeline. From then on, Swartz has been instigating a series of events in order to fulfill his own agenda as King and is responsible for the rise of Oma Zi-O.
After absorbing Tsukasa Kadoya's powers, he becomes Another Decade (アナザーディケイド Anazā Dikeido), an Another Rider derived from Kamen Rider Decade.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 7-C | At least 1-C
Key: Time Jacker | Another Decade
Name: Swartz, Another Decade
Origin: Kamen Rider
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, should be older than Tsukuyomi
Classification: Leader of the Time Jackers, Another Rider, Teacher (Due Oma Zi-O's timeline reset)
Powers and Abilities:
Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Time Stop (2 layer), Time Travel (Can freely travel back and forward in time), Transformation (Thought based; Can transform into Another Decade despite being restrained), Enhanced Senses (Somehow knows about White Woz's timeline and other ones), Extrasensory Perception, Attack Reflection (Shown here), Energy Manipulation (Can project an energy blast), Space-Time manipulation and BFR (Thought based; Manage to use the Aurora Curtain to bfr Ora's attack despite being stopped in time),Power Bestowal (Can bestow time manipulation powers to others), Age Manipulation (Can continuously change his appearance from teenager to a grown man, vice versia), Memory Manipulation (Can alter and or erase memories), Teleportation (Shown here), Supernatural Willpower (Freely control power of Another Rider), Technology Manipulation (Revive and put Kasshin under his control with a touch in the head in order to kill Sougo Tokiwa), Telekinesis (Able to use telekinetic powers as means of offensive ability), Power Absorption (Absorbs powers from Tsukuyomi and Ora to gain more power), Resistance to Time Stop (1 layer; Manage to break free from his fellow Time Jacker’s time stop)
All previous abilities, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Explosion Manipulation, Reality Warping, Portal Creation, Summoning via Another World, Immortality (Type 4 and 8; As long as his Another Ridewatch exist, only the corresponding Rider power can destroy it), Acrobatics
Attack Potency: Town level (Harmed Woz with an energy blast) | At least Complex Multiverse level (Is an Another Rider derived from Kamen Rider Decade and has fought both him and Diend. Defeated Grand Zi-O and killed Kamen Rider Aqua, Geiz, and Tsukuyomi. Can create the "Another Worlds", which are alternate versions of reality in which past events are altered based on the regrets of their prime universe selves, creates worlds where the battles of defeated evil Riders or villians had different outcomes and summons them in a battle)
Speed: Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+ (Fought Grand Zi-O. Absorbed the other half of Decade's powers)
Lifting Strength: Possibly Immeasurable (Comparable to Woz) | Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Town level | At least Complex Multiverse
Durability: Town level | At least Complex Multiverse level (Despite being able to somewhat withstand Ohma Zi-O's finisher, he was eventually killed by him)
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Extended Melee Range. Complex Multiverse with Reality Warping
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Gifted (Over the course of the series, Swartz has proven himself to be more than capable as a schemer. In fact, a majority of the events that has happened in the series is the result of Swartz's manipulation so that he is able to crown himself as the new king)
Weaknesses: None Notable | Can be disadvantaged by the power of Kamen Rider Decade
Notable Matchups