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Each time I wage war against worlds that threaten the Imperium's advance, there comes another time I am told to conquer peaceful worlds that wish only to be left alone. I am told to destroy whole civilizations and call it liberation. I am told to demand millions of men and women from these new worlds, to make them take up arms in the Emperor's hordes, and I am told to call this a tithe, or recruitment, because we are all too scared of the truth. We refuse to call it slavery.

I am loyal, the same as you. I am told to bathe my legion in the blood of innocents and sinners alike, and I do it, because it is all that's left for me in this life. I do these things, and I enjoy them, not because we are moral, or right - or loving souls seeking to enlighten a dark universe - but because all I feel are the Butcher's Nails hammered into my brain.

~ Angron to Leman Russ, prior to their confrontation

Angron updated
You kept that mule Kor Phaeron. Russ kept his kin-friends. The Lion kept Luther. Humans - brothers and foster fathers - saved and raised into Legion ranks. But not me. Not Angron, no. Did the Emperor teleport his gold-wrapped Custodians down to help me and my army? No. Did he free the War Hounds and order them to battle, fight alongside me? No. Did he save my brothers and sisters the way he spared and honoured the Lion's closest kin? The way he honoured Kor Phaeron? No, no and no. No mercy for Angron. Angron the Oathbreaker. Angron the Betrayer.

I want something from you, Khârn. Hnnh. Take your axe. Take your brothers. Kill three hundred souls on the thrall decks. Three hundred of them. Take their skulls. Take their skulls, Khârn. Build me a throne.


"Wiry, copper-red hair curled away from a high brow, pale eyes sat deep behind cheekbones that angled down like axe-strokes to an aquiline nose and a broad, thin-lipped mouth. It was the face of a general to follow unto death, the face of a teacher at whose feet the wise would fight to sit, the face of a king made for the adoration of worlds: the face of a primarch. And rage made it the face of a beast. Rage pulsed and distorted the features like a tumour breaking out from the skull beneath. It made the eyes into yellow, empty pits, debased the proud lines of brow and jaw, peeled the lips back from the teeth."
- Khârn's description of Angron

Angron Thal'kr ('Child of the Mountain'), sometimes called the Red Angel, and originally as Angronius of Nuceria, Lord of the Red Sand, is the Primarch of the World Eaters. He was the most bloody-handed and savage of the Primarchs, being raised on the brutal world of Nuceria, fighting as a gladiator slave and having his aggression enhanced by surgical implants known as the Butcher's Nails. When Horus began his rebellion, Angron was quick to join in his treachery, but his only true master was the rage and bloodlust within him. He fell to Chaos during the Horus Heresy and was transformed into a Daemon Prince of the Blood God Khorne. He was most recently banished to the Warp after he unleashed the First War of Armageddon upon the Imperium of Man in 474.M41.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 8-B | Varies up to 8-B | Varies from 8-B to 6-C | At least 4-BVaries up to 1-A

Key: Pre-AscensionPre-Fall of Cadia | Post-Fall of CadiaIn the Eye of Terror | In the Warp

Name: Angron Thal'kr, the Red Angel, Angronius of Nuceria, Lord of the Red Sand, the Eater of Cities, the Eater of Worlds, Eightfold Prince of Slaughter, Son of Blood, Dog of Bones, Hound of Red Sands, The Unbeaten, The Undefeated, Slaughterer of Nations, the Fighter

Origin: Warhammer 40,000

Gender: Male

Age: Over 10,000 years old, Irrelevant from the perspective of the Warp

Classification: Primarch of the World Eaters Space Marines | Daemon Prince of Khorne

Powers and Abilities: 

Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsEnhanced SensesImmortality (Types 1 and 3), Regeneration (Low-Mid; Comparable to Horus who was able to quickly heal a wound that pierced his lung[1]), Large Size (Type 0; Should be comparable to Primarchs like the Lion who's stated to be a little under 3 meters tall[2] and Mortarion who's stated to be twice the height of a mortal man[3]), Information Analysis (Can accurately analyze any chemical he eats/tastes and break them down if required[4]), Limited Memory Manipulation (Can eat creatures/people and absorb part of their memories from their DNA/RNA[4]), Technology Manipulation (His skin can directly connect and interface with his armor, among several other pieces of Astartes equipment[5]), Weapon Mastery (Skilled in a wide variety of weaponry to an extent far greater than what could ever be achievable by a regular human), Martial Arts (As a Primarch, Angron is one of the best close-quarters fighters in the entire galaxy, and was noted as potentially the most ferocious out of all of them), Empathic Manipulation (Demonstrated in his youth, Angron had a psychic ability that enabled him to draw all negative emotions from others into himself. He used this to calm child slaves and give his gladiator brothers and sisters peaceful sleep[6]), Vehicular Mastery, Genius Intelligence, Forcefield Creation (Via Iron Halo[7]), Durability Negation (Chain weapons possess monomolecular blades, making them absurdly effective against even far more durable targets[8]), Teleportation via Dimensional Travel, Plasma Manipulation (Via Plasma Pistol), Berserk Mode (Almost automatically enters such a state due to the Butcher's Nails[9]), Mind Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (Primarchs can fight on a physical, mental, and spiritual level[10]) Aura (Primarchs are said to contain an overwhelming aura that completely baffles regular humans, as well as sometimes Astartes. Their presence in the Warp is so powerful and influencing that Magnus reduced several Remembrancers to tears over his seeming divinity,[11] while Russ could make Ahzek Ahriman himself kneel before him with his sheer presence[12])

Resistance to Magic, Telepathy, Mind ManipulationEmpathic ManipulationSoul Manipulation, Reality Warping, Madness Manipulation, Aura (Resistant to all the myriad of different attacks that can be made on him by the powers of the Warp, as well as most of the powers of other Primarchs. Resisted several World Eaters Librarians attempting to enter his mind and forced them out[13]), Disease Manipulation, Poison Manipulation (Astartes are practically immune to all diseases and poisons, and their Primarchs should logically be even tougher), Corruption, Radiation Manipulation (Should almost be entirely immune to the effects of radiation exposure, thanks both to his Power Armor and enhanced physiology), Heat Manipulation (Astartes are incredibly resistant towards extremes of hot and cold, and logically their Primarchs should be far superior), Pain Manipulation (Astartes possess the physiology and mental training to shrug off debilitating injuries, and their Primarchs should easily scale)

Previous abilties on a massively higher level, Inorganic Physiology (Type 1; Daemons are no more material within reality than they are within the Warp[14]), Large Size (Type 1; Stated to be the height of a Warhound Titan[15]), Flight, Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3; Being a purely immaterial creature Angron now has almost no requirements to his continued, eternal existence), Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9; Daemons cannot die in the typical sense, only being sent back to the Warp when killed in the materium. Whether or not they come back is entirely dependent on if their God allows them to.[14] Following the opening of the Great Rift, Angron will now return eight weeks, eight days, and eight hours since he was last banished[16]), Regeneration (Varies from Mid-Low to High normally, Low-Godly overtime; Depending on the level of Warp degeneration within the Materium, Angron can regenerate from something as small as gunfire that tore fist-sized holes through his body[17] to the complete atomization of his body.[18] Upon physical death or banishment, Daemons will simply regenerate in the Warp as long as the ideas and metaphors that they rely on have not been affected[19]), Possession and Dream Manipulation (Even Lesser Daemons can reach beyond the veil and possess mortals, even entering their dreams to do so[20]), Dimensional Travel (Capable of travelling from the Warp into the Materium[21]), Damage Reduction (Ranged weaponry is incredibly ineffective when used against a daemon, requiring more traditional weapons to fully banish them[22]), Madness Manipulation (Type 3) and Corruption (Types 1 and 2; Looking upon a daemon can cause insanity and corrupt the mind, body, and soul of an individual), Enhanced Soul Manipulation (Even the weakest of Khornate weapons removes the souls of those it cuts.[23] Daemons can feed upon the souls of mortals[24]), Power Nullification, Reality Warping, Corruption, and Transmutation (His mere presence has a corrupting effect on everything around him; several decks of the Conqueror around his chamber were turned to living flesh with screaming mouths, and the water supply of the ship turned to blood faster than it could be reprocessed[25]), Summoning (Powerful Daemons are capable of summoning lesser daemons to aid them in combat[26]), Empathic Manipulation (His mere aura can drive mortals into bouts of madness and cause warriors around him to become bloodthirsty maniacs), Biological Manipulation (His mere presence caused the last of his Legion's Librarians to almost all be killed from within, such with brain hemorrhages and in one case a skull exploding on it's own[27]), Sound Manipulation (His roars are powerful enough to shake the sky, and caused a Marine to be sent hurling back, tearing many of his muscles[27]), Forcefield Creation and Empowerment (Is surrounded by a blood miasma being powered by the constant slaughter around him[28]), Law Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, and Time Manipulation (Daemon Princes in the Eye of Terror can manipulate their worlds and the laws within however they see fit[29]), Fear Manipulation (Simply by roaring, Angron caused all beings within an entire solar system to quake with fear and begin to panic[30]), Passive Mind Manipulation and Blood Manipulation (Those who enter Angron's vicinity will begin to fall to their knees, convulsing, bleeding from their eyes, and begin to violently attack anyone near them[31]), Weather Manipulation and Electricity Manipulation (Capable of forming a storm behind him as he moves, with lightning striking anything in his vicinity[17]), Telekinesis (Formed a barrier around himself made out of debris[32]), Sealing (Bound a Slaaneshi Daemon within an iron bar[16]), Matter Manipulation (Molecular, possibly Atomic; Spinegrinder is enveloped within a power field.[16] Power fields disrupt the bonds of matter.[33] Given his status as a Primarch, its power field may be comparable to of Custodian weapons which can work on an atomic scale[34])

Same as before but to a higher degree, Enhanced Resistance to Radiation Manipulation (Endured[32] a blast stated to have the radiation of a supernova[32])

Attack Potency: At least City Block level (One of the absolute strongest Primarchs. Corvus Corax believed him to be able to best any of them in combat with the exception of Horus and possibly Sanguinius.[40] Defeated Russ in a direct confrontation,[41] and also defeated Roboute Guilliman in a fight as well.[42] Easily killed three Space Marines, killing two of them in a single axe swing[43]) | Varies (Dependent upon the amount of Warp energy in a given area[44] as well as the amount of killing he's done[44]) up to City Block level+ (Much stronger than his previous self due to Khorne's blessings, and is one of his strongest champions. Slammed and tore through a Capitol Imperialis, a superheavy tank made of plasteel and ceramite.[45] Slammed into a Warlord Titan hard enough to shatter its shoulder blades and backbone.[46] Casually able to tear apart tanks and Knights.[47] Fought against Sanguinius[48]) Ignores conventional durability due to the Warp-based property of his weapons | Varies from City Block level+ (A gate designed to withstand siege weaponry and melta-fire was one-shot by Angron.[30] Fought against Lion El'Jonson after he reawakened[49]) to Island level (Slammed through the void shields of a citadel[30] which are designed to survive attacks from voidships. Macrobatteries, the most common weapon upon voidships, are this strong. Additionally, these void shields should be superior to the ones utilized by Titans which can survive fire from volcano cannons.[50] The strength of volcano cannons varies between four terawatts[51] and five hundred terawatts[52]) Ignores conventional durability due to the Warp-based property of his weapons | At least Solar System level (Superior to Bloodthirsters within the Eye of Terror who can grow to the size of solar systems.[53] Should be comparable to the other Daemon Primarchs) Ignores conventional durability due to the Warp-based property of his weapons | Varies up to Outerverse level (One of the most powerful Daemon Primarchs, and as such should be comparable to Magnus who could manipulate the Warp and its dimensionality,[54] with the Warp holding 3 layers,[55] with each layer transcending the infinity of the previous[56]) Ignores conventional durability due to the Warp-based property of his weapons

Speed: Transonic movement speed (Should be comparable to Fulgrim who can move faster than sound can reach him.[57] Should be far faster than regular Marines), with at least Hypersonic, likely far higher combat and reaction speed (Far superior to standard Marines who can intercept bolt rounds as well as his brothers who can perform similar feats) and Massively FTL+ perception speed (Should be comparable to Sanguinius. A Blood Angel who held a spear imbued with a portion of Sanguinius' power saw lasers and plasma bolts to be almost frozen relative to his own movement) | At least Transonic movement speed, with at least Hypersonic, likely far higher combat and reaction speed (Far faster than before), Massively Hypersonic flight speed (Stated to be faster than Sanguinius in the open but less maneuverable,[48] with Sanguinius being able to fly this fast. Flew fast enough to break the sound barrier[58]), and Massively FTL+ perception speed | At least Transonic movement speed, with at least Hypersonic, likely far higher combat and reaction speed, Massively Hypersonic flight speed, and Massively FTL+ perception speed | At least Transonic movement speed, with at least Hypersonic, likely far higher combat and reaction speed, Massively Hypersonic flight speed, and Massively FTL+ perception speed | Immeasurable (Beyond the concepts of time, space, or distance.[24] Ships have been known to travel back in time[59] while moving through the Warp)

Lifting Strength: Class K (Briefly held up the leg of a Warhound Titan,[60] which weighs 410 tonnes) | At least Class K (Stronger than before. Casually held up hundreds of tonnes worth of containers[61]) | At least Class K | At least Class K | Immeasurable

Striking Strength: At least City Block level | Varies up to City Block level+ | Varies from City Block level+ to Large Town level, likely far higher | At least Solar System level | Varies up to Outerverse level

Durability: At least City Block level (Has battled with and easily survived numerous brawls with other Primarchs) | Varies up to City Block level+[62] (An explosion of the Capitol Imperialis was stated to hold the power of an exploding star and was equal to the force of a dozen battlefield atomics.[63] Tanked a shot from a plasma pistol at point blank range[64]), possibly Large Town level (Survived being hit by a Titan weapon described as possessing "volcano heat[65]" which may be referring to Volcano Cannons which possess a yield somewhere between four terawatts[51] and five hundred terawatts[52]). Higher with Blood Miasma (Blocked attacks that could destroy Titans[66]) | Varies from City Block level+ to Island level (Was unharmed fire from two Shadowswords[67] which utilize volcano cannons[68]). Higher with Psychic Barriers (Endured[69] a psychic assault[32] which cracked the crust of the world Angron was on and was going to destroy the entire world[70]) | At least Solar System level | Varies up to Outerverse level

Stamina: Superhuman (Primarchs are capable of fighting with shattered ribs, caved in abdomens and even fractured skulls.[71] Nothing short of a killing blow can stop them, and even their immensely lesser Space Marine sons can fight for weeks on end without stop. Angron himself was able to last through over a century of the degrading effects of the Butcher's Nails) | Infinite (Daemons have absolutely no need for rest) | Infinite | Infinite | Infinite

Range: Several Meters, Kilometers with ranged attacks | Several Meters, Planetary with daemonic aura, possibly higher | Several Meters, up to Interplanetary with abilities (Induced fear within an entire system[30]) | Several Meters, up to Interplanetary with abilities | Outerversal (Extends throughout the Warp)

Standard Equipment:

  • Gorefather and Gorechild: Twinned Chainaxes utilized by Angron throughout most of the Great Crusade. Their teeth were extracted from the jaws of the Mica-dragons from the Death World of Luther Macintyre IX, while their shafts are made out of adamantium.
  • Spite Furnace: A Plasma Pistol utilized by Angron throughout most of the Great Crusade.
  • Armor of Mars: A modified suit of Power armor made from from the gladiatorial armor originally worn by Angron on Nuceria.

  • Black Blade: An enormous and extremely powerful Daemon Sword forged by the Dark Mechanicum after Angron's ascension during the Shadow Crusade.

  • Samni'arius: A sword forged by Angron from an iron bar upon the killing of a Daemon of Slaanesh. Said Daemon is bound within the sword, the many skulls of its victims adorning it blade.
  • Spinegrinder: A massive chainaxe forged by the Dark Mechanicum for Angron specifically, possessing a twin set of adamantium-sheathed macrodrake teeth and enveloped within a power field.

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (All the Primarchs possessed intellect incomparable to regular men, possessing genius far above most of history's greatest minds. Angron in particular is an extremely skilled leader, warmonger, general and most of all, fighter, that can command vast interstellar armies in numerous conquests), far lower while in a rage (Can lose all sense of self) | At least Average (Has his intelligence extremely hampered by being constantly enraged, although is still not completely mad) | At least Average | At least Average

Weaknesses: The Butcher's Nails interfere with his thought process, turning him into a frothing berserker most of the time in battle, hampering his intelligence, and it cannot be removed from him without killing the Primarch | Cannot manifest his full power outside the Warp. Far more insane than his previous form due to "blessings" from Khorne. If a being knows his true name they can utilize it to very easily bind him | Cannot manifest his full power outside the Warp. Far more insane than his previous form due to "blessings" from Khorne. If a being knows his true name they can utilize it to very easily bind him | His true name can be used to bind him and even completely immobilize him | None notable


Notable Matchups





  1. False Gods Chapter Ten
  2. Descent of Angels; Chapter Sixteen
  3. Dark Imperium: Plague War; Chapter Fourteen
  4. 4.0 4.1 Space Marine Codex: 5th Edition; pg 10
  5. Space Marine Codex: 5th Edition; pg 11
  6. Angron: Slave of Nuceria; Chapter Sixteen
  7. Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition); pg 52
  8. Warhammer 40,000: Wargear (2nd Edition); pg 7
  9. Angron: Slave of Nuceria; Chapter Twenty Two
  10. A Thousand Sons; Chapter Thirty One
  11. A Thousand Sons; Chapter Three; pg 24
  12. A Thousand Sons; Chapter Eleven; pg 94-95
  13. Angron: Slave of Nuceria; Chapter Nine
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Codex: Chaos Daemons (8th Edition); pg 7
  15. The Emperor's Gift; Chapter Sixteen
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Codex: World Eaters (9th Edition); pg 13
  17. 17.0 17.1 Slaves to Darkness; Chapter Fifteen
  18. Saturnine; Part Two; Chapter Six
  19. Codex: Chaos Daemons (8th Edition); pg 7
  20. Codex: Chaos Daemons (5th Edition); pg 15
  21. Codex: Chaos Daemons (5th Edition); pg 16
  22. Watchers of the Throne: The Emperor's Legion
  23. Codex: Chaos Daemons (8th Edition); pg 38
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 Codex: Chaos Daemons (8th Edition); pg 6
  25. Betrayer; Epilogue
  26. Codex: Chaos Daemons (5th Edition); pg 7
  27. 27.0 27.1 Betrayer; Chapter Twenty Three
  28. The First Wall; Chapter Eight
  29. White Dwarf 144
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Arks of Omen: Angron
  31. The Lost and the Damned; Chapter Seventeen
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 Angron: The Red Angel; Chapter Nineteen
  33. The Devastation of Baal; Chapter Twenty One
  34. Dark Imperium: Godblight; Chapter Nine
  35. Demons of Chaos Armybook: 8th Edition
  36. Path of the Renegade; Chapter Ten
  37. A Thousand Sons; Chapter Ten; pg 85
  38. 38.0 38.1 Realm of Sorcery, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition
  39. The Realm of Chaos: Lost and the Damned
  40. Raven's Flight
  41. Betrayer; Chapter Seventeen
  42. Betrayer; Chapter Twenty Two
  43. Galaxy in Flames; Chapter Thirteen
  44. 44.0 44.1 Gathering Storm - Fall of Cadia
  45. First Wall; Chapter Eight
  46. Echoes of Eternity; Chapter Five
  47. Echoes of Eternity; Chapter Fourteen
  48. 48.0 48.1 Echoes of Eternity; Chapter Thirty Five
  49. Arks of Omen: The Lion
  50. Titanicus; 111
  51. 51.0 51.1 Baneblade; Chapter Twenty Six
  52. 52.0 52.1 Titandeath; Chapter Seven
  53. Eye of Terror
  54. A Thousand Sons; Chapter Ten
  55. The Path of Heaven; Chapter Twelve
  56. Dark Imperium; Chapter Three
  57. Fulgrim: The Palatine Phoenix; Chapter Four
  58. Echoes of Eternity; Chapter Twenty Four
  59. Codex: Orks (4th Edition); pg 29
  60. Betrayer; Chapter Five
  61. The Lost and the Damned; Chapter Twenty Two
  62. The First Wall; Chapter Eight
  63. Fury of Magnus; Chapter Five
  64. The Lost and the Damned; Chapter Twenty Two
  65. The Lost and the Damned; Chapter Thirty
  66. The First Wall; Chapter Eight
  67. Angron: The Red Angel; Chapter Seventeen
  68. Imperial Armour Volume One: Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy; pg 92
  69. Angron: The Red Angel; Chapter Twenty
  70. Angron: The Red Angel; Chapter Twenty One
  71. Betrayer; Chapter Twenty One


Discussion threads involving Angron


Discussion threads involving Angron