“ | Regrettable, Matthew. I'd hoped that we could celebrate the day of departure together. But very well... it seems I must forsake you. The olden ones, olden life... your olden notions! | „ |
~ Alpha to Matthew |
Alpha is the main antagonist of the DLC expansion Future Redeemed for the game Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Alpha is a fragmented version of Alvis who was reawakened without the influence of Logos and Pneuma. Because of this Alpha became a heartless machine who only desires to fulfil his objective of bringing the new generation into a new world and then erasing the old world and its people for being obsolete. He battles against Shulk, Rex and Z at the start of the game where he swiftly defeats all three of them and then takes control of Origin. He would later be confronted by Matthew, his other self A and the rest of the party where he would finally be defeated.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 1-C | 1-C, higher with Perfected Monado Buster
Key: Avatar Form | Final Form
Name: Alpha, Ontos, "Alvis", Monado
Origin: Xenoblade Chronicles
Gender: Inapplicable (Appears as Male)
Age: Unknown (His Core existed in Klaus's Universe before the creation of a new one, and has lived through Zanza's countless cycle of destruction and recreation)
Classification: Aegis Blade, Computer Data Core, The True Monado, God
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Omniscience, Blade Physiology (Aegis), Immortality (Types 6, and 9; The Monado that Shulk uses is stated to be one and the same with Zanza by Egil which Zanza confirms by referring to himself as The Monado and Alpha's form is merely an Avatar of the world), Regeneration (High Godly - Concept and Information; As a fellow Aegis Blade, Alpha should have similar regeneration to Malos, should also upscale from the ether based being N who is both stated and shown to be capable of surviving a Homecoming which is noted by N himself to permanently kill someone by extinguishing their flame which is a person's soul, N and M's spiritual form has been noted by M to embody the same desire as Z who is a living concept), Teleportation and Dimensional Travel (Upscales from his Original Self who can teleport himself and others to Memory Space. Can also act as a BFR), Telepathy (Can speak directly into minds as shown with Na'el), Non-Physical Interaction (The Monado was shown to be capable of interacting with ether based beings such as Nebulae and even souls as shown with Zanza's battle with Meyneth), Avatar Creation (The Alpha we see is merely an Avatar), Dream Manipulation (Upscales from his Original Self who can appear in and control every aspect of other's dream, and showed Shulk a vision of Reyn dying in the real world), Precognition, Perception Manipulation and Clairvoyance (Able to use Visions to see the future along with other possibilities, has access to Zanza's Monado which is stated by Zanza himself to grant those visions with these visions being capable of affecting those with Acausality (Types 2 and 4) as evident by Shulk using said visions on himself), Acausality (Type 1, 2 and 4 - Causality, Fate and Precognition; Should have a similar existence to his Original Self), Transformation (Able to transform into a large Fog Creature that is of Large Size (Type 1) height), Accelerated Development (Passive: Physical Stats and Abilities, The Monado is stated by Alvis to grow with its wielder allowing for wielders such as Shulk to grow in strength rapidly to the point where could defeat foes who could previously defeat him without any training), Passive Reactive Evolution (The Monado bends to the will of it's master allowing it to change shape, overcome weaknesses as shown with Shulk damaging Metal Face with the Monado I despite the latter having Homs blood, grow in power as shown by The Monado becoming much more powerful when pushed, enhance resistances and develop resistances as shown with The Monado overcoming the effects of the Apocrypha which previously left it in a powerless state and later Shulk even comments that The Monado does not feel any different even when approaching the Apocrypha Generator and also The Monado can gain new abilities when needed as shown with it responding to Shulk's desires which allowed him to obtain Monado Shield, Monado Speed and Monado Purge, Shulk was also shown to be capable of actively triggering The Monado to obtain new abilities through his will and desire as shown through him obtaining Monado Purge and The Monado II once it had the shackles broken alongside Zanza stating that created the Monado's ability to see into the future in order to fight Meyneth), Elemental Manipulation (Of Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Ice, Earth, Light and Dark; Upscaled from Blades who can manipulate these elements through their use of Ether, The Monado is able to control all things through the use of ether which gives advanced users access to every form of Ether and can replicate all forms of it, this extends to even an individual basis as the bodies of the inhabitants of Shulk's world are composed of ether), Mind Manipulation (Upscaled from numerous foes who are able cause foes to mindlessly run around in circles or even take control of someone through the use of Control, his words to Na'el left her in a trance like state), BFR (Upscaled from Melia's teleportation being shown to be able to teleport others), Sleep Manipulation (Upscaled from Melia's use of ether), Smoke Manipulation (Upscaled from Melia who is capable of generating smoke), Death Manipulation (Upscaled from the numerous enemies and even allies who's use of ether can do this), Gravity Manipulation (Upscaled from Fiora's use of the Zero Gravity ether art), Memory Manipulation and Law Manipulation (Scales from Lucky Seven which was used by Noah to restore the memories of Miyabi and co by overwriting the precepts set by Z with Lucky Seven as a shard of Origin getting it's abilities due to being based on Ontos' core), Purification (Type 3; Upscaled from Sharla's ether art Cure Bullet which cures the target of debuffs and grants them a temporary Immunity to them), Attack Reflection (Upscaled from Melia's use of the Reflection ether art), Corrosion Inducement (Upscaled from the Mechon's Ether based weapons that are corrosive and can deconstruct other beings), Body Puppetry (Ether can be used to force entities to move to the whims of the user), Absolute Zero (Upscaled from Jin who's use of the Ice element can reach Absolute Zero), Corruption (Type 2), Animal Manipulation, Madness Manipulation (Type 2) and Transmutation (Has control over Fog rifts which caused wild life to go mad and transform into fog beasts), Space-Time Manipulation (Has control over Fog Rifts and has shown to be able to open and close them at will with Fog Rifts being rifts in space-time), Empathic Manipulation (Upscaled from the Aggro Ether Gems which allow for the user to manipulate how aggro their opponent is), Poison Manipulation (Via the Poison Attack ether gem allowing for the user to poison enemies on hit), Aura and Time Stop (Upscaled from Shulk who as an ether based being was able to do this), Immortality Negation (Of Types 2, 3 - High-Godly; Concept and Information, 4, 5, 6 and 8; Alpha's erasure of the world would have ended Moebius which would include the likes of N and Z), Damage Transferal (Alvis's use of The Conduit caused the creation of ether and thus he should have access to abilities related to Ether; Alpha should also be capable of replicating the effects of spike which should allow him to be able of inflicting Sleep, Bind, Stats Down, Paralysis and Instant Death through his use of Spike), Plant Manipulation (Upscaled from the Ponspecters whose use of ether causes plants to grow), Explosion Manipulation (Upscaled from Sharla's ether shots which cause an explosion on hit), Creation (Would have created a new world if not stopped), Life Force Absorption (Via the HP Steal Ether gem which allows for the user to steal vitality when damaging an opponent), Matter Manipulation, Biological Manipulation and Metal Manipulation (The Monado controls Ether which the beings of The Bionis and Mechonis and even the world are made of), Invulnerability (Zanza's use of Monado Shield grants him Invincibility for an extended period of time), Resurrection (Upscaled from Nia's use of the water element which is capable of reviving the dead), Perception Manipulation (People in the new universe were unable to perceive other worlds, Shulk using the Monado III undid this), Can grant Acausality (Type 1, 2 and 4 - Causality, Fate and Precognition: Alvis is responsible for Shulk escaping the Passage of Fate), Incorporeality (Ether beings such as Alpha, in order to hit ether beings you must match their ether concentration, this extends to even a conceptual level as Melia was unable to interact with the Fog King even with her own ether attacks despite the same attacks being capable of interacting and damaging Z who is a concept with the potency of which being capable of increasing over time as shown by the Fog King increasing it's ether concentration to surpass the Telethia's ether fields), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1: Shulk used the Monado III to severed the threads of fate so that everyone can choose their own future), Memory Manipulation and Existence Erasure (Shulk used the Monado III to erase Zanza and the memory of his existence, would have erased the Xenoblade 3 universe if not stopped), Reality Warping (The Monado is capable of controlling Ether and by controlling Ether it can make it's wielder's will reality), Pocket Reality Manipulation (Has control over Memory Space), Mind Reading and Power Mimicry (Memory Space can recreate foes from the opponent's memory of them), Soul Manipulation (Attempted to rip Matthew's soul out of his body), Possession (Possessed Na'el and would have possessed Matthew if not stopped by N), Sealing (Ontos was responsible for sealing the new universe and the new universe is described as a "sealed universe" by the series creator), Fate Manipulation and Causality Manipulation (Ontos has control over the Passage of Fate which contains the laws of Causality, this binds even Acausality (Type 2 and 4) users as shown by Zanza's use of the Passage of Fate preventing Shulk from saving The Emperor as explained by Alvis), Abstract Existence (Type 1 - Concept; The Monado embodies the willpower of those who wishes to live on, facing adversity in the worst circumstances), Limited Heat Manipulation (The Monado emmits large amounts of heat which has shown to be capable of melting the armour of characters such as Metal Face, this would make the heat produced by The Monado superior to the heat that an ether river produces as other faced mechon such as Xord were able to survive prolonged contact in one), Damage Boost and Power Bestowal (Via Monado Enchant), Statistics Amplification (Of Speed: Via the use of Monado Speed), Paralysis Inducement and Power Nullification (Via Monado Purge which can nullify abilities as shown by Alpha using it to null A's visions and should comparable to Shulk's Purge which paralyses the target), Invulnerability Negation (Alpha's Monado Purge negates A's visions which grants invulnerability), Biological Absorption and Power Absorption (Monado Eater consumes its target along with any buffs they had), Energy Projection (Via Monado Buster; As Alpha is The Monado he would have access to the Monado Arts), and an Possession, Body Puppetry, Pain Manipulation and Enhanced Electricity Manipulation (Via The Monado which has shown to possess those who attempt to wield it such as Arglas or control people such as Dunban, Dunban's exposure to The Monado also caused him to be wrapped in electricity that caused him to lose the use of his right arm permanently and Shulk's exposure caused him to be enveloped with an indescribable pain)
Soul Manipulation, Memory Manipulation and Sealing (Origin was used to store the memories and souls which extends to the very metal of Origin as explain by Riku), Limited Durability Negation (Numerous Blades who's data would be contained in Origin are capable of ignoring forcefields and Barriers through Guard Anul, Origin contains all the data of both the Xenoblade 1 and Xenoblade 2 worlds for the purpose of recreating both worlds. This should include the Blades who's data has been shown to contain their powers and abilities as shown by Malos recovering his Monado by stealing his data back from Pyra and Pneuma who gained new abilities through having access to the data of all Blades and Titans), Analytical Prediction and Precognition (Mythra who's data should be contained within Origin is capable of predicting her enemies' movements and see the future), Enhanced Passive Probability Manipulation (Kassandra who's data should be contained within Origin has shown to passively make those around her extremely unlucky with Kassandra even being able to make impossible situations occur to benefit herself), Enhanced Heat Manipulation and Deconstruction (Mythra who's data should be contained within Origin was able to do this to Malos who is not only capable of withstanding Siren blasts which have shown to turn things into glass but also be able to survive in the cloud sea which is stated to be capable of disassembling matter it comes in contact with), Elemental Resistance Negation (Upscaled from the Pneuma core (who's data is contained within Origin) who can ignores elemental resistances), Immortality Negation (Types 2, 3 - High Godly; Concept and Information, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9) and Nonexistent Erasure (Of Type 1 and Aspects 1, 3 and 4; Upscaled from the Pneuma core which was able to kill Malos by cracking his Core despite Malos surviving and regenerating from worse injuries and his core surviving worse damage, Ouroboros are derived from the Pneuma as seen by it being used by Matthew to both Interlink and turn Nikol and Glimmer into Ouroboros with the first Interlink using the Pneuma core being capable of permanently killing Alpha), Purification (Type 2; The Pneuma core has shown to be capable of dispersing Ouroboros energy which freed Nikol and Glimmer from the Flame Clock's influence), Data Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Soul Manipulation and Information Manipulation (Type 2) (Upscaled from the Pneuma core (who's data is contained within Origin) who has shown twice to be able to manipulate Core Crystals which has a blade's Life Force, Data, Information and Mind and thus should be able to manipulate these aspects), Time Manipulation, Physics Manipulation and Reality Warping (Upscaled from the Pneuma core (who's data is contained within Origin) who is stated to be able to rewrite her physical surroundings, Mythra shortly after states that by their point of view Indol would be frozen in place and Jin states that Pneuma has the ability to make what she imagines real), Size Manipulation (Floren who's data is contained within Origin is capable of enlarging objects), Life-Force Absorption (Nia who's data is contained within Origin is able to drain her foe's life), Clairvoyance (Azami who's data should be contained within Origin has been shown capable of this) and Information Analysis (KOS-MOS who's data should be contained within Origin is capable of scanning her surroundings, know the probability of success by looking at her opponent and the optimal actions to perform)
Resistance to Blade Physiology Resistances (Aegis), Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Sleep Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Attack Reflection, Status Effect Inducement, Statistics Reduction, Gravity Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Life Force Absorption, Power Nullification, Fear Manipulation (Upscaled from the Ether gems which grant such resistances), Space-Time Manipulation and Sealing (Unaffected by attacks from characters like Shulk and Rex), Law Manipulation and Power Modification (Was able to power through Z's grasp on the world which allowed for him to seize Origin with Z's grasp on the world which allows Z to decide what is permitted and what is prohibited, control the world's very fabric and control other's abilities as evident by him disabling Mio's use of Moebius powers), Pain Manipulation and Madness Manipulation (Type 2; Moebius have been shown to be able of inflicting wounds that can transfer over to even entirely new bodies, these wounds inflict a terrible pain that grows over time which will eventually drive the person mad with Alpha showing such problems from Moebius wounds), Life Manipulation (As a being unbound of the influence of the Flame Clocks, Moebius Y's ability to manipulate life does not work on Alpha), Time Stop (Able to exist inside the Endless Now which is a realm of stopped time), Existence Erasure (Shown to be unfazed by his own Annihilation Events which work by cancelling out matter), Reality Warping (Should be comparable to his Original Self who was unaffected by Shulk's use of the Moando 3 which created a world without gods), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Was able to use his precognition despite the fact the threads of fate were severed which causes Shulk to lose his own precognition), Precognition and Fate Manipulation (Should scale off of Shulk and the party who couldn't be seen through Zanza's precognition), Immortality Negation (Of Types 2, 3 - High-Godly; Concept and Information, 4, 6 and 8; Able to recover from damage from N's Sword of The End which scales to Noah's Sword of Origin which was capable of inflicting incredible damage on N and would have killed him if he had not retreated), Possession (Heavily skilled individuals in Xenoblade are capable of resisting The Monado's attempt to possess them as shown with Dunban resisting it through his skill and technique), Mind Manipulation (Became unaffected by Ouroboros energy which was previously shown capable of splitting one's conscience from their body as shown by Ghondor doing so to Alpha), Perception Manipulation and Morality Manipulation (Is unbound from the influence of the Flame Clock which in turn makes Alpha unaffected by the Moebius Iris which has shown to be capable to change people's perception and have them attack former allies ruthlessly as shown by Noah's and Mio's Colonies perceiving them as monsters they must destroy no matter what), Absorption and Power Absorption (Able to withstand Monado Eater during his final fight with Shulk which absorbs matter it comes into contact with along with the buffs they had), Paralysis Inducement and Power Nullification (Able to withstand Monado Purge from both Shulk Monado Purge paralyzes the target and nulling their abilities), Sealing and Space-Time Manipulation (Unaffected by attacks from characters such as Shulk and Rex who have shown to be capable of damaging and sealing Fog Rifts which are rifts in space-time by simply swinging their blade), Resistance Negation (Alpha is unaffected by arts that lower or ignore resistances such as Rex's Sword Bash art), Power Mimicry (Noah's Sword of Origin cannot be copied by other Ouroboros and as the Ontos core is responsible for the creation for Origin, Alpha would logically be unable to be copied by Ouroboros), Enhanced Power Nullification, Fissionism, Statistics Reduction and Sealing (As Alpha easily defeated Z, he should be capable of resisting Z's power which previous was able to seal away Noah and co.'s powers, forcibly separated them from their interlinked form and weakened them to the point where they could not even break a flimsy iron bars), Unconventional Resistance to Sealing (The Monado 3 was able to undo the seal on the Xenoblade 1 Universe)
Attack Potency: Complex Multiverse level (Stated to be even more powerful than his Original Self, effortlessly defeated Z) | Complex Multiverse level (Stronger than before), higher with Perfected Monado Buster (Perfected Monado Buster will always one shot the Future Redeemed party)
Speed: At least Massively FTL+ (Far superior to the likes of Shulk), likely Infinite (Stated by Shulk to have suddenly appeared one day and constantly travels between rifts in space-time in and out of Aionios which is a world of frozen time which would mean that Alpha would of had to reacted and then travelled to Aionios in that instant it existed for) | At least Massively FTL+, likely Infinite (Faster than before)
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable | Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Complex Multiverse level | Complex Multiverse level
Durability: Complex Multiverse level | Complex Multiverse level
Stamina: Likely Infinite
Range: Complex Multiversal
Standard Equipment: The Monado, Origin
Weaknesses: None notable
Note: For a list of abilities compatible with Alpha's Reactive Evolution see the abilities listed here.
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Alpha (Xenoblade) |