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VS Battles Wiki
Let me start with the conclusion…My power is infinite. I can overlay settings over pre-existing settings. For example, let’s say you somehow acquired unusual abilities and powers in order to defeat me. Then, I can simply resolve that like this. ‘Your unusual power won’t work on me, and I can still defeat you with one finger.’ Do you think this is ridiculous? Yes, that’s right. I won’t deny it. However, such an inexplicable statement can sometimes be stronger than a never-ending exchange


Alovenus (アロヴィナス, Arovinasu) is the main villain of A Wild Last Boss Appeared series. She is the Goddess of Creation who created the Midgard universe. Her birth was a singularity with less chance of happening than the universe itself. She was the only one on Earth who had supernatural powers. She eventually overthrew the original God and took their place, giving mortals a utopia where all their desires were fulfilled.

She noticed however that they were never satisficed nor happy. If a person eats the best foods every day, they wouldn't be happy with it, but a poor person who can't afford it, would be. Thus Alovenus decided that in order for mortals to be happy, suffering is necessary, and thus she had her scenario take effect. Mortals would be continually pushed to the brink of annihilation over and over again.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Unknown, Varies, normally Low 5-B with Argonautai | Varies, 4-A, Low 2-C with Big Crunch | 1-A | 1-A | Varies, Low 2-C with Azathoth

Key: Avatar (Pollux) | Avatar (Dina) | True Form | True Form (End of Story) | Avatar (End of Story)

Name: Alovenus, Goddess of Creation, Goddess of Love, Goddess of Destruction

Origin: A Wild Last Boss Appeared

Gender: Female

Age: Tens of billions of years old

Classification: Singularity, Goddess, Third Rate Author

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

All previous abilities on a vastly higher scale in addition to:

Resistance to:

All previous abilities

Attack Potency: Unknown (Despite being Level 800, in exchange for her powerful Argonauutai skill, Alovenus has little combat power. She is inferior even to adventurers), Varies (Due to levels which allows the characters to ignore common sense, the damage they can do others depends on the difference in levels between them, with even the weakest characters such as a baby being able to do -1 damage to an adult[58], and even killing them in a 100 hits. Level 150's can deal fatal injuries to level 300's[59] if they are unguarded, and a 400-500 level difference results in slight bruising[60]), normally Small Planet level with Argonautai (Comparable to Ruphas Mafahl) | Varies, Multi-Solar System level (Erased a number of stars in the sky.[30] Superior to the Earth Ouroboros who can create a black hole that can destroy the entire solar system and everything else nearby, said black hole had enough attraction to pull faraway stars from outside the solar system), Universe level+ with Big Crunch (Alovenus is the person who created the universe, Big Crunch is skill she uses when she decides to end it[61]) | Outerverse level (Exists within the Endpoint which is a conceptless, aspatial and atemporal white nothingness that acts as a blank canvas upon which can be painted over by Gods—all and every possible creations such as concepts, laws, dimensions, worlds, parallel worlds, and timelines—can be infinitely painted over it due to its conceptually sizeless nature. In relation to it, all the multiverses are nothing but a speck of dust in its vastness, while from the point of view of its inhabitants, these things are just like computers, with many recursive folders, where the deepest ones contain softwares, and each of which has saved data. All of creation is a set of toys to them, the universe itself is nothing more than a game played on a computer, and messing with the game wouldn't affect them in real life. Her power can be compared to that of an author who can arbitrarily create and freely flip everything upside down. She paints her own concepts, laws, providences and limits over this canvas, as within this realm God's are also freed from all of these restrictions. Merely believing she is stronger than her opponent makes her so, she can insist infinity is just 1 before her and continuously transcend to higher levels. Eventually just the aftereffects of Ruphas and Alovenus colliding created shockwaves which spread throughout the Endpoint and even caused cracks within it. Even then, her power kept increasing) | Outerverse level | Varies, Universe level+ with Azathoth (Allows her to rewrite the universe, and control reality, dreams, past, future and present[57])

Speed: Unknown, Varies, Sub-Relativistic to Relativistic with Argonautai (Can summon people on the level of the Heavenly Stars and even Ruphas) | Massively FTL+ travel speed (Far superior to Level 3000 Ruphas who is this fast), with Immeasurable combat speed (Once Alovenus took control of Dina, she became an opponent only Ruphas could face, and should be on a similar if not superior level) | Immeasurable (Alovenus started off being faster than Benetnash who can move faster than infinity, both of which are superior to a level 4200 Ruphas. Where all of Alovenus's stats are pointless to measure by comparison. Against her infinite speed is nothing more than one, and she is one hundred times faster. She continuously got infinitely faster and faster at a rapid rate) | Immeasurable (Same as before) | Massively FTL+ travel speed, with Immeasurable combat speed (Should be superior to level 4200 Ruphas)

Lifting Strength: Unknown, Class M with Argonautai | At least Class Y (Far superior to Level 2100 Ruphas who lifted Orm who is as big as planet) | Immeasurable | Immeasurable | At least Class Y (Far superior to before)

Striking Strength: Unknown, Varies, normally Small Planet level with Argonautai | Varies, normally Multi-Solar System level | Outerverse level | Outerverse level | Varies, normally Universe level+

Durability: Unknown, Small Planet level with Argonautai | Multi-Solar System level (Like other boss class characters Alovenus is far more durable than the damage she can unleash, this is demonstrated when Level 4200 Ruphas who is comparable to her in Ap, even with the maximum damage she can unleash, only takes out 1/1000 of Alovenus HP[30]) | Outerverse level | Outerverse level | Universe level+

Stamina: Infinite (Alovenus can draw an unlimited amount of arcane power and divine power from the world of Midgard itself) | Infinite | Infinite | Infinite | Infinite

Range: Tens of Meters | Interstellar, Universal with Big Crunch, Interdimensional with X-Gate | Outerversal | Outerversal | Universal+, Interdimensional with X-Gate

Standard Equipment: Her Sword

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient (Alovenus is close to being omniscient[62])

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Divine Magic: A supernatural ability different from Arcane Magic. It is the opposite of magical power and possesses the properties of repelling magic. Furthermore, it can be used to enhance substances other than arcane power. This is also used by healing and strengthening skills.
    • Avatar Creation: The ability to create avatars with divine power, she can also let them be possessed by the souls of the dead to result in something akin to resurrection
    • Argonautai: The basic and most powerful skill of Alovenus. Its effect is the mass summoning of the spirits of heroes from the past. Even the braves and heroes from recorded history could be summoned. Although each summoning has the inefficient cost of 1000 SP, Alovenus can easily summon several hundreds of people without any problem. The strength of the hero makes no difference to its SP cost. The cost would be the same whether the hero was Level 10 or Level 1000. The summoned hero will not hesitate to use sacrificial or self-destructive tactics, since they can cheat by reviving immediately. The heroes’ combat powers are as if they were at the prime of their lives, therefore it is difficult to deal with. Furthermore, Alovenus can receive arcane power and divine power from Midgard via her true body, so her SP is practically infinite and she can summon and revive them indefinitely. However, this skill can only summon those whom Alovenus recognized unmistakably as heroes, and they will disappear upon Alovenus’ defeat.
  • Soul Succession: One of the skills possessed by one of the heroes summoned by Alovenus. It creates a permanent barrier, weakening enemies and strengthening allies. However, in proportion to its powerful effects, the price was high, requiring the life of the person who uses the skill. This skill the Argonauts were strengthens all the Argonauuts by several tiers, while reducing the status reducing the status of her opponent.

  • X-Gate: Spatial magic which allows the user to create portals and travel vast distances, simply connecting the coordinates with each other. It is a combination of Arcane Magic and Divine Magic. The Divine Magic and Arcane Magic touch each other, punching a hole in the Space-time Continuum, distorting the world created by the Goddess Arovinas.
  • Observing Eyes: An that displays the level, remaining HP, and even the stats of an opponent if the user is skilled enough. However unless your own level is double that of Search Eye’s target, only their name and level will be displayed. Furthermore, if the target’s level equals or exceeds your own, Search Eye will fail to activate.
  • Memory Manipulation: A skill which lets her rewrite or erase the memories of anyone she sees.
  • Metal-Attribute Arcane Magic: Arcane magic which can be used to give birth to a metal.
    • Cleta: An ability which creates thousands or even tens of thousands of Metal-attribute raindrops which she drops on her opponent.
    • Dawn Star: The strongest Aoe Metal attribute arcane magic which creates a gigantic globe, kilometers in diameter high up in the sky which she then uses X-Gate to bring it down towards her opponent.
    • Auxo: An ability which uses her Metal-attribute raindrops to create trees by bathing the earth with them.
  • Aglaia: An ability which creates a bright light which blinds her opponent.
  • Illusion: Water magic which uses mists to confuse the opponents and change one’s appearance.
  • Star of Asclepius: The highest-tiered Water attribute divine magic. The effect of the skill is to fully recover the HP of all allies within the specified area around the user whilst stripping all status buffs, irrespective of their effects, and it also comes with the effect of resurrecting the dead.
  • Rasalhague: The most powerful unique skill, which has the effect of activating all the ouroboroses simultaneously. As the stand-in for the Goddess, she has the ability to wake the ouroboroses, not only that, after waking them up, she has the authority to give orders to them.
  • Yed Posterior: A unique skill which is used to control time. A set period of the target's time is cut away and removed, causing the enemy’s movement itself to elongate over the cut period. It is an extraordinary skill only usable because she is the proxy of the Goddess. It is an absolute skill with an unfair effect. Not only that, this skill’s effect only become more potent the more time the target was placed under. Eventually, not only is the target’s time stop completely, it goes beyond that, and tread into the negative territory. The target’s time itself is revert and rewind back into the past. This skill can't be prevented and it takes absolute priority over all others that are in place.
  • Cebalrai: A unique skill which manipulates the target’s memory, and implants fake memories. Furthermore, by manipulating their recognition, the user is able to make the target perceive them as air or a rock, thus making them unable to feel their presence. It has the priority rank 6, and as such, it takes precedence over every other skill. It cannot be negated by any means.
  • Muliphen: A unique skill which can assign a maximum damage restriction on the target. It is able to drop their maximum damage down to 9999. It has the priority rank 6, and as such, it takes precedence over every other skill. It cannot be negated by any means.
  • Yed Prior: A unique skill which separates the target’s time from the surroundings and allows it to be sped up infinitely without an upper limit. Eventually, the target of this skill can be sped up such that they transcend past the limit and concept of time itself. It has the priority rank 6, and as such, it takes precedence over every other skill. It cannot be negated by any means.
  • Sabik: A unique skill that creates skills. However, this does not mean that it can create any skill whatsoever on a whim. There are 100 points that can be distributed out during the creation of a skill. For example, if the power of the skill is raised too much, it may end up as an extremely destructive skill but possesses a terrible accuracy rate or end up as a skill with no special effect. Alternatively, if you evenly distribute points to those effects, there will be less assignable points to power. Additionally, if the previously made skill still remains in place, Sabik cannot be used to create another skill. If Alovenus wants to create a new skill, she will need to get rid of the previously created skill.
  • Marfik: A unique skill which allows the Goddess to possess the body, skyrocketing all stats by multiple times. When this skill was used, Dina in a very literal sense, became the Goddess’s avatar. Her consciousness was be erased. This skill can be activated by the Goddess, regardless of Dina’s will. It has the priority rank 6, and as such, it takes precedence over every other skill. It cannot be negated by any means.
  • Subspace Seal: A skill which abandons the target in the space between dimensions.
  • Ceraunus: A skill within which the sky is parted and lightning descends. The lightning strike is powerful enough to incinerate even stars and erased a number of stars shining in the sky.
  • Mahakala: A skill which scatters flames in all directions. It grants instant death for both living and nonliving things and penetrates resistances as well.
  • Izanami: A skill which causes the surrounding mana began to coalesce into the shapes of people. They take the forms of Japanese-styled men and women holding weapons, and give off a sense of being rather formidable.
  • Big Crunch: A skill Alovenus uses when she decides to destroy the universe. It completely destroys the entire universe.

  • Hypernova Explosion: A skill which triggers a massive chain explosion that can burn the entire universe.
  • Law Manipulation: Alovenus can rewrite the common sense of the universe, apply new laws at her convenience, and forcefully push reason aside.
  • Plot Manipulation: Alovenus has the ability to manipulate the entire world according to scenarios she wants. She has stated that her power is infinite as she can overlay settings over pre-existing settings. For example, if someone somehow acquired unusual abilities and powers in order to defeat her, she can simply defeat them by saying their unusual power won’t work on her, and she can still defeat them with one finger. Even if someone has infinite speed she will just say infinite speed before her is nothing more than one, and she is one hundred times faster. If someone has infinite power, she’ll just say even that infinity is just one, there is always another infinity beyond. If they go beyond that, she’ll simply say that there’s even more beyond. If they say that they’ll become infinitely stronger and stronger, she can simply make herself become infinitely stronger, but at a rate one thousand times faster than them.

  • Midgard: Magic in which the magic power of each of the seven attributes of Midgard is increased and mixed, and is sublimated into the strongest magic that collects all seven attributes. It has flames that consumed even the stars, massive water that swallows even the sun, thunderbolt that pierces even a perfect circle, gravity that crushes even the solar system, silver arrows that wipe out the stars, meteor shower that fills the entire field of view, and sunshine that destroys everything. All at once, they pour down, obliterating the Earth's surface, shattering planets, annihilating everything and laying waste to their target. The gathered destructive forces turned, raising each other up and creating a single star in the center of it. The mother planet Midgard, then shines, expands and eventually, turns into a polar light and explode on the spot.
  • Azathoth: A powerful skill that inverts reality and fiction, making reality, dreams, the past, and the future subject to her control, which she can overwrite with her own rules. Any event, no matter how significant, is rendered a transient dream that resets at dawn.

Notable Matchups





  1. Volume 4, Part 20
  2. Volume 9, Part 7
  3. Volume 5, Part 6
  4. Volume 8, Part 17
  5. 5.0 5.1 Volume 6, Part 1
  6. Volume 4, Part 3
  7. 7.0 7.1 Volume 8, Part 12
  8. Chapter 173
  9. Volume 6, Part 16
  10. Volume 8, Part 12
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 Volume 2, Main Story
  12. Volume 5, Part 16
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Volume 7, Part 22
  14. Volume 9, A Wild Ex Boss Appeared, Ex 7
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Volume 7, Part 21
  16. Volume 4, Part 20
  17. Volume 9, Part 7
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Volume 1, Main Story
  19. Volume 9, Part 1
  20. Volume 6, Part 11
  21. Volume 3, Part 28
  22. Volume 1, A Wild Demon Appeared
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Volume 5, Part 18
  24. Volume 3, Part 26
  25. 25.0 25.1 Volume 7, Part 18
  26. Volume 4, Part 1
  27. Volume 5, Part 21
  28. Volume 5, Part 23
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Volume 7, Part 23
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 Chapter 182
  31. Volume 7, Part 1
  32. Volume 7, Part 11
  33. Volume 7, Part 16
  34. Volume 4, Part 21
  35. Volume 6, Part 15
  36. Volume 7, Part 3
  37. Volume 7, Part 17
  38. Volume 9, A Wild Ex Boss Appeared, Ex 4
  39. Volume 1, A Wild Dinosaur Appeared
  40. Character Introduction
  41. Chapter 56
  42. Chapter 65
  43. Chapter 18
  44. Chapter 179
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 Volume 9, Part 4
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 Chapter 182 Extra
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 47.5 Chapter 187
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 Chapter 188
  49. Volume 3, Part 5
  50. Volume 3, Part 11
  51. Chapter 185
  52. 52.0 52.1 Chapter 119
  53. 53.0 53.1 Volume 9, Part 8
  54. Volume 6, Part 2
  55. Chapter 133
  56. 56.0 56.1 Chapter 186
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 57.4 57.5 57.6 Volume 9 Extra
  58. A Wild Ex Boss Appeared, Ex 7
  59. Volume 4, Part 23
  60. Volume 8, Part 1
  61. Chapter 184
  62. Chapter 141


Discussion threads involving Alovenus