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VS Battles Wiki
Alioth MCU Render

He Who Remains: A creature created from all the tears in reality, capable of consuming time and space itself. A creature... you both know.
Loki: Alioth.

~ He Who Remains to Loki


Alioth is a trans-temporal entity that serves as the guardian of the Void. Alioth was created by the rifts in time and space during the Multiversal War, where Nathaniel Richards harnessed and experimented on its power, becoming its master. Under the moniker of He Who Remains, Richards weaponized Alioth and used him to end the war with his Variants, including Kang the Conqueror. After the war, Alioth served as the gatekeeper of the Citadel at the End of Time and consumed any individuals the Time Variance Authority sent to the Void.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 2-A, possibly Low 1-C

Name: Alioth

Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (Born from tears in reality caused by the previous multiverse)

Classification: Trans-temporal entity, Living Tempest, The Beast

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced SensesLarge Size (Types 2 or 3, possibly varies up to Type 8 to 10), Acausality (Type 1, Exists in the Void at the end of time and isn't affected by the erasure of entire timelines throughout the multiverse), Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and likely 3), Likely Immortality (Type 1), Existence Erasure (Stated to consume energy and matter as well as time and space ensuring nothing can return), Void Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Weather Manipulation (Is described as a "Living Tempest or Storm"), Energy Absorption, Intangibility and Incorporeality (Cannot be touched through traditional means as it exist as a living storm), Resistance to Corrosion Inducement, Soul Manipulation, Reality Warping, Time Manipulation and Spatial Manipulation (Immortals are immune to Death's ability, who embodies decay and can free the soul of a living being and manipulate reality, time, and space),

Attack Potency: At least Multiverse level+, possibly Low Complex Multiverse level (Stated by He Who Remains to have ended the Multiversal War between countless unique timelines or "trees", albeit by unknown means), Negates Durability with Absorption and Existence Erasure

Speed: Superhuman travel speed with Massively Hypersonic+, likely far higher combat speed and reactions (Kept pace with and reacted to the Loki Variants. Stated to have instantly devoured entire branched realities and ended the Multiversal War)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown

Durability: At least Multiverse level+, possibly Low Complex Multiverse level

Stamina: Likely Infinite (Never stopped consuming since its birth in the Multiversal War ensuring nothing returns from Void).

Range: At least Multiversal+, possibly Low Complex Multiversal (Ended the Multiversal War by consuming an infinite, possibly uncountable, amount of timelines)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Animalistic (Described by Sylvie as an unthinking beast, a servant to its master. Its only goal is to consume. Like any predator, however, it goes after the largest meal nearby, the result being it can be lured into going after a bigger meal. An illusion of an entire city distracted it from eating only two people)

Weaknesses: Is as intelligent as a wild beast. Can easily be distracted and tricked. Can be touched and affected through use of magic.

Note: It would take infinite time with zero progress for Alioth to have ended the Multiversal War if we consider he did this over time. Alioth's statements and lore don't work unless Alioth consumed the infinite amount of realities instantly the way it's stated to have the ability eat "entire branched realities instantly".

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Alioth