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Quick, girls! Form a human chain! …Hey, whaddya know? My plan worked…
~ Alex Casoy


Alexandra Casoy, or just Alex is one of the three main protagonists of Totally Spies!. She is an operative of WOOHP, or the World Organization of Human Protection, an agency of spies dedicated to protecting the globe from manic supervillains, along with her teammates Clover and Sam. Alex is the most athletic of the team and competes in school soccer events, displaying combat dexterity in the field as well.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 7-A, High 6-C with the Brute Suit | 7-A, likely higher

Key: Alex | Bulky Bar-Empowered

Name: Alexandra "Alex" Casoy

Origin: Totally Spies!

Gender: Female

Age: 14-15 (Totally Spies: The Movie; Just starting her freshman year), 15-16 (Season 1; Alex got her driver's license at some point in the first season and is the youngest of the girls), 17 (Season 2; A full year and several holidays have passed), 18 (Season 3-4), 19-20 (Season 5; She is a college student), 21-22 (Season 6)

Classification: Human, WOOHP Agent, Beverly Hills High student (Seasons 1-4), Super-Spy (Post-Evil Promotion Much?), Malibu University student (Post-Evil Graduation)

Powers and Abilities:

  • Flight (With her Jetpack Backpack,[43] hoverboard[15] and jet boots[44])
  • Air Manipulation & Heat Manipulation/Absorption (With the Wind Tunnel 9000 Tornado Blast Hairdryer, which can release a damaging burst of heated air.[45] It also comes with a Laser Heat Dryer variant.[46] Her Laser-Heat Curling Irons can melt metal.[15] Can also make tornadoes with the Tornado-in-a-Can[43] and produce heat with the Evapo-Blaster.[43] With Instant Highly Concentrated Fog which sprays out a cloud of fog from a can.[24] The Solar Roller Shades absorbs heat from the sun and projects it in a ray[47])
  • Information Analysis (With her Crime Scanner Watch, she is able to scan fingerprints and trace them back to possible owners.[43] An upgraded model of the watch could fire a beam that is able to analyze energy substances.[3] With Infrared Heat Detection Glasses, which can show the exact year something was made.[8] With DNA Scanner Sunglasses, she can analyze the genetic alterations of an individual.[48] With the Velcro Band 3-D Body Analyzer Wristwatch, she can analyze glandular functions and brain activity as well as energy and vitality levels.[48] With the 5 Carat Data Processor Pendant, she is able to analyze technology and signals being sent to them. She can also track their exact location[34])
  • Surface Scaling (With Suction-Cup Bottom GoGo Boots, which allow her to stick to ceilings and walls[45] and Press-On Sticky Fingers, which allow her to climb surfaces[8])
  • Additional Enhanced Senses (With the Ultra-Sensitive Hearing Microphone, which allowed her to hear things even from a soundproof room[45] and pick up technological communications,[49] Binocular Shades, which allow her to zoom in on objects[50] and Infrared Heat Detection Glasses, which allow her to see through solid mass.[8] These also come in the form of contacts that double as binoculars[25] and they allow her to see invisible opponents[10] as well as see through illusions.[51] Later models allow the wearer to lock onto targets automatically.[28] With Nanotechnology Eye Shadow, which can transform into x-ray glasses[11] which also come with a contact lens variant.[16] With Un-Muffle Earmuffs, which allow the user to hear at a range up to 100,000 Hertz[47])
  • Underwater Breathing (Type 3; With UPWATI gear,[45] Aqualips Waterproof Lipstick,[1] and Oxygen Lipstick[52])
  • Paralysis Inducement (With Stun-Tan Lotion, which stuns the victim in place,[43] the Perfume Atomizer Stun Spray,[4] and the Mobile Immobilizer[14])
  • Forcefield Creation (With All-Weather Umbrellas, which create a forcefield around the user.[15] With Shield Belts, which do the same but are drained more easily[53])
  • Explosion Manipulation (With Exploding Lipstick,[54] Mini-Bombs,[49] the Kazoo-Ka[55], the Incendiary Earrings[41] and Blow-Me-A-Kiss Wall-Disintegrating Lip Gloss[17])
  • Thread Manipulation (Her GoGo boots carry a steel cable launcher that wraps around an opponent like threads[54])
  • Illusion Creation (Using the Hologram-Projecting Mood Ring, she can place a lifelike hologram of herself to fool opponents.[25] With Virtual Reality Disguise Belts, which allow her to holographically disguise herself in different clothes, different people, and even as a different animal.[31] Sapphire Hologram Pendents appear to do the same in addition to creating holographic doubles of the user.[31] She is able to rig these devices to be able to control the actions of their holograms remotely.[18] Clover and Sam once used this to disguise themselves as similarly looking gender-bent versions of themselves.[31] With the Holographic Camera, she can create an illusory duplicate of the real thing[4])
  • Smoke Manipulation (With the Lip Balm Smoke Bomb, which creates a pink smokescreen that covers a wide area[46])
  • Energy Projection and Energy Manipulation (With a camera gadget that can fire lasers,[7] Laser Cutter Eyelash Curler,[56] and the Laser Lipstick,[44] which can also be used to form a lightsaber-like weapon.[57] With the Mini Nuclear Mood Ring, which fires an energy beam.[6] With the Loose Grip Wristwatch Whip, which releases an energy whip[58])
  • Sound Manipulation and Vibration Manipulation (With the Sonic Disintegrator Boombox, which releases a powerful wave of sound that can destroy opponents.[7] It is stated that no human can withstand the boombox blast.[37] It can also jam technological frequencies.[35] With her Voice Alterer, she can change the sound of her voice to mimic others.[59] With the Vibro Sonic Earbud, which creates powerful sonic vibrations[53])
  • Ice Manipulation (With Liquid Nitrogen, which can freeze even metal[7] and Ice Queen Perfume, a concentrated freezing agent.[1] Liquid Nitrogen also comes in a breath spray variant.[60] A dose of Ice Queen Perfume was able to hinder a burning meteor's fiery heat[61][Note 1] and two full cans' worth were able to nullify and freeze it completely.[61] It was able to freeze a good majority of a bank.[23] With the Arctic Freeze Breath Mint, which allows her to use frost breath.[62] With the Brr Bracelet, which allows her to project sub-zero energy that can freeze metal[47])
  • Magnetism Manipulation (With highly sensitive magnetism bracelets.[63] With the Magnetron Hair Curler, which is a super-powerful electromagnet capable of disabling technology.[29] With Magno-GoGo Boots which are magnetic footwear that allow the wearer to walk on metallic surfaces.[61] By reversing their polarity, they can pull in and mess with metallic technology.[24] With the Magnabelt, which can redirect metal-based weapons.[64] With the Multi-Directional Magnetic Ring, which fires a beam that attracts metal objects[19])
  • Hacking (With CyberJacker Sunglasses, which can automatically hack into any computer system[1])
  • Hair Manipulation (With Instant Hair Helmet in a Can, which manipulates hair and strengthens it to the point that it can break through metal restraints[65])
  • Instinctive Action and enhanced Stealth Mastery (With the Feline Streamline Catsuit, which allows her to move with the stealth and dexterity of a cat, acting without conscious thought by her suit in response to incoming danger[10])
  • Transmutation (With the Phase Changer Phaser, which monetarily converts solid mass into liquid.[10] With the Freeze Bracelet, which turns whatever the air it dispenses touches into ice[66])
  • Homing Attack and Sleep Manipulation (With Super Flying Dual Cartridge Heat Seeking Sleep Darts, which can home into any target in a 100 foot radius, and are strong enough to instantly knock out a polar bear[67])
  • Electricity Manipulation and Absorption (With the Mini Lint Vac Battery De-Charger, which drains the electricity out of batteries and can project it in order to harm others or short circuit robots.[32] With the Electro Hairnet, which electrocutes anything caught in it.[29] With the Reverse Polarizing Hair Clip, which can reverse the flow of electricity in any cable.[49] With the Power Tweezers Squeezer, which emits electricity strong enough to melt metal[68])
  • Nanotechnology and Transformation (With Nanotechnology Eye Shadow, which can transform into x-ray glasses[11])
  • Adhesive Manipulation (With the 24 Hour Extra Power All Day Adhesive Hair Pomade.[69] With the Catch All Titanium Spider Web, which releases spider webs as strong as titanium[70]. With Ultra-Foamy Chewy Candies[71])
  • Gravity Manipulation (With Anti-Gravity Propulsion Rings, which when inserted into another person's clothes, leave them helplessly floating away[72])
  • Fragrance Manipulation (With the Vapor Emitting Glove, which produces a vapor that forced two blackbelts to pass out[57])
  • Technology Manipulation (The Electromagnetic Field Disperser emits a wave that will selectively deactivate all technological targets in a given area.[28] With the Remote Virus Palm Coder Decoder, which can remotely disable technology and even cut off transmitters to who is controlling them. Sam was able to use this to disable dozens of missiles as easily as playing a video game with a simple tap.[73] With the Frequency Modulator Mood Ring, which disables technology in range of it's frequency[74]. With Collapsable Electronic Egg Whisker, which scrambles electronic signals, selectively deactivating machinery in the process[71])
  • Organic Manipulation (With the Quick Slick, which fires a puddle of oil meant to trip opponents[75])
  • Attack Reflection/Absorption (With the Satellite Dish Pen, which could reflect and absorb an energy beam that siphoned "coolness"[76] and Senor Starch's starch.[77] The Hands Off Handbag can absorb electric and fire attacks[78])
  • Invisibility (With the Bubble Blaster Invisibility Shield which renders anyone inside the bubble invisible to others.[73] With Chameleon Eyeshadow, which renders her invisible once applied[62])
  • Light Manipulation (With Flashlight Ring, which carries a revelation beam that can illuminate things that the human eye cannot see.[79] With the Paparazzo, which flashes a blinding light that completely stuns whoever sees it[80])
  • Enhanced Technique Mimicry and Telepathy (With the Black Belt, which allows the user to tap into the fighting knowledge of another Black Belt wearer and copy their style of combat. It can also enable them to replicate fighting styles they have seen, whether they be from reality, movies, or video games. However, if used for a minute straight, it can lead to migraines. This is not a complete detriment, as competent users like Alex and Clover can keep fighting regardless[81])
  • Matter Manipulation (With the Molecular Separating Hairspray[18] and Perfume[13])
  • Non-Standard Breathing (Type 2; With the Pouffy Pendant, which forms a gas mask[82] and space suits[83])
  • Sealing and BFR (With the Mousetrap Lunchbox, which sucks the opponent in with a tornado and compacts their body inside of it.[84] The Cool Shade Shield can be used to entrap the wearer in a box.[85] With the Escape From Trouble Bubble Wand, which entraps enemies in bubbles[68] and can send them flying into outer space in seconds.[86] With the Crim Cam Catcher, which seals an enemy inside a camera.[78] With the Insanely Powerful Portable Vacuum which can suck things up inside it and seal them, including people[87])
  • Elasticity (With the Helping Hand Extender Glove.[88] With the Chameleon Tongue[87])
  • Existence Erasure (With Glass Gas, which erases anything it comes into contact with.[89] With the Erase a Space Bangle, which erases a given target[90])
  • Portal Creation (With the Black Hole Bucket Transporter, which creates a portal wherever the user wants to go[77])
  • Intangibility (With the Double-in-Trouble Osmosis Bubble Suit, which allows the wearer to pass through surfaces. Touching it while active will result in movements phasing through the suit.[91] The Molecular Separating Perfume allows the girls to phase through walls[13])
  • Size Manipulation (With the Incredi-Shrink Compact Hair Dryer, which reduces whatever it hits to the size of a doll[92])
  • Status Effect Inducement (With Onion Powder Grenade, which induces the powerful effects of an onion's ability to force tears[93])
  • Automatic Translation and Mind Manipulation (With the Any Language Descrambler Watch, which can be used to descramble any language, even that of plants, and force the target to obey[70]. With the Eye Slumber Pendant, which almost instantly hypnotizes their target[94])
  • Plant Manipulation (With the Hedge in a Hurry Seedling, which creates a small hedge to be used to break falls[95])
  • Resistances to:
  • Attack Potency: Mountain level+ (She is able to harm Clover and Sam[101]), Large Island level with the Brute Suit (It was used to combat a robotic gladiator of comparable strength to it[37]) | Mountain level+, likely higher (She is vastly stronger than her base form[102])

    Speed: Subsonic travel speed (She can appear as blurs.[14] She can fight opponents who can appear to move fast enough to look like they are moving in multiple places at once and do the same in kind[18]) with FTL reaction and combat speed (She can dodge blasts from The E.N.D.,[15] which fires lasers,[15] which have shown to have light properties in-verse such as[44] mirror[31] reflection[56] consistently.[16] She can keep up with Clover in combat who deflected several lasers with a mirror easily[32]), Supersonic travel speed with the Super Cycle (Super Cycles can achieve supersonic speeds[103]), Hypersonic travel speed with Jetpack Backpacks (Jetpack Backpacks can catch up with WOOHP aircraft[40] which can travel at hypersonic speeds[104]), Speed of Light attack speed with Laser Weaponry (Comparable to real lasers[44]), FTL travel speed with spaceship (It can cross the distance from the moon to the sun in about a minute[83]) | Subsonic travel speed with FTL reaction and combat speed

    Lifting Strength: Class M (Alongside Clover and Sam, she spun around a giant robot by it's tentacles and threw it[105]), higher with the Yo-Yo Lasso and other restraining weapons including nets and wires (The Yo-Yo Lasso was able to restrain Humungo Man, who is physically superior to the girls.[106] Other WOOHP gadgets meant for restraining people should be on this level as well), much higher with the Brute Suit (The Brute Suit is portrayed as being much stronger than the spies) | Class M, likely higher

    Striking Strength: Mountain level+, Large Island level with the Brute Suit | Mountain level+, likely higher

    Durability: Mountain level+ (She is able to take attacks from Sam,[107]), Large Island level with the Brute Suit (It was stated by GLADIS to be capable of withstanding 100,000 megatons[37]) | Large Building level, likely higher

    Stamina: Superhuman (She participated on F.I.G.H.T. against real highly-trained gladiators alongside the other girls while traversing a dangerous battle arena island and was required to run from them for long periods of time, making narrow escapes and even jumping from a waterfall.[46] Traversed an island-wide movie set rigged with traps around every single corner to the point where most everything was trying to kill her for an entire day without tire.[108] Able to climb 89 flights of stairs in a sprint without break.[109] She is able to be shocked by an electric fence enough to leave her smoking but shake it off just fine.[22] Comparable to her teammates Alex and Sam)

    Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Hairpin High Jumper Extender Pole and Laser Lipstick Saber, Tens of Meters to Hundreds of Meters with weaponry and gadgets, Kilometers with Black Hole Bucket Transporter, Hundreds of Kilometers with the Evapo-Blaster

    Standard Equipment: Catsuits, Compowder, at most 4 WOOHP Gadgets | None

    Optional Equipment: All WOOHP Gadgets, Possession Cologne, Missile Launcher Weapon | None

    Intelligence: Gifted in General Intelligence, Genius in Skill, Below Average when Bulky Bar-Empowered

    As of the last season, Alex has had eight years of experience as a spy with little to no days off,[111] and in those eight years, has accomplished the following feats. She and the girls passed a WHOOP field test with flying colors, even when the simulated experience became real.[50] All WOOHP agents are required to go through martial arts training before acceptance and she was able to learn the martial arts technique Jerry showed her seconds after he did.[13] She is able to dodge laser fire from multiple clones while on a snowboard and outmaneuver them on skis as well.[9] She and the girls are able to hold their own against highly-trained hand-picked international gladiators in a fight who are themselves professional athletes. The girls were noted to have made it farther than anyone before them and impressed the host of the fight enough that he considered making them gladiators.[46] She is able to fight alongside the girls against Black Widow androids, who are programmed by an ex-military robotics engineer and are trained to have perfect aim and combat skills.[65] She and the girls managed to defeat much more experienced and older WOOHP agents that had been converted to evil.[60] She and the spies were able to beat a group of kung fu artists using a style called "Kung WOOHP".[6] She and the girls were able to storm through an army of Spydroids.[104] While still in high school, she earned the rank of Super-Spy.[104] Jerry states that Sam, Alex, and Clover are the best spies that he ever trained.[112] Alongside Clover, she took on Sam in combat.[101] She took out several comparable fighters with a single move.[30] She is comparable in skill to her teammates.

    Standard Tactics: Alex usually opens up with hand-to-hand combat while using acrobatics to get a jump on the enemy with her agility, athletic ability, and leg power. However, at the first sign of disadvantage, or with knowledge of a weakness, or that she has a significant disadvantage that only a device can solve, she will use the appropriate gadget for the job. It should be noted that if given preparation time, GLADIS, WOOHP's artificial intelligence, will use her Analytical Prediction capabilities to inform her of what gadget will be the most useful on her mission[76] with an inhuman level of accuracy.[3]

    Weaknesses: She can be gullible and ditzy at times. Her talkative nature has caused her to spill information and reveal her position. Her Compowder malfunctions when wet[50] though later models fix this issue.[113] | Alex has lost a considerable amount of intelligence and will perceive everyone as an enemy unless shocked into submission.[102] She likely does not know how to use her gadgets.

    Notable Attacks/Techniques:

    WOOHP gadgets: WOOHP is a multi-billion dollar organization, and as such, they use this money to develop gadgets for the girls to take out during missions. While they're constantly developing new gadgets. Below are an assortment of gadgets that are more combat applicable, or provide unique abilities.

    • Compowder: The Compowder is a WOOHP gadget that is shaped as a compact mirror. It serves as a mobile phone to Jerry, and also does analysis. It has many purposes, such as data analysis, changing appearence, teleporting and transferring gadgets over, Interfacing gadgets etc, as some of its more combat applicable uses
    • Wind Tunnel 3000 Tornado Blast Hairdryer: A Hairdryer looking device that is able to blow powerful gusts of wind and fire infrared heat rays. It can also work as a powerful vacuum.
    • Evapo-blaster: A large cannon that can shoot super hot concentrated beams that can instantly melt large avalanches. During the episode 'The New Jerry’, it was modified by Tim Scam to include a missile guidance system, and was used in order to evaporate the world's oceans in a matter of second.
    • Ice Queen Perfume: A gadget resembling perfume filled with liquid nitrogen, that is instantly able to freeze someone.
    • Ultra Inflatable Nylon Tech Vest: A vest that is able to inflate when a cord is pulled, which allows her to survive from falling off a skyscraper with minimal injuries.
    • Molecular Separating Perfume: Perfume that when sprayed, allows the spies to temporarily become intangible and pass through walls, though it is shortlived.
    • Ballpoint Pen: A pen that holds sleep darts, with enough power to knock out a polar bear.
    • Tornado in a Can: A can that is able to spray out strong gusts of wind and create miniature tornadoes.
    • Black Belt: A special belt that is able to increase Clover's martial arts skill and prowess automatically. The belt can apparently replicate any move in moderation that the spies have witnessed, even in video games. Though if worn too long, they gain strong headpains.
    • Anti-Gravity Propulsion Rings: Rings that when activated, are able to nullify gravity of those who touch them.
    • Red Heat Throat Lozenge: A lozenge that is able to release a blast of fire when in contact with salivary glands.
    • All Weather Umbrella: A pink rod that projects an energy forcefield, capable of protecting and absorbing energy from elements. It had only been shown to protect from fire however.
    • Cat fight Gloves: Gloves with retractable claws, similar to that of Wolverine.
    • Cyberjacker Sunglasses: Sunglasses that are instantly able to decrypt and hack into any computer system.
    • Electro-Magnetic Field Dispersal Walkman: A gadget that emits an EMP pulse, knocking out electrical gadgets and rendering them useless.
    • Chameleon Eye Shadow: Eye shadow, that when inserted, is able to turn the bearer completely invisible. If it is wiped off, the bearer will become visible again.
    • 24 Hour Extra Power All Day Adhesive Hair Pomade: A can that is able to spray glue, capable of sticking and restraining opponents down via adhesion for 24 hours at maximum.
    • Ka-zoo-ka: A kazoo that is able to function as a bazooka, and shoot missiles.
    • Web Sling Ring: A ring that is able to release a sticky web and immobilise targets.
    • Perfume Atomizer Stun Spray: Perfume that is able to stun those in contact temporarily.
    • Sonic Disintegrator Boombox: A device that emits a high-pitched sonic shockwave, stunning opponents with a sound.
    • Incredi Shrink Compact Hair Dryer: A Hairdryer that is able to shrink down whoever is hit by it to the size of a Barbie doll. There is also a wristwatch variant of this gadget.

    Note: Although certain spies have been shown to individually use certain gadgets, the gadgets at the start of each episode are assigned to all of the spies in full. Thus Sam and Alex should have access to gadgets like the Brute Suit despite only Clover using it in the episode.

    Notable Matchups





    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Totally Spies S1E15: Wild Style
    2. Totally Spies S3E12: Escape From WOOHP Island
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Totally Spies S3E1: Physics 101 Much?
    4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Totally Spies S1E21: Passion Patties
    5. Totally Spies S2E2: I Want My Mummy
    6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Totally Spies S3E6: Forward to the Past
    7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Totally Spies S1E11: Silicon Valley Girls
    8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Totally Spies S1E5: Child's Play
    9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Totally Spies S1E7: The Fugitives
    10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Totally Spies S1E18: Evil Boyfriend
    11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Totally Spies S2E4: The Yuck Factor
    12. Totally Spies S5E25: Totally Dunzo: Part 1
    13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Totally Spies: The Movie
    14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Totally Spies S4E16: Sis-KaBOOM-Bah!
    15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Totally Spies S1E4: Stuck in the Middle Ages With You
    16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Totally Spies S2E6: Here Comes The Sun
    17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Totally Spies S7E4: Creepy Crawly Creature Catcher
    18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Totally Spies S3E25: Evil Promotion Much?: Part 2
    19. 19.0 19.1 Totally Spies S4E20: The Suavest Spy
    20. Totally Spies S4E21: Spy Soccer
    21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Totally Spies S5E6: Return of Geraldine
    22. 22.0 22.1 Totally Spies S4E14: Evil Heiress Much?
    23. 23.0 23.1 Totally Spies S5E4 The Granny
    24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Totally Spies S3E13: Scam Camp Much?
    25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Totally Spies S1E9: Model Citizens
    26. 26.0 26.1 Totally Spies S2E11: Zooney World
    27. Totally Spies S2E18: Alex Quits
    28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Totally Spies S2E25: Toying Around
    29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Totally Spies S3E3: Computer Creep Much?
    30. 30.0 30.1 Totally Spies S3E21: Halloween
    31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 Totally Spies S1E19: Game Girls
    32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Totally Spies S1E26: Man or Machine
    33. Totally Spies S7E8: Mega Moon Cheese
    34. 34.0 34.1 Totally Spies S2E10: Mommies Dearest
    35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Totally Spies S5E7: Evil Sorority
    36. Totally Spies S2E26: Starstruck
    37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 Totally Spies S3E7: Planet of the Hunks
    38. Totally Spies S3E11: Dental? More Like Mental
    39. Totally Spies S4E2: Futureshock
    40. 40.0 40.1 Totally Spies S5E3: Evil Professor
    41. 41.0 41.1 Totally Spies S6E1: The Anti-Social Network
    42. Totally Spies S7E3: Totally Talented
    43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 Totally Spies S1E2: The New Jerry
    44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 Totally Spies S2E23: Brain Drain
    45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 Totally Spies S1E1: A Thing for Musicians
    46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Totally Spies S1E10: Spy Gladiators
    47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 Totally Spies S6E6: Grabbing the Bully by the Horns
    48. 48.0 48.1 Totally Spies S1E22: Soul Collector
    49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 Totally Spies S4E1: The Dream Teens
    50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 Totally Spies S1E3: The Get Away
    51. 51.0 51.1 Totally Spies S4E10: Arnold the Great
    52. Totally Spies S5E13: Evil Hotel
    53. 53.0 53.1 Totally Spies S6E17: Little Dude
    54. 54.0 54.1 Totally Spies S1E8: Abductions
    55. Totally Spies S5E1: Evil Graduation
    56. 56.0 56.1 Totally Spies S1E13: Shrinking
    57. 57.0 57.1 Totally Spies S2E19: Totally Switched
    58. Totally Spies S5E8: Evil Gymnasts
    59. Totally Spies S1E23: Malled
    60. 60.0 60.1 Totally Spies S1E17: Spy vs. Spy
    61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 Totally Spies S3E4: Space Much?
    62. 62.0 62.1 Totally Spies S6E2: Nine Lives
    63. Totally Spies S1E12: Queen for a Day
    64. Totally Spies S4E17: Beauty is Skin Deep
    65. 65.0 65.1 Totally Spies S1E16: Black Widows
    66. Totally Spies S5E11: Virtual Stranger
    67. Totally Spies S1E25: The Iceman Cometh
    68. 68.0 68.1 Totally Spies S6E7: The Wedding Crasher
    69. Totally Spies S2E9: I, Dude
    70. 70.0 70.1 Totally Spies S6E22: Jungle Boogie
    71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 Totally Spies S7E7: Totally Trolling Much?
    72. 72.0 72.1 Totally Spies S2E15: S.P.I.
    73. 73.0 73.1 Totally Spies S3E14: Evil GLADIS Much?
    74. Totally Spies S6E8: Celebrity Swipe
    75. Totally Spies S3E8: Morphing is Sooo 1987
    76. 76.0 76.1 Totally Spies S3E10: Super Nerd Much?
    77. 77.0 77.1 Totally Spies S5E21: WOOHP-Tastic!
    78. 78.0 78.1 Totally Spies S6E10: The Dusk of Dawn
    79. Totally Spies S3E17: Creepy Crawly Much?
    80. Totally Spies S3E18: Truth or Scare
    81. Totally Spies S3E22: Power Yoga Much?
    82. Totally Spies S4E13: Evil Bouquets Are So Passe
    83. 83.0 83.1 Totally Spies S4E23: Spies in Space
    84. Totally Spies S5E5: Another Evil Boyfriend
    85. 85.0 85.1 Totally Spies S5E17: Mime World
    86. Totally Spies S6E19: Clowning Around
    87. 87.0 87.1 Totally Spies S6E14: Inferior Designer
    88. Totally Spies S5E9: Evil Pizza Guys
    89. Totally Spies S5E18: Evil Mascot
    90. Totally Spies S6E9: Super Sweet Cupcake Company
    91. Totally Spies S5E23: Ho-ho-ho-no!
    92. Totally Spies S6E4: Super Mega Dance Party Yo!
    93. Totally Spies S6E21: Baddies on a Blimp
    94. Totally Spies S7E1: Frankenpanda
    95. Totally Spies S6E26: So Totally Versailles!: Part 2
    96. Totally Spies S3E23: Head Shrinker Much?
    97. Totally Spies S4E5: Alex Gets Schooled
    98. Totally Spies S4E9: Agent 0067
    99. Totally Spies S6E20: Astro-Not
    100. Totally Spies S2E7: Green With N.V.
    101. 101.0 101.1 Totally Spies S5E16: Miss Spirit Fingers
    102. 102.0 102.1 Totally Spies S3E9: The Incredible Bulk
    103. Totally Spies S1E6: The Eraser
    104. 104.0 104.1 104.2 Totally Spies S3E26: Evil Promotion Much?: Part 3
    105. Totally Spies S5E26: Totally Dunzo: Part 2
    106. Totally Spies S5E20: Zero to Hero
    107. Totally Spies S2E13 W.O.W.
    108. Totally Spies S1E20 A Spy is Born: Part 1
    109. Totally Spies S2E21: The Elevator
    110. 110.0 110.1 Totally Spies S3E24: Evil Promotion Much?: Part 1
    111. Totally Spies S4E18: Like, So Totally Not Spies: Part 1
    112. Totally Spies S4E19: Like, So Totally Not Spies: Part 2
    113. Totally Spies S5E15: Evil Sushi Chef



    Discussion threads involving Alexandra