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VS Battles Wiki
You think you want truth, but truth will only bring you pain!
~ Alecto right before getting stabbed by Kratos
My death will not free you from this madness.
~ Alecto's final words before getting killed by Kratos


Alecto (Greek: Ἀληκτώ), alongside her sisters Tisiphone and Megaera, is one of the Furies who pursues Kratos for breaking his oath with Ares. Her unison with Ares resulted in the birth of their son, Orkos the Oathkeeper. She is one of the main antagonists of God of War: Ascension.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 4-A

Name: Alecto (Greek: Ἀληκτώ)

Origin: God of War

Gender: Female

Age: Predates time itself (Born during the Primordial War from the blood of Chaos)

Classification: Fury

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to the following:

Attack Potency: Multi-Solar System level (The Furies could warp their illusions into being real and tangible, which included illusions like such as the city of Sparta at night-time with a moon and a starry sky in the background[4], which would require this much energy, as well as another dimension of Sparta with mountain ranges and a Sun in the background[4], which would require this much energy. As the Queen of the Furies, she should be on par with her sister. Effortlessly created a dimension of Sparta at night with a starry sky, which would require this much energy)

Speed: FTL (Could easily keep up with Kratos)

Lifting Strength: At least Class Z, higher with Ink Manipulation (Could easily overpower demigod Kratos in battle physically)

Striking Strength: Multi-Solar System level (Should at the very least be comparable to Tisiphone's pet Daemon, who is itself a construct made out of Tisiphone's energy, which can easily create massive dimensions to their liking)

Durability: Multi-Solar System level (Can withstand blows from Demigod Kratos)

Stamina: Superhuman (Able to withstand brutal beatdowns from Kratos and fight him for a long time)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with energy blasts, several Tens of Meters in Kraken form, Interstellar with illusions and reality warping

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Unknown

Weaknesses: Incredibly arrogant. Also seems to be incredibly lustful for Kratos, seeing as Megaera calls her and Tisiphone as being "too kind" to him.

Notable Matchups





  1. The Art of God of War: Ascension. Full link here (Archive link here
  2. The Monsters of God of War: Ascension blog. Archive link here
  3. God of War: Ascension (2013)- Digital Manual
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 God of War: Ascension (2013)
  5. 5.0 5.1 God of War: Ragnarök (2022)- Casualty of War
  6. God of War 3; Kratos Falls Into The Styx
  7. God of War 3 (2010)
  8. God of War II (Novel)- Chapter 9


Discussion threads involving Alecto (God of War)