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Articles about
Albert Wesker
CanonMarvel vs. CapcomDead by Daylight

RE5 Albert Wesker2
Every day, humans come one step closer to self-destruction. I'm not destroying the world, I'm saving it!
~ Albert Wesker

Albert wesker remake professional render by allan valentine-d599w3a
The only thing that can defeat power is more power. That is the one constant in this universe. However, there is no point in power if it consumes itself. I will enlist the help of an old friend against our common foe. I will use one pawn to eliminate the other, and emerge with the spoils for myself...
~ Albert Wesker

Thanks to you, however, Umbrella's one step closer to its reestablishment. And once it is, there will be significant changes in our world.
~ Albert Wesker to Ada Wong

Albert Wesker Uroboros-0
Why can't you understand, Chris? Do you really believe the world is worth saving? Natural selection leaves the survivors stronger and better! Humans have escaped this winnowing for far too long!
~ Albert Wesker


Albert Wesker is the main antagonist in the Resident Evil series. He was the leader of S.T.A.R.S. while secretly working for Umbrella Corporation as a Researcher. Later working for The 3rd Organization, H.C.F. (Hive/Host Capture Force), TriCell, he shifts allegiances at will to further his own goals of world domination. Wesker has been directly or indirectly responsible for the events of every game, and always seems to come out on top. He has a stronger rivalry with Chris than with any other character.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B, likely 9-A; At least 9-B with small arms | 8-C, higher with Uroboros

Key: Pre-Virus | Post-Virus (Progenitor & Uroboros)

Name: Albert Wesker

Origin: Resident Evil

Gender: Male

Age: 36 - 49 years old

Classification: Genetically Superior Human, Bioterrorist

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Adaptive immunity to pathogens and parasites, Master Martial Artist, Master Marksman, Longevity, Genius Intelligence, Healing with herbs and first aid spray, Damage Reduction (Mixing a red and blue, or a red green and blue herb, gives temporary damage reduction and resistance to contracting poison), Statistics Amplification (Combining a green and yellow herb allows the user to increase their total maximum health status). Resistance to Poison Manipulation (The blue herb neutralizes toxins from various T-Virus enhanced creatures such as spiders, moths, etc.) | Same abilities as before but to a greater extent, Superhuman Senses, Regeneration (Low-Mid), Uroboros grants him partial Transformation, Body Control, Absorption (Uroboros can assimilate organic tissues), Disease Manipulation (Entering in contact with the tentacles infects the victim with Uroboros), possible Resistance to high temperatures (Was thrown into a volcano and drowned in lava with no apparent signs of it stopping or affecting him)

Attack Potency: Wall level+, likely Small Building level (Comparable to Chris and Jill); At least Wall level+ with small arms | Building level+ (Superior to El Gigante, who is capable of smashing large boulders), higher with Uroboros

Speed: Superhuman with Supersonic Combat speed and Reactions | Hypersonic (Can effortlessly dodge point blank sniper rounds, can move so fast he appears to be teleporting, casual bullet timer, can clear hundreds of feet in less than a second, can catch rockets fired at him, can outrun mine and grenade explosions, etc.), Superhuman with Supersonic reactions when using Uroboros (Considerably slower than before, however can still fight/react to Chris and Sheva)

Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Should be comparable to Leon) | At least Class 10 (Casually lifted and tossed a large missile with one hand), likely higher with Uroboros

Striking Strength: Wall level+, likely Small Building level | Building level+, higher with Uroboros

Durability: Wall level+, likely Small Building level | Building level+ (A shot from a Rocket Launcher only stunned him, whereas B.O.W's like El Gigante are annihilated instantly. Survived this point-blank explosion.)

Stamina: Superhuman | Superhuman (Wesker had sustained numerous injuries in Resident Evil 5, including being dropped from a high altitude into a volcano)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with firearms and attacks

Standard Equipment: Beretta 92F Custom "Samurai Edge" handgun and his shades

Intelligence: Genius (A gifted, cunning, deceptive, and highly intelligent bioterrorist, usually preferring to observe the action from behind the scenes and then strike when the opportunity presented itself)

Weaknesses: Needs to maintain a constant dose of a special serum to keep his Progenitor virus (that gives him his superhuman powers) stable; however, overdosing on the serum causes him to show symptoms of poisoning. Extremely arrogant to the point of a god complex. With Uroboros, his weak point is located on the heart in his chest.


Notable Matchups


The Joker (DCAU) The Joker's Profile (Speed was equalized. Post Virus Wesker and Normal Joker was used)

Yokai (Disney's Big Hero 6) Yokai's Profile (9-A versions used and speed was equalized)


Ruby Rose (RWBY) Ruby's Profile (Beacon Arc Ruby and Uroboros Wesker used, speed was equalized, and starting distance was 10 meters)

Green Goblin (Marvel Comics) Goblin's Profile (Speed was equalized, starting distance was 50 meters, Base Green Goblin and Post-Uroboros Wesker used)

Yor Forger (Spy × Family) Yor's Profile (Pre-Virus Wesker used, speed was equalized, Wesker had a month of preparation time, and starting distance was 10 meters)



Discussion threads involving Albert Wesker