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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki

Why bother with a cell? This human body is prison enough. But someday I'll be free. Then, they will all suffer, starting with Ben Tennyson. Until that day... BRING ME CHILI FRIES!
~ Albedo

Albedo OV
No... not this again! The irrational impulses! The hormones! The disgusting fried-food cravings! What could be worse than being transformed into a 16-year old Ben Tennyson?!
~ Albedo tempting fate

OV Albedo 11 Year Old Model
I kinda like this guy. It almost makes me feel bad for what we're about to do to him. Almost.
~ Albedo's comment about No Watch Ben

Negative Ultimate Humungousaur

Negative Ultimate Echo Echo

Negative Ultimate Spidermonkey

Negative Ultimate Arcticguana

Negative Ultimate Gravattack

Ultimate Rath

Evil Way Big

Albedo true form present

Ultimate Albedo Official
Behold, my people, a hyper-evolved Galvan. I am your new master!
The reign of the First Thinker is over, Azmuth. From now on, I am the Ultimate Thinker!
~ Albedo's declaration to Galvan Prime
No! Now I see the universe for what it is: We are all dust, bound by one enormous, universal force. No, not universal, not even multiversal, this omniversal force continues forever, in every direction through every reality. My lust for power, my jealousy of Azmuth, it isn't just evil, ultimately; it's pointless. I could never truly destroy you. You would only have not been not unexistent in what could have not now been the past, present, and partial future. To tear down and destroy is of no consequence or quality; to create is divine. To think this is how Azmuth always sees things. There's so much to be done! If only I had the time!
~ Albedo's epiphany after absorbing Azmuth's brain


Albedo is Azmuth's former assistant. He is originally a Galvan but he now resembles a clone of Ben through his nearly successful attempt to recreate the Omnitrix. His Omnitrix synced itself with Ben's against his will, causing his default form to resemble Ben, to his great distaste. He first appeared exactly like Ben and wore exactly the same clothing. But after his and Ben's Omnitrix reacted to each other, it sent out a pulse that damaged his DNA and thus his form, inverting his colors. This made his hair white, his skin slightly paler, his eyes red, his eyebrows black and turned the colors of his jacket from green with white stripes to red with black stripes.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 5-B physically, at most 2-A with Omnitrix Self-Destruct Mode | 5-B. Up to 5-A with Ultimate forms, Higher as Way Big | At least 4-B, possibly 4-A as Ultimate Way Big | 10-C. 5-B as Ultimate Albedo | 1-B

Key: Negative Ben | Regular transformations, Evil/Negative Way Big | Ultimate Way Big | True Form | Alien X

Name: Albedo, Albedo of the Galvan, Negative Ben, Evil Way Big, Destroyer of Worlds, Master of Disaster

Origin: Ben 10

Gender: Male

Age: Hundreds of years old

Classification: Human, formerly Galvan, Can change species with the Omnitrix

Powers and Abilities: Transformation (Via the Omnitrix), Self-Destruction (Can set the Omnitrix to self-destruct), Presumably all of Ben's powers

Attack Potency: Planet level physically (Comparable to Ben Tennyson), at most Multiverse level+ with Omnitrix Self-Destruct Mode | Planet level (Comparable to Ben Tennyson's regular aliens). Up to Large Planet level with Ultimate forms (Can turn into Ultimate Humungousaur and Ultimate Echo Echo), Higher with Way Big | At least Solar System level, possibly Multi-Solar System level with Ultimate Way Big | Below Average Human level (As a Galvan he is comparable to Grey Matter). Planet level as Ultimate Albedo (His energy beams were too powerful for Upchuck to swallow, who ate the Sub Energy, which was 20 times more powerful than our Sun) | Hyperverse level (Possesses the powers of Alien X)

Speed: Massively FTL+ combat speed and reactions, Infinite attack speed via Omnitrix Self-Destruction | Massively FTL+ combat speed and reactions | Massively FTL+ combat speed and reactions | Unknown, Massively FTL+ combat speed and reactions as Ultimate Albedo | Immeasurable

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Comparable to Ben Tennyson), Varies from Below Average Human level to Class Z | Immeasurable via Telekinesis

Striking Strength: Planet level | Planet level. Up to Large Planet level with Ultimate forms, Higher with Way Big | At least Solar System level, possibly Multi-Solar System level with Ultimate Way Big | Unknown | Hyperverse level

Durability: Planet level | Planet level. Up to Large Planet level with Ultimate forms, Higher with Way Big | At least Solar System level, possibly Multi-Solar System level with Ultimate Way Big | Below Average Human level, Large Planet level with force fields as Ultimate Albedo | Hyperverse level

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Standard Melee Range, Multiversal+ via Omnitrix Self-Destruction, Varies with Transformations, Hyperversal with Alien X

Standard Equipment: Omnitrix Copy, Ultimatrix, Second Ultimatrix

Intelligence: Supergenius (As a Galvan, he should be comparable to Grey Matter. Aided in the creation of the Omnitrix and created a copy of it and completed the Ultimatrix by himself. He was a pupil of Azmuth), far higher with Azmuth's brain

Weaknesses: Albedo is arrogant. | Because of Albedo's inability to convince the other Alien X personalities, he would genuinely lose due to incapacitation, if SBA wasn't a thing.

Note: For a list of Albedo's alien transformations with profiles within this wiki, see Ben Tennyson


Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Albedo (Ben 10)