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VS Battles Wiki
Well, that seems to be the general idea. But hey, I don’t give a rip about all that! The only thing I’m interested in is testing my own strength. You’ve been making waves in our world, but you should realize you’re just a sidekick! Let’s see who’s the strongest, once and for all!


Alastor is a demon from Movieland. While involved with the Jadow's plan of conquering the world, he's mostly in it for the thrill of fighting strong foes to face, and is generally more of a neutral character in future installments, starting a fierce but friendly rivalry with Viewtiful Joe.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 5-A, higher with Six Majin and Rex Majin

Name: Alastor

Origin: Viewtiful Joe

Gender: Male

Age: Over 2000 years old

Classification: Demon

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts (Showcases H2H skill when disguised as Another Joe, and can replicate many of his moves), Immortality (Type 4) and Resurrection (Dies at the end of the first game[1], only to return in the next one), Longevity (Over 2000 years old), Acrobatics (Capable of impressive showings of agility[2] such as double jumps, spinning full-body attacks, Ukemi, which sees him rebounding off the ground with a stylish flip when being hit against it, and a variety of other moves), Transformation (Can assume a human-like appearance. Once used to inhabit Dante's sword[3]), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Aware of his existence as a videogame character, and told the players to buy the first game if they wanted to know who he was[4]), Shapeshifting (Initially fought Joe in an appearance nearly identical to his[5]), Precognition (Can see where foes will attack ahead of time and react accordingly[2], even if they are moving so fast that seeing their actual movements is impossible), Attack Reflection (Can attack a variety of projectiles, including energy ones[6], back at sender, even redirecting homing missiles to target them), Vehicular Mastery (Can skillfully pilot Six Machine in its various forms against dozens of foes), Weapon Creation and Weapon Control (Summons his sword in his hands when using it, and can create and throw several at once[7]. Can control his blade's path with Round Trip), Explosion Manipulation (With Shocking Pink bombs), Time Manipulation (Alastor can use VFX Slow[2] to greatly enhance his perception speed, allowing himself to dodge attacks, even ones so fast he'd otherwise be unable to perceive), Damage Boost and Information Analysis (By using VFX Slow when a foe is vulnerable, Alastor can "lock on" to them and inflict a particularly powerful blow that sends them flying, and afterwards can continue to impart similar attacks onto other foes as long as Slow is active. Even inanimate objects will suffer much more knockback when hit in slowed time), Accelerated Development (Implied that he had significantly grown in power between VJ 1 and 2, despite the two only being hours apart[4]), Causality Manipulation (VFX powers have a variety of bizarre effects on the world. For example, decelerating and accelerating time will cause rotor-powered machinery to drop down or output more power and fly higher up due to their relative speed appearing slower or faster to the viewer and Alastor, even though within the world they are moving at the same speed. Similarly, explosions, rocket jets or even just dripping water will grow much bigger in size when slowed down, as they are existing for longer from an observer's perspective, while flowing water will accumulate faster when fast-forwarded as more appears to flow in the same timeframe), Statistics Amplification (Alastor can greatly increase his speed with VFX Mach Speed, and his power with VFX Zoom and VFZ Slide), Afterimage Creation and Fire Manipulation (With VFX Mach Speed[2], Alastor can accelerate his own speed greatly, attacking so fast that he casts several afterimages that attack on their own. While his surroundings may also sometimes be accelerated, enemies are left unaffected. Utilizing Mach Speed for long enough will briefly surround Alastor with a flaming aura, which does not harm him and even protects him from other sources of fire. It will also set enemies and objects on fire, and this fire inflicts damage as one would expect it to. He can also surround himself in flames when using VFX Zoom Red Hot Kick), Air Manipulation (Mach Speed causes a gust of wind that can be used to put out fires[8]), Social Influencing (With VFX Zoom, Alastor zooms in the camera and strikes a terrifying pose[9], causing his enemies to freeze in shock briefly and powering up his attacks), Healing (With Ukemi Alastor rebounds off the ground stylishly after being knocked away by it, regaining the health lost from that attack), Self-Sustenance (Type 1. Doesn't need to breathe either underwater or in space), Resurrection (Capable of resurrecting on the spot upon health depletion by consuming a Take Two), Electricity Manipulation (Many of Alastor's attacks involve electricity, which he can even imbue other objects with and make them shoot it), Duplication, Explosion Manipulation (Can send clones of himself after Joe, who will explode if they hit him[5]), Flight, Teleportation (Frequently teleports in battle[7]), Immersion (Can dive into cinema screens to enter the Movie World, as well as leave it[7]), Energy Projection (Surrounds himself in energy when attacking, as well as fire continuous beams of energy), Summoning (Can summon his version call his versions of Six Machine, Six Majin and Rex Majin to him at will[7]), Resistance to Fire Manipulation (When surrounded by Mach Speed's fire aura, one is not affected by flames that would normally inflict harm[10], even resisting Fire Leo's fire, which burns at 1 trillion degrees[11]), Radiation Manipulation (Can be in space without issue)

Flight (Capable of flight, even in space[6]), Energy Projection (Can rapid-fire energy bullets), Explosion Manipulation (Capable of dropping bombs)

All previous abilities (Seems to inherit Alastor's moveset), Large Size (Type 1), Homing Attack and Electricity Manipulation (Throws electrified objects that home in on foes[7])

Size Manipulation (From Type 1 to Type 4. Six Majin seems to change sizes depending on the situation, growing to enormous sizes to fight Mundus on the planet's surface[6]), Flight (Capable of flight, even in space[6]), Many of Viewtiful Joe's abilities (In the first game, Six Majin is capable of using any of of Joe's VJ1 moves and essentially just plays like a scaled-up version of him). This includes: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Acrobatics (Capable of impressive showings of agility[2] such as double jumps, spinning full-body attacks, Ukemi, which sees him rebounding off the ground with a stylish flip when being hit against it, and a variety of other moves), Attack Reflection (Can attack a variety of projectiles, including energy ones[6], back at sender, even redirecting homing missiles to target them), Weapon Mastery (Can skillfully toss Voomerangs so that they track foes or come back to him), Weapon Control (The Voomerang can be "charged" to cause it to sprout two more blades), Explosion Manipulation (With Shocking Pink bombs), Time Manipulation (Joe can use VFX Slow[2] to greatly enhance his perception speed, allowing himself to dodge attacks, even ones so fast he'd otherwise be unable to perceive), Damage Boost and Information Analysis (By using VFX Slow when a foe is vulnerable, Joe can "lock on" to them and inflict a particularly powerful blow that sends them flying, and afterwards can continue to impart similar attacks onto other foes as long as Slow is active. Even inanimate objects will suffer much more knockback when hit in slowed time), Social Influencing (With VFX Zoom, Joe zooms in the camera and strikes a cool pose[9], causing his enemies to freeze in shock briefly and powering up his attacks), Healing (With Ukemi Joe rebounds off the ground stylishly after being knocked away by it, regaining the health lost from that attack), Energy Projection (Appears surrounded in energy when performing various attacks, and can inflict damage at range through unexplained means with Viewtiful Forever)

Attack Potency: Brown Dwarf level (Exactly as strong as Viewtiful Joe in the first game, and maintains a fierce rivalry throughout the series, fighting him in every game), higher with Six Majin and Rex Majin

Speed: Relativistic+

Lifting Strength: Class E, higher with Six Majin and Rex Majin

Striking Strength: Brown Dwarf level, higher with Six Majin and Rex Majin

Durability: Brown Dwarf level, higher with Six Majin and Rex Majin

Stamina: Peak Human. Often fights Joe all the way to his own death after long battles.

Range: Standard melee range, several meters with weapons, up to Hundreds of Kilometers with Six Majin (Can grow to such sizes), Interplanetary with VFX powers (Capable of affecting the entire Solar System)

Standard Equipment: None notable, though he can summon Six Machine, Six Majin and Rex Majin, and create swords.

Intelligence: Gifted fighter, otherwise Average.

Weaknesses: None notable

Note: Feats related to gameplay or cutscene animations may feature Joe instead of Alastor, as their story modes have the same levels, mechanics and animation in cutscenes, though dialogue and some moves differ.


  1. Viewtiful Joe - Reel 5 - The Midnight Thunderboy
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Viewtiful Joe - Reel 1 - Joe The Hero
  3. Viewtiful Joe - Dante Storyline
  4. 4.0 4.1 Viewtiful Joe 2 - Reel 4: Thunder Boy Lives Twice
  5. 5.0 5.1 Viewtiful Joe - Reel 4 - The Viewtiful Escape
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Viewtiful Joe - Reel 7 - Joe & Silvia
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble - Reel 5: Viewtiful World
  8. Viewtiful Joe 2 - Reel 1 - Ten-Million Years B.C.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Viewtiful Joe - Reel 2 - Some Like It Red Hot
  10. Viewtiful Joe - Reel 6 - The Magnificent Five
  11. Viewtiful Joe - Credits

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Alastor (Viewtiful Joe)