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Extermination is your reward for challenging a God!


The High Arbiter Alastor, is one of the 10 Arbiters of the Azure Alliance and current Warlord of the Belafonte principality.

Alastor (worth noticing, this is not his true name) did born in the Kushistan's desert within a caravan, bearer of a dark gift: the power to perceive and communicate with spirits. During his childhood, Alastor passed the time talking and playing with djinns and evil spirits, something that caused mistrust toward the other members of the caravan, and suc, when the parents of the child died in an accident, the members of the caravan get rid of the child and abandoned him in the burning desert.

After being left in middle of the desert, Alastor, with aid of his demonic friends, made a ritual involving bathing in the blood of his parents and and offering himself as a sacrifice; the result was the birth of the king of demons, which first feat was to slaughter the caravan that got rid of him. After that, Alastor wandered through the continent, increasing his power by participating in wars and causing slaughters.

After years of killing, Alastor crossed paths with the future Supreme Archon, Matthew Gaul, from which Alastor suffered his first defeat. He will later join with Gaul's forces, obtaining the position of High Arbiter. Alastor is currently the Warlord of the Bellafonte principality, leading the Brothers of the Alliance order; although extra-officially, Gaul ordered him to retrive Solomon Logias. Alastor has his own personal plans involving the use of Logias, but for the time being, he does not plan to oppose the Supreme Archon.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 2-C

Name: Alastor (Real name unknown). Knight of the Devil

Origin: Anima: Beyond Fantasy

Gender: Male

Age: 33 years old

Classification: High Arbiter of the Azure Alliance. Warlord of Bellafonte. Human infused by demonic powers

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Supernatural Luck (Beings of elevated Natura+ can have more than one Open Roll. Has an 1% to pass any resistance check regardless of difficulty), Fate Manipulation (Beings of elevated Natura+ are capable to limited manipulate the events that happens around them, including Statistics Amplification, resist and negate any status effect, and avoid committing mistakes. This ability can be used 3 times), Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Social Influencing (Possesses secondary values of: Style 55, Intimidation 210, Leadership 225 and Persuasion 150[1]), Enhanced Senses (Possesses Notice and Search 70[1]), Greatsword Proficiency, Ki Manipulation including Aura and Non-Physical Interaction, Command Inducement (Can manipulate his subordinates, even being capable to increase their stats. Can control minor demonic beings), Negation (Negates the resistances and damage reduction abilities of those with lower Gnosis, as well as bypass their invulnerability), Statistics Amplification (To him and his subordinates), Explosion Manipulation (Can make his subordinates explode), Extrasensory Perception (Can see supernatural beings and magic.[1] Can see and harm Noth, beings who lack even a concept in the structure of reality), Absorption of demonic powers (Constantly regenerate ki and zeon from the environment)

Absolute Zero, Absorption, Acid Manipulation, Age Manipulation, Attack Reflection, BFR, Biological Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, Body Control, Causality Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Clairvoyance, Soul Manipulation, Chi Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Corruption, Damage Boost, Damage Reduction, Damage Transferal, Darkness Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Deconstruction, Disease Manipulation, Dream Manipulation, Duplication, Electricity Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Explosion Manipulation, Extrasensory Perception, Fate Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Forcefield Creation, Fusionism, Gravity Manipulation, Healing, Heat Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Information Analysis, Law Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Magic, Matter Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Necromancy, Pain Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Perception Manipulation, Petrification, Poison Manipulation, Possession, Power Absorption, Power Modification, Power Nullification, Precognition, Pressure Points, Psychometry, Purification, Reality Warping, Resistance Negation, Sealing, Sense Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Social Influencing, Sound Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Statistics Reduction, Status Effect Inducement, Subjective Reality, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Time Manipulation, Transmutation, Vector Manipulation, Void Manipulation (Can resist those effects through the Resistances Stats and Gnosis), Unconventional Resistance to Soul Manipulation and Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1) (The soul in Anima: Beyond Fantasy is the same thing as the concept, and vice-versa. One would need to affect both to affect a soul)

Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Comparable to characters like Ophiel and the strongest Superior Elementals. Fought Matthew Gaul). Can increase his damage using Ars Magnus Magnum

Speed: Average Human to Peak Human (With a Movement Value of 6,[1] can move at 7.33 m/s, or 10 m/s if he does not use armor[2]) with at most Massively Hypersonic+ reflexes (Comparable to the Arias Vayu)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 1, likely higher. Class T with preparation (Possesses 180 in Feat of Strength, capable to increase his Strength score in +2, making him comparable to a base Behemoth, possibly higher)

Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level

Durability: Low Multiverse level

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Several Meters. with his greatsword, capable to perform attacks of effect attacks with reduced negatives

Standard Equipment:

  • Saytan: A greatsword of Quality +10.[1]
  • Arbiter Armor: The Demon: Alastor has one of the Arbiter Armors, one of the ancestral artifacts created to control the course of battles.[1]
    • Quality: The Arbiter Armor has a Quality of +15[1]
    • Mask: A full closed helmet that grants a great bonus to the wearer's magical and mental resistances against effects that try to discover his identity. Despite being a closed helmet, it does not hinder the perceptive abilities of his wearer.[3]
    • High Arbiter: Clad in his Arbiter armor and mask, Alastor has the ability to control the course of battles at will. All High Arbiter skills only work with people who have voluntarily agreed to obey Alastor, and who consider him their superior.[1] Someone who doesn’t really submit to him (simply pretending in order to obtain benefits) or who has a higher level than the Arbiter cannot be affected by his powers.[3]
      • Motum: Alastor can make his subordinates feel the position he wants them to be directed to. This ability allows him to show up to three different points, and is able to choose which of his men should go to which position. Motum has a radius of 1 kilometer and when active automatically consumes 1 point of ki or 5 points of zeon.[1]
      • Opugnis: Alastor can give a subordinate a +30 to a single offensive action. Activating this ability automatically consume 5 points of Ki or 50 points of zeon.[1]
      • Creed: While the Arbitrator stays focused and does not do anything else, all his subordinates within one kilometer away get a +10 to any action directly related to combat.[1]
      • Terminus: The most terrifying of Alastor's abilities as High Arbiter is to sacrifice of of his subordinates by tunring it into a living bomb. At will, Alastor can make that one of his subordinates explodes as if were the Fire Mine spell casted with a zeonic value equal to four times the Presence of the sacrificed target. Activating Terminus has a cost of 5 points of ki or 50 points of zeon.[1]

Intelligence: Gifted (Possesses an Intelligence of 7 (Between sharped and nearly genius) with the following intellectual secundaries: Tactic 210 (Mastery) and Occultism 85[1])

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Canal to Hell: As a gate to an infinite reserve of demonic energies, Alastor stopped being a simple human long ago and obtained few demonic capabilities.
    • Canal to Unlimited Power: Alastor recovers 1 point of ki and 10 points of zeon every round (3 seconds) as long he is located in a sacred or positive-energies filled place.[1]
    • Infernal Eyes: Alastor is capable of perceiving magical forces and spiritual beings.[1]
  • Conjuring: Alastor has the power to dominate supernatural entities. Against general rules, supernatural creatures are helpless against conjuring skills, being unable to resist (Although, it depends of Alastor's skill if he can or not summon or banish a particular entity: the stronger the creature is, the more difficult to affect with conjuring abilities is. Innate magical resistances of the entity also increase the conjuring difficulty). Alastor possesses a zeon reserve of 400 points at the moment to determinate the amount of entities can affect with conjuring abilities before running out of zeonic reserves.[1]
    • Domination: The power to subjugate supernatural entities. With a Dominate value of 200, Alastor requires a 9 seconds’ ritual in order to dominate the weakest demonic creature available with a guaranteed succeed, or 3 seconds with a reduced margin of error.[4] Depending of the level of succeed of the ritual, he may be able to dominate stronger entities. Alastor is specialized in dominating demon-like entities, meaning that at the moment to dominate other kind of being he only has a Dominate value of 120.[1]
  • Ki Manipulation: Alastor is capable of manipulating ki, the energy that rise from the union of the body and the soul, present within every living being.
    • Presence Extrusion: Surrounding himself in ki, Alastor is capable to physically touch energy and intangible elements, such fire, spiritual beings, psychic energy and magic.
    • Aura Extension: Alastor can infuse his weapon and armor with his ki, granting to it the same effects of Presence Extrusion ability. Furthermore, it increases the damage of both his unarmed strikes and wielded weapons, Presence, breakage and fortitude, and in case his weapon is targeted by a supernatural effect, it can use instead the resistances of his wielder.
    • Ars Magnus Magnum: Liberation of Power: allows the character to gather a great amount of offensive energy during a short period of time and unleash it moments later. For several seconds, he draws and absorbs power from the environment, and the energy visibly condenses in parts of his body (normally in his fists or his weapon) until the moment he releases it with a powerful strike.[5]
    • Ignis: Alastor's only ki technique. Its cost and effects are yet unknown.[1]

Notable Matchups





  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 Dramatis Personal vol. I, pg. 29-30
  2. Anima: Beyond Fantasy, Core Exxet pg. 60
  3. 3.0 3.1 Dramatis Personae vol. II, pg. 7
  4. Anima: Beyond Fantasy, Core Exxet pg. 194
  5. Dominus Exxet pg. 87


Discussion threads involving Alastor (Anima: Beyond Fantasy)