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Articles about Akuto Sai
Series Light NovelManga
Chibi Akuto PNG Bring your best if you are to come. I will crush you... Empire!!
~ Akuto Sai


Akuto Sai is the main protagonist of the manga series Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou. He grows up and transfers into the Constant Academy for Magical Arts, wanting to be a high priest. He meets Junko Hattori on the train to the school, and forms a pact with her to make the world a better place. The predicting spirit Yata Garasu predicts that he will be a Demon Lord upon graduation. Yata's predictions have never been wrong, and everyone becomes afraid of him as a result. However, he tries to prove it wrong and ultimately succeeds.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-A | At least 9-A, higher with Awakening | High 7-C, Low 7-B when Fully Awakened

Key: Pre-Training (Chapter 1–12) | Post-Training (Chapter 13–15) | Final Awakening (Chapter 16–50)

Name: Akuto Sai, Aa-chan (by Keena)

Origin: Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou (Manga)

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Classification: Human, Demon King (Maou)

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Energy Projection, Explosion Manipulation (Caused an explosion[1] that destroyed the classroom), Energy Manipulation (Learned how to manipulate mana and use it for different purposes[2]), Corruption, Plant Manipulation (Created a massive plant monster from the mana he poured into a seed[2]), Pressure Points (Can knock others out[3] with a hit to the forehead by using mana), Fear Inducement (Made bullies scared with his mere presence[4] making them unable to do anything but run away. Scared Junko stiff[5]), Forcefield Creation (Can create mana barriers to block attacks[4]), Stealth Mastery (Escaped from being surrounded by goons[6]), Berserk Mode, Rage Power (Became far stronger after enraged by Osu[6] and turned a stomp around), Fire Manipulation (Created a massive fireball with huge destructive ability from an 'elementary spell'[7]), Extrasensory Perception (Could sense Lily's magical power[8] even while being blindfolded), Immortality (Types 2, 4 and 8; Will reincarnate[9] thanks to The Law of Identity which exists in a separate realm and created both the main world and the Afterlife), Animal Manipulation (Subconsciously tames beasts with his mana[10]), Illusion Creation (His killing intent made 2V hallucinate her death and pee herself[11]), Cloth Manipulation (Can destroy clothes with the snap of his fingers[12]), Empathic Manipulation (Makes women aroused with his mere presence[12]), Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Kept up with Lily in close combat.[13] Easily defeated an expert ninja. Can outmatch Osu)

Attack Potency: Small Building level[Note 1] (Caused an explosion that destroyed the classroom and became even stronger after fighting Osu) | At least Small Building level[Note 2] (Caused a massive explosion with Lily after training which pulverized concrete and made a crater[17]), higher with Awakening (Became far stronger after being resurrected and awakening to the point those previously comparable stand no chance[18]) | Large Town level[Note 3] (Caused a massive explosion in the middle of a forest sending ground and trees flying. 14.28x Weaker than his Awakened self), Small City level+[Note 4] when Awakened (Far stronger than before. Scales to his durability and is superior to Peterhausen's strongest explosions)

Speed: Subsonic[Note 5] (Defeated Osu after awakening before he could do anything/react.[19] Faster than Korone could react[19]) | At least Subsonic[Note 6] (Even faster than before[17]) | At least Supersonic[Note 7], likely higher (Dodges gunfire without any difficulty.[20] It typically moves at Supersonic speeds), Hypersonic+[Note 8] when Fully Awakened (Should be 14.28x faster)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Bent a steel railing with his hand[6]) | Superhuman | Class M[Note 9] (Withstood Mister X's attack and stood up)

Striking Strength: Small Building level | At least Small Building level, higher with Awakening | Large Town level, Small City level+ when Fully Awakened

Durability: Small Building level (Can survive his own explosion and attacks from those comparable to him) | At least Small Building level (Tanked attacks from Lily[17]), higher with Awakening (Doesn't even see others attacks as a threat[18]) | Large Town level, Small City level+ when Fully Awakened (Survived Peterhausen's explosion without a scratch)

Stamina: Superhuman (Has an insane amount of mana that can go out of control and destroy his surroundings,[21] even overpower barriers from once-in-a-decade genius such is Mitsuki)

Range: Standard Melee Range, 10s of Meters with Magic

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Gifted (Was able to pass Constant Magic Academy's entrance exam. A great cook capable of creating many delicious meals due to his past part-time job.[22] Can fight off multiple bullies surrounding him and even disappear without them noticing.[6] Was able to keep up, dodge and block, attacks[8] from Lily after training for a few days. Casually defeated Junko's father who is the head of the household, an an experienced ninja. As the Demon King he is talented in combat and quick to adapt, by the end of the manga surpassing many characters)

Standard Tactics: Usually fights with his fists and magical explosions.

Weaknesses: When he goes berserk he loses control completely and is far less willing to listen to reason. (Applies to 1st key only, though) Akuto usually doesn't want to fight and will avoid it at all cost so he can become a High Priest.

Notable Attacks/Techniques: None Notable


  • Akuto downscales/upscales by 14.28x due to it being stated that he normally (in base) uses only 7% of his power, with full awakening being 100% and no-selling attacks from Peterhausen. Speed has shown to be proportional to Attack Potency since when he became strong enough to 1 shot those previously comparable, he also became fast enough to speed blitz them.
  1. Scales to 0.0387 Tons of TNT
  2. Vastly upscales from 0.0387 Tons of TNT (1-shot gap)
  3. Scales to 415.43726451 Kilotons of TNT
  4. Scales to 5.9324441372 Megatons of TNT
  5. Scales to 34.3 m/s (Baseline)
  6. Upscales from 34.3 m/s
  7. Scales to 377.3 m/s (Baseline)
  8. Scales to Mach 15.4
  9. Scales to 492502.54 Tons of Force (492502540 Kilograms)

Notable Matchups





  1. Demon King Daimaou Volume 1 Chapter 1 (Manga)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Demon King Daimaou Volume 1 Chapter 3 (Manga)
  3. Demon King Daimaou Volume 1 Chapter 4 (Manga)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Demon King Daimaou Volume 1 Chapter 5 (Manga)
  5. Demon King Daimaou Volume 2 Chapter 10 (Manga)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Demon King Daimaou Volume 2 Chapter 8 (Manga)
  7. Demon King Daimaou Volume 2 Chapter 11 (Manga)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Demon King Daimaou Volume 2 Chapter 12 (Manga)
  9. Demon King Daimaou Volume 3 Chapter 16 (Manga)
  10. Demon King Daimaou Volume 3 Chapter 18 (Manga)
  11. Demon King Daimaou Volume 4 Chapter 36 (Manga)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Demon King Daimaou Volume 5 Chapter 42 (Manga)
  13. Demon King Daimaou Volume 2 Chapter 13 (Manga)
  14. Demon King Daimaou Volume 4 Chapter 38 (Manga)
  15. Demon King Daimaou Volume 3 Chapter 26 (Manga)
  16. Demon King Daimaou Volume 4 Chapter 37 (Manga)
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Demon King Daimaou Volume 2 Chapter 13 (Manga)
  18. 18.0 18.1 Demon King Daimaou Volume 3 Chapter 17 (Manga)
  19. 19.0 19.1 Demon King Daimaou Volume 2 Chapter 9 (Manga)
  20. Demon King Daimaou Volume 5 Chapter 44 (Manga)
  21. Demon King Daimaou Volume 1 Chapter 2 (Manga)
  22. Demon King Daimaou Volume 1 Chapter 7 (Manga)


Discussion threads involving Akuto Sai (Manga)