All credit goes to LadyEru
“ | There are those who wonder if her mother looked into the future to give her a fitting name, for there is truly mercy in her soul | „ |
~ Suriels analysis of Mercy |
Akura Mercy is an exiled member of the Akura Clan that is inducted into the Skysworn at the same time as Lindon. She is the daughter of the Ashwind continents ruling Monarch, Akura Malice, and the chosen heir to the Akura Clan itself.
Powers and Stats
Tier:At most High 6-A | High 6-A, higher with Netherworld Empress | 5-C, Low 5-B with Authority, higher with Silent King Bow | At least 4-A, 3-A
Key: Archlord | Herald | Monarch | Ascended
Name: Akura Mercy
Origin: Cradle
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Classification: Human, Sacred Artist, Archlord, Herald, Monarch, Ascended Being, Abidan Reaper, Third Generation Executor
Powers and Abilities:
- Sacred Artist Physiology (Lowgold)
- Statistics Amplification (Can push open a page beyond her reach with the power inside her book allowing her to temporarily advance[1])
- Marksmanship (Mercy is still a relatively competent archer although she suffers from being fairly clumsy[2] due to having her coordination sealed alongside[3] her body and physical skill[4])
- Stealth Mastery (Capable of erasing her presence such that others can't sense her even at close ranges[2] and utilizes shadow madra which possesses inherent sense blocking properties[5] while being similarly as hard to sense as pure madra[6] making her veils inherently twice as effective as a usual veil[7])
- Flight (Mercy can ride her staff Suu as a means of flight[8])
- Blessed (Resurrection - If Mercy dies, thus losing her bet with her mother, Akura Malice will resurrect her while releasing the seals on her power and restoring her to the level of a Truegold on the verge of advancement[4])
- Darkness Manipulation (As a shadow artists Mercy can manipulate shadow aura to control darkness[9])
- Armor Creation and Limited Crystal Manipulation (Capable of manifesting her bloodline armor to a limited degree on a single limb[10])
- Strings of Shadow [Page1] - Thread Manipulation and Adhesive Manipulation (Mercy can conjure strings of shadow in the form of webbing from her fingertips that can serve to restrain targets[11] and even from her forged arrows after she has already fired them[12]), Weapon Creation (Mercy forms her arrows by forging her Strings of Shadow into a ridged solidity[13]), Limited Homing Attack (The strings of shadow can crawl over a targets body like living rope while restraining them[14]), Enhanced Selective Intangibility (Mercy's strings of shadow can phase into a the bodies of even sacred artists[15] despite them having madra running through their skin which blocks intangible objects[16]), Pain Manipulation, Power Nullification and Limited Paralysis Inducement (Arrows made from strings of shadows induce pain despite dealing no physical damage, cause a targets lungs to lock up if struck on center mass and disrupt any techniques they are currently using[17] because solidified Strings of Shadow interfere with the flow of Madra in an opponents body[18])
- Dark Tide Incantation [Page 2] - Sacred Artist Physiology (Highgold), Damage Boost and Limited Density Manipulation (By imbuing her arrows with the Darktide incantation they gain spiritual and physical weight[13] allowing them to actually interact with targets to deal damage[19]), Explosion Manipulation (Arrows imbued with the Dark Tide Incantation cause explosions of shadow on contact[20]), Statistics Amplification (Cycling the Dark Tide Incantation through her own body strengthens her with shadow and water madra[21])
- Nightworm Venom [Page 3] - Sacred Artist Physiology (Truegold), Poison Manipulation (Mercy can spray the Nightworm Venom around an area[22] as well as imbue her arrows with it, infecting opponents with a deadly poison that takes effect on contact with an opponents skin[19]), Limited Homing Attack, Durability Negation, Soul Manipulation and Corrosion Inducement (The Nightworm Venom melts into a targets body where it disables their spirit and eats away at their madra channels[23] effectively eroding their soul away[24]), Power Nullification and Corruption (Type 1 - The Nightworm Venom eats into and corrupts an opponents equipment eventually leaving it stripped of it's power[25])
All previous abilities to a greater degree, except:
- Blessed (Resurrection - If Mercy dies, thus losing her bet with her mother, Akura Malice will resurrect her while releasing the seals on her power and restoring her to the level of a Truegold on the verge of advancement[4])
- Sacred Artist Physiology (Underlord)
- Accelerated Development and Genius Intelligence (Even by the standards of the Akura Clan Mercy was born a genius who outclassed all her peers in every area of development ranging from direct sacred arts to skill across multiple disciplines[26] allowing her to easily advance through the Gold Realm[27])
- Weapon Mastery and Marksmanship (Even from a young age Mercy set new records in skill with staffs, flying swords, puppet constructs and bows in particular[26] such that she's skilled enough to fire multiple arrows in quick succession perfectly through a finger thick hole formed by her first shot[25] as well as fire her bow in mid-air using only her feet and teeth after her arms were disabled[22] and she was further tutored in archery by a dream tablet from Larian of the Eight-Man Empire[28] who is a sage that had manifested the Bow Icon[29])
- Enhanced Senses and Precognition (Analytical Prediction - With the Moon's Eye, Mercy gains the benefit of multiple vision related sensory enhancements allowing her to see the flow of power in an opponent more clearly[30] to a degree that she can easily anticipate their next technique[20])
- Acrobatics (With her skill unsealed Mercy is capable of exceptionally complex acrobatic maneuvers like backflipping onto the tip of her staff, has near perfect balance[31] and due to the bodily control granted by her Puppeteer's Iron body she can easily twist to dodge attacks midair despite lacking leverage[13])
- Martial Arts (Vastly superior to all other Akura Underlords as she has beaten all of then prior[32] and all of them have been trained their whole lives[33])
- Danmaku, Homing Attack, Explosion Manipulation, Deconstruction and Soul Manipulation (As an Overlord, Mercy can utilize Suu's binding to forge two hundred arrows that simultaneously launch at a target[22] and seek out their target, explode on contact with destruction madra while dealing both physical and spiritual damage[22])
- Armor Creation, Crystal Manipulation and Large Size (Type 2 - Can fully manifest the entirety of her Akura Armor across her entire body[21] as well as increase it's size to reach massive proportion as an Overlord[34])
- Shadow's Edge [Page 4] - Energy Projection and Selective Intangibility (Shadow's Edge can selectively phase through a targets defenses like armor[35] while completely ignoring their properties, even those that weaken hostile madra and spiritual attacks[36]), Soul Manipulation and Durability Negation (Shadow's Edge is a striker technique that cuts at both a physical and spiritual level which can cut targets much more easily if they have a soul[37]), Non-Physical Interaction (The Shadow's Edge can perfectly cut apart fire[18]) and Danmaku (The Shadow's Edge can be released in a flurry of attacks that strike from every angle[38])
- Dream of Darkness [Page 5] - Sacred Artist Physiology (Overlord), Special Space Manipulation (Imaginary Space Manipulation) and Fear Manipulation (The Dream of Darkness is a technique within the 5th page of the book of Eternal Night where the very air injects a person with fear[39] that acts on an instinctive level and causes a target to lose control of their soul[40] while affecting their heart, mind and soul as one[40] which Mercy can manifest as a domain over a given area[41] or imbue directly into her arrows alongside her other techniques[42])
All previous abilities to a greater degree, plus:
- Sacred Artist Physiology (Archlord)
- Blessed, Extrasensory Perception, Information Analysis and Precognition (Analytical Prediction - Received the Oracle Sages blessing[43] which deepened her senses to allowing her to analyze weak points in an opponent, their effective range, information about their techniques and even a glimpse of their future actions[44])
- Enhanced Senses (Gained a deeper understanding of the shadow aspect allowing her to see through the shadow aura of her training room[45] which was produced by Abyssal Ink, a substance that rejects all light while leaving only an impenetrable darkness behind[46] beyond regular shadow aura which already restricts mundane and extrasensory perception[47])
- Supernatural Willpower (Mercy has undergone dedicated willpower training first to master the Dream of Darkness technique, the facing down a weakened Dreadgod and finally during her training against Lindons unrestricted spiritual pressure[48])
- Accelerated Development (Like the rest of Lindons team Mercy was able to advance at an unnatural rate allowing her to reach the stage Monarch in just a few short years when other require centuries to do so[49])
- Armor Creation, Crystal Manipulation and Large Size (Type 3 - Capable of utilizing her Akura Armor much better than before and grew to equal size as Akura Malice[50] who was large enough that mountains only reach her knees[51])
- Shadestep [Page 6] - Teleportation and Intangibility (Using the shadestep Mercy can borrow the intangibility of shadows while slipping through space to teleport[52]), Instinctive Action and Homing Attack (Arrows imbued with the Shadestep will automatically avoid attempts to block or divert them by teleporting past anything that would interfere with their trajectory[52])
- Netherworld Empress [Page 7] - Ascended Being Physiology (Herald), Limited Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1) and Limited Abstract Existence (Type 1 - The Netherworld Empress is the ideal image of Akura Malice, made so clearly and imbued with so much of her will that it resonated with several Icons, namely the Bow Icon, Shadow Icon, Strength Icon and Crown Icon[53]), Enhanced Aura (The aura passively induced by the Netherworld Empress affects both the mind and soul[54]), Statistics Amplification and Supernatural Willpower (The Netherworld Empress is an enforcer technique that greatly enhances physical statistics[55] while also enhancing willpower[56])
All previous abilities, plus:
- Immortality (Type 1, 4 and 8 - Dross is tied to his hosts spirit so as long as they are healthy he will be as well[57] and his own body is a projection which if damaged or stolen will simply dissolve and be reborn from the seed within that host[57])
- Incorporeality (Dross's 'body' is a made-up projection[58] which is only as physical as he wants it to be[59])
- Duplication (Capable of leaving duplicate of himself[60])
- Absorption (Information and Memories - Capable of absorbing information and memories[61])
- Enhanced Senses (Can see opponents which have rendered themselves invisible by bending light and perception[62])
- Telepathy (Dross is capable of speaking into the minds of others to communicate[63])
- Marksmanship (Can provide his host with the necessary information like trajectory and amount of force needed to hit a moving target faster than themselves[64])
- Hacking (Completely overwrote Northstriders Oracle Codex which is a calculation device intended to show him the future[65] and hijacked a messenger construct to spy on Akura Charity[66])
- Illusion Creation (Can project illusions directly into the minds of others[67] and into reality using the Fox Mirror[68])
- Light Manipulation (With the Fox Dream he can create illusions[62] by manipulating dreams and light[69])
- Sleep Manipulation and Dream Manipulation (Can put others to sleep while controlling exactly what they dream about[70] and Dross himself is able to enter the dreams of others[71] even his host in order to keep them productive even while sleeping or manipulate his dreams and nightmares[72])
- Sense Manipulation (Can completely blank out all the senses of a target making it so they can see, hear, smell and feel nothing,[73] seal off his hosts own senses in response to them being compromised[74] and could warp the sense of all those around him to show them illusions at will[75])
- Memory Manipulation (Capable of altering memories and even mixing together the memories of multiple people[76] as well as consuming memories[77])
- Pain Manipulation (With Foxfire, which is a spiritual attack that inflicts the illusion of pain[62])
- Afterimage Creation and Invisibility (With the Foxtail, which creates an afterimage of his host that lags behind their true movements while they are rendered invisible[78])
- Perception Manipulation (Can accelerate his hosts perception of time to the point everything seems to freeze,[79] project himself into other peoples minds to accelerate their perception to the point everything seems frozen[80] and even counter the Silent Kings own perception acceleration which can make seconds fell like decades[81] by slowing it back down to normal[82])
- Mind Manipulation Negation (Can dismantle mental attacks[83])
- Hive Mind (Became a Hivemind after Lindon created copies of him implanted in others such as Mercy[84])
- Photographic Memory (Stores memories in perfect detail which can be accessed later[76] because he can directly store memories which can then be brought up at any time[85])
- Reaction Amplification (By fueling his hosts senses[86] Dross can amplify their reaction time[87] to the point they can keep up with opponents that would blitz him otherwise[88])
- Information Analysis (Can ascertain the mechanics behind an ability by observing it through his hosts senses,[89] analyze physical cues like breathing, muscle movement, posture and eye movement to determine what an opponent will do,[90] analyze the fighting style of an opponent[91] and even deduce what occurred in the past of a given area by analyzing it[92])
- Power Mimicry (Dross can use information he obtained through analysis to allow his host to develop their own[93] version of a technique[94])
- Genius Intelligence and Precognition (Analytical Prediction - Can predict the future through sheer calculation[43] to such a degree that he can create 100% accurate predictive models[95] of an opponent after obtaining enough information about them[96] in a timeframe that shortened to near instantly as he grew stronger[97] which are then implemented in "Battle Plans" which give a detailed guide on exactly how a fight will proceed as well as what his host needs to do to win[98] allowing them to simply execute the steps necessary for success[99])
- Precognition (In addition to his calculations Dross is able to read the flow of fate[100])
Resistance to:
- Mind Manipulation (Capable of dismantling mental attacks afflicting his host[83] and allowed Lindon to resist the Silent Kings mind control technique[101])
- Telepathy (Can hide his hosts thoughts to prevent telepaths from reading them[102])
- Illusion Creation (Dross protects his hosts mind from illusions[103] which can warp the senses of a target[104] and even lets him completely see through illusions projected into reality[105])
- Perception Manipulation (Protected Lindon from an attack which blunted perception and slowed down thoughts[106])
- Dream Manipulation and Sense Manipulation (Dross renders his host completely unaffected by technique which warp sense by manipulating dreams[107])
- Absorption (Mind, Memory and Information - Allows Lindon to resist the Silent Kings absorption[101] which absorbs minds, thoughts and knowledge[108])
All previous abilities to a greater degree, plus:
- Ascended Being Physiology (Monarch)
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1 - Manifested the Joy Icon which like all other Icons is an archetypal concept that is intrinsic to all of reality[109])
- Passive Perception Manipulation, Passive Mind Manipulation, Passive Dream Manipulation, Passive Space-Time Manipulation and Passive Absorption (Information, Mind and Thought - The Silent Kings Bow passively warps perception, dreams and thoughts, would have passively destroy Lindons pocket world and absorbs minds and thoughts[108])
- Weapon Creation, Illusion Creation, Danmaku, Sense Manipulation and Homing Attack (The bow creates 10,000 illusory copies of any arrow used with it which can all cause actual harm, manipulate senses such that they are difficult to perceive at all with mundane or spiritual sense and home in on a target rather than fly like regular arrows[110])
- Spatial Manipulation (Silent King Arrows crack space as they travel and destroy portals through the sheer degree of authority they carry[111])
- Dimensional Travel (The Silent King Arrows will follow targets across space and into other dimensions which they can destroy easily[112])
- Instinctive Action (The Bow of the Silent King instinctively reacts to attacks against its user by diverging the pressure to itself[113])
- Healing Negation and Regeneration Negation (High-Mid - Possibly Mid-Godly - Attacks from the Silent King Bow and Penance arrow carry their will which resist attempts and healing and regeneration even through means like causality manipulation which negate prior events[114])
All previous abilities to a greater degree, plus:
- Ascended Being Physiology (Inherent)
- Enhanced Flight (Upon ascension he can fly by sheer will alone without the requirement for wind or force aura[115])
- Enhanced Elemental Manipulation, Kinetic Energy Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Mind Manipulation and Power Nullification (Upon ascension Sacred Artists no longer require the use of aura to manipulate its corresponding elements as they become capable of doing so with their authority alone because they have transcended the mechanics of their world[116])
- Greater Precognition (After ascension Dross is capable of seeing far enough into the future to view the legends that would be formed about someone[117])
- Physics Manipulation and Invulnerability (Abidan Armor devours the momentum of anything that comes into contact with it[117])
- Acausality (Higher Degree of Type 4 - Fiends of Chaos are beings for which the rules of reality do not consistently apply[118] which can passively breakdown the Order necessary for existence[119] because their bodies are composed of chaos itself[120] lacking logic as "chaos made flesh" in their physical forms[121] which is a pitfall to causality[122] that makes it so they couldn't be seen in Fate.[123] Executors regularly diverge from Fate such that he became blank spots for the Abidan Hound Division[124] with even the court of seven being unable to read their fates[125] despite the fact that the likes of Makiel can read the fate of Fiends[126])
Resistance to:
- Enhanced Absorption (Soul, Energy, Memory, Lifeforce, Vitality, Willpower, Authority, Stamina, Biological, Blood Essence and Physical Strength - Consume was shown to not be able to affect Ozriel[127] which was explained to be a function of his armor[128])
Attack Potency: At most Multi-Continent level (Downscales from heralds who scale to 1/12th the power of a Monarch[Statistics Values 1]) | Multi-Continent level (Became a herald herself after merging with her Remnant[Statistics Values 1]), higher with Netherworld Empress (The Netherworld Empress is an enforcer technique which greatly amplifies the users physical statistics) | Moon level (Manifested the Joy Icon and became a Monarch herself[Statistics Values 2]), Small Planet level with Authority (Comparable to other Monarchs[Statistics Values 3]), higher with Silent King Bow (Operates by combining the users power with that of the Bow which redoubles the resultant output[Statistics Values 4]) | At least Multi-Solar system level, Universal level (Comparable to Post-Ascended Lindon who shook an entire iteration[Statistics Values 5]and later was able to fight a Class Two Fiend[Statistics Values 6])
Speed: At most Relativistic+ (Could keep up with Yerin Arelius who could engage in combat with a Monarch[Statistics Values 7]) | At most Relativistic+ (Kept up with and fought Akura Malice) | Relativistic+ (Became a Monarch herself) | Massively FTL+ (Comparable to Post-Ascended Lindon who could keep up with Class Two Fiends of Chaos which are beings that can engage in combat with Zakariel[Statistics Values 8])
Lifting Strength: Class G (Capable of growing her Akura Armor to equal size to Malice who was large enough to dwarf mountains[Statistics Values 9]) | At least Class G (Stronger than before) | At least Class P (Became a Monarch herself making her comparable to the feats of other Monarchs[Statistics Values 10]) | Stellar (Comparable to Wei Shi Lindon[Statistics Values 11])
Striking Strength: At most Multi-Continent level (Comparable to her attack potency) | Multi-Continent level (Comparable to her attack potency) | Moon level, Small Planet level with Authority (Comparable to attack potency) | At least Multi-Solar System level, Universal level (Comparable to attack potency)
Durability: At most Multi-Continent level (Fought against other Archlords), higher with Akura Armor (The Akura Bloodline Armor is vastly more durable than her base) | Multi-Continent level (Comparable to other Heralds), higher with Akura Armor (same as before) | Moon level (Comparable to other Monarchs[Statistics Values 2]), Small Planet level with Akura Armor (Comparable to Malice who withstood a penance arrow using her Armor and Authority[Statistics Values 3]), higher with Silent King bow (Withstood the backlash of using the Bow[Statistics Values 4]) | At least Multi-Solar System level, Universal level (Comparable to Lindon who can withstand attacks from a Class Two Fiend[Statistics Values 5][Statistics Values 6])
Stamina: Superhuman (Iron bodies inherently make it harder for Sacred Artists to recognize physical fatigue so they can exert themselves far beyond their natural limits and as a herald they can engage in combat with those stronger than themselves for hours at a time then once they reach Monarch they have energy reserves large enough that they can spend days in combat), Infinite with Authority (Willpower is not finite like an energy such that it can be sustained as long as the user can focus), Infinite after ascension (Transcended beings do not require rests)
Range: Extended Melee Range, At least Tens of Kilometers with most techniques (Vastly superior to Underlord Eithan who could spread his spiritual pressure and power out across the area of a storm cloud) | Extended Melee Range up to Interdimensional with herald strength (Can cut deeper than space into what lays beyond), At least Tens of Kilometers with most techniques | Extended Melee Range up to Interdimensional with herald strength, Interdimensional with Sage Authority, Thousands of Kilometers with most techniques (Monarchs attacks can reach across distances exceeding thousands of kilometers) | Extended Melee Range up to Interdimensional with herald strength, Interdimensional with Sage Authority, At least Planetary with most techniques (Comparable to Lindon who's techniques are capable of blighting a planet), Universal with Shockwaves/Spiritual Pressure (Comparable to Lindon who shook the universe with his pressure)
Standard Equipment: |
Genius (Even by the standards of the Akura Clan, Mercy was born a genius. She outclassed all her peers in various area's of expertise like madra control, technique proficiency, shadow aura compatibility and the use of numerous weapons ranging from staffs to bows to an extent that she set new records in all of them and even vastly outclass not only all the Akura Underlords in martial combat who have all been received training their whole lives but also other Akura Clan geniuses like Charity and Fury when she instantly bonded with the Book of Eternal Night which non prior to her had been able to)
Extraordinary Genius - Dross is highly intelligent mind spirit with knowledge stretching across various fields both attained through acquiring information himself and absorbing it from others, vast processing and calculation capabilities which outright allow him to predict the future with a 100% level of accuracy and the ability to analyze various forms information extremally fast.
- Vast Calculation Power: Dross is a highly advanced spiritual being capable of predicting the future through sheer calculation to such a degree that he can create 100% accurate predictive models of an opponent after obtaining enough information about them in a timeframe that shortened to near instantly as he grew stronger.
- Vast Knowledge: Dross is likened to a "baby Presence" which is impressive because Presences have access to the Spiders Network making them basically nigh-omniscient and the similarity is deserved because Dross doesn't just draw knowledge from his own memories but also draws an unknown amount his knowledge base from his connection to the Way itself. After the events of Dreadgod Dross expanded his knowledge base by absorbing the memories of the Silent King who had prior stolen the memories and skills of millions of people across all walks of life for several centuries as well as absorbing information from the Dreamway which is an interconnected library of dream tablets containing endlessly changing fictional worlds and a vast amount of stored knowledge.
- Analytical Skills: Dross has excellent analysis skills able to ascertain the mechanics behind an ability by observing it through his hosts senses, analyze physical cues like breathing, muscle movement, posture and eye movement to determine what an opponent will do, analyze the fighting style of an opponent and even deduce what events had occurred in the past of a given area by analyzing it at a glance.
- Information Assimilation: Dross is capable of processing large amounts of information at a vastly accelerated rate like how he can allow his user to assimilate a Soulsmith Inheritance that would ordinarily take years to fully be assimilated practically overnight and could even process Lindons own memories which are too heavy for others as well as the memories of the Silent King which were collected over the course of centuries from millions of people.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
The Path of Seven Pages [Book of Eternal Night]: Each Akura expert leaves behind a divine treasure in the form of a book, which holds their ideal path for others to follow. The Book of Eternal Night was created by Akura Malice herself and contains her ideal path, with techniques she selected from multiple separate shadow paths.
- Strings of Shadow [Page 1]: A technique that originate from the Path of the Chainkeeper, Mercy emits and controls webs of blended force and shadow madra that she can use to retrain targets as well as solidify into arrows that phase into a targets body without dealing damage but induce pain, disrupt the flow of madra and if struck on center mass paralyze the lungs of a target.
- Dark Tide Incantation [Page 2]: An enforcer technique which utilizes a mix of shadow and water Madra which Mercy can either imbue into her arrows or her own body. When imbued into her arrows they gain spiritual and physical weight allowing them to deal greater damage as well as explode on impact and when imbued directly into her body she greatly enhances her physical statistics but at full output it also specifically increases her agility.
- Nightworm Venom [Page 3]: A technique centered around a mix of venom and shadow madra which allows Mercy to imbue her arrows with a deadly poison that acts on contact with skin or equipment to either actively crawls into a targets body where it erodes aways their soul or corrupt their equipment until it is stripped of it's power.
- Shadow's Edge [Page 4]: Mercy swipes her fingers forward, releasing a blade of pure shadow that phases through any obstacle. like a targets armor, and cuts at both a physical and spiritual level. The technique cuts through anything with a soul more easily and can be released as a flurry of blades projected from multiple directions.
- Dream of Darkness [Page 5]: A boundary field technique formed from the aspects of dream and shadow madra, Mercy can either project the Dream of Darkness into reality as a true domain which induces an instinctive fear that acts on the soul, heart and mind as one on anyone within range or attach it's properties to her arrows to inflict it on anyone struck or even those simply close enough to the point of impact.
- Shadestep [Page 6]: Mercy borrows the intangibility of shadows while using them to fold space allowing her to teleport across the battlefield and phase through attacks. When imbued into an arrow the projectile will instinctively teleport past from that would otherwise halt or divert it's trajectory, like an enemy attempting to block it.
- Netherworld Empress [Page 7]: The Netherworld Empress is Akura Malices image of her ideal self which she imbued with so much of her will that it resonated with multiple Icons. When drawing on the technique Mercy's statistics and willpower are greatly enhanced and she passively releases this willpower as a pressure that affects the mind and soul of anyone in range.
Joy Icon: All sages have the ability to manipulate a concept, known as an Icons, they are connected to in order to change reality and its laws. Sages are able to alter reality primarily through verbal commands, though the use of spoken words are not strictly necessary, in ways that are related to their specific Icons by pushing past and supplanting the rules of reality. Mercy is connected to the Joy Icon, the archetypal concept of Joy, granting her control over all things to do with Joy and the ability to mainly utilize restorative authority.
- Due to the Book of Eternal Night allowing her to temporarily access power at least two stages above her advancement level even in her Archlord key she can still draw on it to boost herself to the level of a herald and access the Netherworld Empress technique for a short period of time
Notable Matchups
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 209
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Ghostwater; Page 135
- ↑ Underlord; Page 89
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Underlord; Page 239
- ↑ Uncrowned; Page 30
- ↑ Uncrowned; Page 162
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 100
- ↑ Skysworn; Page 186
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 23
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 209
- ↑ Skysworn; Page 205
- ↑ Skysworn; Page 203
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Wintersteel; Page 82
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 205
- ↑ Skysworn; Page 206
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 154
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 49
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Wintersteel; Page 242
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Ghostwater; Page 215
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 Wintersteel; Page 243
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 Wintersteel; Page 241
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Wintersteel; Page 252
- ↑ Wintersteel; Page 83
- ↑ Wintersteel; Page 244
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 Underlord; Page 255
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Underlord; Page 237
- ↑ Underlord; Page 238
- ↑ Uncrowned; Page 217
- ↑ Reaper; Page 299
- ↑ Wintersteel; Page 81
- ↑ Underlord; Page 242
- ↑ Uncrowned; Page 29
- ↑ Uncrowned; Page 40
- ↑ Bloodline; Page 279
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 37
- ↑ Underlord; Page 57
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 57
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 220
- ↑ Reaper; Page 54
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 Wintersteel; Page 124
- ↑ Waybound; Page 198
- ↑ Wintersteel; Page 251
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 Waybound; Page 234
- ↑ Waybound; Page 197
- ↑ Waybound; Page 341
- ↑ Waybound; Page 12
- ↑ Underlord; Page 98
- ↑ Waybound; Page 23
- ↑ Waybound; Page 487
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 344
- ↑ Skysworn; Page 218
- ↑ 52.0 52.1 Waybound; Page 168
- ↑ Waybound; Page 329
- ↑ Waybound; Page 330
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 215
- ↑ Waybound; Page 351
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 Abidan Archives
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 293
- ↑ Reaper; Page 330
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 324
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 329
- ↑ 62.0 62.1 62.2 Bloodline; Page 164
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 240
- ↑ Waybound; Page 254
- ↑ Waybound; Page 131
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 149
- ↑ Wintersteel; Page 405
- ↑ Bloodline; Page 163
- ↑ Unsouled; Page 75
- ↑ Waybound; Page 79
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 33
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 147
- ↑ Wintersteel; Page 409
- ↑ Waybound; Page 44
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 313
- ↑ 76.0 76.1 Waybound; Page 256
- ↑ Wintersteel; Page 350
- ↑ Bloodline; Page 165
- ↑ Reaper; Page 259
- ↑ Bloodline; Page 274
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 261
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 263
- ↑ 83.0 83.1 Dreadgod; Page 340
- ↑ Waybound; Page 272
- ↑ Wintersteel; Page 305
- ↑ Wintersteel; Page 202
- ↑ Uncrowned; Page 232
- ↑ Uncrowned; Page 167
- ↑ Wintersteel; Page 203
- ↑ Uncrowned; Page 46
- ↑ Wintersteel; Page 368
- ↑ Bloodline; Page 80
- ↑ Reaper; Page 238
- ↑ Reaper; Page 385
- ↑ Uncrowned; Page 63
- ↑ Underlord; Page 28
- ↑ Uncrowned; Page 45
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 230
- ↑ Ghostwater; Page 231
- ↑ Waybound; Page 238
- ↑ 101.0 101.1 Dreadgod; Page 257
- ↑ Dreadgod; Page 274
- ↑ Underlord; Page 262
- ↑ Waybound; Page 46
- ↑ Uncrowned; Page 132
- ↑ Underlord; Page 206
- ↑ Bloodline; Page 166
- ↑ 108.0 108.1 Waybound; Page 50
- ↑ Waybound; Page 388
- ↑ Waybound; Page 51
- ↑ Waybound; Page 52
- ↑ Waybound; Page 53
- ↑ Waybound; Page 259
- ↑ Waybound; Page 274
- ↑ Waybound; Page 484
- ↑ Dreadgod Release Stream (July, 3 2022)
- ↑ 117.0 117.1 Dreadgod; Page 453
- ↑ Bloodline; Page 246
- ↑ Bloodline Release Stream (April 5, 2021)
- ↑ Blackflame; Page 173
- ↑ Waybound; Page 493
- ↑ Reaper; Page 365
- ↑ Waybound; Page 494
- ↑ Bloodline; Page 66
- ↑ Bloodline; Page 67
- ↑ Soulsmith; Page 44
- ↑ Reaper; Page 454
- ↑ Reaper Spoiler Stream (Nov, 9 2021)
Discussion threads involving Akura Mercy |