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VS Battles Wiki
Akura Mercy

All credit goes to LadyEru

There are those who wonder if her mother looked into the future to give her a fitting name, for there is truly mercy in her soul
~ Suriels analysis of Mercy


Akura Mercy is an exiled member of the Akura Clan that is inducted into the Skysworn at the same time as Lindon. She is the daughter of the Ashwind continents ruling Monarch, Akura Malice, and the chosen heir to the Akura Clan itself.

Powers and Stats

Tier:At most High 6-A | High 6-A, higher with Netherworld Empress | 5-C, Low 5-B with Authority, higher with Silent King Bow | At least 4-A, 3-A

Key: Archlord | Herald | Monarch | Ascended

Name: Akura Mercy

Origin: Cradle

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Classification: Human, Sacred Artist, Archlord, Herald, Monarch, Ascended Being, Abidan Reaper, Third Generation Executor

Powers and Abilities:

All previous abilities to a greater degree, except:


All previous abilities, plus:

Resistance to:

All previous abilities to a greater degree, plus:

All previous abilities to a greater degree, plus:

Resistance to:

Attack Potency: At most Multi-Continent level (Downscales from heralds who scale to 1/12th the power of a Monarch[Statistics Values 1]) | Multi-Continent level (Became a herald herself after merging with her Remnant[Statistics Values 1]), higher with Netherworld Empress (The Netherworld Empress is an enforcer technique which greatly amplifies the users physical statistics) | Moon level (Manifested the Joy Icon and became a Monarch herself[Statistics Values 2]), Small Planet level with Authority (Comparable to other Monarchs[Statistics Values 3]), higher with Silent King Bow (Operates by combining the users power with that of the Bow which redoubles the resultant output[Statistics Values 4]) | At least Multi-Solar system level, Universal level (Comparable to Post-Ascended Lindon who shook an entire iteration[Statistics Values 5]and later was able to fight a Class Two Fiend[Statistics Values 6])

Speed: At most Relativistic+ (Could keep up with Yerin Arelius who could engage in combat with a Monarch[Statistics Values 7]) | At most Relativistic+ (Kept up with and fought Akura Malice) | Relativistic+ (Became a Monarch herself) | Massively FTL+ (Comparable to Post-Ascended Lindon who could keep up with Class Two Fiends of Chaos which are beings that can engage in combat with Zakariel[Statistics Values 8])

Lifting Strength: Class G (Capable of growing her Akura Armor to equal size to Malice who was large enough to dwarf mountains[Statistics Values 9]) | At least Class G (Stronger than before) | At least Class P (Became a Monarch herself making her comparable to the feats of other Monarchs[Statistics Values 10]) | Stellar (Comparable to Wei Shi Lindon[Statistics Values 11])

Striking Strength: At most Multi-Continent level (Comparable to her attack potency) | Multi-Continent level (Comparable to her attack potency) | Moon level, Small Planet level with Authority (Comparable to attack potency) | At least Multi-Solar System level, Universal level (Comparable to attack potency)

Durability: At most Multi-Continent level (Fought against other Archlords), higher with Akura Armor (The Akura Bloodline Armor is vastly more durable than her base) | Multi-Continent level (Comparable to other Heralds), higher with Akura Armor (same as before) | Moon level (Comparable to other Monarchs[Statistics Values 2]), Small Planet level with Akura Armor (Comparable to Malice who withstood a penance arrow using her Armor and Authority[Statistics Values 3]), higher with Silent King bow (Withstood the backlash of using the Bow[Statistics Values 4]) | At least Multi-Solar System level, Universal level (Comparable to Lindon who can withstand attacks from a Class Two Fiend[Statistics Values 5][Statistics Values 6])

Stamina: Superhuman (Iron bodies inherently make it harder for Sacred Artists to recognize physical fatigue so they can exert themselves far beyond their natural limits and as a herald they can engage in combat with those stronger than themselves for hours at a time then once they reach Monarch they have energy reserves large enough that they can spend days in combat), Infinite with Authority (Willpower is not finite like an energy such that it can be sustained as long as the user can focus), Infinite after ascension (Transcended beings do not require rests)

Range: Extended Melee Range, At least Tens of Kilometers with most techniques (Vastly superior to Underlord Eithan who could spread his spiritual pressure and power out across the area of a storm cloud) | Extended Melee Range up to Interdimensional with herald strength (Can cut deeper than space into what lays beyond), At least Tens of Kilometers with most techniques | Extended Melee Range up to Interdimensional with herald strength, Interdimensional with Sage Authority, Thousands of Kilometers with most techniques (Monarchs attacks can reach across distances exceeding thousands of kilometers) | Extended Melee Range up to Interdimensional with herald strength, Interdimensional with Sage Authority, At least Planetary with most techniques (Comparable to Lindon who's techniques are capable of blighting a planet), Universal with Shockwaves/Spiritual Pressure (Comparable to Lindon who shook the universe with his pressure)

Standard Equipment:
  • The Book of Eternal Night: Mercy Possesses an advanced construct tied to her soul in the form of a book containing a mental/spiritual world on each page. Each page corresponds to a given technique and stage of advancement allowing Mercy to temporarily draw on a page or two above her current level of advancement to gain that technique and the power associated with that advancement stage.
  • Suu [Eclipse, Ancient Bow of the Soulseeker]: Mercy's primary bow, made from the remnant of a sage which passed down to her by her Mother and is equally connected to her soul like her book. The bow can shift to a staff, allows her to fly by riding it and has a binding the forges thousands of crystalline arrows which home in on targets and explode.
  • Celestial Lens: An Archlord level divine treasure that allows Mercy to more easily see the flow of madra and aura greatly enhances her perception and allowing her to read the buildup of power behind an opponents techniques to predict them in advance.
  • Silent King Bow: After Suu's destruction Mercy is given the Silent King Bow by Lindon who had originally intended to pass it on to her. The Bow forges ten thousand copies of any arrow used alongside it which all chase after targets even to other dimensions, crack space as they fly, induce a plethora of passive effects and actively negate regeneration on any injury caused by the user.
  • Black Abidan Armor [Ascended Key]:The armor of the Abidan Reaper Division, it devours momentum to render most attacks ineffective and even blocks absorption abilities like the Consume Technique.


Extraordinary Genius - Dross is highly intelligent mind spirit with knowledge stretching across various fields both attained through acquiring information himself and absorbing it from others, vast processing and calculation capabilities which outright allow him to predict the future with a 100% level of accuracy and the ability to analyze various forms information extremally fast.

Weaknesses: Enough attacks, even those that ordinarily can't damage her Bloodline Armor, can still force her to eventually release it because the more stress it is put under the harder it becomes to maintain though the threshold of this weakness increases with each advancement stage.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

The Path of Seven Pages [Book of Eternal Night]: Each Akura expert leaves behind a divine treasure in the form of a book, which holds their ideal path for others to follow. The Book of Eternal Night was created by Akura Malice herself and contains her ideal path, with techniques she selected from multiple separate shadow paths.

  • Strings of Shadow [Page 1]: A technique that originate from the Path of the Chainkeeper, Mercy emits and controls webs of blended force and shadow madra that she can use to retrain targets as well as solidify into arrows that phase into a targets body without dealing damage but induce pain, disrupt the flow of madra and if struck on center mass paralyze the lungs of a target.
  • Dark Tide Incantation [Page 2]: An enforcer technique which utilizes a mix of shadow and water Madra which Mercy can either imbue into her arrows or her own body. When imbued into her arrows they gain spiritual and physical weight allowing them to deal greater damage as well as explode on impact and when imbued directly into her body she greatly enhances her physical statistics but at full output it also specifically increases her agility.
  • Nightworm Venom [Page 3]: A technique centered around a mix of venom and shadow madra which allows Mercy to imbue her arrows with a deadly poison that acts on contact with skin or equipment to either actively crawls into a targets body where it erodes aways their soul or corrupt their equipment until it is stripped of it's power.
  • Shadow's Edge [Page 4]: Mercy swipes her fingers forward, releasing a blade of pure shadow that phases through any obstacle. like a targets armor, and cuts at both a physical and spiritual level. The technique cuts through anything with a soul more easily and can be released as a flurry of blades projected from multiple directions.
  • Dream of Darkness [Page 5]: A boundary field technique formed from the aspects of dream and shadow madra, Mercy can either project the Dream of Darkness into reality as a true domain which induces an instinctive fear that acts on the soul, heart and mind as one on anyone within range or attach it's properties to her arrows to inflict it on anyone struck or even those simply close enough to the point of impact.
  • Shadestep [Page 6]: Mercy borrows the intangibility of shadows while using them to fold space allowing her to teleport across the battlefield and phase through attacks. When imbued into an arrow the projectile will instinctively teleport past from that would otherwise halt or divert it's trajectory, like an enemy attempting to block it.
  • Netherworld Empress [Page 7]: The Netherworld Empress is Akura Malices image of her ideal self which she imbued with so much of her will that it resonated with multiple Icons. When drawing on the technique Mercy's statistics and willpower are greatly enhanced and she passively releases this willpower as a pressure that affects the mind and soul of anyone in range.

Joy Icon: All sages have the ability to manipulate a concept, known as an Icons, they are connected to in order to change reality and its laws. Sages are able to alter reality primarily through verbal commands, though the use of spoken words are not strictly necessary, in ways that are related to their specific Icons by pushing past and supplanting the rules of reality. Mercy is connected to the Joy Icon, the archetypal concept of Joy, granting her control over all things to do with Joy and the ability to mainly utilize restorative authority.



  1. 1.0 1.1 17.4 Exatons
  2. 2.0 2.1 209.2 Exatons
  3. 3.0 3.1 557 Exatons
  4. 4.0 4.1 836.8 Exatons
  5. 5.0 5.1 1.53449357983 Zettafoe
  6. 6.0 6.1 2.825 QuettaexaFoe
  7. 64% SoL
  8. 473,332,184.36x SoL
  9. 9.712e9 Kg
  10. 2.29e15 kg
  11. 6.210332e30 Kg

Notable Matchups





  1. Ghostwater; Page 209
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ghostwater; Page 135
  3. Underlord; Page 89
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Underlord; Page 239
  5. Uncrowned; Page 30
  6. Uncrowned; Page 162
  7. Ghostwater; Page 100
  8. Skysworn; Page 186
  9. Ghostwater; Page 23
  10. Ghostwater; Page 209
  11. Skysworn; Page 205
  12. Skysworn; Page 203
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Wintersteel; Page 82
  14. Ghostwater; Page 205
  15. Skysworn; Page 206
  16. Ghostwater; Page 154
  17. Ghostwater; Page 49
  18. 18.0 18.1 Wintersteel; Page 242
  19. 19.0 19.1 Ghostwater; Page 215
  20. 20.0 20.1 Wintersteel; Page 243
  21. 21.0 21.1 Wintersteel; Page 241
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Wintersteel; Page 252
  23. Wintersteel; Page 83
  24. Wintersteel; Page 244
  25. 25.0 25.1 Underlord; Page 255
  26. 26.0 26.1 Underlord; Page 237
  27. Underlord; Page 238
  28. Uncrowned; Page 217
  29. Reaper; Page 299
  30. Wintersteel; Page 81
  31. Underlord; Page 242
  32. Uncrowned; Page 29
  33. Uncrowned; Page 40
  34. Bloodline; Page 279
  35. Ghostwater; Page 37
  36. Underlord; Page 57
  37. Ghostwater; Page 57
  38. Ghostwater; Page 220
  39. Reaper; Page 54
  40. 40.0 40.1 Wintersteel; Page 124
  41. Waybound; Page 198
  42. Wintersteel; Page 251
  43. 43.0 43.1 Waybound; Page 234
  44. Waybound; Page 197
  45. Waybound; Page 341
  46. Waybound; Page 12
  47. Underlord; Page 98
  48. Waybound; Page 23
  49. Waybound; Page 487
  50. Dreadgod; Page 344
  51. Skysworn; Page 218
  52. 52.0 52.1 Waybound; Page 168
  53. Waybound; Page 329
  54. Waybound; Page 330
  55. Dreadgod; Page 215
  56. Waybound; Page 351
  57. 57.0 57.1 Abidan Archives
  58. Dreadgod; Page 293
  59. Reaper; Page 330
  60. Dreadgod; Page 324
  61. Dreadgod; Page 329
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 Bloodline; Page 164
  63. Ghostwater; Page 240
  64. Waybound; Page 254
  65. Waybound; Page 131
  66. Dreadgod; Page 149
  67. Wintersteel; Page 405
  68. Bloodline; Page 163
  69. Unsouled; Page 75
  70. Waybound; Page 79
  71. Dreadgod; Page 33
  72. Dreadgod; Page 147
  73. Wintersteel; Page 409
  74. Waybound; Page 44
  75. Dreadgod; Page 313
  76. 76.0 76.1 Waybound; Page 256
  77. Wintersteel; Page 350
  78. Bloodline; Page 165
  79. Reaper; Page 259
  80. Bloodline; Page 274
  81. Dreadgod; Page 261
  82. Dreadgod; Page 263
  83. 83.0 83.1 Dreadgod; Page 340
  84. Waybound; Page 272
  85. Wintersteel; Page 305
  86. Wintersteel; Page 202
  87. Uncrowned; Page 232
  88. Uncrowned; Page 167
  89. Wintersteel; Page 203
  90. Uncrowned; Page 46
  91. Wintersteel; Page 368
  92. Bloodline; Page 80
  93. Reaper; Page 238
  94. Reaper; Page 385
  95. Uncrowned; Page 63
  96. Underlord; Page 28
  97. Uncrowned; Page 45
  98. Ghostwater; Page 230
  99. Ghostwater; Page 231
  100. Waybound; Page 238
  101. 101.0 101.1 Dreadgod; Page 257
  102. Dreadgod; Page 274
  103. Underlord; Page 262
  104. Waybound; Page 46
  105. Uncrowned; Page 132
  106. Underlord; Page 206
  107. Bloodline; Page 166
  108. 108.0 108.1 Waybound; Page 50
  109. Waybound; Page 388
  110. Waybound; Page 51
  111. Waybound; Page 52
  112. Waybound; Page 53
  113. Waybound; Page 259
  114. Waybound; Page 274
  115. Waybound; Page 484
  116. Dreadgod Release Stream (July, 3 2022)
  117. 117.0 117.1 Dreadgod; Page 453
  118. Bloodline; Page 246
  119. Bloodline Release Stream (April 5, 2021)
  120. Blackflame; Page 173
  121. Waybound; Page 493
  122. Reaper; Page 365
  123. Waybound; Page 494
  124. Bloodline; Page 66
  125. Bloodline; Page 67
  126. Soulsmith; Page 44
  127. Reaper; Page 454
  128. Reaper Spoiler Stream (Nov, 9 2021)


Discussion threads involving Akura Mercy