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Articles about Akuma (Street Fighter)
Games Street FighterOniMarvel vs. CapcomAsura's WrathTekkenZ-AKUMAPower Rangers
Comics Udon Comics

Can't you see that until you let go of your inhibitions and put winning above all else... you will never reach your potential? [...] Until you have nothing to lose, you will never fight without hesitation. Show me your strength, Ryu!
~ Akuma to Ryu and Ken

Master Goutetsu. A rage grows inside me since I left the hills. Feel I must return. Yet at times, feel as though I cannot. I've learned much. Yet am more lost than ever. A stranger here, it's like I speak a different language. Nothing is certain I find. Nothing except this: I've learned that power can take a man's honor. That power can seduce him to give it away. And I've learned that in a world as mad as this one... power is the only way to keep it. Shall see you soon.
~ Akuma's letter to Goutetsu

Do you see that the supreme force of the universe lies only in the purity of violence? [...] Balance? Clinging to compassion and mercy only dilutes the Killing Intent's potency! A warrior who seeks victory has no room in their soul for them!
~ Oni to Ryu

I suffered a humbling defeat -- something I thought was impossible. That loss was actually a blessing. It enlightenemed me to my limitations and weaknesses, motivating me to intensify my training to overcome them. Though I have not completed my journey yet, I am more than ready to settle our fight. I will help you know what utter defeat is. Perhaps that will enlighten you as it did me.
~ Akuma to Donovan

You were wrong, Gen. The days, years or decades spent in the vast emptiness brought me enlightment, but not the kind that you were professing. I have been released from any desire to preserve my soul or save it from whatever doom and damnation awaits it. I have lost all that separated me from the dakrness. Finally, the Satsui no Hado and I are now one!
~ Akuma upon returning on Earth


Akuma is one of the main characters and antagonists of the Street Fighter comics series published by Udon. He is a powerful master of martial arts centered around a dark energy known as Satsui no Hado, the manifestation of one's killing intent.

Ruthless and completely devoted to achieve always increase his strength, no matter the cost, Akuma represents a major opposing force for good and evil characters alike, as he only follows his own path. Although irredeemably vowed to evil and violence, Akuma also possesses a more compassionate side and even agrees to come to terms with his foes if it is for the greater good.

Son of an assassin turned farmer, young Akuma's life changed forever the night a band of killers looking for revenge brought the demise of his parents, leaving him and his brother Gouken alone, until they eventually parted ways. Seeking to become stronger, Akuma fixes his hopes on Goutetsu, a master of Ansatsuken karate. Years later he moves to Tokyo to experience the outside world firsthand. Witnessing only corruption and violence, Akuma grows disillusioned and convinces himself that power is the only thing that matters.

Back at home, Akuma is secluded in a long meditation, during which the Satsui no Hado within him finally explodes and brings him to a new epiphany. Having been born anew, Akuma goes on a murder spree that starts with his father's killers and ends with Goutetsu himself, who was revealed to be the instigator who doomed his father so long ago. From there on, Akuma will travel the world to hone his skills and find worthy opponents. Moot were Gouken's repeated attempts at bringing him back to reason, as his soul was forever vowed to evil.

As the years went by, Akuma managed to master the dark arts and finally confronted his brother in a last clash to the death from which he came out victorious. This also prompts Gouken's pupil, Ryu, to seek revenge and embark on a journey that brought him closer to his own inner darkness, of which Akuma started growing interested in because of its great potential.

Akuma haunted Ryu from time to time, even interrupting his battle with M. Bison at the Street Fighter tournament. Ryu rejects him and is then brought to the brink of death, only to be saved by a revived Gouken. The brothers will keep clashing for a long time, until Akuma realizes that the way to corrupt Ryu, is to lead astray his own pupil first, Sakura. Ryu eventually sacrifices himself to save her, and morphs into a warrior driven only by evil. In response, Akuma ascends into a true demon named Oni. A grand battle ensues, only to be stopped briefly after by the arrival of Gill, who annihilated the two with extreme ease and reverted them to their previous forms. Awestruck and furious, Akuma leaves in search of a way to surpass this new foe.

While still trying to restore the power that was taken from him, Akuma is suddenly approached by Donovan Baine, the darkhunter, who assaults him after mistaking him for a Darkstalker. After a brief contention, Akuma manages to grab a hold of Dhylec, Donovan's cursed blade. The unholy energies of the sword resonate with Akuma's inner darkness, thus awakening his true power and restoring his demonic form.

Mightier than before, he is now even stronger than Gill, who in the meantime had been defeated by none other than Ryu. Witnessing his rival boasting a unparalleled strength, Akuma realizes that the ultimate battle awaits him.

Humbled by his loss and enlightened by a new perspective of the world, while still pursuing the ways of the killing intent, Akuma resumes his training harder than before. At one point he is reached out by Donovan and Morrigan, who recruit him in an alliance between monsters and men to halt Jedah's plans, as he intends to destroy the entire multiverse.

They travel to Makai, the land of demons, and engage in a series of battles culminating with Jedah himself. Eventually, Akuma comes to wield Dhylec once again and lands the killing blow. After helping his allies in sealing the Fetus of God, Akuma decides to stay in that otherworldly land, hoping to find the strength he is looking for.

Wandering the hellish landscape of Makai, Akuma seeks the challenge that would allow him to reach his true potential. After spending days and nights slaughtering every monster on his path, Akuma meets a familiar face in Gen. As Makai is also the realm of damned souls, it welcomed the assassin on his journey through the afterlife. In a last attempt to save his rival from the doom awaiting those who rest in the hands of the Sastui no Hado, Gen battles Akuma and banishes him into the void between universes, a place of eternal darkness outside space and time.

Akuma remains confined for an uncountable time but eventually makes his way back to Earth. He has changed and has found the enlightenment, but not the one Gen hoped for him. Having become one with the very Satsui no Hado itself, Akuma reveals his newfound power and readies to unleash it upon the world.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 8-B | At least 8-A | 6-B | At least 8-A | 6-B

Key: Street Fighter Origins | Street Fighter - Super Street Fighter | Street Fighter Unlimited | Post-Street Fighter Unlimited | Akuma VS Hell

Name: Akuma, Oni

Origin: Street Fighter/Darkstalkers (Udon Comics)

Gender: Male

Age: Late 40's to early 50's (SFO to Post-SFU) | Days to decades older (Akuma vs Hell)

Classification: Human, Demon (as Oni), Martial Artist

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Martial Artist, Genius Intelligence, Chi Manipulation and Projection (Chi is a spiritual force that resides deeply within one's self and is strongly tied to their emotions. When projecting Chi outwards as an attack, the user draws energy not only from themselves but also from the air, the ground, the trees, and more.[1] Specifically, Akuma wields the Satsui no Hado, the negative side of ki that lies in every living being, but that only few can harness to such level), Acrobatics (Can perform many acrobatic techniques and jumping attacks. Should be able to nullify throws in a fashion similar to Goutetsu and Gouken's), Accelerated Development (Goutetsu regarded Akuma as his fastest learner and it took him only five years to become the best student he has ever had up to that point. In just a few years of solo training, Akuma had already surpassed Goutetsu in skill and strength[2]), Information Analysis (Saw through the acting[2] a fighter had put up in order to pretend being weak, while no one else could), Teleportation (Can teleport at will, even in the midst[2] of battle), Intangibility, Speed Amplification and Afterimage Creation (Via Ashura Senku), Resistance to High Temperatures and Poison (Survived a volcanic eruption, emerging from the lava unscathed and with only his clothes having burned away[3]), Pressure Points (Is the only person to ever having survived[4] Gen's killing techniques, which find and attack[5] the weakest point of the target and destroy them from within with the distilled sum of their negative ki)

Same as before to a higher degree, Soul Banishment (Via the Shun Goku Satsu), Fire Manipulation (Via Shakunetsu Hadoken), Light Manipulation (Can turn the sky red[6] with his mere presence[7]), Extrasensory Perception (Able to sense ki and tell its approximate magnitude, but not its owner. Sensed Abel's troubled mind[8][9]), enhanced Teleportation and possibly BFR (Battled Gouken across many parts of the planet, possibly as a result of his teleportation abilities. Went from a snowy region to a forest in Japan,[10] and later from Antarctica to Australia.[11][12] As Oni, he could even teleport while being thrown to avoid the impact[10]), Clairvoyance (Teleported to Sakura's location[10][7] even though he had no means of knowing where she was. This could also explain his recurrent ability to track down the people he is interested in and reach them at crucial moments), Attack Reflection (Sent Sakura's Hadoken back to her[10]), Transformation (The Satsui no Hado within Akuma intensified so much that he eventually shed his humanity and irreversibly evolved into an actual demon,[10][11] increasing his strength and abilities to the utmost. Only higher powers, such as Gill and Shin Ryu's, could return him to human form), minor Telekinesis (Oni's praying beads constantly levitate around him), Weapon Control (Can remotely control[11] Dhylec because of his affinity with its energies[11]), possibly Regeneration (Limited, Mid-Low; Turning into Oni for the second time seemingly healed a large wound he had sustained moments prior), Supernatural Willpower (Tied to his Resistance to Mind Manipulation), Resistance to Cold (Unbothered by the climate of Antarctica[11] despite wearing only light clothing) and Mind Manipulation (Has no troubles wielding Dhylec, which always tries to take over those who grab a hold of it. Only someone with a powerful fortitude of spirit and mind[13] can overcome its will)

Same as before to a higher degree

Same as before, save for the abilities belonging to Oni. Dimensional Travel and enhanced Fire Manipulation (Via Sekia Kuretsuha), Vibration Manipulation (Via Ryusokyaku)

All previous abilities, further Dimensional Travel and limited Spaceflight (Returned from being confined in the void between universes, appearing in the depth of space and driving himself back on Earth), Supernatural Willpower and Awakened Power (Spent the equivalent of days to decades in a completely dark void without losing his sanity, and instead used such time to explore his inner self and become one with the Satsui no Hado), possibly Longevity (Doesn't seem to have aged at all, even though the lack of time and space in the void might be the reason for it), Explosion Manipulation (Generated a huge explosion simply by releasing his power upon returning on Earth), further Resistance to Heat (Unaffected by the aerodynamic heating of atmospheric entry[14])

Attack Potency: At least City Block level (Upon awakening the Satsui no Hado for the first time, he punched the ground with sufficient strength to fissure the ground across a large area[2] and has grown much stronger since then) | At least Multi-City Block level+ (Much stronger than M. Bison, who needed to be empowered by the Psycho Drive to fight Akuma on even grounds, and was quickly defeated the moment the machine ceased to fuel him; Just a small part of M. Bison's Psycho Power was enough to let Nash cut through an entire cliff. A single Gohadoken was enough to destroy M. Bison's stage.[15] Transforming into Oni greatly increases his strength) | Country level (The demon sword Dhylec unlocked his true power, allowing him to transform into Oni once again and battle[16] Shin Ryu on even grounds) | At least Multi-City Block level+ (Considerably weaker than before, but still more powerful[17] than he was at the time of his first encounter with Donovan) | Country level (Becoming one with the Satsui no Hado itself granted him unprecedented strength, although its full extent has yet to be explored. Incinerated a mountaintop simply by releasing his power[14])

Speed: Hypersonic Reactions and Perceptions (Far superior to the likes of Chun-Li) | Hypersonic Reactions and Perceptions (Faster than before. Blitzed Ryu and Ken to the point of vanishing[18] before their eyes) | Hypersonic Reactions and Perceptions (Much faster than before) | Hypersonic Reactions and Perceptions (Faster than his SF-SSF self) | Hypersonic Reactions and Perceptions (Faster than ever before)

Lifting Strength: Class M (Already superior to one such as Alex, who could lift and throw[19] Effie away despite her super anchoring) | Class M (More powerful than before and much stronger than M. Bison, whose Psycho Power allowed Cammy and Decapre to physically stop a truck,[20] just like Effie did) | Class M (Immensely stronger than before) | Class M (Superior to his SF-SSF self. Threw a gigantic squid-like monster[14] into the air) | Class M (Superior to his previous peak)

Striking Strength: At least City Block level | At least Multi-City Block level+ | Country level | At least Multi-City Block level+ | Country level

Durability: At least City Block level (Can withstand the recoils of his own attacks and chi fuels his defenses just like his attacks. Survived seemingly unscathed from Oro's Yagyou Dama, which triggered a volcanic eurption;[3] to achieve that, one must output about these levels of force) | At least Multi-City Block level+ | Country level (Superior to Gill and comparable to Shin Ryu) | At least Multi-City Block level+ (Superior to his SF-SSF self) | Country level (More durable than ever before)

Stamina: Superhuman (As a kid he was already tough enough to challenge a wild bear and keep fighting despite suffering severe injuries. To complete his training, he was sent starving without food and water for 14 days inside a cave in a snowy mountain, with only few embers to keep him warm; after receiving the minimum supply of food and water to keep him from dying on the last day, Akuma had already sufficient strength to bring an onslaught in the nearby village and then best Goutetsu in combat the day after.[2] Being stabbed in the shoulder didn't bother him at all. Retired to hermitic life in a place almost impossible to reach, living only on the offerings given to him by the very few fighters who could reach him and remained undefeated. Used to let his opponents beat him to the brink of defeat before retaliating.[2] His body endured the destructive effects of Gen's Zanei.[4] | Superhuman (Better than before. Fought Gouken in a prolonged battle across many different environments.[10] Uses to train in harsh places such as active volcanoes[8] and the arctic.[11] Oni's demon body exceeds all limitations humans have to unspecified degrees. Furthermore, he should be an enormous source of Satsui no Hado akin to Evil Ryu) | Superhuman (With his true power unlocked, he outclasses his previous self in every aspect) | Superhuman (Better than his SF-SSF self. Adapted to living in the inhospitable environments of Makai entirely alone while fighting hordes of monsters over and over[14]) | Superhuman (Greater than ever before. Undergone being confined in the void outside of reality for an unquantifiable time and simply emerged stronger. Endured traveling across space and crash-landing on Earth[14])

Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Several Meters with ranged attacks | Standard Melee Range physically, Several Meters and likely higher with ranged attacks, at least Kilometers via Light Manipulation, at least Thousands of Kilometers via ESP (Sensed the BLECE machine from a far region of the planet), Planetary via Teleportation and Clairvoyance | Same as before, with likely Hundreds of Meters via Chi Projection (Superior to Gill and at least comparable to Shin Ryu) | Same as his SF-SSF self, Interdimensional via Sekia Kuretsuha | Superior to his SFU self

Weaknesses: None notable | As Oni, he likely shares the same flaws of Evil Ryu | Same as before | None notable | None notable

Standard Equipment: None notable

Optional Equipment: Dhylec (Only in his SFU and Post-SFU keys)


At least Average. Akuma was taught the ways of life of a farmer by his father in his early years, then was raised as a martial monk by Goutetsu. Later in life, he adapted to live in Tokyo on his own, even though he had never left the countryside and didn't formally exist for the government. Demonstrated a good amount of survivalism knowledge through his never-ending travels around the world barefoot, until he retired to a life of hermitism on the peak of a mountain which Retsu described as nearly impossible to trek; there, he made his home with a house, stairs sculpted in rock and a boundary wall. Moreover, in just a matter of days, he returned to health a fighter he had defeated.[2] Unable to convince Ryu to accept the Dark Hado, Akuma lured Sakura into embracing it herself, leading Ryu to save her by absorbing her darkness and become the evil warrior Akuma always wanted him to be.[7][10] Demonstrated many times to not have any troubles accommodating himself in habitats such as deserts and even a world such as the Makai.

Genius. Trained for five years under Goutetsu, the fabled master of Ansatsuken karate, learning almost everything he could teach him. Goutetsu himself described Akuma as his fastest learner, while some of the dojo's best former students look up to him as the most dangerous fighter they had ever seen. Recognized the true abilities of an expert fighter who was only pretending to be weak and proceeded to beat him to unconsciousness with ease. Killed an opponent in just three moves. After awakening the Dark Hado, Akuma acquired a new arsenal of techniques he instinctively knew how to use which helped him murder Goutetsu after besting him in combat. In the following years, his fame spread throughout the martial artists of Japan, reaching the proportions of a legend and earning him the title of a demonic warrior of whom many tales are told. Set an open challenge that only the world's best fighters have been able to undergo and never lost once.[2] Gen states he had never met an opponent as capable as Akuma[4] before, if he had yet to master the Satsui no Hado. Battled[2] Gouken twice[21] and Oro once,[3] but couldn't defeat either of them)

Genius. Spent several years perfecting his art and mastering his control over the Satsui no Hado. Finally managed to claim victory[22] over his brother and equaled[23] him in several[24] subsequent confrontantions.[10] Would have been a truly worthy opponent to Gen, were he still in his prime. Rivaled[23] Ryu and[15] M. Bison once they had covered the gap in strength and speed. Seth regards him being the greatest store of fighting techniques he has encountered, despite him having already assimilated the Ansatsuken and the fighting styles of Zangief, Chun-Li, Dhalsim, Guile, and others; in turn, Akuma assessed his skills and found them disappointing.[9] Evolving into Oni granted him even more abilities, which he used to stalemate Evil Ryu.[10]

Genius. With his true power unlocked, Oni can match Shin Ryu in a direct confrontation, although he ultimately fails to defeat him.

Genius. Suffering a humble defeat at the hands of Ryu pushed him to intensify his training and overcome his limitations and weaknesses. Aided in the defeat of Jedah and demonstrated to be one of the most valuable assets of the alliance between humans and Darkstalkers. Went on a training journey across the cursed lands of Makai, slaughtering every monster that stood on his path, regardless of kind and size. At last, he met his final challenge in the revenant Gen, who could now fight at full power and more.[14]

Genius. Has not yet displayed his achievements, but possesses a better understanding of the Satsui no Hado than he ever did, which should theoretically have expanded his skills to greater heights)

Note: Despite covering material from Street Fighter Origins: Akuma, Akuma's first key also includes several flashbacks of Akuma's past that were shown throughout the whole series. Therefore, such a key encompasses every moment up to Akuma murdering Gouken at the beginning of Street Fighter (2003), at which point Akuma enters his second key.

Fighting Style: The Ansatsuken is an ancient form of karate rooted in assassination arts. Although Akuma was taught a non-lethal version intended to direct the user towards self-improvement, Akuma progressively shifted towards a violent style bent on murder. He first lost the hesitation to kill, and eventually tapped into the force known as Satsui no Hado, the negative side of ki and representation of the killing intent, which fundamentally exists within everyone, but manifests as a powerful energy in exceptionally talented martial artists. While most try to suppress it, Akuma abandons himself to it wholly, fighting ruthlessly and without reservation or mercy. Whether he goes for a hand-to-hand exchange or attacks from afar with his projectiles, Akuma always aims to take the opponent's life on the first given occasion, often through his signature Shun Goku Satsu. Akuma spares his victim only if he has further plans for them, some examples being giving Ryu the chance to mature into a worthy opponent or allowing a select number of fighters to live and spread his legend.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Tomoe Nage: A throw consisting of Akuma grabbing the opponent by the collar, planting his foot in their midsection, then falling backward to vault them over.
  • Gohadoken ("Great Surge Fist"): Akuma gathers chi energy within the palms of his hands, then projects it outwards in the shape of a sphere.
  • Zanku Hadoken ("Slashing Air Surge Fist"): A Gohadoken performed in mid-air. Akuma has shown the ability to project at least four of them at a time.
  • Goshoryuken ("Great Rising Dragon Fist"): A jumping uppercut empowered by chi.
  • Tatsumaki Senpukyaku ("Tornado Whirlwind Leg"): Multiple roundhouse kicks delivered by spinning forward and off the ground.
  • Hyakki Gojin ("Hundred Ogre Great/Strong Blade"): Akuma somersaults into the air, then alters his momentum and comes down with a diving kick.
  • Ashura Senku ("Asura Flashing Air"): An ability unique to those who wield the Satsui no Hado. The user becomes intangibile[15] and relocates themselves at high speed while leaving afterimages behind them.
  • Demon Armageddon/Tenshou Kaireki Jin (""Heaven Piercing Sea Plowing Blade"): Akuma's most powerful technique up to this point. He begins by sending the opponent flying with a hefty kick, then uses a Tatsumaki Senpukyaku of abnormal potency to propel himself upward and strike the victim. In his fight with Goutetsu, Akuma went so high that he pierced the roof of the dojo and kept rising before delivering the final attack.

The same as before, plus

  • Misogi ("Purifier"): Akuma drives himself down while airborne and crashes onto the ground with all his strength.
  • Shakunetsu Hadoken ("Scorching Heat Surge Fist"): A Gohadoken imbued with fire.
  • Hyakki Gosai ("Hundred Ogre Great/Strong Smash"): Akuma delivers a divekick, then grabs the opponent's shoulders, flips them over and slams them onto the floor.
  • Kongou Kokuretsuzan ("Vajra Province Rending Slash"): Akuma rises his open hand and gathers chi into it, before violently slamming into the ground. This causes the eruption of several energy pillars all around him.
  • Shun Goku Satsu: An ancient technique once practicted by the House of Aensland to ferry beings between the human and demon realm. It is currently known as the signature attack of those who master the Satsui no Hado. When applied to combat, its user dashes towards the opponent, grabs them and unleashes a barrage of attacks that destroy their body. Additionally, the power of the Satsui no Hado sends their very soul to Makai, the Demon Realm, leaving behind an empty husk.

Same as before, plus:

  • Sekisei Jiraiken ("Red Star Landmine Fist"): Oni leaps into the air and stomps whatever stands beneath him.
  • Tenchi Sokaigen ("Heaven & Earth Twin Crushing Hoist"): Oni charges chi energy into his fist and punches the ground, generating several explosions in front of him.
  • Meido Gohado ("Dark Painful Great Surge"): An extremely powerful Gohado projected as a continous stream of energy.

Same as his SF-SSF self, plus:

  • Sekia Kuretsuha ("Red Crow Air Rending Blast"): Akuma focuses the satsui no Hado in the palm of his hand, then slams it into the ground. This technique can either be employed to summon an omnidirectional eruption of flames or to transport everyone within its range to Makai, provided that the appropriate symbol is marked on the ground.
  • Ryusokyaku ("Dragon Claw Leg"): Akuma stomps the grounds with enough force to create shockwaves all around him.
  • Goshoryuken - Misogi: Akuma strikes with a jumping uppercut, then comes down and punches the ground, raising a pillar of energy in front of him.
  • Tenchi Sokaigen ("Heaven & Earth Twin Crushing Hoist"): The same technique he used to possess while turned into Oni. Akuma's killing intent flows throughout his body until it reaches his risen hand, which is then slammed down to unleash a powerful energy wave.


Notable Matchups





  1. Street Fighter (2003) - Issue #11
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Street Fighter Origins: Akuma
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Street Fighter Unlimited - Issue #5
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Street Fighter II - Issue #4
  5. Street Fighter vs. Darkstalkers - Issue #5
  6. Street Fighter (2003) - Issue #5
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Super Street Fighter - Vol. 1
  8. 8.0 8.1 Street Fighter IV - Issue #3
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Street Fighter IV - Issue #4
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 Super Street Fighter - Vol. 2
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Street Fighter Legends: Cammy - Issue #2
  12. Street Fighter Unlimited - Issue #11
  13. Darkstalkers - Issue #1
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 Akuma VS Hell
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Street Fighter II Turbo - Issue #11
  16. 16.0 16.1 Street Fighter Unlimited - Issue #12
  17. Street Fighter vs. Darkstalkers
  18. Street Fighter (2003) - Issue #6
  19. Street Fighter Unlimited - Issue #9
  20. Street Fighter Legends: Cammy - Issue #3
  21. Street Fighter (2003) - Issue #2
  22. 22.0 22.1 Street Fighter II - Issue #1
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Street Fighter II Turbo - Issue #12
  24. Street Fighter IV - Issue #1
  25. Street Fighter VS Darkstalkers - Issue #4
  26. 26.0 26.1 Street Fighter VS Darkstalkers - Issue #6
  27. Street Fighter Unlimited - Issue #4


Discussion threads involving Akuma (Udon Comics)