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Articles about Akuma (Street Fighter)
Games Street FighterOniMarvel vs. CapcomAsura's WrathTekkenZ-AKUMAPower Rangers
Comics Udon Comics

XMvsSFAkuma JPG-transformed
The killer in me is unstoppable.
~ Akuma

If you cannot learn to live, learn to kill.
~ Akuma

Cyber-Akuma MSHvSF artwork-Q-x1UV2My-transformed
My creator wants you dead. It is done...
~ Cyber-Akuma

MVC2 akuma art
I am the master warrior!
~ Akuma

You're still a pup, Ryu. Let go of your inhibitions and embrace your dark side!
~ Akuma to Ryu

Akuma MvC3artwork (1)
You must be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice if you desire true power!
~ Akuma


Akuma is a primary antagonist from the Marvel vs. Capcom series. A merciless, blood-thirsty fighter, his goal is to lead Ryu down the path of the "Satsui No Hado", forging him into what he deems to be a worthy opponent for the ultimate battle to the death. Although he originates from the Capcom Universe, and has acknowledged Marvel’s Universe as a separate realm, Akuma holds knowledge on Wolverine’s past. As a result, the X-Man would attempt to obtain what Akuma knew, leading to a battle between the two.

After Apocalypse's defeat, the mutant grew an interest towards Akuma's power. He captured and transformed him into one of his servants known as Cyber-Akuma, implanting him with cybernetic enhancements covering the left half of his face and body. Completely subservient to Apocalypse's command, Akuma fought against the heroes and villains of Marvel and Street Fighter, believing to exist solely to bring death and destruction to everyone and everything.

Sometime after his defeat, Akuma was seemingly freed from Apocalypse's command, as well as his cybernetic enhancements. From then on, Akuma and many other villains would form an unwilling alliance with the heroes of Marvel and Capcom to save the Earth from the threat of Abyss, and later Galactus.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 5-A, higher with X-Factor | High 5-A, higher with X-Factor

Key: Base | Cyber-Akuma

Name: Akuma, Gouki, epithet "Master of the Fist", Cyber-Akuma, Mech-Gouki

Origin: Marvel vs. Capcom

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human (Previously), Unknown (Due to his dedication to mastering the Satsui No Hado, Akuma is no longer seen as human, with Sentinels classifying him as an unknown entity), Demonic Martial Artist

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Combatant, Martial Arts (Utilizes a fighting style based on Ansatsuken, which uses elements of karate, judo, and taekwondo[1]), Acrobatics (Often performs front flips and backflips, and can even somersault mid-air with Hyakkishu. All Marvel vs. Capcom characters can pull off a Super Jump, which involves leaping high into the air in a single bound), Rage Power (The Satsui no Hado grants its user rage-based amplifications, with Ryu claiming his "rage has been given form" when describing this state to Hulk[2]), Aura (Can emit a demonic red aura[3]), Chi Manipulation and Projection (Similarly to Ryu, he can use his spiritual energy for attacks such as the Gohadouken), Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Could fight in space undeterred[1][4]), Fire Manipulation (Can generate purple fiery energy with several attacks such as Gou Shoryuken, Hyakki Gosho, and Messatsu Goshoryu), Electricity Manipulation (Can emit electrical energy with Tatsumaki Zankukyaku and Messatsu Gorasen), Death Manipulation (The Raging Demon is a technique that brings death to those it is used on, such as when Akuma used it to destroy his master[5]), Afterimage Creation (Can leave behind afterimages with Ashura Senku and his Hyper Combos), Intangibility (When using Ashura Senku, he can phase through enemies and projectiles), Statistics Amplification and Healing (Activating X-Factor temporarily increases its user's strength and speed while healing them at a rapid pace.[6][1] Blocking attacks in this state also prevents chip damage[1]), Resistance to Berserk Mode (Mastered the Satsui no Hado, which will put the user into a bloodlusted state when succumbed to it.[7] Akuma can use this power with complete control), Perception Manipulation (Capable of viewing Shuma-Gorath's "default" form,[8] a being who takes the appearance of one's worst nightmare should they ever encounter him.[9][8] Akuma is also able to identify Amaterasu as a god, despite her appearing as an ordinary wolf to the average person[8]), Fire Manipulation (Remains completely unharmed when performing attacks that coat parts of his body and surround himself in intense flames), Cosmic Radiation (Capable of fighting in space unharmed[8]), Death Manipulation (Was completely unaffected when traversing Ruby Heart's Earth and encountering Abyss,[10] the latter of which caused global winds that inflicted death onto inland life, animals, and plant life just by existing[11][12][13][14]), Disease Manipulation (Was completely unaffected when traversing Ruby Heart's Earth and encountering Abyss,[10] the latter of which spread a mysterious illness to SonSon's village just by existing[12][14]), Limited Resistance to Information Analysis (While Sentinel units can determine Akuma's high threat level, they are incapable of fully determining his physiology, despite their ability to properly recognize mutants and demonic entities[4][1])

All previous abilities to a higher degree, Cyborgization (Partial; The left side of his face and body are infused with Apocalypse's cybernetic enhancements[15]), Flight (As shown here.[15] Capable of performing Ashura Senku mid-air with his Shining Gou Shock Hyper Combo), Body Control (Can detach and fire his fist like a projectile with Rocket Arm), Status Effect Inducement (His Thunder Shock Zankukyaku is capable of stunning enemies[15])

Power Bestowal (Each card grants a certain ability or buff to whoever holds it[8]), Statistics Amplification (Certain cards have the ability increase health, power-up hypers and X-Factor time, movement speed, flight time, and defense[8]) Absorption (Certain cards have the ability to absorb an opponent's vitality or hyper meter[8]), Damage Boost (Many cards offer an attack boost[8]), Attack Reflection (The Ms. Marvel card reflects damage received from attacks[8]), Invisibility (The Demitri, Nightcrawler, and Spider-Ham cards give the user the ability to turn invisible[8]), Poison Manipulation (The Rathalos, Rathian and Red Skull cards may poison an opponent[8]), Healing (Certain cards have the ability to recover health or Hyper Meter[8]), Limited Healing Negation (Certain cards have the ability to decrease the amount of recoverable health their opponents have[8]), Limited Invulnerability (Certain cards have the ability to grant invincibility to projectile attacks[8]), Resurrection (The Astaroth card can revive the user with full health when defeated as the last member of their team[8])

Attack Potency: Brown Dwarf level (Capable of defeating Ryu, Chun-Li, Captain America, Wolverine, and Iron Man all at once.[1][4] Sentinel units will proceed with extreme caution should they encounter Akuma.[1][4] Capable of defeating Magneto.[16] Can aid in the battle against Galactus and is even capable of defeating him, considering the World Eater to be an unsatisfying opponent[1][4]), higher with X-Factor | Brown Dwarf level (Implied to be more powerful than before, as he claimed to have been remade with "real power"[15]), higher with X-Factor

Speed: FTL (Can keep up with Galactus.[1][4] Superior to Ryu), higher with X-Factor | FTL (Faster than before), higher with X-Factor

Lifting Strength: Class Y (Every character capable of beating Galactus should be able to break out of his attempt to crush them in the boss fight, with the latter being capable of holding an entire planet in his hands[1][4]) | Class Y (Stronger than before)

Striking Strength: Brown Dwarf level, higher with X-Factor | Brown Dwarf level, higher with X-Factor

Durability: Brown Dwarf level, higher with X-Factor | Brown Dwarf level, higher with X-Factor

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range; Several Meters with Special Attacks

Standard Equipment: None notable.

Intelligence: Combat Genius (Akuma's skills far surpass Ryu, who he deems a "pup". Despite his basic fighting style being based on Ansatsuken, he was able to master his own style known as "Satsui no Hado".[1][4] Considered the tales of K'un-Lun's martial arts to be weaknesses of no interest.[1] Continues to grow his skill, with his and Wolverine's first fight ending in a draw,[3][15] but later he could defeat him and other fighters at the same time.[1][4] Combat-wise, Akuma's fighting style is similar to Ryu's, consisting of projectiles and anti-air specials. However, there are notable differences such as an increased focus on power and aggression, as well as knockdowns and juggling. Additionally, Akuma specializes in closing the gap between him and his opponents, while also breaking through their defenses. What's more, he is also capable of cornering enemies into a lockdown, overall making him an extremely offense-oriented fighter. As Cyber-Akuma, the focus in power and pressure is greatly increased, making him even more aggressive than before)

Weaknesses: Using the Raging Demon has the potential to kill its own user should it not be executed with finesse.[5] Akuma can only equip up to three card effects at a time.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Zugai Hassatsu: Akuma does an open palm chop aimed at the opponent's head, hitting them twice overhead and even causing them to bounce off the ground if they're in the air.
  • Senpuukyaku: Akuma performs a leaping roundhouse spin kick attack.
  • Tenmakujinkyaku: After jumping, Akuma lands by performing a diagonally downwards fall with a strong diving kick.

  • Diving Rocket Kujinkyaku: Cyber-Akuma's version of Tenmakujinkyaku, which allows him to fall faster, even recovering quickly from it.
  • Rocket Arm: Cyber-Akuma launches his right arm which acts a homing projectile that travels a long distance and explodes on-contact, reforming it afterwards.

  • Forward Throw: Akuma performs a judo throw on the opponent.
  • Back Throw: Akuma grabs the opponent and rolls backwards before throwing them away as he falls backwards.
  • Aerial Throws: Aerial versions of his forward and back throw.

  • Gohadouken: Akuma fires a chi-based wave of purple energy from both palms that travels towards the opponent.
  • Zanku Hadouken: While in the air, Akuma shoots an airborne purple Hadouken fired diagonally downwards at the opponent.
  • Gou Shoryuken: Akuma performs a powerful jumping uppercut, in which his fist is engulfed in purple flames.
  • Gou Shoryu Counter: Akuma's X-Ability in X-Men: Children of the Atom, in which he goes in a stance for a couple of seconds and will punish the opponent with a Gou Shoryuken if hit.
  • Tatsumaki Zankukyaku: Akuma jumps and performs a powerful spinning kick, hitting multiple times. This move can also be performed while in the air, to strike the opponent while descending.
  • Hyakkishu: Also known as Demon Flip, Akuma simply performs a forward leap towards the opponent, able to follow up with three different attacks. In Marvel vs. Capcom 3, he can also perform this move mid-air.
    • Hyakki Gosho: Akuma does a flying palm strike at the opponent's head while engulfing his fist in purple flames, knocking them down to the floor.
    • Hyakki Gojin: At the apex of his jump, Akuma suddenly stops and then performs a diagonally downwards dive kick similar to the Tenmakujinkyaku, while engulfing his foot in purple flames.
    • Hyakki Goho: After the front flip, Akuma performs a variation of the Zanku Hadouken by firing an airborne purple Hadouken diagonally downwards at the opponent.
  • Ashura Senku: Akuma lifts one knee and "glides" along the ground to another location forwards or backwards. This technique is useful for closing the distance between opponents and phasing through projectiles.
  • Jigoku Guruma: Also known as Hell Wheel which was used by Ken Masters, Akuma grabs the opponent and rolls backwards multiple times before throwing them away as he falls backwards.

  • Bolt Hadouken: Cyber-Akuma's version of Gohadouken, which flies much faster and burns the opponent upon contact.
  • Zankuu Bolt Hadouken: Cyber-Akuma's version of Zanku Hadouken, where he fires two Zanku Hadoukens at once.
  • Shining Circuit Shoryuken: Cyber-Akuma's version of Gou Shoryuken, which involves him using the wings on his back to perform a much faster and multi-hitting Gou Shoryuken while engulfing his fist in red flames.
  • Thunder Shock Zankukyaku: Cyber-Akuma's version of Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, in which he goes faster and stuns the opponent with electricity.
  • Lightning Senku: Cyber-Akuma's version of Ashura Senku, which involves him using his wings to glide slightly faster.

  • Messatsu Gohado: Akuma fires a charged up Gohadouken that unleashes in the form of a massive beam of purple energy. In Marvel vs. Capcom 3, there are two variants; with the original being called Messatsu Gohado Ungyo, while the other, Messatsu Gohado Agyo, involves Akuma firing a barrage of multiple Gohadoukens in rapid succession.
  • Tenma Gozanku: While in the air, Akuma sends out a barrage of Zanku Hadoukens at a diagonally downwards angle. In Marvel vs. Capcom 3, like the Messatsu Gohado, this Hyper Combo has two variants; the former is Tenma Gozanku Agyo while the latter, Tenma Gozanku Ungyo, has Akuma firing a massive beam of purple energy diagonally downwards at the opponent mid-air.
  • Messatsu Goshoryu: Akuma unleashes a series of three multi-hitting Shoryukens while his fist is engulfed in purple flames, with the third Gou Shoryuken launching himself into the air.
  • Messatsu Gorasen: Akuma performs a more powerful version of the Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, rising vertically upwards into the air while sucking in the opponent with a vacuum effect, doing multiple hits before sending them flying away with a final kick.
  • Shun Goku Satsu: Also known as Raging Demon, this Hyper Combo is Akuma's signature/trademark super attack, in which he glides towards the opponent with Ashura Senku and grabs them. The screen then suddenly blacks out as he starts violently striking them, as showcased by a series of flashes, before re-appearing with the "heaven" kanji burning in the background and a beaten down opponent on the ground.

  • Scramble Gou Punch: Cyber-Akuma's faster and much stronger version of Messatsu Goshoryu.
  • High Mega Gou Beam: Cyber-Akuma's version of Messatsu Gohado, where he fires a massive orange beam of burning energy.
  • Thunder Gou Shower: Cyber-Akuma's version of Tenma Gozanku, where he fires a barrage of much bigger fireballs, which alternate between purple and orange projectiles.
  • Shining Gou Shock: Cyber-Akuma's version of Shun Goku Satsu. This variation has a further distance, much more damage, and faster speed, even being able to be performed in the air.


Notable Matchups





  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
  2. Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite: Infinite Horizons
  3. 3.0 3.1 X-Men vs. Street Fighter
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
  5. 5.0 5.1 X-Men vs. Street Fighter Manual
  6. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Manual
  7. Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
  9. Marvel Super Heroes Manual
  10. 10.0 10.1 Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes
  11. Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes Manual
  12. 12.0 12.1 Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes Official Site
  13. Monthly Arcadia Issue 002
  14. 14.0 14.1 Marvel vs. Capcom: Official Complete Works
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
  16. X-Men: Children of the Atom


Discussion threads involving Akuma (Marvel vs. Capcom)