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Articles about Akuma (Street Fighter)
Games Street FighterOniMarvel vs. CapcomAsura's WrathTekkenZ-AKUMAPower Rangers
Comics Udon Comics

I am Akuma, and my fists know no equal!
~ Akuma to Asura

Oni Akuma
My murderous intent shall never fade!
~ Oni to Asura


Akuma (悪魔 Akuma, "Devil"), known in Japan as Gouki (豪鬼 Gōki, "Great Demon", "Great Devil" or "Great Ogre"), along with Ryu, both made appearances in Asura's Wrath. Akuma appears as a DLC-only character with his own fleshed out episode, titled The Strongest vs. The Angriest.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 5-A | At least High 5-A, possibly higher

Key: Base | Oni Form

Name: Akuma (Gouki in Japan), The Strongest, Destroyer of Heaven

Origin: Asura's Wrath (DLC History)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, more than 500 years.

Classification: Demonic Martial Artist

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity, Acrobatics, Ki/Chi Manipulation (Can channel his Ki into powerful attacks once in a while, such as gaining the height from Shouryuuken or spinning during the Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku), BFR (Used the demon armageddon to create a wormhole that removed Ryu from Akuma and Asura's fight), Master of a assassination martial art known as Ansatsuken, Master of Satsui no Hadou (Surge of Murderous Intent. An innate Ki which increases his fighting capabilities and the strength of his ki attacks; it allows him to teleport, turn into a half-demon and perform the "Shun Goku Satsu/Raging Demon", a technique that brings death to the victim using the weight of their own sins and making them feel pain the more evil they are), Self-Sustenance (Type 1. Can survive in space), Resistance to Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiations | Even more enhanced, His Gohadokens are more electrical based, True Flight, Oni is a theoretical version of Akuma that has been completely overcome by the Satsui no Hado, becoming even more powerful

Attack Potency: Large Planet level+ (Can match Asura's base form) | At least Brown Dwarf level, possibly higher (Fought on par with Mantra Asura)

Speed: Relativistic+ combat and reaction speed (Can keep up with Asura) | Sub-Relativistic with FTL combat and reaction speed (Kept up with Mantra Asura)

Lifting Strength: Class Y (Should scale from Base Asura's strength) | At least Class Y

Striking Strength: Large Planet level+ | At least Brown Dwarf level, possibly higher

Durability: Large Planet level+ (Can take hits from Asura) | At least Brown Dwarf level, likely higher (Can take hits from Mantra Asura)

Stamina: Superhuman (Fought against Asura for 500 years)

Range: Hundreds of kilometers with projectiles | Planetary

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Gifted (Very skilled combatant. Mastered the deadly Ansatsuken martial arts and even added his own innovations to it, refining it like no other before, experience in fighting many super-powered opponents. Is a master of Satsui No Hado)

Weaknesses: Somewhat arrogant.


  • Sliced the moon in half with a single Chop.
  • Survived a free fall from the moon to the earth without problem.
  • Fought against Asura for 500 years, until they became stone.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Oni Transformation: Akuma's 2nd and most powerful transformation while in this form he loses control completely and will kill all opponents he fights while in this form.
  • Demon Armageddon (天衝海轢刃, Tenshou Kaireki Jin, "Heaven Piercing Sea Crashing Blade"): Most powerful variation of the Tatsumaki Zankukyaku. Akuma turns away from the opponent before kicking them with forcefully into the air and zooms towards them with an extremely powerful Tatsumaki Zankukyaku which envelops him in a whirlwind.
  • Raging Demon (瞬獄殺, Shun Goku Satsu, "Instant Prison Murder"): Akuma glides towards the opponent and grabs them. Before anything else can be seen, the screen blacks out as the character is relentlessly beaten. Raging Demon is a very powerful, but fatally dangerous technique taught in the original principles of the martial art taught by Goutetsu. As this move usually defeats the opponent instantly or kills them, the basis of the attack is said to be linked to karmic forces, channeling an infernal punishment in which the weight of sins and evil the victim has committed causes them to die instantly and feel pain proportionally to how evil they are.
  • Wrath of the Raging Demon (真・瞬獄殺, Shin Shun Goku Satsu, "True Instant Hell Murder/True Blinking Prison Killer"): It is a more powerful variant of the Raging Demon.

Note: This profile is not in continuity, either in Street Fighter or Asura's Wrath. It's a completely separate history DLC (Non-Canon to Asura's Wrath game).

Notable Matchups




Gohma Vlitra (Asura's Wrath) Vlitra's Profile (Oni form Akuma used and Akuma has prior knowledge)


Discussion threads involving Akuma (Asura's Wrath)