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VS Battles Wiki
Jūnen hayain da yo! ("Ten years too early!")
~ Akira Yuki


Akira Yuki is one of the main characters and a mascot of SEGA's fighting video game series Virtua Fighter. His fighting style/method of combat is Bājíquán, a Chinese martial art (pronounced "Hakkyoku-ken" in Japanese).

Rather than just pursuing victories, Akira enters the tournament to further hone his Bājíquán techniques and to understand what "true fighting" is about. He was a childhood friend of Aoi Umenokoji. In addition, he's had fierce rivalries with fighters such as Goh Hinogami and Jean Kujo, and especially Kage-Maru, being even friends and rivals with Wolf Hawkfield. Akira has also canonically won the Second World Fighting Tournament in Virtua Fighter 2, upon setting to fix the mistakes he made in the last tournament.

He also appeared as a guest character in Dead or Alive 5, where he fought against a fellow Bājíquán practitioner Kokoro, an Assist Trophy and a costume for Mii Brawler in the Super Smash Bros. series.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 9-B

Name: Akira Yuki

Origin: Virtua Fighter

Gender: Male

Age: 26 (in Virtua Fighter 2)

Classification: Human, Martial Artist, Kung-Fu Instructor,[1] Second World Fighting Tournament Champion[2][3]

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Bājíquán Practitioner, Weapon Mastery (Is capable of wielding spears, swords and bows, though he prefers fighting with martial arts.[4] One of the disciplines of Bajiquan is learning how to use weapons), Acrobatics (Can jump/leap high distances into the air[1] and perform aerial flips[2] & grounded rolls[4]), Accelerated Development (Training - Abilities; Akira is capable of improving his skills of Bājíquán to a razor edge[2] and learning new devastating moves[5] through rigorous training[3]), Non-Standard Breathing (Type 2) and Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Can breath underwater on Dural's stage[2])

Attack Potency: At least Wall level (Can break walls, wooden railings, stone poles[4] and structures.[5] Split 15 roof tiles in half with a single chop.[6] Broke a tree in half.[6] Craters the ground with a stomp.[6] Taught Sei his Mouko Kouhazan move, which is strong enough to break a glass window.[7] Considers Wolf Hawkfield a friendly rival, who wrestled a grizzly bear by suplexing it[8] and claims he can tackle with the force of a buffalo.[7] Fought against Lau Chan, who split a bamboo tree in half,[9] killed a tiger in one strike[10] and can crumble walls with his Enshishou,[7] and Kage-Maru, who sliced through a thick tree and threw a shuriken fast enough to destroy a Mil Mi-24 helicopter.[11] Comparable to Jean Kujo, who can break stone lanterns with his punches[4] and Jeffry McWild, who wrestled[3] and fought evenly with[12] the Satan Shark who wrecked his boat into splinters[2])

Speed: Superhuman with Subsonic combat and reaction speed (Can attack fast enough to leave blurs.[3] Can keep up with Kage-Maru, Eileen and Lion Rafale, who can outrun his own throwing star, react to shurikens and outspeed a speeding car to rescue the dog[4])

Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Comparable to Wolf Hawkfield, Vanessa Lewis, who can lift barbells with one hand,[4] and Jeffry McWild, who swung a large wooden boat at wolves[10] and wrestled with the Satan Shark, a six meter-long great white shark[3])

Striking Strength: At least Wall level

Durability: At least Wall level (Can survive hits from Wolf Hawkfield, Jeffry McWild, Kage-Maru, Goh Hinogami, who collapsed part of a building with a palm strike,[4] Lau Chan, Jacky Bryant who survived his car exploding,[10] and Lion Rafale, who survived a explosion which destroyed his yacht.[8] Can shrug off falling several stories for the next round[3] and withstand extreme pressures at the bottom of the ocean depths while fighting Dural,[2] that generate 15,750 PSI. Comparable to some characters, who are able to endure having a metal pan falling on their head, sometimes without flinching[3][4])

Stamina: Superhuman (Can endure intense fighting from opponents like Dural, after having stared each other down for 5 hours in the Second World Fighting Tournament[10])

Range: Standard Melee Range physically; Extended Melee Range to Hundreds of Meters with weapons

Standard Equipment: None

  • Optional Equipment: Dancing Cross Spear, Hakkyoku Sword, Bow of Penetration

Intelligence: Above Average (As the legendary master of the art of Hakkyoku-ken, Akira is a skilled combatant and martial artist who spends his time traveling and honing his skills to a razor edge through rigorous training, considering his loss in the first tournament a learning experience and won against Dural in the Second World Fighting Tournament,[2][3] who was created as Judgment 6's ultimate weapon and whose fighting style is an amalgamation of those taken from various opponents by analyzing them and learning their movements instantly.[10] Is an assistant instructor at his family dojo, Yuki Budokan, having also become an expert at Kung Fu as well while studying the use of Bajíquán[1])

Weaknesses: Is hot-blooded and impulsive.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Virtua Fighter 5 FS - Video Movelist - Akira Yuki

  • Bajíquán: Also known as Hakkyoku-ken. A Chinese martial art that originated in the Hebei province of China. It features powerful elbow thrusts and heavy blows with the shoulder and back, delivered with explosive, short-range power. Most of the moves utilize a one-hit push-strike method from very close range, being able to disrupt his opponent's defenses and even counter their attacks. It also naturally excels at reading the opponent's next movement. Some of Akira's famous techniques are:
    • Tetsuzankou: Akira's signature move, in which he performs a dashing shoulder tackle, knocking the opponent back. He can also perform a crouching variant called Maho Shoukou.
    • Hontei Goko Hazankou: Akira performs a combo which consists of a sudden half-rise kick aimed at the torso, a head-aimed fist club and a turnaround body check similar to Tetsuzankou.
    • Youshi Saiken: Akira does a knee strike by raising his knee and arm, then a elbow hammer by slamming both his foot and fist downwards to slam an opponent into the ground.
    • Mouko Kouhazan: Akira steps forward and performs a powerful, palm fist attack. He can also perform this technique when countering an opponent's attack by shoving them back with Tsutenhou.
    • Chouzan Housui: Akira strikes the opponent with a double fist strike.
    • Byakko Soushouda: Akira does a double palm strike, which sends the opponent flying.
    • Utankyaku/Renkantai: Akira jumps into the air and performs a rising double kick.
    • Youhou: Akira does a simple crouch-step uppercut with one arm from knee-level, fist held close to the chest, launching his opponent into the air.
    • Hougeki Unshin Soukoshou: Also known as the "Stun Palm of Doom" and his strongest move. Akira steps forward and crouches into a kneeling palm thrust to strike the opponent (Houken), then quickly dashes behind them to attack with a backwards Tetsuzankou (Youshi Senrin) and finishes with a powerful double palm strike on the back, knocking the opponent out (Soushou).

Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Virtua Fighter (1993)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Virtua Fighter 2 (1994)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Virtua Fighter 3 (1996)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Virtua Fighter 5 (2006)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Virtua Fighter 4 (2001)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol. 3 Akira Yuki (1995)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Virtua Quest (2004)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Virtua Fighter Costomize Clip (1996)
  9. Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol. 6 Lau Chan (1995)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Virtua Fighter 2: Ten Stories (1997)
  11. Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol. 9 Kage-Maru (1996)
  12. Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol. 10 Jeffry McWild (1996)


Discussion threads involving Akira Yuki