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Akane is one of the three female bodyguards of Hishigami Kyou. Like the other two, she has had the traits of Hishigami women artificially implanted in her with Yokai medicine. While the level of their abilities has deteriorated somewhat, they can still do the same things that Hishigami women do and are much easier to control.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-C

Name: Akane

Origin: The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Bodyguard, Specialist, Artificial Hishigami Woman

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, expert hand-to-hand fighter, Magic, can intercept curses

Attack Potency: Street level (Easily overpowers and knocks out Uchimaku Hayabusa, can break reinforced glass)

Speed: At least Superhuman (Much faster than a normal human, blitzed Hayabusa)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman

Striking Strength: Street level

Durability: Likely Street level

Stamina: At least Above Average

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: Yozakura, camouflage cloak

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: Normal human weaknesses


That was all he managed to say.

Several dull sounds filled the lobby.

However, they were not the sounds of Uchimaku Hayabusa’s fists raining down on Hishigami Kyou.

Instead, they were the sounds of dull impacts reaching the detective’s cardigan-wearing torso.

The great sounds were almost explosive in and of themselves.


Uchimaku Hayabusa did not know what had happened.

It was not from his stomach and not from his lungs either, but he felt some unknown substance flowing backwards through his body.


The impacts caused several organs to convulse and wriggle and all strength left his legs and waist. He collapsed to the floor. As Hishigami Kyou slowly stood back up, several young woman wearing special suits that covered all of their joints surrounded him.

Those soldiers seemed to have appeared out of thin air and their fists had struck him like curving laser beams. The lines of light were colored red, blue, and yellow.

~ The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village 08 - Zei, Akane and Ran blitz and stomp Hayabusa after he punches their master Kyou

I was wearing a Yozakura Ver. 3 made by Hishigami Biochemical Industries, with some of my own custom modifications made. There are nursing suits woven with flexible tape meant to extend one’s back muscles, right? This used the same tech, but it covered me from shoulders to groin with a skintight material much like bike shorts. It also had collar and apron-like parts attached to make it look kunoichi-esque. It was mostly black and beige, but it also had some purple flower petals for decoration. It also partially covered my elbows and knees. …Oh, and as a matter of taste rather than practicality, I had torn off the sickening Hishigami crest over my right breast.

It provided no defense and was even more excessively decorative than bikini armor.

But in my case, it was highly effective. After all, I had modified the human body below it, so I didn’t need a solid defense that could deflect external attacks. I needed some strengthening to prevent me from destroying my own joints when I went all out.


The Yozakura strengthened my joints, but it provided no defense against the cold. If not for my bodily modifications, the cold would have been unbearable.


As soon as I threw the hammer, I forced myself into a leap despite my unnatural stance. I felt my entire skeleton screaming in protest, but I had more to worry about. I left my body to the custom Yozakura that seemed like a creaking mass of rubber and springs.


They were dressed in the same kunoichi-esque outfit as Hishigami Mai.

The protectors on their right arms bore the Hishigami crest and what may have been their individual name.

~ The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village 08 - Zei, Akane and Ran wear Yozakura suits like Mai did in vol 8, which strengthen the body

“Wha-…? Are they…Hishigami…Women…?”

“Of course not. I would never make such an unreasonable choice.”

Hishigami Kyou brought a hand up to check on his swelling cheek, but his expression remained entirely calm.

“However, they have had a portion of those traits artificially implanted in them. They are not Hishigami Women, but they can do the same things. The level of their abilities has of course deteriorated somewhat, but they will not leave my control. Their hair and eye color may look strange, but that is probably due to the Youkai medicine they’re using. I’m not entirely sure why their hair grew white on top of that, though. This is the furthest limit of what we can consider ‘reasonable’.”

~ The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village 08 - Kyou explains that his three bodyguards are artificial Hishigami Women developed with Youkai medicine, although he admits they are inferior to the real deal

“Hi, Mai. It’s your Onii-chan. Do you know which Onii-chan this is?”

“Kyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooou Oniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!”

“Zei or Akane can take a curse for me, but please stop calling me Onii-tan at your age! It’s unreasonable! Ah, I’m really getting goose bumps!!”

~ The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village 09 - Kyou mentions that his bodyguards can take curses for him

The heavy masses crashed together and sometimes knocked down telephone poles and streetlights, but I was focused elsewhere.

Specifically, the roof of the truck’s trailer.

The bodyguards with names like Zei and Akane wore the kunoichi-like Yozakura suits while hiding below cloaks covered in patterns that used the science of perception to divert attention away.


“Don’t glare at me like that. And don’t start grabbing at each other either! Okay, I’ll be borrowing one of those camouflage cloaks that use the science of perception to trick the human brain and program analyses. I don’t care what happens to you afterwards. You can grab at each other’s hair to settle things amongst yourselves once and for all if you like. The weakest one who loses the game of musical chairs can stay here!!”

~ The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village 09 - Kyou's bodyguards use cloaks that mess with perception to trick both humans and cameras, which might explain why Hayabusa never saw them when he met Kyou until they "seemed to appear out of thin air" and attacked him

With those words, red Zei, blue Akane, and yellow Ran lightly jumped between the two vehicles and smashed through the reinforced glass to get inside.

Youkai medicine had been used to artificially implant these monsters with Hishigami Women traits.

~ The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village 09 - Jump through reinforced glass

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Curse Interception: Hishigami Kyou has mentioned that his bodyguards can intercept and take a curse meant for him.
  • Yozakura: A Yozakura made by Hishigami Biochemical Industries. The Yozakura uses similar tech to nursing suits woven with flexible tape meant to extend one’s back muscles. The Yozakura provides some strengthening to the user's body to prevent them from destroying their own joints when using superhuman strength.
  • Camouflage Cloak: Special cloaks that are covered in patterns that use the science of perception to trick the human brain and program analyses and divert attention away. While to normal people like Hayabusa the user seems to appear out of thin air when they attack, they can still be seen by people with enhanced senses and/or perception such as Hishigami Mai.

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Akane (The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village)