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Akane Full
Can cut anything she sees.
~ Akane's magic description


Akane Fuwa was once a levelheaded, competitive and very responsible girl who enjoyed having kendo duels and proud to be a magical girl. She's a survivor of Cranberry's exams, and, like all other survivors, had her memory of the exact details removed. She later developed severe PTSD after her entire family was murdered in front of her by Cranberry. The event was so traumatizing she's since been unable to think clearly and gotten severe speech problems, only able to say a few words at a time in broken sentences. Obsessed in finding Cranberry for revenge, she became extremely violent in her methods, attacking every magical girl she met to see whether she was her or not. In her very poor state of mind, her fighting style is aggressive, violent and ruthless, and she'll show no hesitation or remorse in killing others. Her magical girl name is Akane. During the events of Restart, she isn't part of any team, instead acting solo.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-A

Name: Akane Fuwa, Akane

Origin: Magical Girl Raising Project

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Classification: Human, Magical Girl, High School Student, «Child of Cranberry»

Powers and Abilities: Magical Girl Physiology, Expert Swordsmanship, Durability Negation with magic, Instinctive Reaction (Avoided or blocked attacks from a group of magical girls surrounding her[1])

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level (Scales to @Meow-Meow and Magical Daisy. When she went on a rampage, characters like Clantail, Rionetta, and Melville ran from her[1]). Her magic ignores durability conventions

Speed: At least Supersonic movement speed (Scales to Weiss Winterprison who ran beyond the horizon in a couple seconds[2]. Akane crossed the over-one-kilometer distance between Magical Daisy and her in an instant[1]), with likely Hypersonic+ combat/reaction speed (Strong magical girls can act 1000 times faster than humans[3])

Lifting Strength: Likely Class 25 (Should scale to Captain Grace who can lift her pirate ship), possibly Class 50 (Should scale to La Pucelle)

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block level

Durability: Multi-City Block level (Scales to other combat-oriented magical girls, like Magical Daisy)

Stamina: Superhuman. As a magical girl, she has hugely improved stamina and resistance to fatigue (moreover, she doesn't need to eat or to sleep). Fighting against other magical girls for a while, running kilometers and rescuing people for several hours doesn't affect her at all. Magical Girls can stay active for multiple days without rest, resist freezing cold and scorching heat.

Range: Kilometers (She attacked Magical Daisy from over 2 kilometers away)

Standard Equipment: Katana, Wakizashi

Intelligence: Below Average mentally, due to having severe PTSD, and barely being able to speak. She's however Gifted in combat, skilled enough to hold her own against Magical Daisy and @Meow-Meow, and forcing a dozen magical girls to run away from her, including Melville and Clantail. She possesses strong instincts and could react to attacks from all around her as magical girls kept firing magic at her

Weaknesses: Can be caught off-guard if she's too focused on a single target. None of the regular human weaknesses. If she becomes unconscious, she turns back into a human and loses all the magical girl advantages.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Slicing: Akane's magic is to cut anything in her line of sight, regardless of distance, with barely any lag. Her slices are able to cut through anything, including light, as long as Akane can clearly see the target, and they happen nearly at the same time she swings her sword. For her magic to activate, she must first perform a full swing from one side to another, and the cut will happen only on the first thing it hits. The slices can thus be blocked by throwing an obstacle right as she attacks. As the cut will happen solely on what she's looking at during her sword swing, she can thus completely bypass barriers, forcefields, light and water, as long as she can see her target directly.

Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Light Novel, Volume 2
  2. Magical Girl Raising Project in Dreamland
  3. Light Novel, Volume 5


Discussion threads involving Akane (MGRP)