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VS Battles Wiki
Ajax X-Men Prof IMG
~ Ajax asking Deadpool to say his name out


Ajax, born Francis Freeman, was a human who gained immunity to pain and enhanced reflexes from an augmentation procedure given to him by The Workshop. He is the main antagonist of Deadpool, where the titular character seeks revenge against him for leaving him in a deformed state.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B

Name: Francis Freeman, Ajax

Origin: FOX's X-Men

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human Mutate, Scientist, Criminal/Terrorist, Mutant Trafficker

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to

Attack Potency: Wall level (Can trade blows with Deadpool. Can bend metal bars, and send Deadpool flying several feet away with a kick)

Speed: Subsonic+ travel speed with Hypersonic combat speed and reaction (Kept up with Deadpool)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Can bend rebar with his bare hands. Also snapped Deadpool's katana in half. Able to easily lift grown men above his head with one hand and no visible effort and throw a full grown woman several feet away with brute force)

Striking Strength: Wall level

Durability: Wall level (Took multiple hits from Deadpool. Got hit by a large shipping container, and survived)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with tomahawks

Standard Equipment: Double Tomahawks, Body Armor

Intelligence: Likely Gifted (Being the head of the mutate-developing project, Ajax apparently had extensive knowledge of mutant biology, able to quickly determine the nature of an individuals newly developed powers)

Weaknesses: Can be instantly killed by puncturing his brain. Cannot heal from the damage sustained during battle on his own. Is angered if called by his real name.

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Ajax (FOX)