“ | No Mercy, bitch | „ |
~ Aisha to Yasmine |
“ | Girl's a natural cobra | „ |
~ Johnny to Miguel about Aisha |
Aisha Robinson is one of the former recurring characters of the Cobra Kai television series. Aisha is Samantha Larusso's oldest friend, but once high school comes along; Sam goes with a larger crowd while the bullying on Aisha gets worse. She makes friends with Miguel, Eli, and Demetri, although she joins Cobra Kai when the bullying gets to an extent she can't bare. Miguel would make excuses for Aisha despite females not being allowed into Cobra Kai which Johnny hesitantly agrees to. After Cobra Kai becomes popular, she fits in with a new crowd of friends, with Aisha competing in the All-Valley and reconciling with Sam by the end of it.
Aisha makes friends with Tory, who to her dismay becomes rivals with her friend Sam quickly after a misunderstanding. However, when a school fight breaks out, her parents move her away to a new school.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 9-B
Name: Aisha Robinson
Origin: Cobra Kai
Gender: Female
Age: 15-16 at the start of Cobra Kai
Classification: Human, Martial Artist
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts (Aisha is a skilled karate fighter trained by Johnny), Accelerated Development (Aisha training despite lasting for an extremely short amount of time, was able to best black and brown belts at a regional championship, despite those fighters likely having years of experience), Enhanced Senses (Despite being blindfolded, she was able to precisely and powerfully break wooden boards in half with seemingly little difficulty)
Attack Potency: Wall level (Able to easily break wooden planks. A well-respected fighter by Johnny should make her comparable to those like Mitch who can briefly fight with Eli. Fought and should be comparable to Xander Stone who could fight on par with Miguel for a period of time)
Speed: Superhuman (Kept pace and tagged Xander Stone, a noticeable agile fighter who was able to respectively tag and keep up with Miguel Diaz)
Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (She, along with Miguel, Eli, Bert, and Chris were able to move around a large cement mixer overtime at high speeds once they were in sync)
Striking Strength: Wall level (Before training she struck Miguel hard enough for him to be winching in pain leaving him struggling to breathe. In the same episode Miguel, at this point, was able to take down Kyler and his associates. Kyler and his associates were able to get up from strikes dealt by Post-Timeskip Johnny. Struck Xander hard enough to drop him, who can shrug off blows from Miguel and harm Aisha herself)
Durability: Wall level (Before training, took a kick from Miguel who was able to quickly incapacitate Kyler in the same episode. Kyler was able to take attacks from Post-Timeskip Johnny, including a notable leap kick when he was off-guard. Scaling from AP)
Stamina: At least Average, likely higher (She can fight for some periods but the extent of how long she fights is unknown, as her screen time in the school fight and tournament fight are relatively short. Despite being overweight, her consistent training with Johnny which is a harsh physical exercise to soar past your limits should easily land her here)
Range: Standard Melee Range
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Average (Shows no signs of lower or higher intellect in the show. She offers to be gifted in karate and has what Johnny describes as "a natural cobra", which would mean she can channel her anger well to be able to fight before training with Johnny. Aisha despite fighting very little shows incredible skill by the end of Season 1, as she can fight her way to the quarter-finals and fight the previous All-Valley champion neck and neck, and only narrowly lost; making her one of the most skilled martial artists of the region of both 2017 and 2018. The previous All-Valley champion also shows his ability to fight on par with Miguel right after, and although lost, was able to tag him 1:3)
Standard Tactics: Aisha utilizes a heavy set of anger to channel to fight her opponents. Despite this at times she can resort to staying defensive if in a calm state. Thus fighting aggressively with basic strikes and sweeps against both flashy and normal fighters. She is prone to anger and thus if provoked will immediately go for the goal of a knockout.
Weaknesses: Human limitations. Aisha shows an aggressive attitude and insecurities about herself. Although she managed to purge most of her insecurities, she remained aggressive by the end of Season 2 to the point of irrationality. Wearing glasses means that you can impair her by targeting her visions, although only slightly as she has enhanced senses
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Aisha Robinson |