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VS Battles Wiki
AirGhost EE
You're trying to end this war, right?... Interesting.


Air Arland Noah is a girl who introduced herself as a Ghost of Belial and is the creator of the silver bullet know as Devil Bullet.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 10-A, 9-B with preparation

Name: Air Arland Noah

Origin: May These Leaden Battlegrounds Leave no Trace: Bullet Magic and Ghost Programs

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Ex-Human, Mage, Ghost

Powers and Abilities: Precognition (Can see the future via Qualia), Immortality (Type 8 - as long as wars exist so will a Ghost), Martial Arts (Proficient in Hand-to-Hand combat), Magic, Shockwave Manipulation (Via Voldora Bullet), Fire Manipulation (Via Voldora Bullet), Light Manipulation (Via Ozette Bullet), Electricity Manipulation (Via Libertas), Memory Manipulation (Via Projector Bullet), Existence Erasure (Via Devil Bullet), Forcefield Creation (Mages have a barrier around their bodies that protect them from harm)

Attack Potency: Athletic Human level (Is a trained soldier and a mage making her be a peak human in performance), Wall level (Mages are stated to be comparable with a fixed cannon if they are let to focus their magic)

Speed: Athletic Human (Is a fit soldier and should be able to run at this speed), Supersonic reactions (Can dodge multiple bullets that move at supersonic speed)

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human level (Is a trained soldier and a mage making her be a peak human in performance)

Striking Strength: Athletic Human level (Is a trained soldier and a mage making her be a peak human in performance)

Durability: Athletic Human level (Is a trained soldier and a mage making her be a peak human in performance) Stamina: Above Average, should be ably capable of exerting actions for prolonged periods of time thanks to being a fit and trained soldier.

Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters (with a gun as he can hit people 400 meters away)

Standard Equipment: Gun, Two Rifles (One black and one white)

Intelligence: She has a haughty attitude that doesn't really fit her girlish appearance and also has a mean streak at the same time but actually she is just lonely after being jaded by numerous wars. Her skills with the Extelia are impeccable, making her look like a war hero who lived through countless battlefield thanks to her skill. She managed to overwhelm a losing battle against Alec Thanda with just her keen mind, and Qualia allowing her to create strategies to control the battlefield. A mage needs to calculate multiple factors, from information on the enemy to their surroundings, all the way down to the details of the strategy itself as they need to piece all these together individually with their Qualia to base their decisions off the result to be able to fight another mage.

Weaknesses: No notable one

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Bullet Magic: Bullet Magic is a technique in which mages imbue live rounds with mana to produce special effects. The Magic itself is a technique from the distant past. As the century of warfare continued, people sought a more practical application of magic thus laced bullets with magical effects become widespread among soldiers. A magic developed with a single goal, to murder.

Qualia: Those endowed with magical power, regardless of how much they had, possess this ability. Qualia is a sixth sense of sorts, an ability to observe the future. It is an ability that enables mages to evade bullets moving at supersonic speeds. A battle between mages is a battle between individuals capable of reading the future, which was why the mage who could see further forward came out on top.

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Air Arland Noah