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Applause, then. A round of applause in celebration of my supreme power.
~ Ainz Ooal Gown


Ainz Ooal Gown (アインズ・ウール・ゴウン), formerly known as Momonga (モモンガ), is the main protagonist of Overlord. He is the guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown and regarded as the highest of the Almighty 41 Supreme Beings by the NPCs of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

As the Sorcerer King of the Sorcerous Kingdom, Ainz leads the strongest army in the New World.

He is also known by his adventurer disguise, Momon, a dark warrior and leader of the Darkness adventuring team. He is an adamantite ranked adventurer and the most powerful adventurer in the Kingdom.

Originally a normal office worker, Suzuki Satoru was an avid fan of the DMMORPG YGGDRASIL where he went by the screen name Momonga, and was the leader of Ainz Ooal Gown, an extremely powerful guild known for its control over 11 World Items, including two of The Twenty, known as the most powerful 10% of all world items. They were also renowned for their impenetrable stronghold The Great Tomb of Nazarick, which was never conquered even by the strongest clans in the game, and capable of repelling an onslaught of 1500 Players without a single guild member raising a finger. As the guild was entirely made up of working members of society, the group also gained a foothold by the endless acquisition of paid items that gained them an advantage in battle. As the last person to stay in the guild on the final day of the game, Momonga finds himself transported into the New World, a world whose natural laws have been partially overwritten by those of YGGDRASIL’s by the appearance of multiple players across time, having been transformed into the form of his avatar. Taking the name of his guild in order to draw out former friends and foes, he begins a massive crusade for world domination through multiple plans and misdirections in the hopes of finding his comrades and seeing them once more.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 9-A, Low 7-C with magic, higher with the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, Varies via Summoning and Necromancy. Unknown with Wish Upon A Star and Nazarick's treasury

Name: Ainz Ooal Gown, Momonga, Dark Hero Momon, Sorcerer King, Suzuki Satoru 

Origin: Overlord

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Eclipse, Overlord, Elder Lich, Skeleton Mage, Heteromorphic Race, Overlord of Nazarick, Adamantite-Plate Adventurer

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (Can see through invisibility.[1] Possesses Dark Vision, allowing him to see clearly in darkness.[2] Undeath Slave Sight allows Ainz to link his vision with one of his undead summons, seeing what they see.[3] Has various spells to improve his senses, such as Complete Vision), Extrasensory Perception (The skill Undead Blessing allowed Ainz to sense all the undead within the Frozen Prison[4]), Master Swordsmanship, Immortality (Types 1 and 7), Preparation, Magic, Limited Magic Modification, Danmaku, Elemental Manipulation (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Darkness, Light, likely more), Holy Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Time Manipulation (1 Layer with Time Stop ~ Via spells like Time Stop and Temporal Stasis), Spatial Manipulation (Reality Slash cleaves through the fabric of space while also ignoring magical defenses.[5] Delay Teleportation delays the resolution of teleportation effects near the caster[6][7]), Energy Manipulation, Energy Projection, Life Manipulation (Can use Negative Energy, which dissolves and consumes life force[8]), Gravity Manipulation (Gravity Maelstrom is a spinning vortex of hyper-intensfieid gravity in the form of a black sphere[9]), Telekinesis (Grasp Heart crushes the target’s heart[10]), Death Manipulation (1 layer via The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown [Likely for general Instant Death, full for Despair Aura] ~ Has various spells that induce death, such as Grasp Heart, Death, True Death, Cry of the Banshee, and Crack in the Ground. The Super Tier spell Iä Shub-Niggurath sends out a black wind that kills whatever living being it touches. Despair Aura V inflicts death to those in its range), Immortality Negation (Type 4; Ainz can use the Instant Death spell True Death, which negates resurrection[11]), Soul Manipulation (Can summon Soul Eaters, which absorb the souls of those near them[12][13]), Bone Manipulation, Pseudo-Black Hole Creation (Via Black Hole), Forcefield Creation (Wall of Protection From Arrows weakens the effectiveness of shooting attacks. Anti-Life Cocoon creates a barrier that prevents living beings from entering it), Healing (Has Healing Potions in his inventory), Weapon Creation (Can create weapons and armor with Create Greater Item), Creation (Can create a fortress using Create Fortress. Create Greater Item should be able to make items other than weapons and armor), Deconstruction (Can use Greater Break Item to destroy items and objects[14][15]), Absorption (Energy Drain drains the opponent's levels, healing the caster and providing a temporary raise in stats[16]), Power Mimicry (With Dark Wisdom, he can initiate a ritual to learn a spell from the corpse of another), Stealth MasteryInvisibility (Can use Complete Invisibility, as well as Perfect Unknowable, which also removes one's traces and sound[17]), Teleportation (Via Greater Teleportation and Lopsided Duel), Portal Creation (Via Gate), Limited Intangibility (Having a resistance to Movement Hindrances/Physical Impediments allows one to pass through restricting material such as a net), Telepathy (The Message spell allows Ainz to communicate with someone telepathically), Flight, Explosion Manipulation (Via various spells, such as Exploding Mine, Drifting Master Mine, and Nuclear Blast), Power Nullification (The skill High-Tier Magic Immunity nullifies all spells from the 6th tier and below.[18] Has an anti-scrying barrier spell which negates divination effects used on him, and then allows him to link an offensive spell back to the user of the Divination effect.[19] Ultimate Disturb stops the target from casting spells while also raising their resistance to magic. Can use Greater Rejection to dispel summoned monsters.[20]The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown can use Dimensional Lock, which prevents the use of transfer magic such as teleportation. Has an unnamed Anti-Magic spell), Status Effect Inducement (Nuclear Blast can induce blindness and deafness[21]), Statistics Amplification (Can increase his strength, magical damage, speed, resistances, luck, etc), Statistics Reduction (1 layer via The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown (Despair Aura) ~ Despair Aura I reduces the stats of those affected. The spell Slow reduces the speed of the target. Negative Energy Touch reduces the strength and speed of targets[22]), Resurrection (Can resurrect others. One of his rings allows him to resurrect at least once), Necromancy (Can turn corpses into undead,[23] and can control other undead with Undead Domination[24]), Summoning (Can summon a variety of creatures including demons, angels, undead, and more), Homing Attack (Magic Arrow is "unavoidable", able to take 90 degree turns to strike its target), Invulnerability (Unaffected by non-magical attacks,[25][26] though environmental damage such as an avalanche circumvents it.[27] All physical attacks from those under level 60 are nullified.[28] Unaffected by piercing damage, such as being stabbed[29]), Reality Warping (With Wish Upon A Star[30]), Purification (Ainz can use Wish Upon A Star to remove status effects[30]), Power Absorption (Ainz could use Wish Upon a Star to steal Nfirea’s Talent[30]), Dimensional Storage (Ainz has a pocket dimension, his inventory, where he can store items within and retrieve them), Clairvoyance (The Mirror of Remote Viewing can display an image of specific regions. Has several scrolls that contain Divination spells, such as Locate Object, Detect Locate, and Clairvoyance), Information Analysis (With spells such as Life Essence, Mana Essence, Enemy Scan, All Appraisal Magic Item, and more), Information Manipulation (Can use False Data: Life and False Data: Mana to fake his HP and MP respectively), Illusion Creation (Used a basic illusion spell to make his face appear human), Mind Manipulation (Charm Person makes the target see the caster as their friend. Dominate asserts control over the target's mind, with the target completely unable to lie or deceive the caster), Memory Manipulation (With Control Amnesia), Aura (Via Despair Aura), Empathic Manipulation, Fear Manipulation (1 layer via The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown ~ Despair Aura I inflicts the Fear status. Despair Aura II inflicts Panic, causing those afflicted to want to flee from the caster at all costs, unable to take any combative actions against them[31]), Madness Manipulation (1 layer via The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown ~ Despair Aura IV inflicts insanity on a foe which can only be removed by a third party[31]), Paralysis Inducement (Touch of Undeath, Mass Hold Species, and Paralysis can inflict paralysis. Grasp Heart's secondary effect stuns the target if its Instant Death effect is resisted[10]), Resistance Negation (The metamagic enhancement Penetrate Magic can allow one to penetrate resistances. Has skills that boost his Instant Death abilities to overcome weaker resistances. The Goal of All Life is Death is a skill that strengthens the effect of Instant Death magic and skills in exchange for delaying their resolution for 12 seconds, allowing them to bypass resistances and even immunities to Instant Death. The power of these strengthened Instant Death effects is such that they will kill not only their target, but the very environment should it be within its range of effect[32]), Non-Physical Interaction (Can cause damage to intangible and incorporeal targets with magic and magic weapons), Damage Boost, Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 and 3), Social Influencing (Is noted to be extremely charismatic and regularly makes people overestimate his intelligence, though this is entirely unintentional and usually unknown to him. His charisma made Neia Baraja incredibly worshipful of him)

Resistance to Magic, Poison, Disease, Biological Manipulation (Undead are immune to rot-inducing gas[33]), Sleep, Paralysis, Ice, Fire, Electricity, Acid, Necromancy (His Turn Resistance III protects him from abilities that control undead[34]), Petrification (Is unaffected by the petrifying gaze of a Basilisk), Deconstruction (His Turn Resistance III lets him resist undead-destroying abilities that can disintegrate undead[34]), Death Manipulation, Energy Drain, Statistics Reduction, Status Effect Inducement (Blindness, Deafness, and Movement Impairment), Mind Manipulation (Including Empathic Manipulation and mind absorption), Soul Manipulation (Unaffected by Soul Eaters, which absorb the soul), Telepathy (Doppelgangers cannot read his surface thoughts[35]), Information Analysis (His anti-divination ring protects him from divination effects, which include spells that detect magic.[36] The spell Detect Undead, which determines whether the target is an undead, did not work on him[37]), Extrasensory Perception (Could not be sensed by Shalltear due to one of his rings), Clairvoyance (Has a ring which protects him from Divination magic, which include spells that locate objects and individuals), Power Nullification (Would have resisted having his spells shutdown by CZ's skill had she not been buffed[38]), and Time Manipulation.

His World-Class Item grants him Resistance to BFR, Sealing (Would be unaffected by Depiction of Nature and Society), Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Existence Erasure (Unaffected by Cure Elim's Soulbreaker Breath, which destroys the body, mind, and soul[39]), Reality Warping, Law Manipulation (World Item users would normally be unaffected by changes to the entire magic system[40][41]), Power Absorption (A World Class Item can trump the power of a Super Tier Spell like Wish Upon a Star, which Ainz could use to steal Nfirea’s Talent[42]), Spatial Manipulation (Having a World Item allows one to walk through the World Separating Wall, which creates a space separate from reality), Resistance Negation (World Class Items are able to bypass even immunities[43])

Attack Potency: At least Small Building level (His strikes can one-shot Mithril rank adventurers like Hekkeran. Completely outclasses warriors like Gazef and Brain Unglaus. Casually crushed Clementine to death with his bare arms, and would have dealt fatal damage to her if one of his strikes connected), Small Town level with magic (Capable of leveling a medieval city district; capable of injuring Shalltear Bloodfallen with most serious spells), higher with the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, Varies via Summoning and Necromancy (Ainz is capable of summoning a variety of creatures with varying strengths, including demons, angels, and undead. Alongside summoning undead, Ainz can turn the corpses of others into an undead, with the strength and type of undead they become depending on the strength of the target[23]). Unknown with Wish Upon A Star (Capable of granting wishes, possibly even destructive ones, of unknown limit. Can likely use Wish Upon A Star to replicate other Super Tier spells) and Nazarick's Treasury (Nazarick's Treasury contains a massive assortment of magical weapons and artifacts, and even housed several World Items before they were given to the Floor Guardians)

Speed: Supersonic+ (Should be comparable to Albedo; fought with and defeated Shalltear; capable of moving so quickly that he creates a vacuum of unknown size), higher with the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, Varies via Summoning and Necromancy

Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Casually picked up and threw a dragon this large. Should be superior to CZ2128 Delta), Varies via Summoning and Necromancy

Striking Strength: At least Small Building levelSmall Town level with magic (Perfect Warrior converts his magic caster levels into warrior levels, allowing his physical stats to surpass Shalltear's due to her not being a pure warrior), higher with the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, Varies via Summoning and Necromancy

Durability: Small Town level (Took numerous hits and high tier spells from Shalltear, and withstood being at the epicenter of a Super-Tier spell he had cast), higher with the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, Varies via Summoning and Necromancy

Stamina: Infinite (Undead do not experience fatigue and can function indefinitely[44])

Range: Varies, up to Tens of Kilometers with magic (Could have used spells to carpet bomb Evil Lord Wrath from 1 kilometer in the air. The Super Tier spell Creation froze the entirety of a 20 kilometer lake[45]), up to Planetary with Teleportation magic (Greater Teleportation allows one to teleport anywhere they've seen before. Gate has no limits on distance so long as it is a place the caster has seen before[44])

Standard Equipment: The only item that Ainz carries on his person other than his equipment is his unnamed World-Class Item. Although its effects are unknown, all World-Class Items grant their user extremely potent resistances to all effects that can be used by World-class Items. The rest of Ainz's items are contained within a pocket dimension which he can access freely by opening small portals to reach inside of. With time to prepare, he can also use cash shop items to lower cast times for super-tier spells or switch weapons instantly without having to reach into his inventory

  • Optional Equipment: The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. Various items from Nazarick's Treasury, such as the equipment of his Guild Members

  • Rings: Ainz wears a ring on each of his ten fingers, all of them being imbued with a different power/effect.
    • Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown [Divine Class]: Allows the user to freely teleport between every room inside Nazarick. Every member of Ainz Ooal Gown was required to wear this ring.
    • Shooting Star [Divine Class]: Allows the user to activate the super-tier magic, "Wish Upon a Star" three times without consuming experience.
    • Ring of Wand Mastery: Allows Ainz to use wands containing spells from incompatible classes, letting him use wands containing spells such as True Resurrection. However every time the ring was used it only applied to one wand at a time, and Ainz would need to wait an hour before he could change it out.[46]
    • Ring that allows the user to resurrect with little loss of exp.[47]
    • Ring that protects the user from detection by all kinds of divination-type magic.[48]
    • Ring that protects the user from time manipulation[49]
    • Ring that protects the user from movement impediment.[49]
    • Three more rings with unknown effects
  • Robe [Divine Class]: It has a Disaster Aura effect, causing a rippling dark red aura to rise from the feet, an aura that feels turbulent and sinister.
  • Cape [Divine Class]
  • Circlet [Divine Class]
  • Necklace [Divine Class]
  • Gloves [Divine Class]
  • Boots [Divine Class]
  • Unnamed World Class Item: Ainz's World Item is the red orb within his stomach area. Although its effects are unknown, it is stated to have a variety of abilities, one of which being very effective against Dragons. Due to having a World Class item equipped, Ainz is granted a variety of resistances.

Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown Databook

Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown: This custom weapon spews out a vortex of dark red aura when held. Sometimes it forms the face of a human in agony that crumbles away. It is so vivid that it feels as though you can hear their voices of pain. The staff has seven snakes engraved on it, each clutching a gem that is a Divine Class artifact, and aligned with the elements of Sun, Moon, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Time. Each gem has a unique ability and the power to summon monsters level 85 and above once a day. Wielding this staff raises Ainz's parameters by a substantial amount. It is also able to greatly raise the user's racial abilities, allowing them to bypass immunities.[50] Because each gem belongs to an entire series of items, since the complete collection is united, one can display its immense power. The staff also possesses an Automatic Interception Mode, where it will act on its own, even being able to fly, to aid Ainz. It seems to instinctively understand Ainz's intentions, as it will cast the most appropriate spells for the situation to assist Ainz, without having to be ordered to do so.[51] Ainz hesitates to use it because since it is a Guild Weapon, should it be destroyed, the guild of Ainz Ooal Gown will be disbanded. Ainz usually carries around a hollow replica with no special abilities.


  • Crack in the Ground: A 9th tier divine spell that causes a fissure to open up and trap the target. It has an Instant Death effect, as well as a damage over time and movement impediment effect.
  • Dimensional Lock: An 8th-tier spell which creates a large field in which enemies are unable to use teleportation magic or other means of instantaneous movement.
  • Fire Storm: A divine fire spell with an area of effect large enough to cover Cure Elim's head.
  • Shining Blast: An area of effect attack spell, which does increased damage to undead and other evil creatures, as well as creatures with a low karma value. Conversely, it deals far less damage to creatures with a high karma value.
  • Summon Primal Air Elemental: Summons a level 87 Primal Air Elemental
  • Summon Primal Earth Elemental: Summons a level 87 Primal Earth Elemental
  • Summon Primal Fire Elemental: Summons a level 87 Primal Fire Elemental
  • Summon Primal Star Elemental: Summons a level 90 Primal Earth Elemental
  • Summon Primal Water Elemental: Summons a level 87 Primal Water Elemental
  • Veil of Moon: A defensive spell which creates an immaterial barrier around the user.
  • Vermilion Nova: A 9th tier spell which engulfs the target in a large pillar of flame. This spell can only be used once per day by the Staff.

While in his adventurer persona, Momon, Ainz dons jet black armor and twin greatswords, as well as a handful of other lower-rarity items.

  • Dark Warrior Armor: This armor is created for his Adventurer Persona "Momon the Dark Hero" by the spell Create Greater Item. The armor's hardness is said to be comparable to Adamantite. Because it's created by magic, it bypasses Ainz's class restrictions and can be dismissed and remade as needed. He has also had a real version created with help from Nazarick blacksmiths.
  • Twin Greatswords: The two swords are created by the spell Create Greater Item for his adventurer persona primarily, wielding one in each hand for melee combat as a warrior. Because they were created by Ainz, they are easily renewable, so they can be used as throwing weapons. He has also had a real version created with help from Nazarick blacksmiths.
  • Black Belt
  • Black Widow Spider Clothes
  • Crown of Mental Fortitude
  • Haste Boots
  • Járngreipr: A common item that improves the user's strength. It is used by Ainz Ooal Gown members only to cover up their hands.
  • Sure Hit Glasses
  • Nemean Lion Pendant

  • Armageddon Evil (Prototype): Ainz has a prototype of this item made by his guildmate, Ulbert. It is a statue of a demon with three arms, each one holding a jewel that contains the 10th tier spell Armageddon Evil.
  • Blasting Staff: A staff with an enhanced knockback effect which will only trigger if one hits the body of their target.
  • Book of the Dead: An item that allows a Skeleton Mage to become an Elder Lich.
  • Circlet of Iron Will: A circlet that renders the wearer immune to magical mental attacks, though only strengthens resistance against mental attacks done through special abilities.
  • Elemental Gacha: An item that summons a randomly selected Elemental.
  • Epigoni: A rare magic item which possessed the lock-opening abilities of a level 90 thief. It could only be used seven times.
  • Exchange Puppets: Cash shop items that allow the user to switch places with any being that they are given to.
  • Fake Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown: A replica of the real Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown that does not possess nearly the same amount of power as the original.
  • Five-Pointed Star Pendant: A pendant that grants the user immunity to fear.
  • Frost Pain Modified: Upon making modifications to the original weapon, Ainz was able to summon this weapon from his pocket dimension to aid him in his battle against Jaldabaoth. It does frost damage over time, slowly reducing the target's physical abilities, and can also release a freezing burst up to three times. As this weapon is much stronger than the original, its power was great enough to even suppress Demiurge's hellfire effect for a duration of time.
  • Gauntlets of Archery: Gauntlets that improve the shooting skills of the wearer
  • Gauntlet of Primary Colors: A gauntlet imbued with the spells Body of Effulgent Beryl, Body of Effulgent Heliodor, and Body of Effulgent Aquamarine.
  • Great Bow Special
  • Green Secret House: Creates a small cottage for use as a temporary shelter.
  • Horn of the Goblin General: When blown, summons a goblin troop which consists of twelve goblin soldiers, two goblin archers, one goblin mage, one goblin cleric, two goblin wolf riders, and one goblin leader. If certain conditions are met, it can summon dozens of much more powerful goblins in order to fight off an army. However, they are still low level.
  • Hourglasses: Cash Shop items that reduces the cast time of a Super-Tier spell to zero when broken.
  • Inferno: A crimson spear whose point resembled a cyclone of fire.
  • Infinite Backpack: An item used to store other items. Despite its name, it can only hold up to 500 kg worth of material.
  • Magic Box: A box which contains Ainz's Memo Pad. If someone else attempted to open it, an array of attack spells would be unleashed upon the box to destroy it
  • Mask of Envy: A YGGDRASIL holiday item awarded to those who logged in during Christmas Eve between 7 AM and 10 PM and played for over two hours. Unfortunately, this item is useless in battle, providing no special effects - although it does provide Ainz a disguise to conceal his undead appearance.
  • Minor Healing Potion: For an undead creature, a healing potion is a lethal poison, however, Ainz keeps them in reserve for emergencies.
  • Necklace of Heavy Recover: A necklace that allows the user to spend Mana in order to use the 3rd tier divine healing spell Heavy Recover.
  • Photo Albums of Ainz Ooal Gown: A photo album containing various photos of the guild members of Ainz Ooal Gown. Ainz greatly cherishes these photos, as a reminder of the good times he had with his friends.
  • Prototype Staff: A weapon Ainz made as a prototype back in YGGDRASIL, but went unused until his fight with Go Gin. It has the ability to cover itself in flames.
  • Statue of Magical Beast - Cerberus: A statue that summons a Cerberus.
  • Stilettos: Ainz looted Clementine's equipment right after her death, and later wields four of these piercing weapons at the imperial arena. He utilized one of them skillfully against the Martial Lord before defeating him. They can be imbued with a single spell up to the 3rd tier that can be activated when stabbing into an enemy.
  • Translation Glasses: A pair of glasses that translates foreign text so that the user may read and understand it.
  • True Resurrection Wand: A wand containing the 9th tier spell True Resurrection.
  • Turtle Shell: Armor that protects the user from ranged attacks by deflecting them with a bubble of light.
  • Ultimate Shooting Star Super: A bow given to Neia
  • Visor: A visor that gives the wearer the ability to use the ability Snake Shot, which causes an arrow fired by the user to twist and turn before bearing down on an opponent.
  • Wand of Resurrection: This magic item is able to fully restore a dead target back to life by using a 7th tier resurrection spell.
  • Wooden Sticks: Cash shop items that, when pre-assigned to a specific item, allow the user to switch to that item instantly by breaking them.

Intelligence: Gifted (An expert strategist in combat, Ainz always tries to fight with knowledge of his enemy, and doesn't underestimate his opponents. Unless he knows for sure that the enemy is no threat, he will usually start the battle with instant death spells like Grasp Heart, and will be quick to use his other powerful abilities depending on the situation.)

Standard Tactics: As an arcane magic caster, Ainz does his best to fight his opponents at range, only tending to close the distance when he has frontliners covering for him or a spell requires him to be closer. As a necromancer, Ainz is able to summon many kinds of undead which he will use to support himself in battle, such as by summoning undead to act as his frontliners, distractions, damage support, etc.[52][53] Ainz won't just rely on his summons to protect him, and makes sure to cast buffs whenever he can, being proficient in applying buffs himself even in the middle of combat.[54] When engaged in a proper fight Ainz will start with his Time Stop spell, knowing full well how important Time Stop countermeasures are, as well as being able to use it as a chance to investigate his opponent's potential weaknesses.[55][56][57][58][59] Unless his opponent is one which he believes to have resistance to Instant Death effects by default, such as an Undead or Golem, Ainz will likely follow up with one of his Instant Death abilities due to Necromantic abilities being his specialty, with his favorite being Grasp Heart.[10][60] However, Ainz is also largely reactionary, using whatever spells and tactics fit the situation and what he wants to accomplish, such as attempting to use the less conventional spell Greater Break Item on Riku's various weapons in the midst of combat, or repeatedly using Perfect Unknowable for hit and run tactics during his fight against Wrath and the doppelganger Pleiades to deplete their numbers.

Weaknesses: Ainz is naturally susceptible to the holy and fire elements, but can negate one of those weaknesses depending on his choice of gear. Because of class restrictions, Ainz normally cannot equip most weapons and armor, but he can get around this restriction by using gear made by Create Greater Item or by using Perfect Warrior to temporarily change into a warrior class. He takes extra damage from bludgeoning attacks, and The Goal of All Life is Death has a cooldown of exactly 100 hours. Additionally, Ainz’s spells can be interrupted by enemy attacks unless he uses the Silent Magic modifier

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Ability Damage Ⅳ
  • Arcane Vision/See Invisibility
  • Acid Immunity
  • Black Halo
  • Bludgeoning Vulnerability Ⅴ
  • Cold Immunity
  • Create High Tier Undead (up to 4/day): Ainz can create upper tier undead with this skill, though the highest level they would be is level 70. However, if he divides it up into just two uses, he can create undead that roughly reach level 90, such as an Eternal Death or Eyeball Corpse.[61]
  • Create Middle Tier Undead (up to 12/day): Ainz can create middle tier undead with this skill, such as a Death Knight, Jack the Ripper, or Soul Eater.
  • Create Low Tier Undead (up to 20/day): Ainz can create low tier undead such as Wraiths or Bone Vultures by using this skill.
  • Dark Soul
  • Dark Wisdom: Allows the user to learn a single spell from the corpse of an individual. This allows Ainz to know far more spells than is usually possible; he can even learn and use holy spells.
  • Dark Vision: Allows uninhibited sight even in total darkness.
  • Despair Aura I: Causes Fear.[31]
  • Despair Aura II: Causes Panic.[31]
  • Despair Aura III: Causes Confusion.[31]
  • Despair Aura IV: Causes Insanity.[31]
  • Despair Aura V: Causes Instant Death.[31]
  • Doubled Damage from Fire
  • Eating, Drinking, and Breathing are Unnecessary
  • Electrical Immunity
  • Good, Light, and Holy Vulnerability Ⅳ
  • Heal from Negative Energy
  • High Tier Magic Immunity III: Nullifies all spells 6th tier and below.
  • High Tier Physical Immunity III: Nullifies all attacks that are below level 60.
  • Immunity to Critical Hits
  • Immunity to Death Effects
  • Immunity to Disease Effects
  • Immunity to Energy Drain Effects
  • Immunity to Mind-Affecting Effects
  • Immunity to Paralysis Effects
  • Immunity to Poison Effects
  • Immunity to Sleep Effects
  • Negative Energy Touch: Ainz can inflict negative energy on anything he touches with this skill, causing damage to opponents and lowering their speed and strength.[22] Acquired by Elder Lich level up. Can toggle On/Off.
  • Negative Protection
  • Piercing Damage Resistance V
  • Resistance to Necromancy
  • Slashing Damage Resistance V
  • Speak Evil Tongues
  • Turn Resistance III: Protects Ainz from Turn effects, which can dominate and disintegrate undead[34]
  • Undead Blessing: Allows Ainz to sense other undead beings.
  • Unholy Protection
  • Vulnerability to Holy and Good Consecrated Areas II

High Tier Undead

Doom Lord: A level 70 melee specialized undead. It wears a rusted crown atop its head, with a blood-stained cape hanging off his back. Its full plate armor is adorned with multiple scythe-like curved blades, carrying a War Scythe wreathed in Negative Energy. Its health is constantly decreasing, a penalty for the unthinkably high agility for its level.


  • Ruinous Night: Causes the black smog of its Negative Energy to spread to the surroundings, increasing the rate at which its HP decreases in exchange for a boost to all its combat stats. Undead that stood in the black smog, including the Doom Lord itself, would take less damage from Light and Holy Elemental attacks, with this buff also applying to damage based on Karma difference.[62]

Elemental Skull: A level 68 caster type undead. It appears as a floating skull, with a surrounding magical haze of light that constantly switches between four colors: red, blue, green, and yellow. It uses attacks based on the four major elements, with each spell having the Maximize Metamagic applied to it. In terms of defense, it has immunity to most spell attacks, including Fire, Lightning, Acid, Ice, and other types of elemental attacks. In contrast, it's extremely vulnerable against physical attacks, especially bludgeoning damage.


  • Mist of Super Acid: A 10th tier spell that surrounds the target in a mist of strong acid.
  • Polar Claw: A 9th tier spell that summons a floating claw which emits freezing air to slash the target.
  • Seven Trumpeters: A 10th tier divine spell with an unknown effect.
  • Vermillion Nova: Attacks the target with a pillar of flame.

Eternal Death: A roughly level 90 thief-type undead.


  • Aura of Death and Decay: A passive skill which combines the effects of Despair Aura V and Despair Aura I, inflicting Instant Death and stat penalties on enemies.

Eyeball Corpse: A roughly level 90 sensory-type undead. They possess two meter wide pink bodies with countless cloudy white eyes that looked as if they were stitched together from all manner of corpses. They are described by Ainz as the bane of stealthy beings, possessing perception that surpasses Aura Bella Fiora.

Middle Tier Undead

Death Knight: A Death Knight stands at 2 meters tall, covered in black armor and equipped with a Flamberge and tower shield. Overall its level is 35, but its offense is comparable to a level 25, while its defense is equal to a level 45. Its most notable special abilities are the ability to draw the aggression of others to itself, and to survive any single fatal attack with 1 HP remaining. Those it kills also become level 17 Squire Zombies.

Corpse Collector: A massive, brawny undead, with its body was covered in pustules and yellow stained bandages. There are many metal hooks all over its body, linked by metal chains to just as many moaning skulls.

Death Assassin: A likely middle tier undead that were bad at concealing themselves, but had a high critical hit chance, and thus have the potential to deal massive amounts of damage.

Death Warrior: A middle tier undead with offensive power surpassing the Death Knight. They are 2 meters tall, carrying long-bladed swords, while various weapons hung on their waists; hand axes, maces, crossbows, whips, shortspears, and many other weapons. Their armor they wore is light when compared to Death Knights, clad in leather armor made from the hide of some unknown beast. Their tattered armor, both arms, and parts of their faces were covered in strips of cloth covered in arcane runes. They can magically recall thrown weapons.[63]

Jack the Ripper: Jack the Ripper is dressed in a trench coat and wears a mask which showed a smiling face. Its fingers end in large, sharp surgical scalpels.

Soul Eater: Soul Eaters are skeletal horses with flickering mist in place of their flesh and blood. They can activate an aura which consumed the souls of those in its range, with the consumption of souls healing the Soul Eater and making them stronger.[12][13]

Low Tier Undead

Bone Vulture: A low tier undead that resembles a partially rotted vulture.

Elder Lich: An Elder Lich wears an old and luxurious robe that covered its rotting body, typically holding a staff of some kind.


  • Fireball: A 3rd tier spell that calls forth a fireball to strike targets.
  • Lightning: A 3rd tier spell that shoots a bolt of lightning that travels in a straight line from the finger of the caster.
  • Summon Undead – 4th: A spell that can summon various undead, such as Skeleton Warriors.

Skeleton: A low tier undead with many variations. Wields low level weapons. Are immune to cold, piercing, and slashing attacks.

Skeleton Archer: An archer variant of the Skeleton, wielding a basic bow and arrows.

Skeleton Mage: A mage variant of the Skeleton.

Skeleton Rider: Skeleton Riders consist of a Skeleton with low tier armor and weapons riding atop a skeleton horse

Skeleton Warrior: A skeleton variant equipped with better quality armor and weapons, even possessing some magical enchantments.

Wraith: A low tier undead with an astral body, allowing them to move straight through walls and other such obstacles, though there was a limit depending on how thick a wall is. They also possess a life-steal ability. There is a higher class of Wraith known as a High Wraith, though it's unknown whether it would qualify as a Low or Middle tier undead.

Zombie: A low tier undead with many variants, due to the notable amount of races which can be zombified. Their capabilities heavily depend on what race is zombified.

  • Instant Death Magic Enhancement
  • Rite of Darkness: Likely the ability Ainz can use to divide his Create High Tier Undead into two uses in order to summon more powerful undead.[61]
  • Undead Aura
  • Undead Creation: Likely the skill Ainz uses to turn corpses into undead[23]
  • Undead Domination: Ainz can use this to dominate undead. The enslaved undead will acknowledge the user before them as their Master. However, there is a limit to how many undead Ainz can control, and it only works on undead weaker than the user.[24]
  • Undead Strengthening

  • The Goal of All Life is Death: This special skill is one of Ainz's most powerful abilities and comes from the Eclipse-class, which is one of the hardest classes to get because it requires the Overlord class with spells specialized in necromancy and instant death type magic. The Eclipse class lets the user become a true lord of death, a life-consuming Eclipse. Once activated, this skill delays any of the caster's instant death type spells for 12 seconds but empowers them with the ability to ignore any types of resistance - even immunities. Ainz used this spell with Widen Magic and Cry of the Banshee, which then killed everything within 200m (living beings, undead, oxygen, earth, water, etc), turning the area into a desolate wasteland and poisoning the air. The cooldown of this skill is 100 hours.
  • Metamagic

    • Boosted Magic: A modifier that increases the tier and power of spells.
    • Delay Magic: A modifier that delays the activation of a spells for a certain amount of time. Ainz is one of the few players that has perfected its use so that he can cast spells during a Time Stop, and have them activate the very instant it ends.
    • Extend Magic: A modifier that extends the duration of a spell.
    • Maximize Magic: A modifier that increases the power and effects of most spells to the caster's highest capabilities, although they will be less cost-efficient than normal. However, it does not raise the tier of the spell, so tier-dependant defenses will still affect the spell like normal.
    • Penetrate Magic: A modifier that increases the likelihood of penetrating the target's resistances.
    • Silent Magic: A modifier that eliminates the need to incant a spell, allowing one to cast the spell instantly.
    • Twin Magic: A modifier that allows the caster to use two of the same spell at once.
    • Triplet Magic: A modifier that allows the caster to use three of the same spell at once.
    • Widen Magic: A modifier that increases a spell's area of effect.

    Tier Spells

    • Absorption
    • Acid Arrow: A 2nd tier single target spell which shoots out a small acid projectile.
    • All Appraisal Magic Item: A spell that identifies a magic item's creator, manufacturer, and its effects.[49]
    • Anti-Life Cocoon: A spell that creates a field which wards away living beings.
    • Armageddon Evil: A 10th tier that summons several waves of demons, with the waves becoming increasingly more powerful as time passes, but losing numbers as well. Was often used for sacrificial rituals, since the demons were affected by Friendly Fire in Yggdrasil.
    • Astral Smite: An 8th tier spell that shoots a stream of bright blue needles from the caster's hand. Its purpose is being able to strike astral beings.
    • Black Hole: A spell that creates a void that swallows any targets in its range.
    • Bless of Magic Caster
    • Bless of Titania: A 9th tier divination spell that summons a fairy which will lead the user along the least dangerous path through a dungeon.[64]
    • Body of Effulgent Beryl: 10th-Tier spell that reduces bludgeoning damage. The user can also expend it in order to negate a single bludgeoning attack against them.[5]
    • Call Greater Thunder: Summons a large lightning bolt to strike the target.
    • Chain Dragon Lightning: A 7th tier spell that summons dragon shaped lightning to strike its target. It can also chain itself to other nearby enemies to strike them as well.
    • Charm Person: Manipulates the target's mind to make them think the caster is a close friend. However, they will only accept requests that they would willingly do for a friend.
    • Complete Invisibility: A spell far superior to a normal invisibility spell. Ainz becomes completely invisible to anyone unless they use specialized magic to see him. Only the highest-ranked characters with classes focused on perception can see through this spell's effect.
    • Complete Vision: A spell that allows the user to see even through dense fog.
    • Control Amnesia: A 10th-Tier spell. Allows Ainz to view, rewrite, and wipe the target's memories, though has an astronomically high Mana cost. Currently, he can only rewrite memories from the most recent few years. It is more effective the less the target resists.[65]
    • Create Fortress: A 10th tier spell that summons a 30 meter tall tower out of thin air. This tower is bigger on the inside than the outside and is highly resistant to physical and magical attacks. Additionally, its doors will only open for those allied with the caster.
    • Create Greater Item A spell that magically creates items, which Ainz uses primarily to create weapons and armor that he can equip freely, despite being a magic caster. However, while wearing armor created from this spell, Ainz can only cast five of his spells, with one being Perfect Warrior. This is how Ainz creates the weapons and armor of Momon, his adventurer disguise.
    • Cry of the Banshee: An AOE spell that brings instant death to those within its range. Can also be used with Widen Magic to cover an area of 200m.
    • Death: An 8th tier spell that instantly kills the target.
    • Delay Teleportation: A spell that, once activated, delays the resolution of teleportation effects near the caster. It notifies the caster of where the enemy is teleporting, as well as how many individuals are teleporting.
    • Detect Magic: A spell that detects magic in an area.
    • Discern Enemy: A spell that determines the level of the target.[64]
    • Distant Vision: A form of clairvoyance that allows the caster to find the location of a specific item or person. It shows the caster a mental image of the location of their target.
    • Dominate: Instantly puts the target under the caster's control by dominating their mind. An individual under the influence of this spell is completely unable to lie or deceive the caster.
    • Draconic Power
    • Dragon Lightning: A 5th tier spell that shoots out a lightning bolt in the form of a dragon, that then seeks out its target.
    • Drifting Master Mine: An invisible mine that, as the name implies, locks on to and "drifts" towards targets that enter its range, exploding after it gets close enough.
    • Enemy Scan: A spell that determines who is hostile to the caster.
    • Energy Drain: An 8th tier spell that drains the opponent’s levels and grants various benefits depending on the amount of levels drained. It also heals the caster and buffs their attributes, as well as permanently debuffing the enemy. Since the spell can only be used by touch, it makes up for it by being otherwise comparable to a 9th tier spell.
    • Explode Mine: An invisible trap magic that can be placed remotely and explodes when it is near the enemy.
    • Explosion
    • False Data: Life: Gives the user the ability to fake their HP, allowing them to trick enemies that try to divine their HP.[5]
    • False Data: Mana: Similar to False Data: Life. Allows the user to fake their MP.[5]
    • Fireball: A 3rd tier spell which shoots a large ball of fire that burns its target.
    • Fly: A 3rd tier spell which gives the caster the ability to fly.
    • Focus Magic: A 7th tier spell that causes the next spell the target casts to do over double its normal damage.
    • Freedom: A buff that provides protection from high-level restraining effects.
    • Gate: A high tier spell that creates a portal which can open anywhere the caster has been or can see, with no limits of distance, and will remain open for a period of time. Its size can also be configured to be large enough to let an entire army through.[66]
    • Grasp Heart: A 9th-tier spell that allows the caster to remotely grab the heart of an enemy and crush it, while also inducing death through magic, killing them instantly. Furthermore, even if the enemy resists the Instant Death effect, they will then be stunned as a secondary effect. This is said by Ainz to be his favorite spell.[10]
    • Gravity Maelstrom: A spiraling black ball of hyper-intensified gravity which the caster can throw.
    • Greater Break Item: A spell that can be used to destroy items and objects, including larger structures like gates. It costs more mana depending on how large the object is.[14][15]
    • Greater Full Potential
    • Greater Hardening
    • Greater Luck
    • Greater Magic Seal: Allows most spells to be stored in an invisible, floating magic circle which can be released later, becoming visible when used.[5]
    • Greater Magic Shield
    • Greater Magic Vision
    • Greater Rejection: A 9th tier spell that nullifies a summoning ability, getting rid of the monster even after it's summoned.
    • Greater Resistance
    • Greater Teleportation: A 7th tier spell that allows the caster to teleport anywhere they have previously been to or can see, regardless of distance. Visions from divination spells qualify as destinations. If there is an obstruction at the destination, the spell will deposit the user to the nearest safe spot.
    • Haste: A 3rd tier spell that buffs the speed of whoever is the target.
    • Heavenly Aura
    • Hell Flame: This 7th tier spell shoots out a very small ball of hellfire that will then latch onto a target and become a raging inferno that burns anything to ashes with black flames.
    • Hold of Ribs: A spell that restricts the target's movement with a giant enclosure of bones.
    • Iceball: A 3rd tier area of effect spell very similar to the spell Fireball, except for the fact that it uses of ice instead of fire.
    • Indomitability
    • Infinity Wall
    • Lead of Yatagerasu: A 9th tier divination spell that summons a three legged crow, which will guide the user along the shortest path through a dungeon.[64]
    • Life Essence: A spell that allows the user to divine the HP of others for a period of time.[5]
    • Lightning: A 3rd tier spell which shoots a thin lightning bolt from the user's fingers that moves extremely quickly and can pierce multiple targets if they are lined up. It has extra effectiveness against wearers of metal armor.
    • Loopsided Duel: A 3rd tier spell that makes it so that if the target attempts to teleport away, the caster will be the teleported with them, even ignoring uses of Delay Teleportation. Its weakness is that the targeted opponent can simply teleport into the middle of their allies, bringing the caster with them.
    • Magic Arrow: A 1st tier spell that fires "arrows" of non-elemental magic. The fired arrows are unavoidable, even being able to make 90 degree turns to strike their target.
    • Magic Boost
    • Magic Chanter Blessing
    • Magic Ward: Holy: Gives some resistance to the holy element.
    • Mana Essence: Allows the caster to see the mana of others for a period of time, even overcoming resistances that prevent ones Mana from being divined.[5]
    • Mantle of Chaos
    • Mass Fly: Gives a group of people the ability to fly.
    • Mass Hold Species: A spell that paralyzes any individuals inside its range.
    • Message: A 2nd tier spell that lets the user have a conversation with a targeted person through telepathy.
    • Meteor Fall: A 10th tier spell that summons a gigantic meteor which then impacts directly on the target, causing a large amount of destruction.
    • Napalm: 7th tier spell that summons flames which rain down from the air.
    • Negative Burst: Sends out a sphere of negative energy from around the caster's body.
    • Nuclear Blast: A 9th tier spell that deals half fire damage and half bludgeoning damage. Although one of the weaker 9th tier spells in terms of damage, it has a large blast radius, great knockback, and can cause debuffs such as poisoning, blindness, deafness, and more. However, if one negates all the bludgeoning damage it will negate the fire damage as well, and the knockback effect will not take place if all the damage is negated.[21]
    • Obsidian Sword: Creates a large, floating obsidian sword that will lock onto a target and home in like a missile, continually attacking their target. The swords suffer a large loss in durability if used defensively.[5][67]
    • Paralysis: Causes paralysis.
    • Paranormal Intuition
    • Penetrate Up
    • Perfect Unknowable: A direct upgrade from Complete Invisibility, this spell erases all traces of the caster. When in effect, only the highest level players specialized in stealth or enemy detection are able to sense Ainz.[17]
    • Perfect Warrior: A spell that allows Ainz to become a level 100 warrior, converting his magic caster levels to warrior levels, while also improving his fighting skills to suit his newfound status as a warrior. While in this form, he can bypass through class restrictions such as being able to use Touch Me's World Champion armor without suffering any penalty. However, the spell does come with several weaknesses. Firstly, he is unable to use any other magic while he maintains the spell's effects. Second, he will not obtain any special warrior skills, and his redistributed stats will not match that of a dedicated warrior.[5]
    • Rabbit Ears: A 1st tier spell that grows two large rabbit ears that improve hearing.
    • Reality Slash: A 10th tier spell that cleaves the fabric of space to damage the target, ignoring virtually any form of magical defense. It's top-class in damage dealing but consumes a lot of mana. The spell is considered to be a lesser version of the 'World Break' skill.
    • Remote Viewing: Shows the caster a vision of what they want to see. They can reorient their view of the vision at will, allowing them to scout the location as if they are there.
    • Repel Undeath: A spell that creates a barrier to ward off low-level undead.
    • Sensor Boost
    • Sharks Cyclone: A spell that summons a tornado 100 meters high and 50 meters in diameter. Within the tornado lie 6 meter long sharks waiting to devour anyone unlucky enough to be sucked inside.
    • Shockwave A 2nd tier spell that emits an invisible shockwave of force.
    • Slow: A 3rd tier spell that decreases a target's speed.
    • Summon Undead (1st-10th): A spell of variable tier from 1st to 10th. Summons an undead with strength comparable to the tier of the spell used.
    • Temporal Stasis: A 9th tier spell. It stops a single target in time.[67]
    • Time Stop: A 10th tier spell that stops time. One cannot damage or affect someone caught in a Time Stop, however Ainz has mastered the ability of using Delay Metamagic in order to cause any spells he uses to activate the instant the Time Stop ends. Ainz's Time Stop even worked on Zy'tl Q'ae, despite the fact it was able to break free from Demiurge's Frost of Judecca[68][69]
    • Thousand Bone Lance: A spell that unearths 1-2 thousand bone spikes that assail the target from all directions.
    • Touch of Undeath: A spell that can inflict negative statuses to those touched by the caster. Ainz has shown it can inflict paralysis.
    • True Dark: Deals non-elemental damage with a large stream of darkness.
    • True Death: A 9th tier spell that instantly kills a single enemy and nullifies the use of low tier resurrection magic on the corpse.
    • Ultimate Disturb: A 10th tier spell that massively increases the target's magic resistance, at the cost of wrecking their ability to cast spells.
    • Undead Slave Sight: Allows the caster to utilize the sight of an undead minion, but will not work on incorporeal undead such as Wraiths.
    • Uriel: A 10th tier single target fire spell that does more damage the higher the karma value of the user is.
    • Vermillion Nova: A 9th tier spell that engulfs the target in a pillar of fire.[5]
    • Wall of Protection from Arrows A spell that conjures a spherical barrier that weakens shooting/projectile attacks.
    • Wall of Skeleton: Creates a wall of skeletons that can move and fight to a certain degree. Some possess crude weapons.

    While magic only goes up to the 10th rank, Super-Tier Magic is said to go beyond that. As it consumes no mana, Super Tier spells are closer to skills than spells, however as the name suggests it is still classified as magic. An individual can learn one Super-Tier spell for each level after level 70. When it is first learned, it can only be used once a day. However, it can be used once more for every additional ten levels, meaning level 100 players can use Super-Tier magic 4 times a day.[70]

    Furthermore, Super Tier Magic cannot be activated consecutively. Firstly, it has an activation period, and if a certain amount of damage is done to the magic caster, it will interrupt the casting. Secondly, although it is possible to use cash items to remove the casting time, Super Tier Magic has a cooldown period for the whole party before it can be used again, which cannot be removed or shortened.

    • Creation: Allows the caster to change the terrain in a large area, primarily used in Yggdrasil to ward off the heat of volcanoes or the freezing chill of icy areas.
    • Fallen Down: Generates a massive pulse of extreme heat with the power to carbonize tree stumps and vitrify the ground.[5]
    • Iä Shub-Niggurath: Instantly kills every foe in a large area with a black cyclone of death magic, easily encompassing 70,000 people. The victims are sacrificed to summon monsters over level 90, "Dark Young", which have extremely high health and attack with their giant hooves and tentacles. The number of summoned Dark Young is proportional to the total number of sacrifices, with 70,000 sacrifices summoning 5 Dark Young, and they will obey Ainz's mental commands without hesitation.
    • Wish Upon A Star: Consumes the caster's experience points to grant a wish. Ainz cast this spell for free by using one of his rings, but he also knows this spell himself. In New World, its function is different from Yggdrasil, described as being able to make the impossible possible. Ainz can sacrifice five levels in order to make even greater wishes.[30]
    • Pantheon: Summons six level 80 "Cherubims Gate Keeper" through the use of holy-type magic who will fall under the caster's command.


    Notable Matchups


    Madara Uchiha (Naruto) Madara's Profile (Speed was equalized, Revived Madara with Sage Mode was used)

    The Second Christ (Needless) The Second Christ's Profile (Speed was equalized, Mage Ainz was used)

    Reinhard van Astrea (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu) Reinhard van Astrea's Profile (Speed was equalized. Ainz had prior knowledge and a day of preparation time)



    Discord (My Little Pony) Discord's Profile (Speed was Equalized)

    Rohan Kishibe (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Rohan's Profile (Speed was equalized, both had limited prior knowledge)

    Castiel (Supernatural) Castiel's Profile (Seraph Castiel was used)

    Regulus Corneas (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu) Regulus' Profile (Speed was equalized)


    1. Overlord; Vol 11; Chapter 2
    2. Overlord; Vol 2; Chapter 1
    3. Overlord; Bonus Volume; Chapter 2
    4. Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 3
    5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 5
    6. Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 5
    7. Overlord; Vol 14; Chapter 4
    8. Overlord; Vol 4; Chapter 3
    9. Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 5
    10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Overlord; Vol 1; Chapter 3
    11. Overlord; Vol 9; Chapter 4
    12. 12.0 12.1 Overlord; Vol 13; Chapter 4
    13. 13.0 13.1 Overlord; Vol 14; Chapter 2
    14. 14.0 14.1 Overlord; Vol 2; Chapter 4
    15. 15.0 15.1 Overlord; Vol 12; Chapter 3
    16. Overlord; Vol 13; Chapter 5
    17. 17.0 17.1 Overlord; Vol 11; Chapter 2
    18. Overlord; Bonus Volume; Chapter 1
    19. Overlord; Vol 1; Chapter 5
    20. Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 5
    21. 21.0 21.1 Overlord; Vol 13; Chapter 5
    22. 22.0 22.1 Overlord; Vol 10; Chapter 3
    23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Overlord; Vol 8; Side Story 2
    24. 24.0 24.1 Overlord; Bonus Volume; Chapter 3
    25. Overlord; Vol 8; Side Story 2
    26. Overlord; Vol 13; Chapter 5
    27. Overlord; Bonus Volume; Chapter 4
    28. Overlord; Vol 1; Chapter 5
    29. Overlord; Vol 14; Chapter 4
    30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 3
    31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 Overlord; Vol 10; Chapter 3
    32. Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 5
    33. Overlord; Bonus Volume; Chapter 4
    34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 Overlord; Bonus Volume; Chapter 4
    35. Overlord; Vol 13; Chapter 5
    36. Overlord; Vol 7; Chapter 4
    37. Overlord; Bonus Volume; Chapter 3
    38. Overlord; Vol 13; Chapter 5
    39. Overlord; Bonus Volume; Chapter 4
    40. Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 4
    41. Overlord; Vol 4; Chapter 5
    42. Overlord: Vol 3; Chapter 3
    43. Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 3
    44. 44.0 44.1 Overlord; Vol 1; Chapter 3
    45. Overlord; Vol 4; Chapter 5
    46. Overlord; Vol 13; Chapter 4
    47. Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 4
    48. Overlord; Vol 6; Chapter 11
    49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 Overlord; Vol 2; Chapter 4
    50. Overlord; Vol 1; Intermission
    51. Overlord; Bonus Volume; Chapter 4
    52. Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 5
    53. Overlord; Vol 14; Chapter 4
    54. Overlord; Vol 13; Chapter 5
    55. Overlord; Vol 7; Chapter 4
    56. Overlord; Vol 9; Chapter 4
    57. Overlord; Bonus Volume; Chapter 2
    58. Overlord; Bonus Volume; Chapter 4
    59. Overlord; Volume 9 Author's Thoughts Excerpt
    60. Overlord; Vol 9; Chapter 4
    61. 61.0 61.1 Overlord; Vol 12; Chapter 1
    62. Overlord; Vol 14; Chapter 4
    63. Overlord; Vol 14; Chapter 2
    64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 Overlord; Prologue (2nd half); Part 5
    65. Overlord; Vol 11; Chapter 2
    66. Overlord; Vol 1; Chapter 3
    67. 67.0 67.1 Overlord; Vol 14; Chapter 4
    68. Overlord; The Evil Sealed Tree
    69. Overlord; The Evil Sealed Tree
    70. Overlord; Vol 3; Chapter 4


    Discussion threads involving Ainz Ooal Gown