And what are the achievements of your fragile Imperium? It is a corpse rotting slowly from within while maggots writhe in its belly. It was built with the toil of heroes and giants, and now it is inhabited by frightened weaklings to whom the glories of those times are half-forgotten legends. I have forgotten nothing, and my wisdom has expanded far beyond mere mortal frailties.
To talk of destiny and fate is foolish. Time, causality, the observer and the observed; we must treat our assumptions on all these matters with suspicion. We think of the past causing the future, but must that be so? Is fate created by trying to see it? What if we had not looked? Would matters have unfolded otherwise?
Prospero: A world of wisdom and revered knowledge, reborn after the long, ignorant darkness of Old Night, ruled by a Crimson King, guided by the Thousand Sons... What sins committed to deserve annihilation? What wrongs have been done that extinction is seen as justice?
We are betrayed at every turn: Betrayed by our father who hides in selfish exile. Betrayed by our brothers who come in their ignorance to swing the executioner's axe.
I am Ahriman of Tizca, Chief Librarian of the 15th Legion. I have looked long into the Warp's psychic winds, I have learned the answers to questions others fear to ask. This is my promise, as the skies rain iron, blackened by Drop Pods: Prospero may burn, but the light of knowledge shall never die.
Come, dogs of Russ, illumination waits for you on the surface of Prospero. All is not yet dust!
Ahzek Ahriman is a Chaos Space Marine and the most powerful Chaos Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion after their Daemon Primarch Magnus the Red himself. Ahriman seeks to gain entry into the Black Library so that he might better comprehend the nature of his patron Chaos God Tzeentch and of the force of Chaos itself and gain the unrivalled power such knowledge will bring. His action in crafting the Rubric of Ahriman, perhaps one of the greatest works of sorcery in history, would ultimately result in his banishment from the Legion he had hoped to safeguard. He remains a wanderer across the galaxy, forever seeking out any knowledge that will allow him to finally grasp the greatest of all enigmas in the galaxy—the true nature of Tzeentch himself.
Across a thousand worlds, Ahriman has sought the keys to save what he has already destroyed. The scars of his obsession have made his name a curse in the mouths of humans and aliens alike. Scraps of lore, artefacts both obscure and profane, and rare souls draw him like a raven to a corpse. To the Eldar, he is the carrion scribe who eats the souls of their dying race for secrets, to the Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus he is the lightning rod which brings a storm of Daemons, amongst the servants of Chaos he is a flame of power and trickery as likely to burn those drawn to his light as to illuminate them.
A master of subtle manipulation, Ahriman has seeded cults on a hundred worlds, and bent the desires of the powerful to achieve his ends. With conspiracies and plots spread across the galaxy, he coils between them, a puppet master pulling invisible strings. When such subtle means are impossible he wages a sorcerer’s war, forcing armies to kneel with visions of terror, shattering war machines with invisible forces, and ripping the souls from mighty heroes. He knows the true names of daemons, and possesses pacts which can bring armies flocking to his call. Worlds have burned at his command, billions have fallen to the hunger of the Warp, and reality has bled at the fury of his power.
Powers and Stats
Tier: At least 8-C physically. Varies from High 8-C to High 4-C with psychic abilities
Space Marine Physiology, Psychic Powers (Given his former status of Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons and current status as a powerful sorcerer of Tzeentch, Ahriman should possess every ability granted through the Common Powers, Minor Powers, Major Disciplines, Librarius Disciplines, Powers of Tzeentch, and Powers of Chaos Undivided), Mind Manipulation and Telepathy (Overpowered the wards and mental shields[1] of another psyker through sheer power. Capable of reading a person's thoughts and pulling their minds apart.[2] Capable of splitting his mind and entering the minds and eyes of thousands of people[3]), Fear Manipulation (By simply telling someone they are afraid, Ahriman can impose a sense of dread and horror upon those around him[4]), Flight (Shown to be able to levitate thanks to his telekinetic abilities[5]), Precognition (Ahriman is capable of using his precognition to perfectly aim his attacks.[6] Can view the future incredibly easily[6]), Biological Manipulation and Pain Manipulation (Capable of overloading the nervous system of his opponents to cause them immense pain[6]), Paralysis Inducement and Telekinesis (Ahriman can hold a person completely motionless or contort their bodies to his liking[2]), Fate Manipulation (Ahriman can choose exactly how the future will occur[7]), Reality Warping (A fight with himself and a Necron Phaeron caused reality around them to crumble away[7]), Astral Projection and Acausality (Type 1, up to 4, possibly 5; Ahriman remained uneffected by a Necron cryptek's time loops, remembering the events and simply using the loops to study the Necron.[8] Ahriman can send his mind into the Warp, where he is immune to alterations to time thanks to the nature of the Warp.[7] The Warp is entirely unbound from the laws of space and time.[9] It's completely unrestricted by typical causality[9] and the very concept of time is meaningless to the denizens of the Warp.[10] For one to effect the Warp, it must be dealt with in terms of absolute actions[11]), Transformation (Ahriman can turn his body into an unkindness of ravens[7]), Transmutation (Turned Gauss beams into liquid and mist[12]), Duplication (Capable of creating copies of himself[13]), Biological Manipulation and Blood Manipulation (Vaporized a man's brain with a thought.[14] Caused blood to burst out of a person's body[15]), Fire Manipulation (Capable of shooting fire from his hand[16]), Deconstruction (Turned all of the non-psychic Thousand Sons into dust.[17] Used the power of the Rubric to turn Amon to dust[18]), Time Manipulation (Ahriman can slow down time[19]), BFR and Teleportation (Transported the Triumvirate of Ynnead into the void outside of the Webway[20])
Attack Potency: At least Building level physically (Should be superior standard Marine). Varies, from Large Building level (Space Wolf Terminators weren't safe from Ahriman's sorceries[22]) to Large Star level with psychic abilities (Stated to have spun worlds before tearing their sun from reality.[23] Should be at the very least comparable to servants of Tzeentch who caused suns to nova[24] as well as warp-magos who can cause stars to go out[25])
Speed:Subsonic movement speed with at least Hypersonic, likely higher combat and reaction speed (Fought and killed a Grey Knight in the time it took his heart to beat twice[19]), higher with his abilities (Can enhance his speed to a point where opponents of similar speeds only see him as a blur), and FTL perception speed (Highly trained marines, like Ahriman, can react to information in nanoseconds[26])
Lifting Strength:Class 100 physically (Should be comparable to the strongest Space Marines in the setting). At least Class G, likely higher with telekinesis (Should be superior to Iskandar Khayon who pulled an 8 megatonne ship through the Eye of Terror.[27] While weakened by the Webway itself,[28] Ahriman was still able to hold back the movement of the Hekaton, a ship weighing millions of tonnes[28])
Durability: At least Building level, likely higher (Blocked an attack from a Shadowseer capable of cleaving a Bloodthrister in two[13]). At least Large Building level with psychic abilities (Should be superior to The Burning Princess who could block plasma weaponry[29])
Stamina:Superhuman (Should be at least comparable to other Astartes who can fight for weeks)
Range:Tens of Meters with Bolt Pistol, Kilometers to Stellar (With a ritual, he can destroy a system's star and replace it with a warp portal) with psychic abilities
The Black Staff: A force weapon which acts as a conduit for Ahriman's psychic powers, increasing their potency and allowing him to use multiple abilities simultaneously for greater effect. Like all force weapons, it rends reality apart, allowing it to ignore durability and completely destroy nearly anything it comes in contact with.
Bolt Pistol: A miniature version of the powerful Bolt Gun, which just like its larger counterpart, fires self-propelled explosive rounds capable of shredding most armor, tearing through buildings, and blowing a man apart from the shockwave, alone.
Power Armor: Ahriman wears traditional Space Marine power armor, allowing him to completely shrug off most otherwise lethal firepower, along with reap the other benefits bestowed by the suit's on-board computers. Ahriman's suit is adorned with many Chaos sigils, allowing him an extra degree of mystic protection.
Disc of Tzeentch: Like many of Tzeentch's most favored sorcerers, Ahriman often rides a sentient Disc of Tzeentch into battle, allowing him to move with speed that defies natural law.
Intelligence:Extraordinary Genius. Ahriman's thousands of years of experience and psychic knowledge make him a genius of supernatural degree, even by the standards of other significantly intelligent Astartes, such as former legionnaire Iskandar Khayon, who possesses immense knowledge on the mannerisms of the Immaterium. Holds an exceptional level of intellect in the fundamentals of the Warp and its denizens, using both to aid him in combat effectively than any typical or even seasoned wielder of psychic powers on the field.
Weaknesses: Ahriman can sometimes make rash decisions in the heat of the moment.
Psychic Barrage: A cluster of bolts of psychic energy, similar to that of semi-automatic weapon fire.
Psychic Storm: Many bolts of psychic energy, similar to that of fully-automatic weapon fire.
Psychic Blast: A blast which detonates over a wide area, affecting numerous enemies simultaneously.
Minor Powers
Call Creatures: The psyker calls simple-minded creatures to themself.
Call Item: The psyker summons an item to their hand instantly.
Chameleon: Reality blurs around the psyker, distorting their image and blending them into their surroundings.
Deja Vu: The psyker begins a memory loop in the mind of their opponent, causing them to repeat thoughts.
Detection: The psyker scans their surroundings for the mental signature of any foe, becoming immediately aware of anyone up to a dozen yards from them.
Distort Vision: The psyker's image disappears and reappears within another space up to 10 meters away.
Dull Pain: The psyker nullifies their pain or the pain of another.
Fearful Aura: The psyker twists reality to appear as the prime source of dread for whoever looks upon them.
Flash Bang: The psyker creates a bright flash of light and a deafening bang.
Float: The psyker begins to levitate above the ground, only being able to move up or down 5 meters.
Forget Me: The psyker becomes instantly forgettable to its opponent. The mere thought of it being suppressed in its mind.
Gaze of Death: Dark bolts of energy burst from the psyker's eyes, striking their foe.
Healer: The psyker knits together someone's flesh and bone to its previous state.
Inflict Pain: The psyker fills a person's mind with unspeakable pain.
Inspiring Aura: The psyker casts an aura around themself which fills those around them with confidence.
Knack: The psyker taps into their unconscious to awaken a deeper understanding of their capabilities.
Lucky: Luck warps and acts strangely around the psyker.
Precognition: The psyker gains a fuzzy picture of the future, with it becoming clearer as the event draws near.
Psychic Stench: An item is imbued with a repugnant stench. Within 5 metres, all will smell it regardless of barriers or other smells, regardless of whether or not said person lacks a sense of smell
Resist Possession: The psyker wards their mind from the denizens of the Warp.
Sense Presence: The psyker reaches out with their mind to get a sense of other life forms within their range.
Spasm: The psyker causes a target's muscles to spasm.
Spectral Hands: The psyker creates an invisible force to manipulate an object.
Staunch Bleeding: The psyker stops their own bleeding or the bleeding of another.
Torch: The psyker creates a small ball of psychic flame which lights up the area.
Touch of Madness: The psyker reaches into the mind of a target and forces them to believe something that isn't true.
Trick: The psyker influences probability to affect the outcome of any game they're playing.
Unnatural Aim: The psyker uses the Warp to guide their aim.
Wall Walk: The psyker bends gravity, negating the naturally low or high gravity of a world, to walk on walls or ceilings.
Warp Howl: The psyker sends out a screech through the Warp that tears into reality, drowning out all sounds in the area.
Weaken Veil: The psyker weakens the fabric of space, drawing the immaterium closer to realspace.
Weapon Jinx: The psyker distorts and scrambles the circuitry of nearby machinery.
White Noise: The psyker fills the Warp with static, making psychic detection and tech sensors less reliable.
Wither: A wave of pestilence emerges from the body of a psyker, causing all plant life within the area to die within a matter of moments.
Biomancy Powers
Bind Corruption: The psyker slows the spread of diseases, specifically those of Warp-related origin, such as the Zombie Plague or Obliterator Virus.
Bio-Lightning: The psyker channels their life force through their body, creating a blast of living energy.
Blood Boil: The psyker causes their opponent's blood pressure to rise by flexing their heart and accelerating their pulse, causing blood vessels to rupture.
Cellular Control: The psyker transcends their body's natural limitations and modify their very cellular structure. This makes them immune to all poisons, the effects of extreme temperature, and fatigue. It also enhances all of their physical characteristics and makes it as though they're wearing a void suit in a vacuum (However, they still require oxygen to breathe).
Constrict: With a word, thought, or gesture, the psyker constricts their opponent's windpipe, choking them and cutting off their breath.
Endurance: The psyker energizes their body to initiate rapid cell growth, causing shattered bones and wounds to heal and removing the effects of combat entirely.
Enfeeblement: The psyker strips their victim's vitality away, causing them to become stunned and fatigued.
Enhanced Senses: The psyker extends their senses beyond what is physically possible, to a limit only equaled by those with biomechanical augmentations.
Haemorrhage: Similar to Blood Boil, the psyker accelerates their opponent's heart rate beyond what is physically possible, causing their blood pressure and pulse to accelerate rapidly. This causes blood to flood their brain and veins to burst from the sheer amount of pressure.
Hammerhand: The psyker vastly increases the strength of their arm, making it capable of shredding flesh and bone with ease.
Invigourate: The psyker galvanizes the flesh of their group, empowering them and removing their fatigue.
Iron Arm: The psyker transforms their flesh, causing it to harden in a slick, living metal, weighing him down but also causing him to become incredibly resistant, being able to shrug off small arms fire and crush their enemies with their bare hands.
Life Leech: The psyker leeches the life force of their opponent, stealing it to heal and invigourate their own flesh.
Regenerate: The psyker knits their own flesh back together, allowing them to even regrow lost limbs and organs.
Seal Wounds: The psyker repairs their damaged flesh, healing any cuts and burns they may have.
Shape Flesh: The psyker transforms their body into whatever frame they can imagine. This can allow them to gain claws, sharp teeth, and even gain the ability to fly, see in the dark, and burrow through solid rock. It can also be used in subtler ways, allowing them to simply alter their appearance, such as changing their eye color or flesh tone or even mimic another individual entirely.
Smite: The psyker draws on their body's own electric field and projects crackling bolts of bio-lightning from their body.
Toxic Siphon: The psyker draws poison from their flesh, removing it completely.
Warp Speed: Drawing on the power of the Warp, the psyker greatly enhances their body's speed, pushing themself beyond physical limits.
Divination Powers
Divine Shot: The psyker uses the power of the Warp, searching down the near-infinite paths of potential trajectories and finding the one needed, making an unavoidable shot, regardless of how potent that shot actually is.
Dowsing: The psyker focuses his mind on a single object or person, pushing out all other distractions until that target is found.
Far Sight: The psyker opens their inner eye to perceive events far away from them, pushing far beyond what's physically possible to perceive events up to a kilometer away.
Foreboding: The psyker gains a natural sixth sense, knowing exactly where and how their opponent will attack, dodging blows and even lasblasts with frightening ease.
Forewarning: The psyker taps into the warp and akin to dropping a single pebble into a pool, sends ripples into the Empyrean and slightly shifting the course of events. Without even moving a muscle, the psyker saves their ally from injury and their opponent baffled.
Glimpse: The psyker peers into the future and into the various potential outcomes and pathways.
Misfortune: The psyker twists fate to ensure their foe suffers every single calamity possible to them, ranging from embarrassing mishaps to possible life-and-death struggles.
Perfect Timing: The psyker predicts the exact moment their foe will expose themself as a target. The psyker then forges a link with their allies, intertwining their fortures so that they fire in perfect unison against their newly exposed foe.
Precognition: The psyker witnesses solid, perfectly lifelike visions of their own future, gaining information to ensure and avoid future fates.
Precognitive Strike: Like a spider on a web, the psyker senses disturbances in their immediate future, allowing them to read possible outcomes and anticipate the movement of their opponent.
Precognitive Dodge: The immediate future of a psyker appears clearly in their mind, allowing them to dodge projectiles even before they've been fired.
Prescience: The psyker sees brief, fuzzy flashes of immediate futures which guide them and their allies against their opponent.
Preternatural Awareness: The psyker gains the ability to gain an impression of future events, giving them uncanny accuracy in anticipating them.
Psychometry: The psyker draws upon the emotions and psychic residue left on an object or place, reading the psychic impressions to gain a glimpse of the events that transpired there.
Personal Augury: The psyker peers into the fate of a single, willing target, allowing them to warn them of impending dangers and opportunities that may arise in their future.
Scrier's Gaze: The psyker is unburdened by physical limitations on sight, allowing them to see anything from the actions or plans of a foe, the movements throughout an entire battlefield or hive level, the number of individuals around them, or even every possible outcome of the conflicts within an area.
Soul Sight: The psyker reads a person's aura and soul, learning anything from their current emotions to their levels of injury or even any addictions or madness they may suffer from.
Warp Perception: The psyker opens his senses to the Warp, allowing for them to see and smell far beyond their physical limits.
Winding Fate: Through touching an item or person, the psyker peers into the past and future of the target.
Pyromancy Powers
Blinding Flash: The psyker focuses his mind into a burst of searing, bright light that blinds all those around them.
Burning Fist: The psyker wreathes their hand in waves of shimmering flame.
Call Flame: With a single thought, the psyker conjures a small flame in their palm.
Cauterise: The psyker cauterizes a wound by applying intense heat to the wound.
Douse Flames: The psyker instantly extinguishes all flames in the area as well as interfering with fire-based weapons, causing them to not function as long as they remain within range of the power, though they may still spray fuel depending on the design of the weapon.
Fiery Form: The psyker engulfs their entire body in flame, cloaked in sheets of fire that somehow don't harm them but burns all nearby nonetheless.
Fireball: The psyker engulfs their hands in flame which they hurl at the enemy.
Fire Bolt: The psyker creates a bolt of flame with their mind and hurls it at their foe.
Fire Shield: The psyker summons a wall of shimmering fire. All who attempt to strike the psyker must contend with flames that leap from the shield.
Fire Storm: The psyker creates an intense conflagration about their target as the very air itself ignites, burning all within to cinders.
Flame Breath: The psyker expels a torrent of flame from their mouth and eyes.
Holocaust: Drawing on the psyker's own soul to power, the spell creates a storm that burns both realspace as well as the immaterium, burning across dimensions and affecting entities in both. There is no immunity its fires and warp Entities, as well as other immaterial creatures are burned as readily as the fleshbound. Those slain by by the flames are killed forever.
Incinerate: The psyker generates an intense heat, agitating molecules to create an effect even more devastating than a meltagun.
Inferno: The psyker focusses their power and ignites the very atmosphere surrounding their target.
Manipulate Flame: The psyker manipulates the flames around them, molding and moving them as they wish.
Molten Beam: The psyker projects a beam of sun-hot energy from their palm which liquifies and burns all it touches.
Sculpt Flame: The psyker controls the shape of the fires around them, intensifying them or shaping their appearance as they wish.
Spontaneous Combustion: The psyker ignites their enemies and burns them alive, boiling their blood and turning their flesh to smoulders.
Sunburst: The psyker releases a nova of fiery energy from their body which glows brighter and hotter before rapidly expanding outward in all directions. The psyker remains untouched while all around them is reduced to ashes and cinders.
Wall of Fire: The psyker summons an immobile wall of fire that's 3 metres high, a metre thick, and up to ten metres long.
Telekinetic Powers
Assail: The psyker reaches out with their mind and plucks out an object and hurls it at their target. When there are no objects around them, they instead choose to direct their mental energies directly at the foe, pounding them with bolts of invisible force.
Catch Projectiles: The psyker catches an incoming projectile, though it only works on solid objects.
Fling: The psyker telekinetically lifts an unattended object and flings it at their target.
Force Barrage: The psyker creates a large number of force bolts, firing them at their opponent.
Force Bolt: The psyker fires a burst of tangible mental force at their opponent.
Gate of Infinity: The psyker tears a hole in space to pass into the Warp, allowing them to reach their destination at incredible speeds.
Machine Empathy: The psyker tampers with mechanical, electrical, and electronic systems, causing machinery to malfunction.
Objuration Mechanicum: The psyker reaches out and disrupts the inner workings of nearby machines, jamming gears, blowing fuses, and severing power couplings.
Precision Telekinesis: The psyker achieves more subtle effects, moving minor objects with high amounts of precision.
Psychic Blade: The psyker projects a blade made purely of psychic energy. Thanks to this, it's impossibly thin, as little as a molecule thick, and thus shear through almost any physical object with ease.
Psychic Crush: The psyker constricts their opponent, crushing the life out of them.
Psychic Impel: The psyker uses a powerful telekinetic push to fling the enemy into the ground.
Psychic Ward: The psyker shields themself with a psychic aura that deflects enemy attacks.
Push: The psyker gathers a ball of telekinetic energy and directs it against a taget, knocking them over and onto the ground.
Shockwave: The psyker creates a sound that transforms into a powerful shockwave, bursting eardrums and knocking all to the ground.
Telekine Dome: The psyker shields themself and nearby allies with a dome of pure mental energy, deflecting bullets and lasblasts with ease.
Telekine Shield: The psyker erects a wall of intangible force that moves with them, blocking bullets and blades.
Telekinesis: The psyker uses their strength of will to move an inanimate object around.
Telekinetic Shield: The psyker calls on their power and reaches out farther than their flesh can extend, distorting reality to grasp objects with eldritch hands.
Telekinetic Shield: The psyker erects a field of telekinetic energy around them.
Vortex of Doom: The psyker tears a hole into the Warp. The laws of physical space are undone as the predators of Chaos devour all in the vicinity.
Telepathy Powers
Beastmaster: The psyker perceives the emotions of animals and communicates with them. Thanks to their simplicity, they take over the creature's mind and force them to follow their every command.
Compel: The psyker briefly tricks a target's mind and forces another to act against their own will.
Demoralize: The psyker reaches into the mind of another and fills them with thoughts of panic and fear.
Distraction: The psyker interferes with their target's perception, causing them to see something in the shadows and distract them from the battle.
Dominate: The psyker reaches out with their mind and completely seizes control of another's body.
Embolden: The psyker bolsters the courage of a nearby target by instilling images of heroic actions into their mind.
Enforce Will: The psyker mentally prompts an enemy to perform a simple action against their will.
Erasure: The psyker opens a target's mind and slices away their memories, removing them forever.
Hallucination: The psyker manipulates the mind of another, severing their connection to normal existence and causing them to believe something that isn't true.
Inspire: The psyker bolsters their comrades by subtly implanting images of courage and masking negative emotions in their mind.
Invisibility: The psyker obscures their allies from their foe's senses. Though they can still detect them with their eyes and other senses, their mind cannot perceive them, save for a slight distortion in their vision.
Mental Fortitude: The psyker augments the mental abilities of their target, providing them a defense against the stresses of combat and terrors of the galaxy.
Mesmerism: The psyker reaches into the mind of a victim and, using their mental powers, entrances them.
Mind Scan: The psyker reads the thoughts of another, reading anything from surface level thoughts to every crevice of the target's mind, so much so that their entire psyche is there to plunder for information.
Projection: The psyker sends out their mind and spirit, projecting a "mental self" which can look like whatever the psyker wishes. Said projection travels at the speed of thought but said projections also leave the physical body vulnerable to attack as the psyker is completely unaware of the surroundings of the physical body as well as leaving their spirit vulnerable to the native creatures of the immaterium which will assail the psyker's mind.
Psi-Track: The psyker traces the minds of another nearby, immediately sensing their exact locations.
Psychic Shriek: The psyker create a scream of psychic energy designed to overload nervous systems and knock targets unconscious.
Puppet Master: The psyker crushes the target's will, locking them away in a dark corner of their own mind and completely taking control of their body.
See Me Not: The psyker erases their presence from the minds of others, removing the very thought of them from others and leaving them unknown of the cause of any effects they may cause to the physical world.
Telepathy: The psyker sends their thoughts into the minds of those around them, sending a message to one or more individuals.
Telepathic Link: The psyker establishes a mental connection with another, linking their minds and allowing them to receive or transmit thoughts.
Terrify: The psyker dredges up a person's worst nightmares and projects them directly into their mind, causing them to flee screaming.
Daemonology Powers
Banishment: The psyker opens a temporary portal into the warp, drawing power from all nearby psykers and banishing any daemonic entities back into the Realm of Chaos.
Instability: The psyker "phases" their molecules slightly into warpspace, enabling them to pass through solid objects but keeping them from interacting with the physical world in any way at all.
Sanctuary: The psyker creates a zone of power around them which can repel daemonic creatures.
Summon Warp Power: The psyker draws upon the energy of the Warp, imbuing themself with extraordinary strength and agility for a limited time.
Summon Void: The psyker opens a small breach into the Warp, tearing away a tiny piece of reality and dragging it into the other dimension.
Teleportation: The psyker uses the power of the warp to displace themself, another person, or inanimate object, to another area.
Vortex of Chaos: The psyker opens a gateway from realspace into the Warp, creating a swirling vortex that sucks everything in the surrounding area into the Realm of Chaos.
Theosophamy Powers
Confound Daemon: The psyker reaches out with their mind to disrupt the flow of energy from the Warp itno realspace, temporarily disorienting Daemonic creatures.
Seal Warp Breach: The psyker cuts off the connection between the mortal realm and Warp space. Any daemonic creatures drawing from the energies of the Warp have their power leeched away as they attempt to continue to exist in realspace, perishing if they cannot re-establish another link to the immaterium.
Stigmatise: The psyker disrupts the link between a mortal and its soul, creating a subconscious suspicion in their comrades.
Strike Daemon: The psyker blasts their daemonic foes with the strength of their mind, unleashing a bolt of pure faith.
Unaligned Powers
Abhorrent Ward: The Sorcerer's tainted soul draws to it the denizens of the warp, who clamour to his presence. At his command, they press against the skin of reality, their shrieks and howls and the visions they inflict horrific to behold. Few beings have the mental fortitude to gaze upon a being surrounded by a cacophonous swarm of daemons, disrupting their ability to target him.
Doombolt: Formed from the coalesced spite and loathing of the Sorcerer, they are corrosive bolts of dark energy, raining down like black hail upon the enemy.
Foul Cage: Long bonds of warp-spawned ropes, chains, and lengths of barbed sinew erupt from the ground and wind themselves around any creature within reach.
Gift of Chaos: The Sorcerer tears a hole into reality, exposing a foe to pure warp energy and causing rapid mutation within their body to the point where they're left as little more than a mass of corrupted flesh and flailing tendrils.
Hatestorm: The Sorcerer summons an aura of dark energy which causes all within to be filled with rage and attack all living things around them.
Host of Fiends: The Sorcerer makes the veil between reality and the warp grow thin, allowing for Daemons to scratch and claw at the edge of the universe, the horrifying images and shrieks tormenting all mortals within their path.
Warptime: The Sorcerer draws upon the timeless nature of the warp to defy the limits of time and move at speeds that make all around them appear to be moving in slow motion.
Winds of Chaos: Reaching into the corruption of their soul, the Sorcerer unleashes a wave of energy that devastates the area around them. Depending on their god, the wave takes on different qualities. Those devoted to Tzeentch produce a wave of flame, those devoted to Slaanesh produce a wave of hypnotic luminescence which shocks those around them, and those devoted to Nurgle produce a wave of toxic, bilious filth.
Exalted Powers
Blasphemy Made Flesh: The psyker's soul is the foulest of blasphemies, utterly awful to behold and almost impossible for mortal beings to look upon him without feeling nauseous or repelled. So vile is the Sorcerer's natura that daemons swarm around him, desperate to tear through the veil and revel in the horror of the psyker's presence.
Hellish Blast: The psyker reaches into the warp for pure destructive force, gathering up raw hatred and the most concentrated spite.
Maelstrom of Rage: The psyker reaches deep into the warp, bringing forth the deepest, darkest rage and hatred they can find, unleashing it upon all those nearby.
Primordial Annihilation: The psyker unleashes the raw power of the warp into reality, burning away the sham of the material universe. Few things can stand before the relentless tide of the immaterium, and fewer emerge unscathed.
Shattertime: The psyker draws upon the timeless nature of the warp and uses it to unravel the hinderances of linear time, stepping from moment to moment in no particular order.
Sunder the Veil: The veil between reality and the warp is breached, allowing daemons to pour through and wreak havoc upon the material universe for a brief time.
Dark Hereticus Powers
Infernal Gaze: Unholy power streams from the psyker's eyes, charring and melting everything caught in its path.
Death Hex: The Sorcerer places a dire hex upon his enemies. Wards and energized shields flicker and fail, leaving the foe exposed.
Gift of Chaos: As the power of the warp surges through the psyker's victim, bones snap and flesh rips as a new form takes shape.
Prescience: By focusing his warp-sight, the psyker can guide the aim of his allies, bringing a swift and merciless death to their foes.
Diabolical Strength: The unholy energies of Chaos course through the recipient, swelling his frame with the strength to tear a tank in two.
Warptime: The power of the immaterium bursts from the psyker, warping time and heightening the speed of his allies.
Malefic Powers
Warp Minded: The psyker marks his target with a cursed rune that attracts the denizens of the Warp to devour their soul
Pact of Flesh: The psyker uses a measure of soul energy to remold the flesh of his allies or to reanimate their corpse with a daemon inhabitant.
Cursed Earth: The psyker becomes a conduit for the energies of the Warp, tainting the ground and sustaining the Daemonkin that walk upon it.
Possession: The psyker blasts away their enemy's soul so that their spiritless shell can be possessed by a daemon.
Infernal Power: Diabolical energy flows from the psyker into their followers, allowing them to fight with greater ferocity.
Mutated Invigoration: A wave of insanity and mutation flows from the psyker's fingers, enveloping his allies with bountiful gifts.
Sinistrum Powers
Armour of Hatred: The psyker draws upon the boundless hatred that festers within the deepest recesses of his soul, fashioning a psychic shield with the capacity to nullify incoming onslaughts from others who utilize unnatural energies to their advantage.
Death Hex: Invoking unholy ancient curses, the psyker places a dire hex upon his foes, stripping them of both physical and metaphysical protection in order to leave them exposed to the grasping claws of death.
Diabolic Strength: The psyker is filled with the raw energy of Chaos, allowing him to rip even the most heavily armoured battle tank in two using only his bare hands.
Empyragheist: The psyker calls forth a formless predator from within the Warp, turning its supernatural hunger upon his unfortunate enemies.
Fury of the Gods: The psyker pours his hate and spite into a shimmering sphere of darkness, hurling it forth to shred groups of enemy troops to nothingness.
Warp Fate: The psyker rips aside the veil of time and space, wrenching apart the strands of fate and rearranging them into new configurations.
Warp Lure: Specifically designed to take care of similarly magical or psychic foes, the psyker tears away his target's supernatural defenses and illuminates their presence in the Warp, causing their very essence to be obliterated in a feeding frenzy of daemonic beasts.
Heretech Powers
Boon of the Iron Beast: Using dark sigils, the psyker summons a tide of gibbering cacodaemons, imbuing a friendly vehicle with unnatural vitality and power.
Corrupt Machine: The psyker's mind invades an enemy vehicle just as a virus enters a living being's blood stream, turning the war engine against its former master.
Dark Invigoration: The psyker pours vast quantities of raw Warp energy into a damaged vehicle, causing its broken weapons to suddenly repair and otherwise fatal damage to completely disappear.
Electromortis: The psyker hurls forth crackling tendrils of Warp energy, snuffing out the hearts of enemy machines with contemptuous ease.
Flayerstorm: A violent tempest is called forth from the Warp, the shapeless storm tearing apart the hulls of enemy vehicles while simultaneously slaughtering enemy soldiers with splintered metal.
Fleshmetal Hide: A tide of biomechanical ooze pours from The psyker's hands, covering an ally, be they biological or mechanical, and hardening into a foul crust that augments their natural defenses.
Scrapcode Curse: The psyker vomits out a screaming barrage of metaphysical scrapcode that completely corrupts and destroys any machinery in its path.
Ectomancy Powers
Coruscating Blaze: The psyker releases a searing blast of Warp energy that burns the bodies of its victims and leaps from soul to soul seeking out new targets.
Daemonshriek: Letting loose a hyprsonic banshee howl, the psyker overloads generators and shorts out weapon systems, causing nearby technology to erupt in fountains of blood-red sparks.
Empyric Shield: Swirling Warp energy forms a shield around the psyker's body that repels attacks on a molecular level.
Ghost Storm: The psyker summons a whirling mass of ectophantasmic gargoyles who pluck his allies from the battlefield and transport them with impossible speed.
Infernal Claws: The psyker sheathes his arms in dark lightning. Upon striking his foes, foul energy bursts from their bodies, tearing through their hapless comrades.
Soulswitch: Disregarding the laws of realspace, the psyker switches the position of multiple souls within the Warp, causing both friend and foe's physical bodies to follow suit as they are reunited with their incorporeal ghosts.
Warpshock: With a mere gesture, the psyker sends forth the raw power of the Warp, obliterating foes with explosive force.
Geomortis Powers
Earthly Anathema: The psyker taints his entire being with monstrous energies, causing the world itself to recoil in terror rather than endure his loathsome touch.
Ley Leach: Like some foul parasite, the psyker sucks the world on which he fights dry of its vital energies, enhancing the strength of his allies with the stolen geo-animus.
Profane Ruination: The psyker utters the seven forbidden truths of the last ruination, causing even the most indestructible fortifications and defenses to crumble into lifeless dust.
Rockmaw: With a ground-shaking curse, the psyker twists the surface of the world into a giant, stone-fanged maw that swallows up his enemies from below.
Rupture: The psyker focuses his power upon a single point on the battlefield, causing a build up of unnatural energies until the land bursts like a vast boil, obliterating any unlucky enough to be nearby in a spewing tide of tainted lava and screaming steam.
Torturer of Worlds: The psyker sinks his psychic barbs deep into the world, causing the tormented ground upon which his foes stand to buckle and churn with wordless agony.
Worldwrithe: The psyker rips madly at the ground beneath his enemies' feet with vast psychic claws. Entire mountains, forests, and fortifications are flung skyward before crashing down upon the psyker's foes as he reshapes the world around him to a thing of monstrous beauty.
Discipline of Change Powers
Pink Fire of Tzeentch: The psyker unleashes a torrent of Warp fire upon his foes.
Psychic Duel: Reaching with his mind across the battlefield, the psyker seeks to undermine the concentration of enemy psykers, making it harder for them to utilize their own psychic powers.
Reckoning of Tzeentch: The psyker receives the blessings of Tzeentch, reading the strands of fate as they unravel before him.
Weaver of Fates: The followers of Tzeentch gain his blessings while planning their attack.
Withering Gaze: The psyker's eyes burn with a small portion of Tzeentch's own baleful gaze, causing his enemies to avert their own eyes as they attempt to engage him.
Tzeentch's Firestorm: The psyker conjures a storm of pink and blue fire that mutates his foes, leaving capering Daemons that claw and bite in its wake.
Boon of Mutation: The psyker channels the warping power of Chaos into a warrior marked for glory, transforming the champion until his flesh wrenches and flows.
Glamour of Tzeentch: The psyker twists and obscures the percetion of his foes to the point that his allies become all but invisible.
Doombolt: The psyker hurls a bolt of roiling energy that blasts its targets into terrifying new shapes.
Temporal Manipulation: By creating a pocket of dilated time around an injured ally, the psyker drastically accelerates the rate at which wounds heal and muscles regrow.
Baleful Devolution: Transmogrifying energies erupt from the psyker's eyes, playing across the enemy's ranks and reducing their proud warriors to mewling beasts.
Cacodaemonic Curse: With dark invocations, the psyker summons cackling daemon imps to infest the enemy's weapons.
Pyric Flux: The psyker makes themselves into a bounteous font of unholy warpflame.
Perplex: With perspective-warping illusions the psyker obfuscates his enemies' vision, rendering their targets fluid and indistinct.
Discipline of Vengeance Powers
Gaze of Hate: Pure roiling hatred surges through the psyker, becoming first dark fire in their veins then leaping from their eyes in searing columns of annihilating energy. Those struck by them risk being scoured from existence entirely.
Twist of Fate: One with sufficient willpower and disregard for their own soul can glean forbidden lore by looking upon the fettering tides of the warp, plucking silvery skeins of fate from amongst the deadly morass and spinning from them into nooses for their luckless foes.
Dark Blessing: Offering bloody sacrifice to the Dark Gods, the psyker calls down their unbridled gnerosity upon his foe. Their bodies are wracked by hideous mutations, their sanity collapsing as their mortal forms become a heaving, thrashing mass of horror.
Presage: The psyker reads signs and omens in the ebb and flow of battle, the whirling patterns of smoke, the spatter of blood as blades bite home. These gleaned warnings as he passes on to his warriors, the better for them to predict and thus strike down their enemies.
Swelled by the Warp: The psyker opens a ragged channel to the roiling energies of the Warp and funnels them recklessly into a chosen target. That warrior's form expands with iron-hard muscle, lashing extra limbs, gnashing fangs, and vicious talons that allow them to tear a bloody path towards the foe.
Temporal Surge: With a wrench of mind, body, and soul the psyker tears ropey strands of temporal energy through the veil from beyond and hurls them out to wind about his allies. Those so blessed are sped into battle all the faster as their garland of stolen time burns swiftly away.
Empyric Guidance: The psyker conjures a whirling flock of daemonic imps that bear his comrades' shells and energy blasts across the battlefield on flickering winds of unholy flame.
Psychic Stalk: Astrally projecting a portion of his soul into the warp, the psyker circles the flickering witchfires of his victim's souls. Should their mental defenses drop for even a moment, he strikes with predatory swiftness.
Desecration of Worlds: The psyker pours their rage and contempt into the bedrock of the battlefield, tainting it with their warpcraft even as they shatter apart.