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Ahmanet DU TR
โ€œ What you truly wish to know is what happens beyond the veil of death? To know what I have seen?
And you will. When I kill you.
~ Ahmanet and Jennifer Halsey


Princess Ahmanet (๐“‡‹๐“‚๐“Ž›๐“‡น๐“„ซ๐“…ฑ๐“๐“’๐“ฅ / แปˆหแธฅ-ศwt, literally meaning "Gift of the Moon") is an ancient Egyptian princess who was promised by her father, the Pharaoh, and that she would one day be the Queen of Egypt. However, after her father bore a son, he broke his promise to Ahmanet: instead of naming her as his heir, he chose to name his son the Pharaoh. Infuriated by this betrayal, she forges a pact with the Egyptian god of death, Set, which subsequently unleashes dark forces on the earth. With her newfound powers, she murders her father and as punishment is mummified alive and entombed within an ornate sarcophagus, sealed away and hidden for millennia. Centuries later, she was excavated by American military forces under the employ of the United Kingdom, with the directive to bring the sarcophagus back to London. Ahmanet awoke and her powers summoned forth powerful storm-force winds and a flock of birds to crash the plane en route back to the UK, with the primary protagonist, Nick Morton, still aboard. As her powers slowly grow throughout the movie, she seeks to unleash her powers onto the world and remake it as the kingdom she was deceived out of obtaining.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B, far higher Environmental Destruction with powers

Name: Princess Ahmanet, Evil, The Ultimate Evil

Origin: The Mummy (2017 film)

Gender: Female

Age: 5000+

Classification: Human (formerly), Mummy, Undead Egyptian Princess

Powers and Abilities:

Limited Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Wall level (Can snap chains. Destroyed church pews by throwing someone at them. Should be superior to her zombies, which can tackle people through dilapidated stone walls), far higher Environmental Destruction with powers (Can summon and control an entire sandstorm)

Speed: Athletic Human, far higher attack speed with powers

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Can snap chains)

Striking Strength: Wall level (Sent Nick flying this far with one simple strike)

Durability: Wall level (Unaffected by bullets)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with staff; Hundreds of Meters with Weather Manipulation; At least Planetary with Curse Manipulation (Can at least affect you anywhere in the world with a curse)

Standard Equipment:

  • Staff: Before her mummification, Ahmanet owned a staff. It is unknown what happened to it after her mummification.
  • Dagger of Set: Ahmanet sought this dagger in order to kill Nick Morton and give Set the body of a mortal man to inhabit. The dagger was powered by a ruby located in the pommel, which was destroyed when Morton fused himself with Set.
Can Create/Summon:
  • Ahmanet's undead: The zombies created by the Ancient Egyptian princess Ahmanet through her dark powers.
  • Set: The Egyptian god of death, storms, and chaos.
  • Various birds and insects

Intelligence: Gifted

  • Bilingualism: Ahmanet is able to speak both Ancient Egyptian and English. Ahmanet commented that she found English an incredibly easy language to learn.
  • Exceptional Intelligence: Ahmanet is extremely sophisticated, wise, and smart, even before becoming an undead being.
  • Master Combatant: Before her mummification, Ahmanet was able to fight off several men that were bigger than her while she was wielding only a staff.
  • Persuasive Skills and Charisma: Even before she gained her dark powers, Ahmanet proved to be charismatic as she could easily persuade and manipulate other people to get what she wanted, including her father to help her become a princess.

Weaknesses: It is implied that her centuries of being trapped have driven her partially, if not completely, insane and have only made her negative impulses worse. She was shown to still possess certain form of humanity deep down like being genuinely upset, almost to the point of tears, when she saw Nick Morton abandon her for Jennifer Halsey while she was held captive. She was also shown to have a very jealous side to her, as she immediately took a strong dislike towards Halsey, whom she viewed as rival for Morton's affections.

  • Mercury: Ahmanet's powers will not work when she is exposed to mercury. On two occasions, after being shot with mercury-tipped darts, Ahmanet's powers were cancelled out.
  • Life Energy Getting Sucked: Nick defeated Ahmanet by sucking out her life energy. As a result, she reverted back to a shriveled corpse a few seconds later.





Blunt Force









Animal Summoning


In the game, Ahmanet can summon a number of enemies which count as the game's bosses. For each of these, the player can break stone statues with repeat gun shots and blow up a metal door with explosives.D

Curse of the Vessel

Nick was chosen by Ahmanet to be the vessel of Set, granting him some supernatural abilities. Below is a quick summary, while a more comprehensive view of how Nick's strength and durability was increased can be found in his RT.

Other Magic

Notable Matchups



  • Necromantic witchcraft: Ahmanet currently exists as a living spirit within her own undead corpse. Her power stems from her pact with Set, which keeps her soul earthbound and her body partially alive. As an undead being, Ahmanet's powers stem from necromancy rooted within ancient Egyptian mummification, and are fueled by the dark forces which strengthen her. Her great rage for her stolen destiny also fuels her and strengthens her powers further still. The exact limit of her abilities have yet to be determined, nor have her limitations been shown to be connected to any ancient gods or darker spirits.
    • Flesh consumption: Ahmanet consumed human flesh in order to regain her strength after her escape from Prodigium Headquarters. This may be an extension of her life force absorption power.
    • Geokinesis: Ahmanet can control the sand as he can create powerful sandstorms that can destroy a city.
    • Spell Casting: Ahmanet has demonstrated the ability to cast magical spells in the language of the ancient Egyptian, so she was able to conjure sandstorms, drive animals crazy and more importantly the ability to summon dark entities since before becoming a mummy she invoked Set to get his powers.
    • Life force absorption: Ahmanet can drain the life-force from other living beings, turning them into fragile undead, through physical contact.
    • Hallucination manifestation: Ahmanet is able to give other people visions, using them to communicate with Morton in one instance.
    • Immortality: Ahmanet, due to her pact with Set, is unable to die. Her immortality, as discussed, stems from her reanimation due to her awakening from being removed from the place of her burial, she was released as a malevolent spirit bound to her own corpse due to her pact with Seth, giving her the powers to transcend death. She also gained inhuman resilience towards pain and was only mildly handicapped by damage to her body, making her immune to the crippling or even fatal effects of injury.
    • Flight: Ahmanet can levitate on the air for a brief of time.
    • Possession: Ahmanet has been shown to be able to possess both humans and animals. Ahmanet possessed Chris Vail after his death. She sent a group of camel spiders at the team trying to uncover her sarcophagus. She later sent a murder of crows into a plane carrying her sarcophagus, causing the plane to crash, as well as sending a pack of rats to attack Nick Morton.
    • Resurrection: Ahmanet is apparently able to revive deceased people, as she resurrected Morton after he died in a plane crash.
    • Superhuman endurance: Ahmanet was able to survive a direct hit from an empowered Morton. She also survived having mercury forcibly sent into her bloodstream, although she was forced to vomit it up afterwards.
    • Superhuman strength: Ahmanet was able to punch Morton and send him flying.
    • Supernatural Reflexes: Ahmanet's reaction time is unnaturally fast thanks to dark forces that keeping her alive, as she can easily evade attacks seconds before they hit her.
    • Stealth/Invisibility: When escaping from the Prodigium, Ahnamet can channeled dark forces that empowering her to easily sneak through the soldiers and even hid her presence with her powers.


  • Bilingualism: Ahmanet is able to speak both Ancient Egyptian and English. Ahmanet commented that she found English an incredibly easy language to learn.
  • Exceptional Intelligence: Ahmanet is extremely sophisticated, wise, and smart, even before becoming an undead being.
  • Master Combatant: Before her mummification, Ahmanet was able to fight off several men that were bigger than her while she was wielding only a staff.
  • Persuasive Skills and Charisma: Even before she gained her dark powers, Ahmanet proved to be charismatic as she could easily persuade and manipulate other people to get what she wanted, including her father to help her become a princess.


Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Ahmanet (Dark Universe)