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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki


Ah Leesu is a survivor infected by the Hydra. She resists its control and fights to protect humanity from its destruction.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 10-B, Varies up to 6-C with Possession

Name: Ah Leesu

Origin: Existence

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Infected

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Human level, Varies up to Island level (She has control over almost every living being on the planet. Because of this, she has power and access to many fields, including the military, and can use nuclear bombs around the world) with Possession

Speed: Average Human

Lifting Strength: Average Human

Striking Strength: Human level, Varies up to Island level with Possession

Durability: Human level

Stamina: Peak Human (She was able to control the steer for months)

Range: Planetary (She can feel and control all life forms that got infected by the steer)

Standard Equipment: She has access to every weapon in the world including nukes

Intelligence: Above Average

Weaknesses: None

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:



Discussion threads involving Ah Leesu