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Agnimon Toei
Agunimon is a Digimon that possesses power over Flame which bears the might of one of the legendary Ten Warriors. Because its "Digicore" is wrapped in the Spiritual Fire which is called a holy blaze, it is able to freely manipulate flames. It is an incarnation of the "Firewall" that defends the Net, and is a guardian deity. Because of its easily fired-up personality, it has a soldier-like aspect that practices mental training with yoga exercises, and its way of speaking is somewhat archaic, like a kenpo artist. In battle, it fights by freely using Oriental martial arts, and accumulates flames at one point of its body with a trick that focuses its spirit, to raise its offensive ability.

A Digimon that was transformed into a half-beast, half-man form when Agnimon lost its power. It is missing the "Combat Instinct" that Digimon naturally possess, and moreover, it has lost power. However, it is a being that has inherited a Spirit of the legendary Ten Warriors who possess ultimate strength, so although it has lost power, ordinary Adult-class Digimon aren't a match for it. If anything, it has kindness inappropriate for a Digimon and is similar to an Adult Digimon, counterbalancing its mischievous part.

A Digimon that possesses power over Flame which bears the might of one of the legendary Ten Warriors. This firefighter has skin that can withstand high temperatures and the ability to move even through lava, and snuffs out flames with instant, explosive blazes. It is said that it was born from active volcano research data, and it is thought that it contains an immeasurable, unknown energy. The name of the fire dragon, who is considered the nemesis of the thunder god Indra of Indian mythology, is embodied in its ferocious nature. The more heroic its tactics and the more powerful the opponent is, the more it burns with combativeness. It also has a reckless side that doesn't understand retreating, even in a disadvantageous fight.

A Digimon that possesses power over Flame that has transcended legend by inheriting all the might of one of the legendary Ten Warriors and acquiring unknown abilities. Although it makes many enemies with its rough behavior, its name is derived from the fused form of a god of Indian mythology, and since it possesses both the wildness of a beast and the intelligence of a human, it is a Demon God that fights by converting anger or fear into righteous strength. In battle, it unleashes super-wide ranged attacks that melt everything then burn it up without a trace. This aspect has enough destructive power, in that moment, to bear a close resemblance to the menace of modern nuclear weapons.

Kaisergreymon next0rder
A Transcendent-species Digimon that possesses power over Flame which is said to have surpassed even the might of the legendary Ten Warriors. It is said to bear the power of the nine dragon's veins that flow through Gaia, and it has been prophesied that if it can restrain the might of the nine dragons, it will demonstrate unfathomable ability and even be able to rule Gaia. It is said that, in order to control their power, it possesses the "Ryūgonken" in which the dragon's souls are sealed.

Takuya Kanbara Render
Takuya Kanbara (神原 拓也, Kanbara Takuya) is a main character from Digimon Frontier. He was chosen to inherit the Legendary Spirits of Fire left behind by AncientGreymon, allowing him to use Spirit Evolution to become one of the Legendary Warriors.

I know how you feel, guys. I...can never lose again, no matter what!
~ Takuya before evolving into Aldamon

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 6-C | At least 4-C, Possibly 3-C, higher with human potential, 1-C with Crossfire and Shining Burn Slash | At least 3-C, Possibly higher | 1-C | 1-C

Key: Flamon | Agnimon | BurningGreymon | Aldamon | Emperorgreymon

Name: Takuya Kanbara, Flamon/Flamemon ("Flame Kid"), Agnimon/Agunimon (aka "Human Warrior of Fire"), Vritramon/BurningGreymon (aka "Beast Warrior of Fire"), Aldamon/Ardhamon (aka "Fused Warrior of Fire"), KaiserGreymon/EmperorGreymon (aka "Transcendental Warrior of Radiant Flame)

Origin: Digimon Frontier

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown as Agunimon | 11 as Takuya

Classification: Human/Digimon, DigiDestined, Legendary Hero

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Digimon Physiology, Holy Power, Darkside Power, Regeneration and Duplication (Mid-High. Similar to PetitMeramon who was also born from flames of Firewall[1]; As long as a single flame remains, he will regenerate and produce another Flamon), Fire Manipulation (Utilizes the flames of the firewall in which are so powerful than they surpass the power of the purifying flames of the Dark Area. This is shown when Cerberumon who is immune to the effect of the Dark Area's Hellfire could not resist the flames of the Firewall[2]), Duplication (Each time he regenerates, another one of him is formed from his flames; similar to PetitMeramon[1]).

All previous abilities amplified, Statistics Amplification, Expert Martial Arts[3], Resistance to Fire Manipulation, Existence Erasure (Was able to enter the Dark Area and not get erased from existence[4]), Hellfire Manipulation and Conceptual Erasure (As an incarnation of the Firewall, Agunimon should naturally be resistant to the flames of the Dark Area; tanked Cerberumon's Hellfire[2]).

All previous abilities, Flight.

All previous abilities, Can generate plasma, Explosion Manipulation, Sealing (From AncientGreymon), Power Nullification.

Attack Potency: At least Island level (Stated to be stronger than most Adult/Champion level Digimon to the point in which they aren't a match for him[5]) | At least Star level, Possibly Galaxy level (Defeated Ultimate level Cerberumon[2], Parrotmon[6] and IceLeomon[7]. Comparable to Beetlemon who defeated Ultimate level Volcamon[8] and Cherrymon[6]), higher with human potential (The strength of the human part greatly affects the power of Hybrid Digimon[9]; Agunimon could defeat even Mega level Murmukusmon with his potential[10]), Complex Multiverse level with Crossfire and Shining Burn Slash (The combined special moves of hybrids are techniques that rivals Trinity Burst[11] performed by WarGrowmon, Rapidmon and Taomon that had killed Gulfmon who was born from Apocalymon's data[12]) | At least Galaxy level, Possibly higher (Beast Spirits said to surpass the power of even Mega Digimon[9], and thus should be far above the likes of MegaKabuterimon who destroyed Vademon's galaxy sized dimension[13] and a hope amped Angemon who destroyed WaruMonzaemon's dimension filled with stars[14] and should be superior to a full potential Agunimon who killed Mega level Murmukusmon[10]) | Complex Multiverse level (Stated to have inherited all of the power of AncientGreymon; defeated ShadowSeraphimon[15]) | Complex Multiverse level (Stated to have surpassed the Ten Legendary Warriors[16], defeated Cherubimon(Vice) alongside MagnaGarurumon[17]. Eventually manage to defeat Dynasmon of Royal Knights[18])

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+, with Relativistic reaction and combat speed (Equal to other Champion Digimon such as Meramon) | FTL ( dodged Kendo Garurumon's Lupine Laser, which is composed of sunlight), with Massively FTL+ Reactions and Combat speed (Can keep up with Ultimate levels such as Cerberumon) | At least FTL, with Massively FTL+ Reactions and Combat speed | Immeasurable (Equal to AncientGreymon) | Immeasurable (Comparable to the Royal Knights and superior to Cherubimon)

Lifting Strength: Peak human for Flamon (Judging from his other feats) | Class 5 for Agnimon and Vritramon (Scaling to Fairymon and Wolfmon who could handle Trailmon [train-like Digimon][19]) | Class 5 | Immeasurable

Striking Strength: At least Island level | At least Star level, Possibly Galaxy level (Comparable to Lobomon), higher with human potential | At least Galaxy level, Possibly higher | Complex Multiverse level | Complex Multiverse level

Durability: At least Island level | At least Star level, Possibly Galaxy level (Took hits from Ultimate levels such as Cerberumon and Parrotmon), higher with human potential | At least Galaxy level, Possibly higher (Has taken hits from all of the other Legendary Warriors, including their Beast Hybrid forms) | Complex Multiverse level (Effortlessly tanked ShadowSeraphimon's Seven Hells[15]) | Complex Multiverse level

Stamina: Superhuman. He can fight extended battles against powerful Digimon

Range: Extended Melee Range, but at least Several Meters with projectiles | Far higher as Aldamon and EmperorGreymon

Standard Equipment: D-Tector | None notable | Pyro Gauntlets | Rudriya Darpaṇa superweapons (Claws that open to release powerful fire blasts) mounted on both arms along with flaming wings and claws | Same | Ryugonken, a massive sword infused with the power of eight dragon souls

Intelligence: Takuya, being a normal teen, is somewhat hot-blooded, reckless, and emotional. However, in all of his Digimon forms he is an expert-hand-to-hand combatant, going toe-to-toe with Ultimate-level Digimon in as early as his first transformation. As he matures and becomes more acquainted with his abilities, he quickly takes a leadership role and has come up with fairly ingenious strategies to defeat his foes when brute force does not work (i.e. having his friends combine their attacks to prevent Sakkakumon from absorbing and redirecting them[20]).

Weaknesses: Tends to act without thinking and is very stubborn. Burning Greymon can cause Takuya to lose self-control, becoming hostile, though this was handled better later on. Due to inheriting the power of AncientGreymon, he's vulnerable to Dragon Slaying attacks such as WarGreymon's Dramon Killers.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Baby Salamander: Attacks with its flame aura.[5]
  • Flame Tail: Attacks foe with flaming tail.[21]
  • Noble Heart: Flips through air covered in fire.[22]
  • Flame Toss: Tosses a small fireball.[22]

H Spirit of Flame
  • Burning Salamander: His blazing fists release flames in the shape of a dragon.[3]
  • Salamander Break: A spinning lariat attack with both arms or legs ablaze.[3]
  • Fire Darts: Throws small bits of fire at his target from its gauntlet.[23]
  • Shining Burn Slash: A joint attack between Agnimon and Lobomon. The opponent is surrounded by a flame dragon, and is sliced by holy light.[24]
  • Crossfire: A joint attack with Zephyrmon. Agunimon charges into a tornado created by Zephyrmon and unleashes its squalling fist of fire.[25]

B Spirit of Flame
  • Corona Blaster: Fires extremely hot blasts from his built-in guns.[26]
  • Flame Storm: A wave of flame comes from within his armor.[26]

  • Brahmastra: A barrage of rapid fireballs from the Rudriya Darpana.[27]
  • Brahmashira: Generates a projectile that's equal in heat and density to the core of the sun and launches it at an opponent.[27]
  • Omega Burst: Induces a super-detonation over the surrounding kilometers with an intense flash.[28]
  • Gaia Tornado: Ensnares the hapless foe within a maelstrom of Earth's atmospheric energies.[28]
  • Power Null: An ability that nullifies the opponent's special abilities.[29]

Unified Spirit Evolution Spirits (Takuya)
  • Enryugeki: Fires arrows wreathed in white-hot flames with the Ryugonken.[16]
  • Kuzuryujin: Releases the eight dragon souls from within its sword to pin down and restrain an opponent before becoming a dragon himself and annihilating the target.[16]
  • Ryūgonken: Slashes with the Ryūgonken.
  • Snow Bomber/Blizzard Blaster: Fires ice balls out of Romeo.[30]
  • Tsurara Lala/Frozen Tundra: Transforms its body into an icicle and flies into an enemy, or transforms into a patch of ice spikes that can stick to surfaces.[30]
  • Avalanche Step/Avalanche Axes: Summons its Éji and Ōji axes and attacks, using them to chop up the opponent like it was dancing.[31]
  • Glacier Torpedo/Frozen Arrowheads: Wraps the arrowheads on its braids around an enemy, holding them in place, then stabbing them with the bladed edges until they stop.[31]
  • Blockade Seed: Shoots out a seed-shaped bomb from its mouth[32].
  • Leaf Cyclone: Shoots a tornado of razor-sharp leaves within a blast of energy[33].
  • Thousand Spikes: Sends its vein-tails into the ground and grabs the enemy[33].
  • Vegetation Consumption: Can devour and absorb the surrounding vegetation to make himself larger and stronger[33].
  • Snake Eye Break: Summons one or more of its flexible Hammers from the ground or its armor and hits the enemy with them. The attack can be used to petrify and smash enemies[34].
  • Jack in the Box Jumps out of the ground and attacks with his hammer[34].
  • Tectonic Slam: Smashes the ground with his fists causing an earthquake and splitting the ground apart[35].
  • Hurricane Bomber: Spins in circles hitting things with its fists[35].
  • Tempest Twist/Tornado Gamba: Spins while performing a handstand to kick the enemy.[36]
  • Tornado Kick/Roseo Temporale: Rapidly kicks the enemy, finishing with a backflip kick.[36]
  • Plasma Paws/Gilgamesh Slicer: Cuts the opponent and the atmosphere around it to pieces with the claws on its hands and feet.[37]
  • Hurricane Gale/Wind of Pain: Flies up into the air and hurls the feathers of its hair and wings as pointed arrows.[37]

Note: Many of EmperorGreymon's abilities are inherited from the 10 spirits he used to gain this form. These Digimon are Kazemon, Kumamon, Arbormon, Grottomon and their Evolutions.


Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 Digimon Savers; Episode 3
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Digimon Frontier; Episode 1
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Digimon Reference Book; Agnimon
  4. Digimon Frontier; Episode 48
  5. 5.0 5.1 Digimon Reference Book; Flamon
  6. 6.0 6.1 Digimon Frontier; Episode 26
  7. Digimon Frontier; Episode 27
  8. Digimon Frontier; Episode 24
  9. 9.0 9.1 Digital Monster Card Game Booster 15: "The Super Beast Warrior of Bursting Flames"
  10. 10.0 10.1 Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon!!
  11. Expansion Board 5
  12. Digimon Tamer; Battle of Adventurers
  13. Digimon Adventure; Episode 24
  14. Digimon Adventure:; Episode 41
  15. 15.0 15.1 Digimon Frontier; Episode 28
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Digimon Reference Book; KaiserGreymon
  17. Digimon Frontier; Episode 37
  18. Digimon Frontier; Episode 47
  19. Digimon Frontier; Episode 18
  20. Digimon Frontier; Episode 29
  21. Bo-127t
  22. 22.0 22.1 Digimon Battle Chronicle
  23. Digimon Frontier; Episode 5
  24. Bo-120t
  25. St-752
  26. 26.0 26.1 Digimon Reference Book; Vritramon
  27. 27.0 27.1 Digimon Reference Book; Aldamon
  28. 28.0 28.1 Digimon Reference Book; AncientGreymon
  29. St-760
  30. 30.0 30.1 Digimon Reference Book; Kumamon
  31. 31.0 31.1 Digimon Reference Book; Korikakumon
  32. Digimon Reference Book; Arbormon
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Digimon Reference Book; Petaldramon
  34. 34.0 34.1 Digimon Reference Book; Grumblemon
  35. 35.0 35.1 Digimon Reference Book; Gigasmon
  36. 36.0 36.1 Digimon Reference Book; Kazemon
  37. 37.0 37.1 Digimon Reference Book; Zephyrmon


Discussion threads involving Agunimon