“ | Just think about it. Wouldn't you consider it to be strange, for there to be a world wherein same people live and evolve differently? There can only be one timeline that exists. An increased number of timelines distort time and space, and interfere with the flow of other space-times. False timelines are a hindrance for true historical progress... | „ |
Agios (アイオス Aiosu ) is the former Supreme Kai of Time and the leader of the Warriors in Black. She is the main antagonist in the Supreme Kai of Time Saga and the Supervisor of the Super Space-Time Tournament.
Powers and Stats
Tier: Low 1-C
Name: Agios, Aios, Aeos
Origin: Super Dragon Ball Heroes
Gender: Female
Age: Over 75 million years old (As a predecessor of Chronoa, Agios must be older)
Classification: Former Supreme Kai of Time
Powers and Abilities:
- Supreme Kai of Time Physiology (She is stronger than Chronoa)
- Dimensional Travel & Time Travel (Like Chronoa, she is capable of doing so)
- Energy Reduction (If Agios has little energy she can reduce the opponent's energy)
- Recovery & Statistics Reduction (Agios passively has her energy fully restored continuously throughout the battle, can permanently halve the attack and defensive power of three enemies simultaneously and can be passively be done continuously throughout the battle. Can permanently reduce the attack power of selected enemies)
- Stamina Reduction (Can reduce her opponents stamina via normal attacks or skills)
- Status Effect Inducement (Can disable all of her opponents abilities, powers and actions by reducing their stamina to zero; making them unable to act)
Resistance to:
- Status Effect Inducement (Resists being stunned)
All previous abilities greatly enhanced plus:
- Enhanced Time Power (Superior to her base form. Her Time Power possibly sealed Dogidogi who possesses Time Power equal to Tokitoki, which in turn greatly superior to Chronoa, in the Crack of Time)
Attack Potency: Low Complex Multiverse level (As a Supreme Kai of Time, she possesses Time Power and is superior to base Chronoa. She stated that she was going to destroy all the Time Scrolls which contain history itself, and reduce the multiverse into a single history/space-time. In her Time Power Unleashed state, she is massively superior to Time Power Unleashed Chronoa. In this state, Agios is capable of fighting and holding her own against Ultra Instinct -Sign- CC Goku)
Speed: Immeasurable (Faster than Chronoa, possibly even faster as she casually performed her actions faster than the entire Time Patrol and CC Timeline characters could react. Capable of casually flying around histories in base) | Immeasurable (Massively faster than before. Kept up with Ultra Instinct Omen Goku)
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable (Superior to the Time Patrollers. Stronger with her Time Power Unleashed state, comparable to Ultra Instinct -Sign- CC Goku)
Striking Strength: Low Complex Multiverse level (Superior to Chronoa. Stronger with her Time Power Unleashed state, traded blows with Ultra Instinct -Sign- CC Goku)
Durability: Low Complex Multiverse level (Superior to Chronoa. Stronger with her Time Power Unleashed state, withstood Ultra Instinct -Sign- CC Goku's strikes with minor injuries)
Stamina: Superhuman (Comparable to Chronoa, CC Goku, and many others)
Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Extended Melee Range with Keysword, Low Complex Multiversal with Ki-Based Attacks, Time Travel. Higher with Dimensional Travel, Teleportation, Enhanced Sense & Extrasensory Perception, and Time Power's abilities (Like Chronoa, Agios should be capable of reaching the Crack of Time, a dimension outside the flow of time and the entire multiverse which even Gods like Beerus, Zeno and special powerful beings like Super Shenron can't even reach.)
Standard Equipment: Potara Earrings, Time Scrolls
- Optional Equipment: Keysword.
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (As a Supreme Kai of Time, she is comparable, if not superior to Chronoa in terms of intelligence, who has extensive knowledge about the multiverse and timelines, oversees the flow of time throughout the cosmos, and is comparable to beings like Mechikabura, Towa, and Whis. As Chronoa's predecessor she has far greater experience.)
Weaknesses: None notable.
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Agios |