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VS Battles Wiki
Agente J
OK, I did steal this one - but not because I'm black..
~ J explaining to Agent K.


Agent J (usually called Jay), originally James Darrell Edwards III, is one of the two protagonists of the Men in Black film series. (born October 19th, 1969) is an agent of the MiB, after being recruited by Agent K. He is energetic and attempts to bring life and emotion back to the bland organization

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-C, higher with weapons

Name: Agent J

Origin: Men in Black

Gender: Male

Age: 30s

Classification: Human, Man in Black

Powers and Abilities:

All previous plus Neuralizer (Erases memories (depending on the period set) and allows you to replace it with fake ones) Energy Manipulation (Standard laser-type gun, shoots laser blasts.)

Attack Potency: Street level (Can damage a Giant Cockroach, who in his disguised form was able to break the bones of a man[1], which would require this much energy), higher with Laser Weapon

Speed: Peak Human, At least Supersonic+ attack speed (Should be faster than regular human weapons)

Lifting Strength: Above Average Human

Striking Strength: Street level

Durability: At least Street level, likely Much higher (Tanked full power blows from a giant crockroach)

Stamina: Peak Human (Can fight a dozen of aliens without breaking a sweat)

Range: Extended melee range, Hundreds of Meters with Guns

Standard Equipment: Laser Weapon

Intelligence: Gifted (Extremely knowledgeable in combat, capturing aliens)

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Matchups





  1. Men in Black (1997)


Discussion threads involving Agent J