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VS Battles Wiki
Agente H
You've never been in love, have you? I'm not making fun. I'm genuinely asking. You've never once abandoned logic for passion?
~ H explaining love to Agent M.


Agent H, originally Henry, is one of the two main characters in Men in Black: International. He uses the Series 7 De-Atomizer as his weapon of choice. He is paired with Agent M of the New York branch and assigned to protect, and subsequently investigate the death of, Vungus the Ugly, a Jababian VIP who holds the key to the most powerful superweapon ever created.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-C, higher with weapons

Name: Agent H

Origin: Men in Black

Gender: Male

Age: 30s

Classification: Man in Black

Powers and Abilities:

All previous plus Neuralizer (Erases memories(depending on the period set) and allows you to replace it with fake ones) Energy Manipulation (Standard laser-type gun, shoots laser blasts.)

Attack Potency: Street level (Comparable to Agent J[1], who can damage a Giant Cockroach, who in his disguised form was able to break the bones of a man[2], which would require this much energy), higher with Laser Weapon

Speed: Peak Human, At least Supersonic+ attack speed (Should be faster than regular human weapons)

Lifting Strength: Above Average Human

Striking Strength: Street level

Durability: Street level

Stamina: Peak Human (Can fight a dozen of aliens without breaking a sweat)

Range: Extended melee range, Hundreds of Meters with Guns

Standard Equipment: Laser Weapon

Intelligence: Above Average (Extremely knowledgeable in combat)

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Matchups





  1. Men in Black: International (2019)
  2. Men in Black (1997)


Discussion threads involving Agent H