The Agency Against Hank Wimbleton (A.A.H.W.) are the main antagonists of Madness Combat. An organization completely dedicated to killing Hank for no discernible reasons (beyond his regular, seemingly unmotivated killing sprees), the A.A.H.W. is prone to being slaughtered by their nemesis en masse despite all the effort they put into killing him.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 10-A, 9-C with weapons | 9-C, higher with weapons | At least 9-C, higher with weapons | At least 9-A | At least 9-A | At least 9-A | At least 9-A
Key: Grunts | Agents | A.T.P. Agents | Mag Agent: Torture | Advanced Mag Agents | G03LM Mk1 | G03LM Mk2
Name: The A.A.H.W. (The Agency Against Hank Wimbleton)
Origin: Madness Combat
Classification: Organization
Powers and Abilities: Athletic to Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Nevadean Physiology, Skilled in the use of firearms and melee weapons, Instinctive Reaction for Engineers and Soldats (Via the Tac Bar, which allows someone to automatically evade bullets) | Superhuman Physical Characteristics and Resistance to Pain Manipulation for Mag Agents, Weapon Creation for Mag Agent: V3 (Created a large axe out of nowhere, similar to The Auditor)
Attack Potency: Athlete level (While they are no match for Hank, they are still trained soldiers), Street level with weapons | Street level (Far superior to grunts, but still fodder to Hank, though they have grown stronger and stronger over the course of the series) | At least Street level (They can briefly hold their own against the likes of Hank, Sanford, Deimos, and Jesus, but invariably die anyways) | At least Small Building level (Superior in strength to Hank, and capable of easily clubbing him across a canyon. Wields a shotgun with 20kg slugs) | At least Small Building level (Superior to Mag Agent: Torture). | At least Small Building level (Comparable to other Mag Units) | At least Small Building level (Superior to GO3LM Mk1)
Speed: Athletic Human with Supersonic reactions (A grunt was able to deflect two bullets with a sword in Madness Combat 3 before dying) | Peak Human with Supersonic reactions | Superhuman with at least Supersonic reactions | Superhuman with at least Supersonic reactions | Superhuman with at least Supersonic reactions | Superhuman with at least Supersonic reactions | Superhuman with at least Supersonic reactions
Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | At least Class 1, likely higher (Superior in strength to Hank, carrying a shotgun with 20 kg slugs) | At least Class 1, likely higher (Stronger than Mag Agent: Torture, can easily rip large objects from the ground and crush others with them). | At least Class 1, likely higher (Comparable to Mag Agents) | At least Class 1, likely to be much higher (Superior to G03LM Mk1)
Striking Strength: Athlete level | Street level | At least Street level | At least Small Building level | At least Small Building level | At least Small Building level | At least Small Building level
Durability: Athlete level | Street level | At least Street level | At least Small Building level | At least Small Building level | At least Small Building level | At least Small Building level
Stamina: Varies. Mag Agents are capable of fighting even after being shot in the face multiple times.
Range: Standard Melee Range, further with melee weapons, Tens of Meters to Hundreds of Meters with firearms
Standard Equipment: Any number of melee or ranged weapons. | A giant shotgun with 20 kg Slugs | Large Sized Guns | An armor, a giant SMG and a large hammer | His armor, a giant minigun and a large axe
Intelligence: Varies. Agents and similar soldiers are supposed to be very disciplined and experienced tacticians in combat
Weaknesses: Grunts and Agents can be quite cowardly. | A.T.P Agents have been shown to follow orders blindly and without question. | Mag Agent: Torture seems to lack combat strategy and instead opts to use brute force only.| G03LM Mk1 and Mk2 helmets can be removed with punches and melee weapons
Notable Matchups
Black Hat (xkcd) Black Hat's Profile (Grunts with fire axes used, 2 grunts were present, anything above 9-C was restricted, starting distance was 10 meters, and speed was equalized)
Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney) Franziska's Profile (Grunts with machetes used, 2 grunts were present, anything above 9-C was restricted, starting distance was 10 meters, and speed was equalized)
Counter-Terrorist (Counter-Strike) Counter-Terrorist's Profile (Speed equalized and were 20 meters apart, ATP Soldat was used)
The Hunter (Carnivores) (Carnivores (Verse)) The Hunter's Profile (Speed was equalized, first key hunter and agent key A.A.H.W. were used, 3 agents were present, starting distance was 30ft and out of sight, and the battle took place in The White House)
Homelander (The Boys) Homelander's Profile (Speed was equalized and were 10 meters apart. One G03LM Mk2 was present)
Discussion threads involving Agency Against Hank Wimbleton |