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VS Battles Wiki
Miss Trunchbull


Agatha Trunchbull was the principal of Cruchem Hall Elementary School. Cruel, sadistic, and at times downright insane, she made it her mission to torment her students, until she was driven out by Matilda Wormwood.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-C

Name: Agatha Trunchbull, Ms. Trunchbull

Origin: Matilda

Gender: Female

Age: Likely in her 40s-50s

Classification: Human, Teacher

Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Physical Characteristics

Attack Potency: Street level+ (Casually hammer-threw a girl[1])

Speed: Likely Athletic Human

Lifting Strength: Likely Athletic Human (Competed in the 1972 Olympics under the shot put, javelin, and hammer throw events)

Striking Strength: Street level+ (Broke a small, stony garden statue)

Durability: Street level+ (Crashed through a wooden door with no major damage, jumped from a high balcony, landing feet first without breaking any bones, survived being pummeled by a telekinetic chalkboard eraser barrage)

Stamina: Very high (Former Olympian, was still able to make it to her car in one piece despite the punishment she endured near the end of the movie)

Range: Melee range

Standard Equipment: Riding Crop (Has a torture device called "The Chokey", but it is safe to assume she wouldn't have it on her at all times)

Optional Equipment: Shot Put, Javelin, Throwing Darts, Beat-up 1970 Buick Electra

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: Short tempered, superstitious, is a sadistic extreme bully, doesn't usually use her riding crop

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Hammer Throw: Trunchbull grabs the unlucky victim and launches them in a manner much like an Olympic style hammer throw.
  • Javelin Throw: Trunchbull grabs the victim, and launches them like a javelin. She has used this technique (unsuccessfully, thanks to Matilda intervening) to launch a kid outside a window.

Notable Matchups





  1. All scans and sources come from the film Matilda (1996)


Discussion threads involving Agatha Trunchbull