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AganosEmblem Fighting alongside Thunder reminds Aganos of ancient battles, in ancient times... For thousands of years he has been slave to his orders... leaving him the last of his kind... in unfamiliar times. There will be no more orders. It is time Aganos forged his own destiny. [...] Aganos will help Thunder track down his brother... and hunt down his old rival, Kan-Ra.
~ The Narrator about Aganos[1]

AganosEmblem Powerful warriors made of gears and bronze armor, hulking automatons that went to battle and crushed their enemies. At night these war-golems stood guard beneath the great walls they had built, as silent and still as graven figures carved in marble, their eyes glowing blue. But these creatures were sentient, and the most powerful among them bore a mask with three faces—each representing one of the people who had helped craft him: warrior, inventor and sorcerer. Embedded in his forehead was a crystal called the Eye of the Ancients: a relic that connected the war-golem to a power that stood outside the boundaries of this world—an invisible tether to the Astral plane.
~ Aganos's Biography[2]

AganosEmblem The Astral Realm does not belong to you alone! [...] Here I am... in my true form, as I was before you trapped and tortured me, sealing my essence within the soul gem and casting me out from the Astral Plane. I fell to Earth and the gem was found by the inhabitants of that world. They bound me to a terrestrial form... a mute prison for my astral soul. Now I am restored as a Light Lord once more! And you shall pay bitterly for your crimes against the Astral and Physical Planes![3]
~ Aganos to Gargos


Aganos is one of many war golems crafted by the Mycenaean people. Gifted with the Eye of the Ancients, Aganos holds a unique connection with the Astral Plane. At last the Mycenaean culture fell to ruin, the automatons forced to fight each other until only Aganos remained. Deprived of the gem, he was enslaved and turned into a murderous machine. Aganos's bronze body slowly broke apart, forcing him to repair himself with stones, vines and anything he could find.

Centuries later Aganos came into the possession of the King of Babylon, who saw his true nature and gave him back the Eye of the Ancients. Aganos grew attached to the King, and to returned his kindness he first prevented Kan-Ra from taking over the throne, and then embarked in a never-ending quest across the world to stop the sorcerer once and for all. The ages passed by, and the New World hosted their last clash, after which the Night Guard locked Kan-Ra's ashes away, allowing Aganos to rest.

He resurfaced in modern times, as Ultratech's machinations freed Kan-Ra, and because of him an even greater threat came into this world: The Shadow Lord Gargos. A war followed, ending with the heroes chasing Gargos into the Astral Plane, where Aganos was finally free to manifest his true persona: the last of the Light Lords, whom Gargos had sealed inside the Eye of the Ancients. Free from his mute prison, Aganos was finally ready to exact his revenge on the Shadow Lord.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 9-B, likely higher | Unknown, at least 9-B with makeshift bodies

Keys: War Golem | Ichorien

Name: Aganos (meaning gentle/kind), his real name is unknown

Origin: Killer Instinct

Gender: Likely male (Referred to as he, but also as they)

Age: Ancient, possibly as old as Gargos due to both being Ichoriens. The golem was built over[3] three-thousand years[2] ago

Classification: War Golem, Ichorien, Light Lord

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Inorganic Physiology (Type 1), Self-Sustenance (Type 3), Immortality (Types 1, 2 and 8), Hand-to-Hand Combat, Skilled Club Wielder, Acrobatics (Via Natural Disaster), Body Control (Via Pulverize), Earth Manipulation, Telekinesis (Can telekinetically control[3] rocks), Stone Creation, Vibration Manipulation (Via War Path and Shadow Payload Assault), minor Power Nullification (Via Flick), Absorption (Via Payload System), Damage Reduction and self Statistics Reduction (Via Payload System), limited Telepathy (Shares a unique telekinetic bond[4] with Thunder), pseudo Camouflage (Accidentally blends with the environment when asleep[3]), Extrasensory Perception (Accurately pinpointed Mira inside Sabrewulf's manor from the outside[5]), possibly Petrification (Another golem of Aganos's kind can petrifiy its victims, but it is unknown if Aganos is able to do the same), Shadow Energy Manipulation, Damage Boost (Via Wall Crash. Can use Shadow Energy to increase the properties of his special attacks)

Various forms of Healing, Resurrection, Life Manipulation (Life Ember and Mummy Talisman), Damage Boost, Damage Reduction, Energy Manipulation, Probability Manipulation (Demon Talismans), Nanotechnology, Power Bestowal/Status Effect Inducement (Moldy, Odorous and Embalmed Lizard Foot), Information Analysis (Recon Array Mk I), Purification, Corruption, Absorption (Veins and Lungs of Gargos), Precognition (Eye of Gargos), Statistics Amplification (Spirit and Flesh of Gargos)

Multiple Selves (Type 3), Statistics Amplification (Attack and Defense), Damage Boost, Rage Power and Reactive Power Level (Lion Spirit), Limited Intangibility/Speed Amplification (Owl Spirit), Poison Manipulation (Snake Spirit), Absorption (Vampire Bat Spirit), Status Effect Inducement (Staggering status), Minor Power Nullification and Healing (Exemplar Spirit), Damage Reduction (Ward Spirit) and more

Attack Potency: At least Wall level+, likely higher (Stalemated[8] Kan-Ra countless[9] times.[2] Fought[4] Thunder and knocked out[1] Fulgore. Mira considers him a dangerous[5] opponent) | Unknown, At least Wall level+, likely higher with makeshift bodies (Should be comparable to his previous physical form)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic Combat Speed (Kept up with Kan-Ra and Thunder) | Unknown, Massively Hypersonic Combat Speed with makeshift bodies (Should be comparable to his previous body)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 100 (Comparable if not superior to Sabrewulf and Mira. Consistenly depicted as physically stronger than most characters in his league. Ripped off the gates[5] of Sabrewulf's manor along with a good chunk of the wall on either side. Threw a car across a hundred yards,[5] smashing it nearly beyond recogntion. Broke free[3] from Kan-Ra's bandages with little effort), possibly Class K (Hemming Aganos in required the strength of a thousand warriors) | Unknown, at least Class 100, possibly Class K with makeshift bodies

Striking Strength: At least Wall level+, likely higher | Unknown, At least Wall level+, likely higher with makeshift bodies

Durability: Wall level+, likely higher (Can withstand hits from Kan-Ra and Thunder) | Unknown, At least Wall level+, likely higher with makeshift bodies

Stamina: Infinite with Eye of the Ancients (Tethered to the Astral Plane, which operates as a power source[2] that grants him endless life energy[8]), Superhuman without it (Even though his life energy was fading away and his body started to crumble, he could still sustain himself after 500 years) | Unknown

Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Extended Melee Range with the Peacemaker, Several Meters with ranged attacks, higher via Extrasensory Perception, up to Planetary with Optional Equipment | At least Standard Melee Range, Interdimensional via Portal Creation

Standard Equipment:

  • Eye of the Ancients: A gem within which Gargos imprisoned Aganos's true form. It fell on Earth and was used by the Mycenean people to empower the strongest of their war golems. This allowed the last Light Lord to inhabit the automaton and act through it, on top of bonding it to the Astral Plane. The removal of the gem from the golem's forehead doesn't sever Aganos's connection to his physical body, as it will truly collapse only if Aganos willingfully[3] moves his whole essence inside the crystal.[10]

Can Summon/Create: Cyclopean Walls and the Peacemaker

Optional Equipment:

Intelligence: At least Above Average (Aganos's past as an Ichorien is shrouded in mystery, but he most likely possesses centuries, if not millennia of life experience and should be expert in manipulating Shadow Energy in a variety of ways. As a golem, he spent about 500 years serving as a war machine, either protecting Mycenae or following the orders of those he was enslaved to. His ingenuity allowed him to use stones and vines to repair his body, maintaining it functional and efficient. Consistently tracked down Kan-Ra across the globe for centuries, eventually reaching the New World. Participated in the war against Gargos, partaking in many different missions around the world and battling armies of Mimics, Omens and other creatures from the Astral Plane, as well as rescuing civilians caught up in the disorders)

Weaknesses: Despite being connected to an unlimited source of power, Aganos can fall unconscious if too much energy is drained from him at once, just like Kan-Ra did with his siphon. Removing the Eye of the Ancients from his forehead subdues Aganos to those who possess the gem, and slowly deprives him of his life energy. Unable to speak. | Might be unable to interact with physical beings in a conventional way, and may be unable to either maintain an incorporeal form in the Mundane Plane or enter in it at all.


  • Aganos's age, as well as Kan-Ra and Spinal's has been subject to a retcon. Initially the game reported Kan-Ra to having lived in 1500 B.C.E.,[11] as well as Aganos being a product of the Babylonian empire. However, further plot developments altered their origins, affecting even the time in which they are born.
  • Only Aganos's first key has access to his Optional Equipment.

Combat Traits:

  • Payload System: Aganos can use Fortify Chunk to gather up to four chunks of stone in his body. The more chunks Aganos has, the slower and heavier he becomes. However, Aganos can consume the chunks to perform some Special Moves or authomatically turn them into additional armor upon being hit, becoming able to go through enemy attacks without being staggered.
  • Wall Crash: Aganos can smash the opponent against the walls he creates via No Escape and Trapped to stagger the opponent and cause additional damage, which increases proportionally to the number of walls they are smashed through.

  • Fortify Chunk: Aganos picks up chunks of earth or stones and places them inside his chest, becoming subject to the effects of the Payload System. If Aganos is holding a Peacemaker, he can stuff it inside himself and recycle it into a chunk.
  • No Escape and Trapped: Aganos consumes a Payload Chunk and summons a Cyclopean Wall either behind the opponent or behind himself. If Aganos is holding a Peacemaker, he can summon a Cyclopean Wall by using it instead of a Payload Chunk. Aganos has also showed the ability to create Cyclopean Walls without using Pyload Chunks beforehand.
  • Peacemaker: Aganos uproots a Cyclopean Wall and turns it into a club.
  • Flick: Aganos flicks his finger, dealing minor damage and nullifying incoming projectiles.
  • War Path: Aganos violently stomps the ground, generating a shockwave that knocks the opponent down.
    • Pressure: Aganos repeteadly performs War Path, stomping the opponent several times.

  • Dislocate: Aganos swings the Peacemaker horizontally.
  • Fracture: Aganos swings the Peacemaker horizontally in the opposite direction.
  • Cripple: Aganos hits overhead with the Peacemaker.
  • Entrench: Aganos sweeps the opponent with Peacemaker.
  • Subdue: Aganos swings the Peacemaker downward while in mid-air.
  • Domination: Aganos tosses the opponent upward and bats them with the Peacemaker, preferrably to achieve a Wall Crash.
  • Relinquish: Aganos throws the Peacemaker at the opponent.

Aganos lifts the opponent up and delivers a mighty punch. Alternatively, he slams the opponent down after lifting them up.

  • Payload Assault: Aganos turns a Payload Chunk into a rock projectile and fires it out of his chest. He can either make it roll on the ground, shoot it in an arc or punch it for a shrapnel attack. With the Shadow version Aganos slams the ground and sends a myriad of rocks and the opponent up into the air. The latter is then riddled by the stones raining down from the sky.
  • Ruin: Aganos delivers a powerful punch that launches the opponent away. Shadow Energy increases the strength of this attack. This attack can also be used to cause a Wall Crash.
  • Pulverize: Aganos rotates his upper body and punches the opponent thrice. Shadow Energy increases the strength of this attack.
  • Natural Disaster: Aganos tucks into a ball and rolls forward. Aganos is also able to hop while moving. The Shadow version is stronger and allows Aganos to briefly spin on himself and charge the attack.

  • Peacetime: Aganos focuses his Astral energies and enters a special mode temporarily. While in this state he is able to create Peacemakers out of nothing, gaining access to a new one quickly even if the previous breaks.

Aganos's most powerful attack. He uppercuts the opponent, summons a Peacemaker and bats the away. Upon landing, they are imprisoned by a ring of Cyclopean Walls. Aganos then follows up with Natural Disaster, using a new Cyclopean Wall as a ramp to bounce high into the air. The War Golem falls down like a meteor right into ring of walls, crushing the helpless victim to death.

With great strength and a large physique, Aganos overpowers the opponent with crushing blows that stagger and push them away. He may resemble a brute, but Aganos is well-aware of what he does and has honed his fighting capabilities on the battlefield, facing a great variety of opponents. His skill is shown by the variety of ways with which he employs his powers and body in battle, an example being trapping the opponent within Cyclopean Walls to limit their movements and build up damage. Although a little clunky, Aganos can fight at any distance and sometimes even perform jumping attacks that appear unusual for a hulking golem like him. With endless energy at his disposal, great resilience and mighty strength, Aganos proves himelf the unstoppable war machine he was meant to be.



Originally Aganos and his brethen were bronze automatons animated by magic and made of gears, cogs and pistons. Unique to Aganos was a gem embedded in his forehead, the Eye of the Ancients, within which the last of the Ichoriens was sealed. The Light Lord possessed the golem, connecting it to the Astral Plane and harnessing endless life energy, but always unable to leave his physical form and return home. Centuries of battle caused Aganos's body to break and fall apart, but since his true self resided within the gem, he lived on and replaced the missing parts with large stones and thick vines, with only a few pieces of his original self remanining.


The Ichoriens were the kind inhabitants of the Astral Plane, godlike beings known for their ability to manipulate the Shadow Energy filling their realm. Legends state that the Ichoriens were formed from the light of the stars in the Astral Plane. Tusk's memories solidify the notion, describing them as creatures made of light[12] beings comprised of pure energy glowing like ice and stars.


Shadow Energy is a source of power mainly found in the Astral Plane, but it also exists in limited quantities within the inhabitants of the Mundane Plane. However, only very few people are able to harness and manipulate such energy. Its most basic property is to passively increase one's statistics proportionally to the amount of Shadow Energy they own. Shadow Energy is very malleable and can be used for a variety of purposes, although only expert wielders, such as the Shadow Lords, are able to use its full potential.

While sealed inside the golem, Aganos possesses limited control over Shadow Energy, thus he can only use it to enhance the strength and properties of his Special Moves, turning them into Shadow Moves. Initially these attacks were depicted as marked by a dense and iridescent trail that followed the user, but it was later changed into a purple aura that surrounds the user entirely.

Although it never leaves the user's body under normal conditions, there is an unknown limit to how many times an individual can summon this energy to perform Shadow Moves, before needing to let it recharge, a thing that can also happen in the midst of a battle. The only known downside of emptying one's reserves of Shadow Energy is the inability to perform Shadow Moves, as strength and other statistics don't seem to be affected by this temporary loss.

Once restored to his true form, Aganos should be able to harness and manipulated Shadow Energy in many more ways and with great mastery, just like his fellow Ichoriens used to do, but the extent of his powers remains unexplored.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Killer Instinct (2013) - Shadow Lords
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Ultratech File - Aganos
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Killer Instinct (2017) Issue #4
  4. 4.0 4.1 Ultratech File - Thunder
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 KI Novella Chapter 1 - The Road to Ravensburg
  6. 6.0 6.1 Killer Instinct (2017) Issue #6
  7. Ultratech File - Tusk
  8. 8.0 8.1 Killer Instinct (2013) - KanRa's Story Mode
  9. Killer Instinct (2013) - Aganos's Story Mode
  10. Killer Instinct (2017) Issue #5
  11. Killer Instinct (2013) - Kan-Ra's Story Mode
  12. KI Novella Chapter 2 - The Watchman Awakes
  13. Killer Instinct (2013) - Shadow Lords - Ending

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Aganos