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VS Battles Wiki
Afro Sam
So you've finally taken revenge for your father, right, No. 2?! Heheheh... Although I guess it may not feel that way, seein' as he's already dead. You journeyed so far for this? You might as well have been chasin' your own tail Heh heh heh... But hey, can't argue with it. Just gotta accept it, right? And you've got to accept the new reality as well. That is to say... From here on out, you are No. 1! You're this world's God! Badass, yeh?
~ Ninja Ninja


Afro is the son of the once owner of the No. 1 headband, an item said to grant the wearer the status of "God" and make them unbeatable to all except the bearer of the No. 2 headband. After witnessing his father being murdered by the new No. 1, Afro swore vengeance on his father's killer. His journey would lead him down a path of bloodshed, forcing him to kill all those that stood in his way, be it lowly criminal or long-lost family. He would finally meet No. 1, but found only his withered corpse, turned to dust when struck by Afro's sword once. In truth, No. 1 had long perished before Afro got to him, leaving only his legacy and ideals to shape the world around him. While he may not have gotten the revenge he sought after for so long, Afro found new purpose in being No. 1, to tear down the system the old No. 1 had put in place and shape the world according to his will.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-C

Name: Afro, "No. 2"

Origin: Afro Samurai

Gender: Male

Age: In his 30s

Classification: Human, Samurai, "God"

Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Regeneration (Low; Healed from being so injured that he was unable to move within a month[1]), Supernatural Willpower (Could continue fighting even after taking near fatal injuries[2]), Analytical Prediction (Could memorize the attack patterns of Afrodroids and dispatch them with ease[3])

Attack Potency: Street level (Could easily decapitate two people at once[4])

Speed: Subsonic (Intercepted a bullet fired by a matchlock rifle[5])

Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Ripped out the mechanical prosthetic arm of Brother One[2])

Striking Strength: Street level

Durability: Street level

Stamina: Very High (Can fight while critically wounded)

Range: Extended Melee Range with katana, Several Meters with kunai

Standard Equipment: Katana, A Metal Comb

Intelligence: Above Average in combat (Afro has displayed exceptional combat prowess both in the martial and strategic areas of expertise. He is capable of outsmarting legions of organized opponents and outmaneuvering them with trickery and skill)

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Matchups





  1. Afro Samurai Chapter 6
  2. 2.0 2.1 Afro Samurai Chapter 5
  3. Afro Samurai Chapter 10
  4. Afro Samurai Chapter 3
  5. Afro Samurai Chapter 1


Discussion threads involving Afro (Manga)