“ | What is fate, if not an ally? A friend who walks with us in life; a guide who delivers us to journey's end. Too long have we stood aside. Now, at last, we enter the fray.
We are the Afeera! Let us light your path. |
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Afeera are elite warrior-scholars tasked with protecting the Sultana, the Celestial Sphere and all their kingdom. Recruited from a very young age among the poorest and the outcasts, they are first taught in the arts and sciences before they ever hold a weapon. They go through intense and rigorous training to make them strategic and lethal warriors who are always a move ahead of their opponents. They are light on their feet, swift, agile, and acrobatic, qualities borrowed from their namesake, the gazelle.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 9-B, possibly 9-A
Name: Afeera
Origin: For Honor
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Classification: Human, Warrior-Scholar, Arabian
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Mace and Shield user (Can use their shield and mace and ), Martial Arts Master (Is capable of using a variety of wrestling moves to pin down her opponent.[1] Comparable to the Kensei, who are described as having mastered multiple martial arts, talented in feints and grappling, able to keep up with the different fighting styles of the knights, vikings, and Wu Lin), Acrobatics (Talented at rolls and jumping attacks, and can assassinate enemies from high places without taking much fall damage.[2] Can easily do flying kicks, backflips, and sideflips.[1]), Enhanced Senses (Can sense enemies that are behind or out of view, able to defend against enemies that attack from behind), Regeneration (Mid low; Afeera can fully heal from things like fire, heavy bleeding, and deep cuts if given time to rest out of combat[1]), High Pain Tolerance (Can still fight and run even with heavy wounds), Damage Reduction (With Fortune's Favor, Afeera gains Damage Reduction upon a successful hit on an opponent[1]), Statistics Reduction (Upon a successful hit with her shield, Afeera greatly reduces an enemy's defense[1]), Healing (With Stalwart Banner, Afeera can place down a Healing Banner that heals her and her allies within a certain range. Through Thrilling Comeback, Afeera can gain health when activated with revenge. With Heal on Block, Afeera regains a small amount of health when blocking an opponent's attack. Through Bounty Hunter and Executioner's Respite, which grant the Afeera health upon the death of another hero[1]) Statistics Amplification (With Tireless, Afeera has more stamina to continue fighting. Through Tough as Nails, Afeera gains more maximum health.[1])
Attack Potency: Wall level+ (Can harm heroes who tank explosives of this power), possibly Small Building level (Should be able to harm heroes who can survive the Pirate's Gunpowder Surprise and the Viking Fire Flask)
Speed: Athletic Human running speed (Afeera should scale to other hero's sprinting speed), Supersonic+ reactions and combat speed (Can dodge a flintlock shot at close range)
Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Can pin and overpower characters like Conqueror and Shugoki, who are able to rip off heads and crush helmets, which need about 4000-5580 kg of force to completely crush)
Striking Strength: Wall level+, possibly Small Building level
Durability: Wall level+ (Able to tank explosives of this power), possibly Small Building level (Can survive the Pirate's Gunpowder Surprise and the Viking Fire Flask)
Stamina: Superhuman (Capable of fighting even when bleeding and heavily injured), higher with Tireless
Range: Extended Melee Range with mace and shields, Several Meters with special moves, Tens of Meters with shield
Standard Equipment: Mace, shield,
Intelligence: Likely Above Average. Gifted in combat. Afeera are described as warrior-scholars who are taught extensively in academics while also receiving intense combat training.[3]
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Matchups
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 For Honor, 2017, Afeera Feats & Abilities
- ↑ For Honor, 2017, Plunge Attack Mechanic
- ↑ For Honor, 2017, Year 6 Season 4 Order: "Scholars First: Before they ever hold a mace, the Afeera recruits go through a strict education process. They are taught everything from mathematics to alchemy, to ensure they become fighters not just of the body, but of the mind."
Discussion threads involving Afeera (For Honor) |