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Aelita 300
My father stole my life from me. He was a totally crazy second-rate magician, and because of him, I'm nothing, I'm no one!
~ In "The key"
Stones. Aelita Stones. Like the rock group. I'm Odd's cousin from Canada.

Aelita (Possessed)

Aelita (avatar)
Well hello, my little monster friends! Didja miss me?
Jeremy you’re the wind beneath my wings!

Aelita (avatar 2)
Well hello, my little monster friends! Didja miss me?
Jeremy you’re the wind beneath my wings!

Aelita (Possessed 2)
"No way. I'm heading north."

"But I don't understand, you're supposed to go to sector five."

"Sorry Yumi"
~ Seconds before knocking out Yumi


Aelita is the daughter of the brilliant scientist Franz Hopper, creator of both Lyoko and X.A.N.A. They lived hidden in Kadic under fake name until the arrival of misterious men in black hunting them down, forcing them to hide inside Lyoko with no way to get out. However, despite believing to finally have found peace, X.A.N.A, the A.I living inside Lyoko, went rogue forcing Franz to shut down the supercomputor, making Aelita fell into a coma that lasted more than a decade before she was found and waken up by Jeremy's discovery of the supercalculator. Later, she would became a key member of the fight against X.A.N.A being the only one able to use the Code Lyoko to stop its attacks on the real world.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B | 9-B | 9-A with energy fields, lower normally | 9-A with energy fields and Ulrich's sword, lower normally

Key: Real Life | Real Life (Possessed) | Avatar on Lyoko | Avatar on Lyoko (Possessed)

Name: Aelita Stones (Identity created by the Lyoko Warrior), Aelita Schaeffer (true name), Princess (By her friends)

Origin: Code Lyoko

Gender: Female

Age: 13 mentally and physically, 23 chronogically

Classification: Human, Lyoko Warrior

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Wall level[Note 1] (Can keep up with Xanaified characters in real life) | Wall level[Note 2] (When Xanaified in real life she should be comparable to other possessed characters who can perform feat like this) | Small Building level[Note 3] with energy fields (Two of her energy fields were enough to destroy a Megatanks blast which carry this much energy), lower[Note 4] normally (Without their weapons the Lyoko Warriors have been shown to not deal much damage to monsters they could previously one-shot) | Small Building level[Note 3] with energy fields and Ulrich's sword, lower[Note 4] normally (Without their weapons the Lyoko Warriors have been shown to not deal much damage to monsters they could previously one-shot)

Speed: Athletic Human (Is an athlethic person and is comparable to characters like Odd Della Robia on real life.) | Athletic Human (Comparable if not faster than before.) | Athletic Human movement speed with Superhuman[Note 5] reactions and combat speed (Comparable to characters who can keep up with Ulrich's supersprint which is fast enough to run on water which should be this fast), Superhuman[Note 6] travel speed with Odd's Hoverboard and her wings (With those she is comparable to Ulrich using his supersprint) | Athletic Human movement speed with Superhuman[Note 5] reactions and combat speed, Superhuman[Note 6] travel speed with Odd's Hoverboard and her wings

Lifting Strength: Likely Athlete level | Superhuman (Those possessed by X.A.N.A are so strong physically that they can open a reinforced door with their bare hand.) | At least Superhuman (Has stopped attacks from many of XANA's monsters) | At least Superhuman (Has stopped attacks from many of XANA's monsters)

Striking Strength: Wall level | Wall level | Small Building level | Small Building level

Durability: Wall level (Can take blows from Xanaified people) | Wall level | Small Building level with energy fields (She can block the Megantank's blasts with her energy fields), lower normally (Massively downscaling from the previous value. Without weapons she can get defeated in a single blow by attack they could block before such as William's attacks.) | Small Building level with energy fields and Ulrich's sword, lower normally

Stamina: Athletic level (Was fine and jumped into the action right after waking up despite just suffering several heart attacks in a row. Comparable to the other lyoko warriors that are very athlethic.)

Range: Standard Melee range normally, Tens of Meters with Energy Fields and the Skidbladnir's rockets, Interdimensional with creativity (Can affect the real world from the virtual world of Lyoko with her creativity notably blowing up pipes to serves as a distraction for Jeremy's escape.)

Standard Equipment: None notable

  • Optional Equipement: The Skidbladnir, Odd's Hoverboad, Ulrich's sword (when possessed)

Intelligence: Genius (She is an incredibly smart girl whose genius is comparable to that of Jeremy Belpois often helping him with his inventions and she just like him can easily manipulate the supercomputer while the rest of the group can barely make it work even after taking class on how to do it. She is also one of if not the best strategist of the group. Even before she could get her weapons and thus fight, she already was able to defeat a group of X.A.N.A's monsters on her own without attacking even once by making smart use of her surrounding[4]. She was also the one that figured out how to free William's from X.A.N.A's control.) | Extraordinary Genius (Is possessed by X.A.N.A, an incredibly smart A.I whose plan can go as far as creating a forcefield able to overwhelm Earth's attraction to send a kid into space by using the energy and electronics of public things like streetlights. Created hundreds of copy of Lyoko across the digital sea. Never make the same mistakes twice and even learn from ways used to defeat it and turn them back against their originals users (for example, when possessing Aelita, he copied the move that allowed Ulrich to disarm bare-handed one of it's monsters in the past). X.A.N.A is also far more intelligent and experienced than characters like Jeremy Belpois.)

Weaknesses: In Lyoko if she take a blow while her wings are out, they will be disabled for a few moments and if she is mid-air, she will fell. She is also afraid of the Scyzophoa. | (When possessed) As an A.I, X.A.N.A tend to have some problem understanding human feelings, especially if those are not logical, it was the most blatant in episode 24 Ghost Channel where its plan failed because the idea that Jeremy would face his phobia of the scanners to save his friends didn't come to its mind. In Lyoko if she take a blow while her wings are out, they will be disabled for a few moments and if she is mid-air, she will fell. In real life, possessed characters can be knocked out for a few minutes if they are electrocuted with high voltage electricity.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Energy Fields: Aelita's main weapons, those are balls of energy she can summon in her hands, they are incredibly dangerous and can destroy most of X.A.N.A's monster in a single blow without even needing to hit their weak point, a combination of two of those can even break Magatanks's blast which are strong enough to defeat any of the Lyoko Warrior in one strike.
  • Creativity: A power specific to Aelita that allow her to do many things such as changing the surrounding area, create illusion and more (detailled further on the P&A section).
  • Code Lyoko: She can use the Code Lyoko inside Lyoko's towers to deactivate them and stop X.A.N.A's attacks on the real world.
  • Code Xana: When Aelita is possessed by X.A.N.A, she can enter the Code Xana in Lyoko's Way towers to erase the entire region as well as the virtual entities within it.



Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 Episode 33
  2. 2.0 2.1 Episode 31
  3. 3.0 3.1 Episode 41
  4. Ep 39: A Bad Turn

Scaling Notes

  1. Downscale from 2401,482 kJ
  2. Scale to 2401,482 kJ
  3. 3.0 3.1 Downscale from 0,186 ton
  4. 4.0 4.1 Massively downscaling from 0,186 ton
  5. 5.0 5.1 Downscaling from 30 m/s
  6. 6.0 6.1 Scaling to 30 m/s


Discussion threads involving Aelita Stones