“ | Oh, I'll never get there at this rate. I have to concentrate. I'm too scared. It's gonna hurt! But -- But -- But then it'll...be over. And -- And I'll get a cool toy! Hyah! My fear makes me...stronger! Aah! | „ |
~ Astral Form Adorabat before returning to her body |
Adorabat is the tritagonist of the Cartoon Network series, Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart. She was a troubled youth, much unlike those around her. Fascinated with violence and adventure. Then one day the rogue hero, Mao Mao showed up. Initially he was hesitant on having someone so young and inexperienced working with him. But Adorabat saved both him and his partner, Badgerclops and helped stop the villainous Sky Pirates. Even destroying the airship of their leader, Orangusnake. Seeing a piece of himself in the girl, Mao Mao yielded, recruiting Adorabat as his deputy. Now she defends her home of Pure Heart Valley alongside Mao Mao and Badgerclops. All the while growing and learning how to become her own special kind of hero who can step outside of Mao Mao’s shadow.
Powers and Stats
Tier: High 7-C | High 7-C | High 7-C | High 7-C
Key: Base | Mega-Mech | Astral Form | Zing Power
Name: Adorabat, Adora-brat (stage name),[1] Adora-splat (by Orangusnake),[2] Little Blue (by Rufus and Reggie),[3] Little Gem (by Eugene)[4]
Origin: Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart
Gender: Female
Classification: Deputy Sheriff, Hero, Sweetypie, Bat
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Small Size (Type 1; Is just over 1 1/2 feet tall), Bodily Weaponry (Her wings are sharp enough to cut through metal[6]), Cyborgization (Partial; Has a peg leg), Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Flight, Weapon Mastery (Has shown skill with smoke bombs and spears[7][8]), Stealth Mastery, Vehicular Mastery (Can drive[9][10] the Aerocycle), Toon Force, Fourth Wall Breaking (Grabbed a scene transition,[11] her speech bubble pushed King Snugglemagne[6]), Regeneration (Low-High; Regrew her eyes after they melted into eggs,[12] melted into a puddle and was fine just seconds later[4]), Surface Scaling with Stealth Boots (Can stay adhered to surfaces[13]), Skilled at doing magic tricks,[14] Explosion Manipulation (Made a spatula spontaneously combust[15]), Smoke Manipulation with smoke bombs, Sound Manipulation (Can use sonic screams loud enough to shatter rock[4]), Body Control (Can molt on command[16][17][4] to trick opponents with her shedded skin. She also can seemingly do it on instinct when excited), Resistance to Ice Manipulation (Was mostly unharmed after being flash-frozen[18]), Fire Manipulation (Wasn’t damaged by Mao Mao creating a house wide fire pillar[9]), Strong Acids (Withstood fighting within the stomach acids of a plant monster[19]), and Fragrance Manipulation (Despite being severely afflicted, she endured several exposures to Badgerclops’ smell which knocked out Sweetypies[11])
Same as before, Further Cyborgization (Partial; The Mega-Mech[2] covers Adorabat’s peg leg. After the original model was broken, Badgerclops secretly installed the Mega-Mech Version 1.1[20] on Adorabat which supposedly acts the same as the first version but is improved), Statistics Amplification (The thrusters make Adorabat much faster. The Zip Zap Blast makes her go exponentially faster), Danmaku (Accidentally unleashed tens of projectiles), Explosion Manipulation (Can fire hordes of missiles, there’s a bomb symbol briefly shown implying another explosive weapon), Energy Projection (Can shoot lasers), Information Analysis (Identified all of the Sky Pirates just from briefly scanning their base), Electricity Manipulation (The Mega-Mech electrocutes those without authorization to touch it), Homing Attack (Can set targets for attacks)
Same as in base, Astral Projection and Dimensional Travel (Attained inner peace, which let her spirit[8] leave her body and travel between the physical world and the Astral Plane which is a higher plane of existence), limited Density Manipulation (Adorabat’s body became extremely heavy after her spirit left it, making Mao Mao and Badgerclops struggle to lift her up), Intangibility (Can become completely untouchable by the physical world, including even her own body if she doesn’t want to get back inside it), Self-Sustenance (Types 2 and 3; Meditatin’ Melvin’s body survived for seemingly a very long period without any sustenance. It doesn’t seem spirits need to sleep as Melvin mentioned no need for bedtimes), Regeneration (At least High-Mid - Meditatin’ Melvin came back after ripping himself in half; possibly Low-Godly - Spirits should reasonably be able to restore themselves as long as their very soul isn’t erased), Immortality (Types 1, 2, and 3; Meditatin’ Melvin was in the Astral Plane so long he forgot who he was, yet his body was perfectly fine besides some rotted teeth when his spirit reentered it. As a spirit, injuries hardly matter), Body Control (Spirits can freely detach body parts and move them around), Size Manipulation (Meditatin’ Melvin’s spirit grew gigantic and tiny), Duplication (Meditatin’ Melvin made a clone of himself and multiple copies of his arms), Elasticity (Meditatin’ Melvin stretched his arms), Shapeshifting (Adorabat changed her foot’s form, Meditatin’ Melvin made his nails grow longer), Creation (Spirits can manifest objects), Teleportation (Meditatin’ Melvin’s hand popped right in front of Adorabat), Aura (Meditatin’ Melvin made an aura), limited Speed Amplification (Meditatin Melvin’ and Adorabat’s spirits rushed to their physical forms at speeds too fast for them to react), Resistance to Pain Manipulation (No longer felt the toothache bothering her. She was unfazed after ripping her own wing off)
Same as in base, Empathic Manipulation (Her zinging[21] lets her hurt the feelings of anyone she targets, rendering them too emotionally hurt to fight back), possibly Information Analysis (Adorabat’s zings seem to be able to target things she shouldn’t reasonably know about like Penny’s accent being fake. This could also be the Ruby Pure Heart knowing all the citizens of Pure Heart Valley since it’s possessing her), Energy Projection (Her zings come out as energy attacks), Shockwave Manipulation (Made a large circular blast around herself), Electricity Manipulation (Electricity envelops her and her attacks), Aura
Attack Potency: Large Town level (Constantly defeats the Sky Pirates and can damage large monsters just by ramming into them. Easily knocked out two guards.[22] Harmed Orangusnake with her slaps[17] who can take Mao Mao’s attacks. Made a cave collapse with her screams[4]) | Large Town level (Defeated a large monster, casually smashed through a building, the Mega-Mech’s missiles made large craters[2]) | Large Town level | Large Town level (Blew away Mao Mao and Badgerclops, made a giant blast[21])
Speed: Subsonic travel and flight speed (Is able to reach speeds comparable to the Aerocycle, pushed Mao Mao and Badgerclops out the way of a laser,[23] caught up to Mao Mao’s running speed,[12] reached Mao Mao in a few moments,[24] easily outmaneuvered sonic pulses,[8] flew to the top of the Ruby Pure Heart spire[25] from the ground in seconds) with Massively Hypersonic combat and reactions (Regularly fights alongside and keeps up with Mao Mao and Badgerclops. Stole a bomb from Orangusnake as he was speaking.[23] Evaded and pushed Badgerclops away from the Ice Dragon’s breath attacks,[18] avoided Orangusnake’s assault[17]) | Subsonic travel and flight speed with Massively Hypersonic combat and reactions, far higher with thrusters and Zip Zap Blast | Subsonic travel and flight speed with Massively Hypersonic combat and reactions | Subsonic travel and flight speed with Massively Hypersonic combat and reactions
Lifting Strength: At least Class M (Easily pushed the Aerocycle,[23] which should weigh around as much as a standard motorcycle, with Mao Mao and Badgerclops on top of it. Alongside Mao Mao, resisted the crushing and vacuuming force of the Wind Lizard.[11] Picked up and repeatedly slammed Ratarang against a wall[17]) | At least Class M (Sent a dinosaur monster flying[2]) | At least Class M | At least Class M
Striking Strength: Large Town level | Large Town level | Large Town level | Large Town level
Durability: Large Town level (Took the blast of a Mega-Mech missile,[2] withstood an attack from the Ice Dragon,[18] was ran over by a large truck twice,[26] tanked being fired into a monster[8]) | Large Town level (Rammed into a giant monster without signs of pain[2]) | Large Town level | Large Town level
Stamina: Superhuman (Regularly fights the Sky Pirates and giant monsters for prolonged periods. Flies long distances at high speed without issue. Played video games for seemingly hours straight with Badgerclops,[27] spun around for an extended period to unscrew Orangusnake’s robot body,[28] participated in an investigation and fought while fatigued,[6] seemingly stayed up all night with Badgerclops,[25] fought the Sky Pirates from night to day,[17] screamed loud enough for it to be heard from miles away and then proceeded to defeat the Cave Dragon[4]) | Superhuman | Superhuman, possibly Infinite (Being a spirit, she should not need to ever rest[8]) | Superhuman
Range: Below Standard Melee Range, Several Meters with ranged weaponry, Kilometers with Supersonic Yell (Her voice reached the Sheriff’s Department from a far off cave[4]) | Below Standard Melee Range, Kilometers with ranged weapons and Information Analysis | Below Standard Melee Range, far higher with ranged options, Interdimensional with Astral Projection (Can freely travel to and from the Astral Plane which is a separate plane of existence) | Tens of Meters with ranged attacks (Lit up King Snugglemagne’s castle[21])
Standard Equipment: Smoke bombs
- Optional Equipment: Mega-Mech, Magic Kit, Spear, Stealth Boots and Stealth Suit, Mega-Mech Version 1.1
Intelligence: Average (Although she’s still a very young girl, she has shown to be highly skilled in battle. Using her environment as a weapon and tricking enemies older than her daily. Fabricated and got Mao Mao to believe in a kingdom wide conspiracy just using apples and lip balm along with Mao Mao’s idea of a perfect adventure as inspiration; also figuring out how to get Badgerclops to stop questioning it and let them be.[29] Used a disappearing act to permanently get rid of a blob that mimicked others which stumped even Mao Mao and Badgerclops.[14] Plotted with Mao Mao to get around Badgerclops and make him take a shower.[11] Tracked Eugene down using the trail of tissues he left.[4] Has poor handwriting and likely can’t read well[12])
Weaknesses: She often loses confidence without Mao Mao around to help her. Although in “Try Hard”, she managed to best the entire Sky Pirates as well as rescue Mao Mao and Badgerclops on her own.[17] Scared of the dentist and the dark.[8][30] | Adorabat hadn’t gained much proficiency with the Mega-Mech, being unable to control it.[2] Although, she first got it when she was highly inexperienced, so it’s possible she’d be better at using it with another chance. | Her real body is left prone as her spirit leaves it.[8] | Positive jokes, which are the opposite of insult comedy can weaken her attacks. Adorabat can be reverted to her normal self with their power. And zings can be rendered completely ineffective if insults don’t affect the target.[21]
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Supersonic Yell: Adorabat yells at a high pitch and volume, creating a sound wave capable of breaking glasses and solid rock. Her sonic screams can stun those near her and be heard from great distances.
Notable Matchups
Steven Universe (Steven Universe) Steven’s Profile (Season 2-3 Steven and Base Adorabat were used. Adorabat had a spear. Fighters started 10 meters apart in a town and speed was equalized)
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E7: Not Impressed
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E3: No Shortcuts
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E9: Outfoxed
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E37: Adoradad
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E22: Trading Day
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E29: Fright Wig
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E10: Bao Bao's Revenge
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E27: Flyaway
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E32: Lucky Ducky Mug
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E40: Strange Bedfellows
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E21: The Truth Stinks
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E11: Popularity Conquest
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E26: Captured Clops
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E8: Enemy Mime
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E23: Head Chef
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E4: Ultraclops
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E34: Try Hard
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E12: Sick Mao
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E20: Weapon of Choice
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E38: Badge-a-fire Explosion
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E39: Zing Your Heart Out
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E28: Baost in Show
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E1: I Love You Mao Mao
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E19: Meet Tanya Keys
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E31: Mao Mao's Nakey
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E15: He's the Sheriff
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E6: Breakup
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E24: Orangusnake Begins
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E2: The Perfect Adventure
- ↑ Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart; S1E35: Scared of Puppets
Discussion threads involving Adorabat |