Adler is a playable character in Akatsuki Blitzkampf. Formerly, as an officer of the organization that did research on the inheritance of their German ancestors, better known as "Ahnenerbe". He participated in the excavation of Tibet's ancient heritage, but, upon the discovery of an ancient city of Agartha, he uses this superficial science for his own ambitions.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 9-A
Name: Adler
Origin: Akatsuki Blitzkampf
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Soldier, Gessellschaft Researcher, later a Member of the New Orders of Knights Templar
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Artist, Acrobatics (Capable of performing fliping kicks and can double jump), Electricity Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Energy Projection, Magnetism Manipulation and Technology Manipulation (Equipped with a Blitz Engine like Akatsuki), Telekinesis (Can telekintetically control his electricity), Forcefield Creation (Can temporarily produce a small, circular forcefield to block oncoming attacks), Shockwave Generation and Healing (via Kanzen Sekai, which launches the opponent away as a "burst" and causes the user to regain health for a short period of time, alongside granting access to a Kanzen Shinsatsu super), Possession and Immortality (Type 6; Between the events of the two games, the New Orders of Knights Templar taught Adler their reincarnation technique)
Attack Potency: Small Building level (Capable of fighting Kanae and possibly comparable to Akatsuki due to having Blitz Engine)
Speed: Subsonic (Comparable to the likes of Fritz)
Lifting Strength: At least Class 25
Striking Strength: Small Building level
Durability: Small Building level (Should be comparable to Akatsuki)
Stamina: High (Able to fight while his life is getting sucked out every second)
Range: Standard Melee Range, at least Several Meters with projectiles
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Above Average (Possibly insane, looking at his disposition)
Weaknesses: Modern Blitzmotor models produces electricity from metabolic energy much more intensively, leading to being much more powerful but less sustainable than prototypes. This resulted in the Alder's death exhaustion in his arcade ending.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Hubschrauber: Adler performs a sobat kick out of a small hop that strikes high. He can also slightly modify his trajectory and range to fake out the opponent.
- Sichel: Adler performs a hopping axe kick that strikes overhead. While it normally slams the opponent into the ground, landing the hit while the opponent is blocking EX Blitzkrugel will lead to a combo.
- Blitzkugel: Adler fires out a magenta orb of electricty out from his fists, with its size and damage inversely correlating with travel speed and range. The enhanced version produces a massive electricity orb that travels slowly, but strikes multiple times and launches the opponent on hit, making it invaluable for offesnsive pressure and combos.
- Flak Tritt: Adler performs an upwards flip kick, following up with a dive kick, with the move's strength altering the angle and distance of the divekick. It is a strong tool for anti-airs, defensive reversals, and combos. The enhanced version performs three flip kicks before diving.
- Blitzbombe: Adler slams his fists into the ground, discharging electricity, which can also strike people lying on the ground. The enhanced version produces a larged electric field and deals more damage.
- Blitzgeist: Adler performs a pose with his arms and legs spread out, summoning a large electric orb that orbits around him five times akin to a sattellite. Useful for offensive pressure and combos.
- Bergbrecher: Adler's Kanzen Shinsatsu super, where he strikes the opponent with an open hand chop before launching them into the air with an upwards knife hand strike, which allows further juggles.
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Adler |